i.ii Sp 28. 1935 THJE . DAILT HEW! f AO IjTMH BOOTS, Chemists, Nottingham, Eng. EXTRACT (f MALT And Its Preparations Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil f Ur.n t of Malt with Cod Liver Oil &. Chemical Food I lract of .Mult wltji Cod Liver Oil and Hy jMjpliosphiU'.H Pticc per pound jar, . 90 cents REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Regular "nc per tube ecial at 25 cents per tube. i . l.A 1 i! !. i.il ' it ve jusi oounni npeeiai neai n uus iooip i.d while it lusts we offt?rjt to you at half the regular price. (ilVK IT A TRIA1, YOU'LL LIKE IT Ormes ltd. Jhr Pioneer Druqtfists Ihr rtnall 8Ur Fbanrs: 81 It I? Open lull? From S a.m. till 10 pm. KuiiiUyn and Holiday From II noon till 2 p m, T p.m. fill 5 p.m. Bulkley Valley Bulletins U... ' use a poker in your fire any more than ahso-,ely necessary. Shake the grates first. Bulkley Valley Coal " Will Save You Money II want proof ask your dealer to send the mine representative 10 you. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER In our cwl youll find thP heat. Jtl . 1 . ..II v mat wiliiuanr your home .ompiexc Phone Us MACKENZIE'S FI'KNITUKK fibril.' from per pair tf-M r'.JijtiSheelsVfrbm P pair ' , - K'5 rev.es, from -"i Mala, from $100 i'lionr 775 Third Ave. Trlnre' Rupert ".I the hest advertisement any firm can have. We do our best to supply you with the most suit-"aide coal for your requirements. When in doubt play trumps. 651 - 652 PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. jg fhones 55K sriBai:i3lul.3"J"TBiB1Bt,,",BI Lessen Your Bulb Expense I Buy hftty n ratlnn), o( x and save. IJesUles, you have lamps for replacement when nerd tliem. INSIDE FROSTED 9J WiiM in ur..u p. lin TnH MIIH, '111 Yllt IV IW each AtJ 'er carton in (f Rix t7JLTtv Gordon's Hardvyare I'lU'IIC .ill MrBrlde St. rfl lit,BJitBfflii;:BiK1KB1M:ijBliaBK U you lone anythinir, try a classified ad. C'mtiaMet LOCAL NEWS NOTES "'.;- tcul! tonight Moose Hall. ty; warm and comrorttDie by iii 32 Taxi It coU the name. . tf l'fVh J'louiulrr and Soles a-Cwrd Uiiuiue, Hunt's Huat. (10 t Mrs V7 Sutherland returned to! JWXJQfU) Catala last evening ' irom a hntj trip to Vancouver 4 J r Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Armour 'Salvaee Co, U sailing 'by ttie1 Pfho George this after-!noonipr brief btwlneM trip to j Vancouver .Jre expects to be away ! about ten days. I - V i M V. NkKKraon returned to the .rty i4 tfw Catala last evening from i'fhree-weeks' trip to Van-couver and 8eattle. Mrs. Niclcerson. 'who ciit south with him. Is now vwttiii at her home In Banff. and - Beard Notice L.O.B.A. bridge and dance, ruary 14. R-CEJ M P .from Vancouver golnz through to White horse where tney are to be station od, were passengers bound north aboard the si. Prim i Nocah yestemay - W H Daly is leaving by this nft moons train on hte Teturn to hi" ixane at Mtmaon. Albtrtaj" af-t't hiving spent several weeks vis-tT! hrre with hb daughters, Mrs. W P Armour and Mrs. L.. M. A- eiiirsseo. Dr W T. Kergin. ylH) has been on a h'oHcay trip to Honolulu, returned to the city on the Catala last -verting. His daughter. Mis Mrfjt,KegJn ILN.. who accom-lntd him. Is at present In Van rouver and will be returning home lPter . ' . Mrs. F W. Allen, who has been 'pending the post month In Van-' ooaver, returned to the city from the south' on the Catala last even-int BeaMes visiting -x-lth her family in Vancouver, she also motored to Seattle and spent a short time in Vtetorla aj -Ip'A'i';' Tj'" r;;i!? is hereby gh-n that the Annual General Meetint of the members of Feb- Dance, Seal Cove Parish Hah, February 1. Ualaano's Orchestra. Presbyterian Anniversary Ban quet, February 4. Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance February 8. Cambral Annual Valentine 'Danca February 14. Mrs. Mandy Recital February 22. Moose Hall SATURDAY Scotch Dance Cancelled Jor This Week You can rent a ear at Walker'! at low as $150 a day. phi 7c. a mile. Mr. and Mrs. J: E. Bodole, wtar have been on a holiday trip to Van. couver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city on the Catala last evening. Owing to Rev. J. E. Bames, New Westminster, superintendent of Pentecostal Assemblies for British Columbia, being unable to reach here on account of the railway tie-up In the south, the commencement of the special week's mission of the local Assembly, which was to have taken place yesterday, wjh postponed until Mr. Barnes' arrival which Is expected later In the week. "Build It.C. Payroll" THE ONLY MILK IN VACUUM CANS lii tvwtTr. This is the only milk In Canada . placed In vacuum cans. To obtain the advantages that this process of packing would bring we spent years upon it. Then, only dry foods could be canned in this way. Here was a problem that took effort to meet, but the effort was worth It. A milk with extra vitamins and with more purity, because better protected, is the result. Pacific Milk 100 B.C. Owned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Want Ads FOR SALE FRESH Flounders and Sole for sale on Helen IL. Cow Bay. tl the Prince Rupert General Hospital 'FOR. SALE House and two lots AssocuUion will be held at the City. Hall on Tuesday. January 29th, 1935 ' .it 8 pjn. Business: To receive balance sheet for 1934. To receive General and Auditor's report. To elect five members of the Board of Management To appoint Auditor. 1 " H W. BIRCH, Secretary. Announcements Jlggs Supper January 31. Cross country ski race on Mount Olofleld postponed until Feb. 3. Nordkapp- Whist Drive ani Dance, Metropole Hall, Feb. 1st, a ' 8 p.m. Normanna Male Chorus of Ketchikan, concert Moose Hall, 'Saturday, Feb. 9,' 8 pjn. 1 Emmanuel Street. Also furniture Phone Black 407. 33 LOST LOST Pair of used Jack and Jill school Oxford shoes.-Please leave at Dally News or phone Blue 272. (tf FOUND FOUND Christian Science Quarter ly In black leather case. Appl; Dally News. . tf PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paper hanging Moller, Phone Red 802. T1M1IKK SALE Xl3! Srald tenden win be received by th Minuter of LancU not later than noon on the 18th day of February. 1933 for the purchase or Licence X17832. to cut 663.000 leet or ceaar poiea ana piling on an area which covers portion ol Lots 14J5 and 1456, It mUes by road north ' ol fCltwanga, camiar Land Di trlct FIm years wtu be allowed tor removal or timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester Prince Rupert. B.C TEMPORARY Change of Schedule ss. Prince George FOR ANYOX AND STEWART Friday, Feb. 1st, At 3 IVM. For Vancouver & Intermediate Torts Saturday, Feb. 2nd. 6 PM. Canadian National R'ys. Father L. H. Rim O. M. IotLe-i sc. after a vMt ef a few days in the city, left by last Friday evening's train on his return to the interior. F. A. Drumb, resident manager of the Paeific Mills at Ocean Falls, returned at the end of the 'week to he paper town down the'eoast af-.er a business trip to Vancouver Having been sent up earlier In. the day on a charge of breaking and entering the American Consulate. Robert Marsh was committed for trial last Friday afternoon Jy Magistrate McClymont In city police , court oh a second count of breaking and entering Miller's cash and carry grocery. Marsh will appear before Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court next week for election. Help Kidneys If KI4WT TrOBtU r Bladdrr Wlk. 9 nukH yon