WEATHER THI Twenty cour BAR. 90,194 rem? 0 ao wax, teur. ™ oi. hours ending 6 a.m, IN, RAIN Formerly The Prince}Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For souTH Camosun..........- Sunday, a.m. FOR NORTH Princess Royal ....Monday, p.m. NO, 217 ~ DO OF OD DOO OS TS = ee | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER —_—__ - 23, 1911. PRICE OF FOODS RISE ON DEFEAT OF REC a )) ” ' —_—_——— en te Ot tt BORDEN IS TRIUMPHANT = EAU arep, 1 MRIDE MAY ver GRAND TRUNK 10 START AT THE RESULT | BASEBALL SCORES || = ENTER CABINET Pp Tariff Reformers in England| DAY G Ottawa Journa! Says He will be| BIG GRADING OPERATIONS FRI AMES we | Overjoyed at Defeat of Reci- | : Made Minister for the In- ep as procity. N terior. lisa orthwestern League Upon Receipt of News s That iat Reciprocity Was Defeated (Osiiadian Press Despatch Vee Seo ttl r Plan: are All Ready For the Removal of Over One Mil- anad re espa | ue 9 Ck > U, - ° e -) the Prices of Foodstuffs on the Chicago Market Entdon. Sept. 22.—Theais | Othesamaipostponed: rain (Canadian Press Ce lion Two Hundred Thousand Yards of Material for Loi ’ 22 : yn Ottewe, Sept. 23.—Mr. Borden ; ; : Started to Soar—Increased Prices on Food- reformers here are all elated over| Pacific Coast League natal “si ‘nat oe tates Station Site, Round House and Dry Dock Work } $ . 1 & 5 = -cie ra. . . . . stuffs Sure to Follow the result of the Canadian election 8 Portland = W ind 3. in reply to the Goverror-General’s| Tenders have just been called] Prices will be in in a few days, x which they say hastens the day of} Los Angeles 5, San Francisco 2. ti 5 » Mala : : ust referr to Halifax, September 22,—Mr. R. L. Borden, leader of the} 4 ai. ie ttadelohite 2. St. Louis ale miding. The *Seucsalt chan of the G. T. P., fo Ch ; ‘peg fror : followi d follow; The modera ariff ° reform| Philadelphia 2, Louis 1. excavation and grading work for|whom instructions to pr i will Conservatives, has dictated the following statement, following morning papers expressed great \e Detroit 8, Boston 3. | which is in close touch with the the new station site, round house|come as soon as possible after = ¥ r dh a init meta tie senvky affine he: regret at the disappearance of| New York 4, Cleveland 3. Premier-elect last night mentioned | sites, yard clearing, dry dock| consideration of the offers. Plans 1 1 ; pepe, olicy of ae al de palopen me which he ha such a staunch Imperialist as} Chicago 1,5; Washington 0,0. |i. names of Hor. R. McBridefand ship buiiding yards, etc., in| for the new station are not as yet adherence to re pohcy é é “ve : she asia. ys ‘ - Me } s i : , : ‘ b a 7 ; x4 wed for many years. The Government, without a mandate Sir Wilteld Laurier Sins wae ¥ re for the portfolio of Works for the line — ‘sag Aig ee to pees ox, mage ese € ee rag ; : NEW pet. Louisa. : - i » G. T. P. after|on after the siacion site is r as fron people, undertook to reverse that policy and upon If you can do a certain won Chicago 8, Philedelphia 3. | Interior, and that of Mr. A. S. a, ee a hn assessment for the builders to begin Y : submitcing their action to the people were defeated. i fas well as anybody else can do it—| Cinncinati 5, Brooklyn 3. Gocdeve for the Department of problem. The railway engineering| There is a probability that the “The verdict vee is tate ay Pee why not advertise the fact |. Boston 1, Pittsburg 0. Merire and Fisheries. staff have just completed the cross| grading work will be divided up “i lin the great neighboring republic. No such spirit exists. be sectioning of the arees to bejinto two or more contracts, but 1, eptuio fries ’ relations ca » bes aintained if a a Boe i i ae a . ar M ption of frieadly re ae ws i re ‘ graded, and their estimate of the| this »iil deperd on the ability of ry * contre Ve ts own é S Y hie a.) RY. amount of work to be done shows} the contractors here to make bids ere enters ae ee Seer nerne Serene. wen Rae that no fewer than ore million| for the whole or for parts of the ers eae re ae Pees Meimeiknneil 99 | two hundred thousand cubic yards| work, and their power to supply 7 ete ae Loads Or ane ‘dent: ‘Taft received WE MUST BOW T0 THE INEVITABLE of material must be removed.