DETROIT IN PUCK LEAD Had Two Easy Victories Over Week-End, Beating Maple Leafs and Rangers MONTREAL. Dec. 16: (CP up four goals In the first and adding two more in the third, New York Rangers scored an easy 6-2 victory over Montreal Maroons In the National Hockey iiaeue Saturday night. The Ma roons never had a chance and were' clearly outpiayea. ootn tneir scores came In the second period, the rh were being blanked at Chicago if thn New York Americans. The victory put the Americans f: ;ccond place in the lnter-li:mal section ahead of the Ma-roon.- Weckcnd scores were as follows: Saturday Scores Dc'rolt 4, Toronto 2. New York Rangers 8, Montreal 2, Sunday Scores Canadiens 1, Boston 2. Rangers 2, Detroit 4. Americans 3, Chicago 0. Edmonton And Hawks. Calgary Draw Eskimos Draw Out of Tie For Cellar With Seattle Sea Hawks EDMONTON. Dec raonton and Calvary played a two-all draw ln the Northwestern Hoc-kv iaoiiP hem Saturday night. On On Frlriav Friday Calearv Calgary had naa defeated Arrested Here On Charge From Maloncy's disposal St. Peter's Woman Auxiliary Elects Olficers For Year TVlA UfAIVIMn't! v iTuiiiaiia r Pfpr'o Anvil Mil nhnrch at Seal - vy4 O llllUVUll Cove has elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: 1 o Search For Missing Fliers MELBOURNE, Dec. 16.-The exploration ship Discovery II will leave here this week for the Antarctic Ocean to co-operate in the Search for Lincoln Flleworth onrt Herbert Holllck-Kenyon. missing ior tnree weeics on a lllgnt from Dundee Island to Little America-Two airplanes are already engaged In a search for the missing fliers. first from Bob Oracle In six mln- 117 llI n utesand the second from Ous Mar-1 . YY OD lflaY UOCS in fnnrlren mlmitps. rinnnhpr ' . ici - Keeling, Bun Cook and Slevert scored for the Rangers In the first period ahd Bryson and Billings for Bangers In the third, the last goal coming from a breakaway two minutes and 45 seconds before time. At Toronto in a close game, the De'rcl' Red Wings defeated the Maple r Leafs four to two, four goals . Through Ice Celebrated Flier Damages Hii Plane At Fort Chippewayn But Is Himself Uninjured FORT CHIPPEWAYN. Alta., Dec n . , 1 .1- ! , - 1 II nH t V. I n Ia. lg. wuiit; milUillB Oil UUU 1VC coming In the third period three nere Puot w R. "Vop't May's lor Detroit and one for Toronto. jplane went partly through and was Move Into Lead somewhat damaged. The celebra-By winning over the New York ted northern filer himself escaped Hirers on Detroit Ice last night, injury. ii Red Wings took over leader-i iLp if the American section, dls-! the Chicago Black Hawks SAMPLE OF ARMY WORK Response to Salvation Army Appeal Beginning to Gain Force A brluht day with a nip of frost in the air made Christmas War Cry selllne a Dleasure. .tWould. you like a . Christmas War Cry?" asked the salvation Army oi- ficcr. as a eentleman, caught in me act of shaving, answered the door. Somewhat taken aback and pos- sihiv rmbarrassed our friend stam mered his regrets at being unable to purchase a copy. We had already noticed tne nuur hare of covering but spotlessly clean and the scantily clad kiddles IWCtW ! ,1 nkmil u:o lnrnpH that ifpi Ed- SO It came awuu -v. - the new Daoy wit vj... with the mother were expected home soon. Take the 'Cry to your wile, we- someone's nuar- Calgary three tc , o , Edmonton at the'offlcer said The Eskimos are now n J"s sale of continue the left to to lead over as she he : le t place with a one-point t lhe plcture the cellar-dwelling Seattle tca . a man nourace0usly UlWVltWVM w tr ... . .M..Mt rrt battling wun. aaverse CiauuW,i.- During the month of February $47.80 was spent on shoes ano run- T.f!,vo Christmas cnecr last the year: Twistinns so far are: Previously acknowledged $32.00 Mrs. Rayner . J-JJ 100 Ufa Hp - . ti n Wallace Co s w Auxiliary of St.," 5.00 " -- , nc nn Premier Pattulto Klncollth Preceptory No. 59 .. 