Vuv i iy Tangier, J81U- Toronto u Patricia. 1.42. r b vugamau. .20. I- Ould. .06Vi. ud,i XI. 1: '!-. Nickel. 27.35. M; rd!w 2.26. Ni !.inda. 390. r.rnitt Oordon, .03. E'-c-ii 3.12. Vr "jtT.s .93. k Maron. .00. T' ' s Hughes. 420. Sudbury Basin. 1.44. C-':u:runo. .09V4. to ler Oold, .09. MalarUc. .67. L Long Lac. 53. A:' nu Uouyn. .OlVv fi adacona. .21V4. Mapli Leaf. .08. Mckln Crow, 2.04. McKcnzle rtcd Lake. 1.15. od Lake, 1.46. uricon rtlver Gold, .80. cd Lake Gold Shore. .38. KKURF COSTS IN CALIFORNIA LAST YEAR WERE HUGE SACRAMENTO, April 25: Relief ,01, the stato of California last car amounted to $85,000,000, offl Clal Hgurcs Issued here reveal. GIANTS ARE SAN FRANCISCO.. BANK DEPOSITS jro on riot insurance in Vancouver had beeni a . d Civic officials believe that the action of the federal! olfertruj to permit : : t return to the relief ... ium Hi situation m-MranUme representatives :.i ap.oyt-d are meeunK uovmciat officials late . ,v. to dlu the return . .o the csmp . . in tniojfhout the city . umtid to itate a one- VITRIOLIC LABORITE John Maxam of Glasgow Continues Hi Attack Upon National i .ii vvtnpaUwUc walk-out . i.overnmeni iu arum naa not yctj 'ru upon. Today s Stocks -, b U. JatHMM OKI Vantouvcr : I N:ckel. .40. i.l..-otui. .17. at. 102 C an- 7 70. d r ton . as. or x ic. . Quarts. 103. i!r -au. .56. v . -no. .33. t. : Creek. .OSfc 6uk.- c, . ,09'x ak . LI tO akl. Uf . .uii .09. M ux 8Ur. .08 ittfcl. N- . ;i,a! Stiver. 051. Nvib.1 five. .14. P Orcdlc. .08. P xi Idaho. .13i. Prraucr 1-74. R: ) 41 f vr treat. .02V i a it) Oold. .16. WAwdc. .15. Wuirwater. .12. LONDON. Aortl 16:--Jobn Max- am, fiery Labortte left from Olas-nw continued his atucki upon ' Minister J Ramsay MacDonald in parHetar tn the b'idset debate in ! the Itouae of Commons. CrUfcUlng I the bodtt. h drew attention, i atnon other thing, that the Chan-i castor oi the Exchequer had not taken into account war debt obligations I to the United States in an Inouncing his surplus. Maxam paid jhts respects to Premier MacDonald by declaring that he had sold out the Labor Party to royalty. GOING WELL New Yorkers Assume Commanding Position in National League NEW YORK. April 35: CP-New vt ruanu defeated Boston Bravo at the Polo Grounds jester lav to assume a commanding po sition In the National League race Th Brooklyn Dodgers continued in stride by defeating the pmiues while the world champion St. Louis Cardinals dropped into third place clo defeat at the as a result of a iwiwu of the Chicago Cubs. Pitts burr Pirntoa defeated Cincinnati itrda and the two teams are now In a tie for fourth place. The Phillies and Chloano Cubs are tied for sixth rdar while the Boston Braves, Babe Ruth notwithstanding, are In exclusive possession of tho cellar Yostarday's Dig League score!; National Leatue . Huston 1. New York 3. t ? PJilliph 1. Brooklyn 4. I'llvtbura 5, Cincinnati 2. Chloagp 7. St. Louis 6. American League Washington 3, Philadelphia 2. St. Lwils 2. Cleveland 3. Detroit 4, Chicago 10. One sfame postponed. SHOW BIG GAIN SAN FRANCISCO. April 25:-San Francisco banks report an Increase in deposit for last ween oi ..-000. the gain being the largest In four years. " "'" " i ii '. . - -" . - Their Roy i H.s.c s. i. D.;k a.-.-' Oueliei-. .; K?r pictured on the rat of i::p :"ui; s&.