that the American operators have been assured by their government that, in the Lses Penknife 1JL " , TJS it er. at engineers Char- K champion whltUcr of ! Angeles, has baffled selen-Interlocklng solid pieces ' v. r.i in a seemingly manner using only a penknife. Missing Winter Traveller Found "rry Williams Suffers Froren Foot While Making Way From Pouce Coupe to .Mount Hobson Off. lal reports received r. " ut the end of the week stated Harry Williams, young Aus-n missing since last December v. irn he left Pouce Coupe with the ' nuon of travelling overland to Mount Robson on the line of the C-madlan National Railways by dog tfam, had been found and was be- ttjt brought out to Jasper Park. W'mams is reported to have a fro zen leg event of failure to reach auch an agreement enough money will be made available for them to handle VANCOUVER. Jan. 38; CP- lait.ons lollowinK last wet Uzzard. cloudburst and floods on 1 the lower malnlaiu: we.- imprevln it the end of the week although flood waters on the low-lying tarrf f the Delta were still rising an: auslng heavy loss of livestock and .ulpment T-:n both the, Canadian National and Canadian Pacific lines are still blocked In the Fraser R'v- anion where there have been nu- lerous new slides. It will probably uesdav or later before lines are! :ulflclent:y cleared to permit, oi rains being moved. Meantime, the rc-routlng of passengers moving to and from Vancouver Is being con tinued. Telegraphic services Into Van couver were being restored on Sa turday after the lines had been down all week. a flvfi-vear old girl was killed " near Kllgard. five miles east or AbboUford on the Orent Northern Railways, when her home was washed over a cliff Seventeen lives have been lost so far as a result of the storm. In Pacific Northwest SEATTLE. Jan. 28: - -Flood waters were subsiding through the Pacific Northwest over the week-ena with transportation and communication facilities resuming their normal functions. Snowstorms in East NEW YORK, Jan. 28:-Thcre were more snowstorms In the east and middle west at the week-end with sub-zero temperatures at some points. A. B. Cummlng. district manager C. N. It. Steamer Here Today On Special Voyage to Handle Diverted Fassenjer Traffic . j Big Train Due .Mail and Express Matter Also Com-Ing This Way Owing to Tie-Up In South Pressed into service for an extra voyage north owing to the railway Ue-up in Prase r Canyon which has completely paralyzed transportation between Vancouver and the east, C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt H. E. Nedden. arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from" Van couver. She brought forty passen- the entire catch of the fleet them-'gers from Vancouver who will preserve. ThU seems a drastic move I eecd rast by rail this evening. In ad-tor a government to make'but local I dltlon he had two carloads of Van-, officials of the Deep Sea Fisher- couyermall for Ule east and two men's Union feel that their in-. :arlpads of paper for Edmonton j ormatlon to this effect U authentic. newspapers wmcn orauwraj wuum i Negotiations of the American op- have gone east from Vancouver. Oeorge will sail thU Titers for a minimum price agree-! T?t.Tlnce wnt are being followed with inter-i"ep u i i with some two hundred passengers ,rtnere i - 1 ' ffrom thp.east who are arriving, at :0NDITI0NS IMPROVING Lower Mainland lleginnlng to Pull lUe If Tojethrr After nix Storm: . Trains Still Clocked 5 45 this afternoon, on an extra transcontinental 'train of Jlfilrleen Jcoacheiwhlch Jus .been diverted to 'the Prince Rupert line on aceount of the Ue-up on the Vancouver line this irain is also bringing in mail and express matter for Vancouver which will be taken south by the Prince Oeorge. Inslead'of coming north on Wednesday of this Week on her regu larly scheduled voyage, the Prince Oeorge is expected back here about Friday, picking up her regular sche dule again riext week. 'GINGER' C00TE STILL MISSING Search I Bclnj Started For Wei Known Flier .Mlsslnc In Interior For Ten Days Pilot 'Olnger" Coote, well known northern filer, is still unreported liter having left Quesnel a week igo last Thursday to bring out a sick patient from Flnlay Forks. Con-ilderable anxiety has developed ow ing 'to the continued silence of Coote and other planes are being sent north to search for him. One of the relief planes, a macmne ociong Ing tl the Two Brothers Mining Co. with Hugh C. McMillan as pilot and Ralph Marshall as air engineer was held at Prince Oeorge at tne weeK- end on account of poor visibility. This plane will fly Into Flnlay Forks to ascertain If anything has been heard of Coote and, If not, to start a search. v it- Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides ! High 8:04 am. 18.7 ft ,, Rupert Raining, strong 21:45 pjn. 15.0 ft ,,.st wind; barometer, 29JM; Low 1:20 ajn. 10.0 ft tature. 