10.00 President. Mrs. F. W. Stamp- ... oI Edmonton RECITAL IS Vincent. I father is an official of the First Vice-President. Mrs. George wnobe nnnVeean Railway. Kelsey. I "enger b going north aboard a passeng Dorcas Secretary) Miss Dorothy was day 81evert' ' ' is making the round She Ronrpt. , Ur-TVnaGnrpr . MrS. J. T n D. morning. mOrnillfa. Afen. ' itr,P i0 SKa8way VERY FINE Prince Rupert Philharmonic So ciety Never Heard to Better Advantage Making Its first appearance of season In public concert, the Prince Rupert Philharmonic So ciety, under the direction of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, last night presented a highly acceptable recital In the Capitol Theatre. The program was largely, although not entirely, of sacred numbers. Since its last ap pearance in public, the Society has acquired a number of new members, The organization continues to ad vance in skill and finish and the director and the members are to be congratulated on the progress they are maklnir. Without criticizing the .present ones, some additional men's voices could be used to advantage. The women's section Is more While every number was good, outstanding ones Included the choruses "Green Pastures" and "Triumph l riUIIipil and anu Thanksgiving," l i l a 1 1 rw- 1 1 both full scope for harmony and vo lume. PROVfl Today's Weather f: lite Sfctily Sfjeteii High Tomorrow's 6:31 a.m. Tides 182 ft. prince Rupc resh easterly 18:40 pjiL 15.7 ft. wind; barome '0 CWB; temperature Low 12:40 pjn. 9.3 ft. 45; ea smtK" f. Vol. XXIV No. 289. ... ,r,nT nnwic-n nnTiTAinTA'C WP.WSPAPRR iMJKTilKKW AiNLI UEjiyIIUILi minion v,vuja' ; i ' . PRICE: 5 CENTS 4$ pptmpr RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1935 , , - - Exploration Ship Ul w0- nlque was nigh faultless and Inter pretatlon was very fine. Much credit also devolved in con- i . rp , ? CHRjSTIANS. Reduction Of ER OF OF SOCIALLY SOCIALLY ; 1 TVJom MEMBER PROMINENT FAMILY HELD FOR RANSOM I GOVERNOR tn rt th it r O Chief Executive; of Montana State, Frank Cooney, Victim of Heart Attack Cameron, was something a little nCppjVIRIi R IS different and, as such, proved In- liVllTlJLJul J terestlng. Also entitled to special mention j was the ladles' chorus, particularly1 The Cradle Song" (Chapman) which was done with fine tonal effect and precision. The well tnnu.n uraiuuo rtrahms' "Lullaby as a RAINY MONTH ninn with the concert upon asil IS I rilYCll uvvk'vn w jt i Charles P. Balagno lor rus aifccn- minatory and completely effective work as piano accompanist. rir r n. Laree. Dresldent oi tne Prlhce Rupert Philharmonic So ciety, spoke briefly at the opening nt thp recital, acknowledging the Xh he had no control rk of assisting artists and thank-ce5 esover uhi wh.4 thP Northern Tw.on B. n r. C. Power. Power, uo Co. v . ....... i'fnf homeUnir and a motner : , electrical fivtrPS fixtures for tor and children helped her to bear the bitterness of her lot. The next day the Army obeyed .. rniin,,r im thp rase, naln- me urge i"""" r t VonrnilVPr M . fully conscious, It had, a sensitlve T auv.uw v w - a.,P to deal Wltn. . coal found Its way to that home j .nrner, mother returned with the . . .n,nnH phief 'Knrn no- all llleht. Dy sergeant u. u. u. ;-j - - . pnyhpr oniv too is believed to nave u-n - winter this winter inis are dining the rest of the Instructions about two weeks. weathered the being awalStom Victoria as to grateful family Tor lor loaning loaning civ.i,.