THE ‘ aK nwonty) “jure ending 5 a,m., no Sefh. 24 BAR. IN, RAIN 90,116 min. TREMP 10.0 wax, TEMP. 60,0 Formerly The Prince}Rupert Optimist | THE DAILY NEWS. (= nS hy NEXT MAILS j For soutH Camosunuu....+--- tee a.m. ay, p.m. SEY 2B ea) ( ( ( ( ie“ if WE [oNG WAIT LAST NIGHT JUST ONE FIGHT Not a Single Drunk in Court! Es | | AGAINST BOY SCOUTS | Trades Congress Unanimously jhave charge of the ATTRACTIVE “BOX” SOCIAL Baptist Church Ladies Pian a Real Good Time A 25th irst., 2t 8 p.m. ledies are “Box Social’ the on in Everyone invited. requested box with good Aid Monday McIntyre Hall The io bring a things to eat for two. The gentlemen will purchase the boxes. 2s “The Popular Auctioneer’ sale. ard 2 the programme for the Your preser.ceis requested. Mr. Frank Ellis, known will Games gererel good time are on evening. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 . arties is Con- The Nationalists Lib. 37 14 8 4 Con. 87 112 or Victoria are Barnard 2966; Templeman 2633. South Wellington—Guthrie, Lib. Battlelord—Champagne, Lib. Wellington, South—Evans, Cons Murphy, tie, Cons. North Perth— € eres p Hest London Halifax—-Borden, Cons, small jmejority. | Yameska—Mondeux, Cons. North Oxford——Nesbitt, Lib. Soulerges—Laurier, Lib, Richilieu—-Cardin, Lib. Inverness—-Chisholm, Lib. Quebec, West Power, Lib. Wertworth—Wilson, Cons. East Elgin—Maearshall, Cons. West Elgin—Cearathers, Cons Quebec Digby- Gloucester Lib. Westmoreland—Emersor, Pickup, Lib. Charleton, Lib. Sincalir, Lib. Quebec County—Pelletier, Cons. Hart, Cons. Nesbitt, Lib. Cons. on : : ys CeCRUe T"LacHuance, Lib. James, Cons. Tourgon, Lib. Arrapolis Norfalk Guysboro Charlotte North Oxford South Huron—Herner, Prince Edward—Hepburr, Cons. East Grey—-Sproule, Cons. South Ontario Goodeve, Cons. Smith, Cons. Kootenay South Bruce South Grey Vancouver -Donnelly, Cons. Miller, Stevens, Lib. Cons. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 on the on. Wm. Patterson and Hon. George Graham are ¢ | wire being down. Lermox and Addineton—Panl, | Cons. York Centre—Wallace, Cons. Carleton—Kidd, Cons. } anne eee Condemns Movement FOR FIGURES) 2-02. ; this morning might be pens The boy scout movemert wes ; meen Sa tributed to election excitement jcordemned by urerimous vote at Break-down in Telegraphic Wire Supposed Cause by or to the over indulgerce in the | the trades congress recently held et ! Malice Kept Prince Rupert Political Enthusiasts liquid simul: tion of party loyaliy | Calgary 2s ‘beirg wrorg ir prir- | Out in the Cold—Tin-pan Parade For Liberals that _Sometimes m rks day of ciple, giving boys wrorg ideals Livened up Small Hours election. The re was or ly one jard constitutirg 2 menace io the case before him, thet of two|working classes teachirg boys that Waiting for election results in| that the battle was going against|foreigners who took no interest! the proper caper is to shoot down , Prince Rupert proved rather an | Laurier. in election matters but who had|toilers on strike. It was charged ordeal last night, for some sup-| The news induced a hasty rally|endeavored to settle a personal|that Beden*Powe!! tkes boys to nosed malice had cut off com- of the last live spirits left on the |differerce with their fists. Their|sleughter houses to let them be- munication with the southern cen-/streets, and quite a numerous|}names ere John Millich ard Sam|come familiar with the sight .of tres, and only driblets of results| gang gathered together with empty | Gyrkich. Both pleaded guilty|blood. Orly one man seid a good trickled in from up river, and] gasoline cans with which to cele- | and paid fines of $8 ard costs. wore for the scouts. northerly polling places at long}brate the occasion by holding a — — _ and tedious intervals A con-|tatoo serenade outside the ‘nomen th Cake en on Liberals ; alr a “DETAILS OF VESTERDAY’S VOTE the corner of| Liberals. The awful army ede Sith street and Third avenue,|arreyed marched, meking a noise whe e window od Messrs. |like a boiler works broken loose, | me \\il Manson's offices an}out by seventh avenue to the house } ” 2 ; threw the feuresjof a certain editor, and chert |Special Wireless| Frank Keeley's| kicked up e din like an avalanche } z a eit of empty cream cans coming dowt Victoria, Sept. 22---The latest computation of resuiis ong gaps in ce t acky road to ibli St = ‘ong gaps an come the rocky ros wo Dubie’ country fix the Conservative and Nationalist majority at 42, with laces from which of the eens, cans, cans, were che Seven seats yet to hear from. The standing of baibin s4'leanmnne Jave of the auhila ~ be eas s areas ares Lite Jubilen’ Pe servatives and Nationalists 128, Liberals 86. » Mr. Clements|few minutes the piendemoniun number 21. dic , e wre Lon ts , Oo ve Bue e ? . I spon he OY | eee We De ae. Sir Frederick Borden, Hon. W. L. Mac-: felt the tedious- | prominent Liberal where another kenzie King, ‘thé wit at 00m, of the apalting: tecient gery: oc ‘among the defeated candidates. final spast ke cartoonist | tent with the satisfaction afforded | represented ¢ somimolent physiog- | simple sound the procession) "Phe reguits known include: | 4 my ed in. cobwebs, and presently retired to sleep and | : was eritith Waiting for Etectior essen ae - ee 7 | Onebec Con. 21 ; once more like healing balm aid . = Results in Rupert It wes long! upon the troubled night Thus tintario . - os when the tutton ended Election Day in Prin Nova S-stia Fe a 5 iriefly by wireless’ Rupert bs : New Brunswick - 5 VENTURE GROUNDED | ticipated if the damage sustained 5. a a ame 1 result of the accident is not Struck on Sunday Night in|extensive, thet the steamer wil Victoria, Sept. 22.---Latest returns from Comox-Atlin are: Seymour Narrows continue her schedule and repair : “s iwill be effected when the ve Port Aiberni Lib. §3 Venture of thelis withdrawr the end of the b hip Company,|/season. The Venture was late, Cumberland * 131 when entering : r been delayed on her las ° : ° a ane aise ea - Sa The above results leave Duncan Ross with a majority of 187 ae aging '" The results at Bella Coola will not be known till tomorrow. Surdey night|}cargo of canned salmor Accounts of |couver end she did not get away ' very meagre./or her trip north urtul Saturd ; The figures f , teamer struck | afternoon, being two deys behind Lielsuir asian iuartia te’ diohedule In Canisawer Stevens is elected by 2748 majority. ™ rrows. The hull] eee IL V the extent of! An unconfirmed rumor has beer THE SUCCESSFUL Lewis—Roy, Lib. ill not be known | going the rounds that the Stewart | CANDIDATES Kamouraaka Laponte. Lib. iocked con her iLand Company, Ltd., had sold Beauce—Beland, Lib. i lout their holdings to Sir D. D St. John, N. B.—County, Daniel, Napierville—Lancelot, Lib. The Vi cis seal provided| Mann. Inquiry at the local office | Cons eal | _ Montreal Stantoine Div., Ames ” has a double|of the company fviled to elicrt Queens and Shelburne-——Mc-¢ ur} Cons. : resehass sequently can con-|any confirmation, and as the wires | dy, Cons, 1 ~ right—Devlin, Lib. : Neas and way |were down no information could Antigonish—Chisheim, Liberal. North Wellingten—Clerke, Cons mi langer. It|be obtained from the ontside.