suffer from Octtiar Up Nicbts. Htnoantu, DliatBM KhnmitUm. SUffOMM, Burnlnc. A Bm.rtlnc. luMnt or Acidllr try tbm Dortor. prMrrlptlon Titi (KU- t.i). Must end your troaUM In I day or moiwx txJb pair M dnxtlau. Bishop and Mrs. O. A. Rix, who nave been away for a few weeks In Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Norah yesteroay afternoon. . j Miss E. O. Lenox MX), of St. Andrew's Japanese mission herej returned to the city on the Prln- j cess Norah yesterday afternoon; from a visit in Vancouver and Vic-; torta. i Hotel Arrivals Central F. M. Mayer, CNJt.; M. Williams. Vancouver. Prince Rupert W. Chatwin and George A. Wilson, Vancouver; D. Given, Ques-nel; J. Armstrong, Victoria; A. MacKinnon. Burns Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selbert, Winnipeg. Royal V. Hogan. Tyee; J. Warke, Vancouver; Roy Labo. C.Nit. Savoy Kenneth Campbell Mr. and Mrs. ; Hansen and O L Johnson, city; ! F Corral. Vancouver ERVICE PECIALS For Tuesday & Wednesday FRY'S COCOA 4-lb. tin ORANGE MARMALADE Aylmer. per 32-oz. jar 22c 28c TEA Watts' Orange Pekoe, lb. 54c CHATEAU CHEESE Vi lb 15c P ii G SOAP 6 bars 23c SWIFTS PICNIC HAMS -I XOKj Op Ave. wt 6 lb's.. per lb. LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF 2 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE Llbby's lAn 14Voz. tins, each 1VV PINEAPPLE JUICE- 1 1 Llbbys. 12-oz. tin, each i NABOB PRUNES per 2-lb. pkg. 25c BLUE RIBBON MALT Hop Fla- vored Dark, 3-lb. tin $17 ROYAL CITY CAXNEIl GOODS SPECIAL 2 tins Tomatoes, 2Vj"s 2 tins Sieve 3 Peas 2 tins White Corn TP 1 The lot for PALMOL1VE SOAP 3 bars 14c RED SALMON Fancy 1 ita. Qp ru. i ik nn ujuuc, yi i-iu. tin BUTTER No. 1 Alberta. 3 lbs. 80c BARTLETT PEARS Royal 91- rU rhla fir, 4-M.J RED PITTED CHERRIES i On Aylmer, No. 2 squat Un, ea. SUGAR Fine Granulated. 10 lbs. Fine Yellow, 4 lbs PORK & BEANS Royal OCf' City, 16-oz. tins. 3 for v V ; PASTRY FLOUR B & K J -f p i 1ft IK AAV. LIC 4 1V1U. AIV NAVEL ORANGES per doz 35c Large, Juicy, 3 doz $1.00 PURE LARD per lb. lie FREE DELIVERY Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 mONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS" f LOOK FOR THIS MARK iSV MADS IN & "pIIEAP" lamps blacken quickly) t J and rob you of liglit. To get fidt j value for ibe current consumed, cboose dependable EDISON 3LVZDA LampU?i BETTER LIGHT . . . BETTER SIGHT i LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LimitVd UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Winter Excursion Fares TO VANCOUVER From Prince Rupert 32.00 Return - ALL MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED Children Half-Fare Reduced return rate of fare and one-third also applies fromaU? other northern ports to Vancouver, and from Stewart and Anydsj 10 in nee itupcri ana rciurn. TIrtptR on sale continuously between November 1st. 1934 February 28th, 1935 good to return up to March 31st lM?,- STEAMERS Lv. PRINCE RUPERT Ar. VANCOUVER: ' S.S. Catala Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Thursday TMP-l S.S. Cardena Friday 12 SIdt. Monday AMp Tickets. Reservations and All Information from Prince Rupert Aent (R. M; Smith), Third Ave, Phone 568J or Pursers S.S. Catala and S S. Cardena ' "Xtf? THE CONSOLIDxVTED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER Producers & Refiners ofij? 1AUAINAU Brand . ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superphbs-, phates Complete Feftilixers Lead-Zinc Cadmium-Bismuth" HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper Coal MORE HEAT ,5V LESS ASH ULCERS. BAD LEGS OLD WOUNDS (.SORES Marvellously Healed by Zam-Buk. I Daily News Want Ads Bring Results -5 MS.' 1 I X s 2 V aft r T x its I 1 V; ,1