(. Dr. R. O. Large. Russian Church Music taj uome O Blessed Lord" (Tchaikovsky) (b) U T nrri O Mv ROUl" w. AGG I llllll iJVl w. il . iTnnolltoff-Ivanoff). The Choir. Pianoforte solo, Adagio-Allegro mmpnt.s from "MoonUght Sona ta" (Beethoven), Miss Marie Balag no. .. .. Choral, (a) "Cradle song nap- man); (b) "Overtones wasuou", The Ladies. rhnral. (a) "Save us u mru (Balrstow); lalrstow); (b) id) "Call w to Remem brance" ance- Warrant), (Farrantj, The mc lln obllgato by A. uamcron. vinlln solo (a) "in a. Monastery Garden" (Ketelbey); (b) "Berceuse de Jocelyn" (Godard), A. Cam eron. . .Choral (a) "Qreerl From Gasboat Frederick Pearson and Jack Cum- mant Report Loss of $125 At Seal Cove COMMUNISTS , NEW YORK, Dec. 16: (CP) Race is on to Bring About New Or Caleb J. Milne, member of a der and Christianity Must Win, socially prominent Phlladel- Declares Preacher 4. nhin famllv. duaDtieared irom . x Viie won? vnric enartment on There is a race on today between - - i - Saturday. He is reported to be Christianity and communism to j. .AncA and hpld for ran- hrinir about a more lust economic T luuiiact'vu - o - som. "We have your brotner order fprthe common gooa oi nu- in the country," was the pur- manlty. In the words of Dr. Stanley port of a ransom letter re- Jones In his book -unrist s Aiter- celved. "Have a large sum or4 native to Communism,' tne oniy cash available. We win corn? way to beat " the Communist is to munlcate with you." Caleb J. IVlkll, Milne Fourth v" Is the handsome win vin T- actor-scion of the prominent It is up to Christian people, fol- Philadelphia family. lowing the Gospel of Jesus, to get Into the race. So declared Rev. C. D. Clarke at evening service In First United Church last night In concluding a OVI series V of sermons - on economic whose Stripture reading for thei evenlnz was "The Sermon on the'. nnriT pat.t.q Mnn Dee. 16: iurmint" .ipsns had been crucified u.vuii ' . i of which gave the entire company! (CP) Governor Frank H; Cooney because He was a radical. No one svstem. the Dreacher declared 'What they feared was violence. The 1 j Communist was wrong to hold on to l an orthodoxy of violence In this country. There might have been some excuse for bringing about a change by violence in Russia for the people there had been kept down by violence and violence De-gets violence. In British countries chances had been brought about i . . Tonl, and could still be brought aoout, oy Frederick Pearson ano . MMtltuttonal methods. It was the , cummant have reported to tne cuyi . m . te worid to resort the lighting effects, the manage-j police, the disappearance of ""l force but the personality of all ment of the Capitol Theatre forim in cash cash from from a a cupboard cupboard in in the tne,. . . ' raenoMo rPSnpr.ted. it It " wa was wrone wrong courtesy and. all others assisted. The complete program was as follows: Choral, "He Watching over is- oi iMpndelssohn). The Choir. Pearson. Large Navies anei who had vt "Pest." at Seal Cove. The two ; " " r ; City. 1. necessity of the money. The boat Is owned by w . brlnging about ta. Halibut Arrivals American Aleutian, 36,000, 9.4c and 6c, Cold Storage. Canadian Oslo, 12,000. 7c and 6c. Cold Stor age. Mrs. D. D. Murphy was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday yesterday morning morning going b"b through (Sanderson): (b) "Triumph Thanksgiving" (Rachmannlnoff), Choral Postlude, Melody "Lul Pastures" laby" (Brahms). telllgent co-operation was stressed by the preacher who admitted that, in anv nrocess of change and ad- blng. Uanrpment. there would always be. suffering and sacrifice. However,' this was something the true Christian would not fear. I The word "Messiah" meant; "leader to a new day." That was why people two thousand years, ago , had flocked to Christ. Christianity must today win the race to a "new day." SILVER DOWN AGAIN TOpAY pence at 28 pence. I Asked by Japs LONDON. Dec. 16: Following rejection by the other member na tions of tne live-power navai uuu-ferene of its demand for naval m,!iiivv with Great vV Britain - ------ ana Its demand but requested a large reduction In the greater navies. The conference may drag on but 'eronprai agreement now appears - - a oeat