64; tea choppy. "1 15:05 pin. 7.1 ft. NORTHERN AN) CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMIHA'S NEWSPAPER V x No 23. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1935 PKXCC: HVE CKNln ARKETim OF HALIBUT ON COAST CAPITALISTIC REFORM OR DICTATORSHIP, SAYS PREMIER Qooernment of United States May Give Aid In Financing Matter Assurance to This Effect Suid to Have Been Given in Event of No Arrangements Being Made With Buyers For Minimum Price I incction with the negotiations which United States : t-uat owners and fishermen have been conducting j tinie with a view to reaching a minimum price . merit with the fish buyers for the coming season, been received bv the Deep bea Mshermens un- PR. GEORGE IS IN PORT Frank-Fitch returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a vacation trip to Vancouver. LLOYD GEORGE WORRIED J. IT L'.tCTl-llV CITIIATIflV 1 Fasc'natirg Hawaii There's somethlnj about H:iwa.: hat gets you- for instance, five offtcers a a recent geodeti: survey party sailed fnjm America as bachelors, hut tir'? ve rert-rf unattasheo. We don't blarrre Lieut Wagner here with his pr:tty bride. BUCKAH0QS :TALKING--0 Married Quietly Saturday Night I Miss Bertha Hjornspn Becomes! Bride of John Frcdheim, Well j Known Fisherman The marriage took place quietly at the Manse First Presbyttrlan Church, Rev. W D. Orant Holllng-worth officiating, at 7 o'clock Sa turday evening or Miss uerma njornsori and John Fredhelm, well known local Norwegian couple. Miss Laura Bornson, sister of the bride, and Nils Antonsen were attendants of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Fred-helm will reside In Prince Rupert and will have the hearty congratu- laUohs and best wishes of many f j friends. The groom Is a well known "sherman. BIRMINGHAM, Jan. 28: tCF) rormer premier uavia ti of the HUason s uay .... jnoya.aeorge. n a speech here ; Fred Selbert superintendent of .17 IN RUPERT CONFESSION Portland Professional Hockey Team Here on Special Train Manager Bobby Howe and his Portland Butkaroos of the Northwest Hockey League will be In Prince Rupert this afternoon. Having been stranded for over a week in a stalled Canadian National train east of Boston Bar owing to the raFway tie-up In the Fraser Canyon, the team arrives this afternoon x j train ju'ler hav ing recently made the turn of the prairie section or the circuit. They sail this ereninj on the steamer Prince George for Vancouver. As a result of. Ihe inability to reach the coast, games last week which the Buckaroos were scheduled to play Jo Vancouver and Seattle had to be postponed. Cross-Examination by Attorney General Wilenti Today FLEMINOTON. NJL Jan. 28:- BENNETT BLUFFING OTTAWA, Jan. 23: CP Unemployment insurance and other reforms will be presented to the House and passed ln "orderly and proper manner," Premier Bennett declared In the House of Commons ;,T, , , . lUMumow. ww i"V' " Saturday night expressed ap- the natural resources and colonlza- King was staging "mock heroics." .. . a ittuira m n iop,- ,me " nrnhensinn renardlne the s tu- . linn rionartment of the Canadian Canada is Faced With Changed Economic Life, Prime Minister States Individual No Longer Dominant But Outlook Must be For Social Ideal Mr. Bennett Addresses Meeting In Montreal on National Problems MONTREAL, Jan. 28: (CP) In an address here Fatur-day, Premier R. B. Bennett declared that the Canadian people were faced with the necessity of changed ideas in economic life and could choose between reform of the capitalistic system or some form, of government such as had gained the ascendency in Central European countries r 'and Rusla. "The Individual can no CITY HEAD GETS BACK Commissioner W. J. Alder Returns From Trip to Ottawa and Montreal on Important Business Matters Taken Up t prairies as well as in the east. At WHEAT FLOWING HERE IN GOOD VOLUME NOW Wheat Is flowing Into the Alberta Wheat Pool's tocal ele- at the week-end when Rt Hon. vator In greater volume Just William Lyon Mackenzie King. Leader of the Opposition, accused him of permitting less important business to delay enactment of his reform program. Mr. King accused the Premier with Indulging in "pure bluff." Mr. Bennett retorted that Mr. now than it has for some years. The late mixed train from the ! east, yesterday afternoon J brought In twenty carloads or longer be looked upon as a dominant factor," declared the Prime Minister. "We must have a social :deal as distinguished from what we lave called Individual right." Damage Done To Store Stock By ! Water at Night ConferfgijjjVjth lT-Alinwtersat Damage was done to J Ottawa on PuWie Building, r tr"Fraser & Payne's Payne's eiott