} equipment sufficient to carry on Ralang eee ae a my a at a | 7 ai ht. | Of this at least 840,000 yards is|operations fast enough to meet m ere s : anedian elec is e las mh 3 , ‘ ; 1 ed Ps oe a: 2 , ™ Pa c Seaecieninntd A d eae eer ae solid rock, the rest beirg gravel,|the requirements of the Grand ! julletins imaicatec 1e deleat ) e rCiVE Nt an 1 ) { reciprocity, the President expressed his bitter disappointment.|Sir Wilfrid Laurier Makes Stakeeniaal to the Canadian People—‘‘Glad to Lay <. rock or ui Trunk Railway Company. , 4 a Z > > 2 fa s *xte ee ; At Washington the utterances of Champ Cla: when he re Down the Burden of the Premiership After Fifteen Years sae ae Pe ce sceaiee vllaexagr ALAS. “MiAS, cae ¥ ferred to the annexation is attributed to a great extent, the result Special to The Daily News the Kelly-Douglas buildirg, and f the polling. " r rs : ’ gias ee ; ; right back to the post office. Dry| The following interchange of hae SER 1} Quebec, Sept. 22---' ‘There i 1s no doubt we have been decisiv- | dock grading work will be over] telegrams between two well known Seen ae Seow ] d feated ] lad] la down the remiershi a burden which a space of 4000 feet from Cameron | citizens needs ro explanation : : Chicago, September 22.—Prices of all foodstuffs rose sharply |€lY Ge " g y tay P P; |\Bay towards Hays Cove. The ee . . . . . oC “ = > . + , 4 result of the defeat of reciprocity by the Canadian | have been carrying for 15 years. work will be 2 steam shovel job Cow. Beek, a vote Wheat, oats, flour and barley are soaring. Increased A thea ae will 5 i a Prince Rupert. st ; f , and w 2 2 ‘ prices to consumers on all the food supply is sure 0 follow. We believed that in making the reciprocity arrangement we \Cnormous pier end grading gemg.|_,Stowed: under. Heeds hardly Ag eon 1 =, |showing. But still living.—J. Y. , september 22 Creat diseppointment was tetr/@d done something which would be greatly to the benefit of the |: tees: tree stcom shovels will|*howine: But still living —J N PNG) ee ee en be required, se-ys General Superin- in many households in Western Canada today at the defeat o!/ people of Canada. The electors declared otherwise and ] bow to ae oe an aa re ¥ ie Medians ai ode eee iat Gees taeker wit Snore their decision. contractors have been notified of Vancouver. g of $100 a year on table provisions. It would have put ae ° . hi h ] the measurements, etc., and are} Confined to bed since election. ‘ money ger a farmers by the a ] regret we have been unable to carry reciprocity, WhHic now looking over the ground.|God help us- yes OW. Peck: rican hams, canned goods, meats, vegetables am ‘still believe would have protected the material advancement of ———— —— — Canada and would have promoted a closer feeling between Can-' RUPERT RAILWAY MAN ‘ie ELECTION OF CLEMENTS ada and the United States. However, the country has spoken. SUFFERS SERIOUS HURT NOW GENERALLY CONCEDED We must bow to the inevitable and | cheerfu!ly do so. ga aD L AURIER.’ *? |George Anderson of Seventh Avenue Falls Under Returns Came in Slowly All Morning and There Are ——— ——| Freight ee a 8 eA in Hospital—Much a Number of Polling Places to be Heard From MARKET WAS HIT EARTHQUAKE — Dantiet Services Sympathy For Young Wife and Children ; Clements Majority is Now Sixty-two “The Champion Chieftain or George Anderson, one of the Set ae CRE RC ee : a : sa . . |Election News Sent Railway | VISITS ALASKA Our Ideal of the Hero,” will be bridge building gang employed LARGEST LIGHT : oy f of Mr, Clements | Skidegate 6 d Stock Down—C. P. R. Rose eS the subject of Rev. Warren H.