mm w it. uriuui.jf lmproDame. this race to a ''new day" and J The conference may become fur ther complicated with a demand by France to also be given equality m the event of Japan's demand for equal naval strength with United States and Great Britain being ac ceded to. There Is not the slightest sign of Itv W- w aw ----- - 1 . '-' nrnhipms of the dav In relation td'a crpnpral aereement and a new the church and Christianity. Hlsjnaval building race appears to be subject was "Christ and Chris- a certainty. tianlty." "To follow Jesus today is to go to j loff 'i AariareA Mr. Clarke.' yim aiv, . . DOUBLE KILLING 01 Montana aiea ounuaj f..s," was ever ciutnicu .v..u...b . Tj. t of a heart attack while on his way middie course. Where the Issue was Murder-Suicide Seen In .: .. ti. ... . . .. . . Vinrnuvrr at End oi ieeK The recitative solo" of John E. home to Helena Davey, accompanied by the choir j Florida. and with violin obllgato by A. u. auer a trip to the welfare oi numaniiy, jesus was away to the left. "He was. a daring i 3 4 n . i fin - 'revolutionist and, If we take, Jesus' VANCOUVER uec. 10. iwr -serioS followed a murder-sulclde Police seriously, we we too , will v.iu be De revolu- lev theorv;Sunday nlght as they Inves- tlOniSIS rCVOiUUUllJSia Ul nun- -- - the of the : bodies "gated violent type." The world was ready discovery C Biggar, middle-aged de-having of Mfs. for a revolution today, humanity outgrown the present eco- VSSi nomlc system. Christianity had " 'Ti, , Bids Fair to, be AVettest of Year. w If aJ as ,t could under the Ured contractor, in widely jepar- EAcesslve Precipitation . t economl(, order. Therefore, ? P l"ep Continues. Tu. ,.t.m mi,st he mv The deaths are , linked un Up bV by the the system muob , Known -T ' this iaci mat uic about, To bring chanaed , postlude was brief but very mucl. . .UnlM., ere Ts- an Immediate "was the great problem for found In Wooker car. parked In a appreciated. rainy f, . secluded wooded area near Marine I cessation of the excessively ntv tod c.nte ln the Certainly a piece de resistance j weatner condltl0ns which have mlght not lve the Drive and Holland stree t, witn a was Miss Marie Balagno's piano been prevalllng for the past several wor v lngdom of aod at once 25-callbi bullet wound ln the head solo. Miss Balagno has given thta,wekSi December bids fair to set up ,d st nearbr that while Wookey's body was found In numoer oeiore m puuu. record for tne present .yr klngdom It was the buslneM ol! showed a bullet wound wound in In so well. At the start she , as DrecipUatl0n Is concerned. ,e t0 lead ln 5odal with a 25-callbre the the forehead forehead and and a a gun gun lying lying un- un- uhIa chv timldltv but soon became 0arv nhtlv over ten . : . - , i H jvow.,, w. . j -- ana pouticai. movemcuus Mr Mr. clarke Clarke came came out out d deflhltely as derneath aDsorDea m uc - imches oi rain naa laucu was maeed a aistnicuyu irau'w I of "Adagio" movement from the SATURDAY SCORES English League, First Division Aston Villa 1, Arsenal 7. Bolton Wanderers 3, West Brom-wlch Albion 1. Brentford 1. Liverpool 2. Derby County 2, Grimsby Town 0. Everton 0. Leeds United 0. 0. Huddersfleld Town 1, Sunderland Middlesbrough 0, Birmingham 2 Portsmouth 3, Blackburn Rovers Preston Northend .2, Chelsea 0. .Sheffield Wednesday 0, Stoke tit LaKC 111C ttUU UWMWJ Hv.. -j- ttrH HAhiMn,nn r, hnrf hppn uCCn awav from tne w wuiuiuh' men uau . PeoDle were still responsive to . . boat for two or thee days and. onljjg consi(leration .justice and Manchester City th.l, their ntiirn return, rilsrovered discover the uic lOSS .woo - Of . " V ,.. , . i a.q. "Tt. Is En-1 m.i. ntu,nnnn Pnmmant onisar liariionc auiu, iu autuiuuu - - ough" from "Elijah" (Mendelssohn) j rested in connection with the rob AIR FORCE Wanderers 4, Scottish League, First Division Alrdrleonlans 