store ' Nfral Defence, Etc. the stock of during turday night as a result of ' breaking of a two-Inch water valve City Commissioner W. J. Alder . . .mc,n,T water sunnlv returned to the city on yesterday ,n eyent of flre water afternoon's train from a trip to Hauptmann to Go Under Relentless hear(J ln store by a "u V"M" tt v" ponce officer while on patrol duty city business, having been away durlng night 5Ji.e before Christmas when he 3 3 Payne spcke hlgnly tnls . went to Victoria to confer with the mornmg of the- actlon takcn by provincial government In regard to rnstah,M Tavinr mri ratjxtnn at. Direct examination of Bruno -wltlj Rich- municipal bond conversion. ter detcctlng that' something was ard Hauptmann. charged the In OtUwa, Mr. Alder, accompan- WTQng tne Jtore at,3 a .jn9 Qf kldnap-murder of Charles Augustus led by Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skee- flcer wnt tQ the basement aiJfi unaDergn jr., was cicvu w.w na, consuuea wiin nun. n. n.. oicw- jurnetj 0(j tne Water supply o the completed today when Hauptmann art minister of public works, Hon. building bing while whle tne tne other other was was notify notlfy- would be turned over to a reieni- d. M. sutnenana, minister oi na-less cross-examination by Attorney tlonal health. Hon. W. A. Gordon, General Wi!ente who, It lstsald. has minister of labor. Hon. Alfred Du-a Uiousand questions to hurl at ranleau, minister of marine and him. In some quarters. It was being f ieiierles. and Hon. Grote Stirling, predicted Saturday night that the minister of national defence. Mat- trial might end abruptly In a con- ters taken dp Included a suggesUon fesslon. Jail authorities stated that for the stationing of a naval vessel 1 Hauptmann was ln a very nervous at the port of Prince Rupert and condlUon over the week-end. taking the question of a public building in j little rest, pacing his cell and smok- this city. To accomplish anything ln , ine ciearettes incessantly. the latter matter. It will be neces-' ing Mr. Payne. Both later assisted ln moving the stocL Mr. Payne estimates that $5,000 of stock was affected by water. PRESIDENT ' IN (MARGE Chief Defence Counsel Rellly in- sary, said Mr. Alder, to have the! tlmated Saturday that he would active support and co-operation of Roose.TI1t to Assume P ,ltsPn-nmvp that tun panes had to do with all citizens. Mr Hanson Is doinz all ' sibility For Distribution of Ho T.lnHhoroh VIHnannlnff Jinrf that hf ran th rnmmlssinnpr . Big Fund. Hauptmann had nothing whatever Mr. Alder found weather Intensely to do with the crime. cold with severe blizzards on the WASHINGTON. (D.C. Jan. 28: It was made known Saturday night Winnipeg It was "42 below zero and I that President Franklin D. Roose-at Melville. Sa?k.. 47 below. veu would assume direct supervision Mr. Alder contracted a heavy cold 0( the distribution of $1,800,000,030 on the trip west from the effects of , which Congress has been asked to which he is now recovering. approprlate for relief work throughout the nation and which It Is expected will be put through by the Senate this week. No' new administrative organization will be formed although the President will have the assistance of, special advisors. T i J i Stock Trading Is Light and Quiet so and there was a special j Only 220.000 Shares Turned Over In wheat train In last night and j xew York Saturday And another today. In all 500 car- , Values Lower loads of grain are now on the 1 way here. The elevator Is being i NEW YORK, Jan. 28: Stock cabin on Muskeg River, 61 miles through from Vancouver to i on ( He called ' National Railways from Wlnnloeg, rpv p o Kl.rekooer. a mission-' on ships, two of which have at ia'nerh. meiA1 , , S J I Vnv- .tor TThere "Pon Oreat Britain and the and Mrs, Selbert whcjiavc been on ary from the United States, who Is ready been here this month ja.per he will be u week at the company s s ore TTiere placed in hospital., . a trlb td the coast, arrived In the to bi stationed In Alaska. aridMrs. with a number more expected wioris are belno; made to with- are no new developments u .. .. f the ,i,.r.i'ii Catala last ...ntn. evening tmm from vi., Klerekoper aViAirH aboard In the near future. Ctw a British Pniumhin tenrrh nirtinn with the company opening Party which had'hPMi fmm un a retail store In Prince Rupsrt, Pouce Coupe. ' ' Mr. Cummlng said, ' city on were passengers Vancouver and will proceed east on the Princess Norah yesterday af- tills evening's train." M temoon going through to Skagway. keDt full as eraln Is moved out , ; values were weak ln Saturday's short session on the New York Exchange with a small turnover of 220,000 shares. Industrials closed at 102.50. off 26; rails. 34.30, off V72, utilities. 17.58, off .07, and bonds, 96.79, up .02. v' 1