|}.) the G. T. P...was run over by m ae MCPs AD the | Powell — - Five Points. |Shook Cable Station at Valdez) Melecod’s sermon tomorrow even-|, freight car yesterday and his ON THE COAST se were coming in | Brackendale ia 14 | and Severed the Cable Wires ing at 7.30. p.m. Morning wor- leg was so badly crushed that oh aan lunch ince ht mae * rr (Ganadian Press Despatch Lasted Over an Hour. iship at 11 a.m. Bible School and |i; amputation above the knee|Langara Lighthouse is Making a oa po ee “eee ‘ 9 Chicago, Sept. 22 Ng vine at - - “ proesien Bese: Bible is | i as necessary. The operation was} Progress. Twelve Men are at inf ae ; Win. ~ |of reciprocity in Canada exertec (Canadian Press Despatch) at 2.30 p.m. Music conductec | pe rformed by Dr. Eggert at the ; : anc n wiping this out}Gibson's Landing 6 ‘ la greet interest on stocks a Seattle, Sept. 23.—A severe!by Mr. John E. Davey, organist | ed Hosnital seaseetlad’ atl Work on the Foundations r pponent the lead. Upper Squeamish a pecially those of the transpor-|earthquake was felt over a portion |and choirmaster. Strangers and | the catia is progressing well Now. Commands Prince Ru- fiv He oe morning, with forty-| Kyuquot : | tation companies which fell many | of Alaska last night rocking the | visitors always welcome. All ser- | this morning. pert Approaches. fror , ‘aces still to hear) Nootka ; | points. C. P. R. gained five}cable station at Valdez, and sever-| vices held in MelIntyre Hall on | The accident took place ‘on the m : ~ ity for Clements | Skeena Crossing . | points. ling the cable wire between that} Third avenue near Sixth street. [pranch line to the tie wharf near Langara Island is to have the we being the last | Boulder Creek 2 ot iplace and Sitka. Se ae Ithe site of Ross and McColl’s|!@rgest lighthouse on the Pacific : i ; Bennett ; 0 Anniversary Service if The seismograph at Seattle which | Mir Cleaeenn Rupert anal Lumber for station and|Coast. Twelve workmen are en- ML: t ol going .to press} Mile 20 5 o | It is just a year ago tomorrow}recorded the shock gives the dur- Mr. Hamar Greenwood, ivi. } i bridge corstruction was being trans | 8* ged at present in preparing the : Pet Maen majority had re-| Copper City 10 Oe as e Salvation Army under} ation at sixty-three minutes. of England, with Mrs, Greenwood, a barg , foundations for the structure which cede PI og | Since th ation ¢ & ferred from a barge moored there, a { Uh places reporiing | Littleton “i “6 {Ensign Johnston started work in] thas arrived in Canada. They are to cars foraipteiver malate. An is to be of the most modern type cluded ; Big Tunnel ” og | Prince Rupert = local officers | ‘AVIATOR MEETS making a short visit at Toronto| cine and open freight cars were |#2¢ With powerful illumination R . Port Essington sie © | will celebrate t occasion by| and intend coming to the Coast.|pneing used by a gang of several|t® ma 1ke the wey clear for the \ Xoss Clements Breckenridge Land | special services at aa Citadel to-| TERRIBLE DEATH They expect to be in Canada for] on The mer rode to ard from|Ships of the seven seas and pees! 4 30 ing ¥ Z morrow Jabout six weeks, the wharf to the siding where the|i™werd and outward bound te Coon . 15 70 | Telkwa : st ~ | There will be special music] Frank Miller is monsnnid in Mid- nee lumber was being loaded and| and from Prince Rupert. This Soin 4 2 | Discovery, Atlin i 7 and decorations, and a special) air by Gasoline Explosion at; ANOTHER GOOD STRIKE 4 deren dias ‘Gell of the [thane is an important aid to ‘ t i © ° 2° oo c 1 Alber 24 42 | Atlin City 22 at j address by the Ensign Troy North. — car on one of these trips, and got |?