-tuit o! Brrmuda which they passed dunnp the:: joun.c ' C. . ;ornj hoiK-ymoon in the - West Indies. Calgary Mayor Says It Right Correctly Visiting Prairie City CALGARY. April 25: At a civic eceptlon in hut honor Lord Baden- Powell stated that, for the first Police court hearing Drought Areas- In Bad Shape Oavison Pronounces 'Baden -Powell' Situation in Middle West Spring Even Worse Than Was a Year Ago This It wife of isldent manager of the Pacific Mills is taking at Ocean Falls, returned to the place this afternoon of the case In paper town on the Prince Rupert which John D. McKensle is charged Tuesday evening following a trip to with cruelty to animals. I Vancouver. Today's Wither Tomorrow's Tides 1,1'Ot, illlgh 6:45 ajn. 17.6 ft 20:20 17X ft. n pm Rupert-v HTJir , Low 0:38 ajn. 9.4 fk barou. ,. wind; 13.78 pm. 5.6 it jMirc 46; see smoo. tv 85 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1935 WASHINGTON, D.C, April 23 ! (CP) Following usterday silver quotations . on the world's metal markets goin; slightly above the United States Treasury : fixed price of 71.11c per ounce, . announcement was made by pre- sidential proclamation last night of a further increase in the fixed Treasury priee for newl mined metal to 77.57c. Stich action had been anticipated by leading trailers. Secretary of the Treasury Mor-genthau announce.! stp,da.y f that the tovernment would continue to buy silver until it reaches SI .20 per ounce or until treasury toeks equal one-third of the, total gold supply. '. Yesterday's c'o inr Tr" 'r Nev York was 11VC while the London qnotatinn n ein'valen' to 71.C"c. To-tav a icm raU -inc October 1921 was touchpl when the price reached 71 the advance -continvllt steadily to clos- at 77c. Business Sessiqn Of Canadian Club Committee Appointed-, to 'Prepare Nominations For Annual -Meeting Next Wek I Various matters of business preparatory to the animal, Benerat aieeting next week wej'e iak en up last night at a generaf meeting of the Women's Canadian' Clnb with " I Mrs. A. E. Parlow, the president in WASHINGTON; D.C April 25: (the chair. A committee consisting " Lillian Halliwell. Mrs. D. The Department of Agriculture an-f .,iMcD. Hunter and Mrs. Fred Mc- v.,. Mm. tlme in the course of his present 3 ' VLeod WaS app0inted world tour. hU name hid been cor- JSLf!0' t2f Tt ."inati "lcs r rectly pronounced by Mayor An- " " r 3" ne ar- drew Davison. i An nta rirtrtQo " In Victoria Arena 5000 Boy SeuU .. am, rk te anU-,nated this KETCHIKAN FISH SALES patrielpated in a monster Jamboree f ' tn honor of honor of Lord and Lady ' , KETCHIK'AN, April 25: The Lu- 3aden-Powell who had arrived . . . the k r I men and T551 sold catches of 9,000 Mrs. F. A. Drumb. Wi re- from the Pacific Coast. and 3.000 nounds of halibut here Tuesday to Marlyn Fish Co.. th former for 6c and 5c and the latter! for 8c and 5c. The Remus sold 3,000 pounds of salmon to San Juan at 10.5c and 6c. Radiophoto Snows Powers That Warned Hitler 7-r j MEBMHinisgSBBsssiih aiissSMMSBssiiiiiiiiiiiii ff 4BBSSsBkK!3c!9HB inP'SsBBSBBHHKl HtSSSSiw&SDlBlflBsllllllllllllflH javal Mussolini MacDonald Flandln Repres'tiUUvea of Frauce Italy and Grea' Britain are shown in this radiophoto from Stresa. Italy, as they warned Relchsfuehrer Adolf HtUer of Germany that they were in agirment Left to right. French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval. Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Ore at Britain, and Premier Pierre Flandin of France. r 'HA:K Jsisssssssssssswl llHpPsfjHji BBBBBBBBBBB SBH. SSSSH HiissKBbhbsW assssss! Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald Burglars Receive Stiff Sentences Harry Geddes, Rufus White and Alfred Davidson, i breaking and entering guilty. Geddes was PIUCE: 5 CENTS VANCOUVER SITUATION IS QUIETE BOOST IS Road to Peace Broken ANNOUNCED United States Treasury Fixed Price For Silver liaised To 77.57c RAMSAY MACDONALD REGRETFUL OF GERM ANY S ACTION r- ftiof nsurance Rates Trebled in Southern City Atter Outbreak permitting of Men to Return to Camps May Ease Situation (Jcncral Walk()ut of All Trade Unions Tomorrow is Suggested AM (lUVKR, Anril 25: (CP) The relief camp ; nation was quiet today a the unemployed remained n'.ver but fear of further trouble were seen in the i r-iirhtv insurance companies who announced that The Honeymoon is Over Kjy uiiu id ucoci rr Liu Terrors, Premier Says Keen Disappointment Expressed by British Prime Minister at Recent Turn of Events in Europe Following Hitler's Abrogation LONDON, April 25: (CP) Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald, in an article written for the "News Letter." official organ of his party (Nationalist Government), bluntly declares today that "Germany has broken up the road to peace and has beset it with terrors." The Premier indicates keen disappointment at the recent turn of events in Europe following abrogation by Germany of the military clauses of the Versailles Treaty. Blames Germany CALIFORNIA TO MEXICO .Amelia Earhart Putnam Failed in ion-$top Attempt Recently But Made Good Time t MEXICO CITY. April 25: Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam arrived here a few days ago In her snub-nosed monoplane fron Burbank, tal She had hoped to establish a new speed record for the 1753-mile flight but failed in the non-stop attempt when she was forced down not far north of here. Later she took to the air again and completed the trip. Resident Of Port Clements Died Saturday L. T. Dunroe Passed Away at Age Of 83 and Was Buried on Monday 1 Word was received this morning from Port Clements of the death on 1 Saturday last of F. L. T. Dunroe82 Three Indians Sent Down For i nrkinr and Knterin Store ! of age. a pioneer British Co- At Massett lumbla school teacher. He was bur led on Monday at Port Clements, his son reading the Roman Catholic charged with service, nequteui uio m Martin's1"1 " wujiic ui. imo. general store at Massett. appeared' r. uunroo daughters, three of the sons being before Judge W. E. Fisher In County at Port Ctanzato. Court this morning and pleaded now sentenced to T. E. Westhead of Triple Island Hghthouse, who has been-on a vaca- PenltenUary and White and David- son to 22 months at Okalla. rP to Xf ncD"ver' "1 (the city on the Prince Rupert yes- iterday on his way back to the Tax on T Higher iwo Incomes is Up ; ). Legislation Providing- For Larger Impost on Those Getting Over $3000 in Alberta EDMONTON, April 25: Legislation has been introduced before the Alberta Legislature providing an Increase in tax on $5000 per- year. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 25: (CP)--Wheat was quoted at 85VbC on the tocai exciiange ycn.-iuay, auvtwiu-i lng to 85i? today. J . ALASKA FISHERMEN NOT JOINING STRIKE KETCHIKAN, April 25: (CP' . A. N. Dander, president of the Alaska Trollers' Assocla- tion, which Includes the ma- incomes over Jorlty of southeattern Alaska salmon trollers, said yesterday ' that Alaska fishermen did not contemplate Joining the Neah Bay and Seattle strike in pro- test at head and ice deductions Imposed by Washington fish buyers. U 4,