| Cumberland Rhodes, Cons Brant—Paterson, Lib, defeated —= —— te Kingston—Nichols, Cons by 20 majority | Hants—Bleck, Lib. Selkirk—Bradbury, Cons. RUPERT’S ELECTION DAY Hamiltor, East—Bearker, Cons. | Russel—Murphy, Lib. WestHamilion—Stewart, Cons. Edmontorn—Oliver, Lib., large | WAS VERY UNEVENTFUL Orterio, South—Smith, Cons. majority. | Winnipeg—Haggart, Cons, large | Brome—Baker, Cons. I : Soe eranineresione mejorits | South Weterloo—Clare, Cons. j "Glorious September Sunshine Electors Went to Poll) jn, ipeg—McDoneld Staples, | Pontiac—Brabazon, Cons, OUungster’s Monopolised the Excitement Can- Cors : North Renfew . White, Cons. didates and Canvassers Covered the City | Ontario Centre—Bristol, Cons. | South Perth—Steele, Cons. Thes ee c A | Ottawa—Fripp end MecCullum, North Essex Wilson, Cons. oughly Curious onveyance | Cons. Kent—Robideau, Cons. - oe Y in Prinee Rupert numerous men wth mc \ | to] Cape Breton, North—MeKenzie, eon ear SANE AE, Cors. a “ably uneventful. Un-|burn made extravegant be gen-| Gov't elected West Middlesex—Ross, Lib. ee en fer conditions can etally at slight odds on the | Bonaventure Marcil, Lib. North Simcoe Currie, Cons. lectively K Me carried on ef-|Government. Local election bet Chatequay Brow! ; Lib. te Victeuipr enn their dg ‘Oth candidates and|ting was in favor ot Ross, and Cape Breton, SOUR Cerried ioe Mastingeeete, ae 8. beacuse Repeated ex-|there were none too many tekers| Lib : Brantford Cac kshutt, ¢ ‘Ons. Pad the part of the ;of terms against his being electec Kings, N. S.-Foster, Cons, i naa Blondin, Cans. electors he Campaign toiand scarcely any against ch Lincoln Lancaster, Cons. Dutham een aren. : desired : early, had tae ONE a majority rince| West Huron Le wis, ( ons. Drummond, Athabasca—Grouil- he es “tect, and there was a Rupert. | Si Hyacinthe City—-Gauthier, lard, Lib. OS ane tig: ce Sa ee bolls at sce Duncan Ross drove around pe Lib chute ei ee and Wolfe—Tobin, Ajj — ler thirty, | city during the dav, and covered | Glengaty I . ilar, Lab. oer Siiwalllt Core trated ai interest concen-|ali the centres of population Brent Fahch ee L tbi — k eae 1 it 7m ere all 'et the polling booth,| thoroughly. There wes a welcom Peel—Blain, ¢ Ons a, Hes te 7 op oa C th ac 3 ii men inlfor him everywhere, but no at Dufferin Best, Cons. ee eter ae urn 1am, Con they dr met different times as | tempt at demonsiiation was mack South Grenville Reid, ¢ Ons. Charlevoix Forget, ‘008. A she wa “"PPed round to see “how! H.S. Clements with the Mayor Brockvillk Webster, Cons Two Mountains Ethier, Lib. Vague coming : Wiseacres gave | and one or two of his besi support: | Point Neuf—-Delisle, Lib. lerrebonne ‘Nantel, ( Ons. mm BN Osticntigns and. the)” ET rn at | Frontenac--Edwards, Cons, Muskoka—Wright, Cons. (Continued on pag | ito ALL IS Speculator Up in: the Naas River district is the finest agricultural and garden land of the whole coast country around Prince Rupert. ‘Here will be the garden of Prince Rupert,”’ said a Prince Rupert man the other dey atter visiting the Upper Naas Velley.. Theat Prince Rupert men was Sergeant Phillipson whose work in looking after the Indians and the liquor |traffic of the outlying districts jas well as of the nearer places to | Rupert takes him fer afield some- Neas to this new district, and his | emark regarding that caroe trip j tells most eloquently of the tempt- ling 1g nature of the land there. | “Every mile I went I wanted | more ard more to own a little of 'it,” said the Sergeart. Efforts jhe ait: make too to get a2 pre- jemption there but he fourd that the lard was set apart by the | Provincial Goverrmert for pre- | emption is by ro means the best. lI is in fact a stretch of land ilying over hard lava beds where Hong : ego there wes 2 downflow poe molten reck from some tre- | mendous burring mountain in the interior. The land is not rich Sot ete Ol eeebhaae siepuiare iike the WIRE WAS CUT yf Believed to be Malice Work of Discharged Emplloyee | Great inconvenience and much |diseppointment was experienced {last night owing to the telegraph It was discover- beer cut at Mile 134, but a The later concealed ied to have jand ' +4 | portion not merely severed “it out on 1 OUT ena nd removed. removed up so w