@Vigation for all vessels sailing Can - 63 87 | Telegraph Creek 10 — Buildi a Weeden Joe McGrath i is Again the For- caught by the wheels ore of which these waters, and will be ap- AM pel ov a 5 : ‘ a ciate : ats a lei What 7 14 Inverness 1 Tas oa a basse PPE (Canadian Press Despatch) tunate Discoverer passed clear over his leg before preciated by the boats making the BET § « ) ‘ , 4 . e “8 , : . « . : sian i rhe . te. Tofin 2 13 | Jedway ° o | oa ; . . 7 eee for the| Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 23.<-Frank | Trent : the engine could be stopped. | Islax d trip when completed. It Horn! Bt 38 13 | Skidegate o ; [ee g* = H oie Mattinnad Miller, the American aviator, was} Joe MeGrath got in from Goose Had Anderson's fall been noticed |i8 on a par with the plans of the Uni vk 6 8 |Queen Charlotte - ia ag s . “ $1900: “!burned to death in mid-air yes-| Bay this morning, in his gasoline|.+ the instant there was a chance|late government for the de- 0 on a 7 lo ‘ avenue tO COST O1t . 5 ‘ eee . ia 5 ; ‘ tot . Nay 26 21 City 14 a ye ken : “ for A. J. Butroughe terday afternoon when the geso-|launch, exuberant over the rich of his being spared injury, but|velopment of Prince Rupert as IOs ’ . 3 ssidence A. or. : Fates 2 sae : Welli 6 16 | Stewart 44 = 4 fs - . parca to cost $1,000: line tank of his machine exploded | mineral showings discovered this the first warning his comrades had ja seaport, and will no doubt be Weting . Be 38 Goose Bay 18 20 on Amb | . 4h eet Eighth while on an exhibition flight at|/season in the vicinity of Alice of his danger was his cry at the | completed along with the other Pachon 13 8 Cedarvale a Ee mln ; ~ eRni; atid Miami County Fair at Troy North.| Arm and particularly a6 to &® §TCY | instant he was struck, and though ve aleahia de d erp 4 1 Prince Rupert 397 25 sr to ¢ — _ intel The awful spectacle wes wit- copper and galene deposit that he the ergine was very promptly marine me Ss In progress, under TEI | in 10 Kispiox ‘ “ Nei ’ mi a Third rve jnessed by thousands of people | himself located. stopped it was just a second too the new regime. * j - t 1 5 ope ’ « ” A ie py i. Spill a 2 2 | Kitselas 1 iY wares " a500 lwho had gathered to cheer the} “Jt will go over $250 to theljate. Mr. Anderson resides in a indegtneaici ie Chick e 7 3 | Kitsumkalum 9 . ae Sn ae intrepid young fellow. ton,” says Joe, “and it is not for|cottage on Seventh avenue, and Russian Dwarf Dead en | : ’ ° ° ‘ op ‘ * Pleasant \ ; . 4 | Hazelton " Pe Wedding [Next Thursday sale. I have.four claims and I|his accident is a sore blow to The Russian Pritece,"’ the 36- Claxton ° 7 {Sealey 17 15 Invitations have been issued Just Arrived am going to keep them and work his young wife. He has twolinch dwarf, whe was exhibited Welcom, ae 2 9 | Aldermere 9 » |for the marriage of Miss Emillie} Our new Fall stock of suitings cham aaiieall cake cneihahh Malas children, one en infant six weeks|i, one of the side shows of the itbor 6 ‘ a, 2 2 or the marris citys. ate ea ot , yse “xt SI : i’ a ae ieee aaa on. Tes Ananda : 2 Digby . 1 Lysle, only daughter of Mr, and}just arrived, It is full of new and coin’ idinn : Catenin ene an old. General Supecintendgat Me- Western Fair, died suddenly from Bowen Iei.. 16 3 Georgetown ; 10 |Mrs, Morte Harley Craig, to Mr. |nobby patterns. ; a 2 han spoke most kindly about him h tail iG Trunk No. Franco . 40 | Port Simpson nl » | Pouglas Duncan MeTavish of Vie-} -It will pay you to see us before |™ home in Victoria, where I\todey, and is evidently vexed| heart failure in the Grand — Denham | , ee 0 | Hardecrabble “ c sonia, which will take place onlordering your new suit.—Sweder|purpese spending most of the/that the accident should have station et Londong Ont, His Aldermere. mn af 16 angen: So ' September 28, Brothers, Helgerson Block. 2t| winter,” proved so scvious, home was in New Orleans. \7 15 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 ire