3, Hibernians 2. Ayr United 0, Arbroath 2. Clyde 1, Queen's Park 3. Dunfermline 1, Celtic 0. Hamilton .2, Aberdeen 3. Hearts 2. Queen of South 0. Motherwell 5, Partlck Thistle 3. Rangers 5, Albion Rovers 1. St. Johnstone 0, Kilmarnock 0. Third Lanark 2. Dundee 2. OPIUM IN POSSESSION I Jack Wong alias Jong Ping was arrested Saturday by police ln a raid on his dwelling on Taylor street, near the corner of Seventh jfW YORK, Dec 16: lUFJ-uar, -- . ' f d Choir. yMfcowrtd .n ,113 wfthhiJng vai rinet. "Ships That Pass in she she wm win take taKe un up residence. rrawwicc. JV" Joining., local . meUl ,, ma,wPt. market, rirontohnr dropping an-'Chinaman an- ""T is cnargeo wnn nvi B . ' Bh- (Rtenhenson). Mes- hpr husband hmhand wh0 who Is Is now now engaged engaged ' to 5g3ic pr ounce. n the the the drug . in his nis nossesslon possession and. ana. ap-her P- tne - . dames H. N. BrocKiesDy ana Large other cent per Ji'HiIm- as a commercial air puot m wie . m March 23. In 7 V "Ji remanded for for Plht eight davs days. ln' was Yukon. Mrs. Murphy formerly lived Sthe price was down 7-16 t ln prinCe DrtnrtD punprf Rupert u-hfii when hrr her husband husband: . i Rpcltatlve and Aria from "The i-L tTonrfplK soloist J. E. nma nilnt for the Northern. B. C Davey, accompanrea oy wwh, - Airways ucic Mrs. N. Mussallem returned to tT,iitnr, monaffpr of the thp ritv on the Catala last evening Northern Commercial Co. at White- after haying gone south with the and horse was a passenger aDoaro tne remains 01 uer inotu, 111 ArlvlvA j Southern Dominion To Have 250 I pinu Anrl Train Thousands Of Pilots And Mechanics CAPETOWN, South Africa, Dec. 16: The government of the Union nf South Africa Is olannine to- wlUAll ' i v .-- - he United States, Japan stated build up during the next five ycar3 that it :aw no reason to change an air force equal to mat oi any second-class nation une mousauu pilots and 3000 mechanics will fie trained, about twenty-five percent of whom will be on active service with the remalder on the reserve '1st. There will be 250 airplanes. Earthquakes Are To Be Studied Federal Government Of United States Votes $50,000 To be Used In Montana WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 1G: The federal government last week made an appropriation of $50,000 to be used in studying the causes of recent earthquake disturbances In Montana. Anxiety is Felt For Terrace Man Jack Molloy Disappeared trom Hotel Room December 5 And Has Not Been Seen Since TTmRAnE. Dec. 16: Some an xiety Is felt locally-jn jegard to Jack Molloy, who has been missing since December 5. He was 62 . years of age and had been unemployed for some time, having come here from the United States. When last seen he was dressed in work clothes. He was five feet, eight inches ln height, weighed 175 pounds, was partly bald and had blue eyes. He lived at Phllbert Hotel and his room Had not been occu-oled on the night he dropped out of sight. He left his belongings ln the room. Molloy had followed tne work of a logger and teamster. Xmas Decorations ; On City Streets Members of Junior Chamber ui Commerce Busy Yesterday Members of the PrlnCe Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce were hnsv vesterdav on the work of adorning electric light stanoarcu on Third and Second Avenues and : Sixth Street with evergreens. As a result the business section has taken on a real Yuletlde appear ance. Miss Catherine Harvey, R.N., has resigned from the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, of which she Is a graduate, and will be sailing tomorrow after 1 Princess Norah yesterday morning Mussallem. who died nere recently returning to the Yukon after a and wnose iunerat wr. hcc o business trip to Vancouver. Maple Ridge. 1 lor Los Angeles noon on the Catala to join the staff of Good Samaritan Hospital In that city. i g. j&wrm " ' ' - - - ..