as" found = coiled and a rock. vidence l under | The « shows that it was ino accident but a dastradly trick, vand the peculiar manner in which ithe wire was cut and coiled lends istrorg suspicion having | been revenge work on the part of a i discharge d employee. to its For row boats and launches telephone 820 green. Davis’ ——— : = = ————— = ———— age Vie nets VOL. II, NO. 216 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., FRIDAY, SepTemBer 22, 1911. SE Five Gants cae ——— — A TURNS CONSERVATIVE BY 42 MAJORITY MOST TEMPTING LAND OF UP THE NAAS Five Days Canoe Trip by Sergt. Phillipson Reveals to him a Fair Agricultural Territory, But Much Good Land is Lost to the Sma!!! Settier by Purchases alluvial land not far from it on which the Indians have their re- serve. “That Indian reserve is the finest land of all,’’ said Sergeant Phillipson. ‘“‘It is flat like a billiard table, and the mountains are away back from it in the distance. It is covered with trees, not thick coast brush, but kindly inland trees standing amongst soft green pasture lard on which a herd of some forty or fifty fine cattle fatten to perfection. I times. The sergeant was five;never saw such fine cattle since 1 ideys in a canoe going up the|left the old sod.” Sergeant Phillipson had photo- graphs of the janet ard of the cattle to prove his words. The Indians have some fine houses on their land, but do not make by any mears the most of it agriculturally. Bonded His Claims George Bruggy, who returned to Stewart this week has corfirmed the information that he had bonded his silver-lead claims on. Salmon River on the _ basis of $150,000. He received a sub- stantial cash payment. Develop- ment is proceeding on the property and winter quarters have been Boat House. erected. TOUR OF EXPLORATION Natural Resources Between Stewart and Edmonton Sir D. D. Marr has announced his intertion to place in the field an exploretion party which will cover the territory between Stew- art and Edmorton, via the Peace River courtry, with a view of making en exhaustive report on the mineral, fermirg, timber and ranching possibilities of the hinter- lend. It is prebable, too, that request will be made to the Pro- vincial Government to send a similar expedition into the field. ° Just Arrived Our new Fall! stock of suitings just arrived. It is full of new arid nobby patterns. It will pay you to see us before ordering your new suit.—-Sweder Brothers, Helgerson Block. 2t CONSTABLE CANVASSER ARRESTS HiS OWN MAN lCharee of Impersonating Oficer John Chapman, fisherman, Port Essington, was arrested durirg | the election there yesterday, charg- ed with personating. He’ was one of a group of voters brought up nolis by Provincia! Con- stable Forsyth, and when Deputy Returning Officer Noble ordered the constable to arrest Chapman, Forsyth at first refused. On bei warned that he would himself be reported for neglecting to do his duty unless he affected the arrest, Constable Forsyth took in charge the men he had brought himself up the polls from Kirby's | } | | } the to Hotel. Accused, who has not a vote in Essington, represented to the Dep- uty Returning John Chapman, blacksmith, Prince sistently that he was the Prinee Rupert blacksmith and demarded a ballot paper. at Port Es-ington—John Chapman One of Constable Forsyth’s Gleamings Arrested by Order of Deputy Returning Noble Officer thet he was Rupert, whose name is on the Electors’ List. It happens, how- ever, thet Deputy Returring Of- ficer Noble knows Mr. Chapman of Prince Rupert, wel! by sight, and so Essington John Chapman to record he refused to allow the Accused insisted per- vote. At this the Deputy Returning Officer peremptorily ordered Chep- man out of the polling place, and called on Constable Forsyth to arrest him, with the result stated above.