101V JO. ,br: 18. 1935 DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE SPECIAL Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste f)()c tfie, for 2uc Noxema Cream 25c size, for l;"c Line Shaving Cream and Talcum Both for 50c Wcare showing CHRISTMAS CARDS Come in and get first choice. We will put them away for you. (tones Ltd. Jjie Pioneer Druqt tats Tt,f lUxill 8tM Phones: XI & 82 Oprn Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. ndiji mil Holidays Prom 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. hen Buying Coal My Not Purchase The Best? In ourcoal yoiill find ihe heat. mar wm mane your home complete Nanaimo Vancouver Island Coal Foothills Alberta Sootless Coal Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. f,51 Phones G52 piON STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED kjLow Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 Mrcry 29th, 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver ana remui Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: t IU. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. D Vancouver, Thursday p.m. Ill CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. My sauing to Port Simpson. Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, sunaay, p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 CANADIAN PACIFIC l Vancouvtt via Ocean Falls and way ports s PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays, 10 p.m. 0 Vancouvtr Direct SS. PRINCESS NORAH. Nov. 3rd, 21st, Dec. 5th, 19th. IT' Kflchikan WranEcH'. jlineau and Skaeway ; ntlNCESS NORAH, Nov. 17th, Dec. 1st, ioui, mi. WINTER nnuvn timh rtnr in VANCOUVER $32.00 ckets on sal it ims Peh 29th. 1936. Final return limit March 31st, 1936. For information and reservations call or write W, L. niATre Airnt Prince Rupert, K.Kj. a mjp UK w " inrsh which made Prince Rupert tamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED HACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE -RUPERT, B.C. I Cash for old gold. Bulger's. You can rent a oat at Wallteia as low as $150 a day, plus 7c a mile. W. M. Watts sailed last night on the Cardena for a business trip to' Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fuller sailed last night on the 'Cardena for a! trip to Vancouver. Mr. ard Mrs. Duncan Kennedy sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Christmas cards, exceptionally fine assortment. Special discounts on orders placed at store. Max Iieilbroner. (Dec. 4) William Leask of Metlakatla will sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Norah fo ra trip to I. Urseth of Bella Coola, after spending a fewdays in the city. sailed last night on the-Carduna for Vancouver. i Bertie Cross left on last night's, train for Inverness' where he will spend the week-end visiting with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wilson. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was running on time this morning but, owing to slow track conditions in the lower Skeena Valley, It will probably be an hour or so late in arriving here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bell and Mrs. William Hunter and son, Peter, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for the south. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, are going to Victoria while Mrs. Hunter will pay a visit in Vancouver. The Gyro Hoedown, the rollick ing fun-spree of the fall season, will be held In the Moose Hall November 22, dispensed by Charlie Balagno's syncppator.s, the decorations will be very rural, and everything will follow out the hard-time danM idea. Don your old clothes, make yourself feel comfortable and join the Gyros In having a real big night of fun and frolic. Admission only 25c. (264-71 Mrs. S. E. White of Victoria is' endeavoring through the provincial police here to get in touch with her son, Bert White, violinist and Chinese impersonator, who appeared here recently, to advise him of the death of his father on Thursday of this week. White Is making a tour of this district aboard the gasboat New Deal along with other enter tainers. He may now be In the neighborhood of Ocean 'Falls, It Is thought. Announcements St, Andrew's Cathedral 'Bazaa( Nov. 21. Gyro 'Hoedown, Moose Hall, November 22. Toe H Bridge, November 27, 8:30, Orange Ladles' nazaar. Nov. 28 Christmas tree social, Catholic Hall, November 28. Lecture Recital, Mrs. Mandy, Baptist Church. November 29. United Bazaar, December 5. Comedy "Bunty Pulls the Strings", Presbyterian Church, Dec. 5 and 6. Toe iH Christmas Cheer Novelty Dance. Moose Hall, December 6. Hogmanay Hall. Dance, Oddfellows' Moose Hall TONIGHT Junior Moose will meet at 8 p.m. mat LOCAL NEWS NOTES 'Be warm and comfortable by riding In 32 Tdxl It costs the same. Free Capitol Theatre tickets, collect our cash register receipts. Bui ger's jewellery Store. - Canadian Legion B. E. s. L. executive meeting "Monday 8 R.m. Monthly meeUng Wednesday. (264 Max Asemlssen, manager of the Knox Hotel, and Mrs. Asemissen sailed last night on Ihe Princess Adelaide for the south. They will be away for three or four weeks holidaying in Vancouver. Seattle and Idaho. Here's Real Help In Avoiding Many Miserable Colds Unique Medication Designed to Aid Nature's; Defenses in Nose and Throat, Where Most Colds Start. PROVED IN USE BY 'MILLIONS El venting In the exclusive formula of Vicks Va - tro - nol has been found a unique and successful aid in pre- many colas winters threat to our comfort and health. Va-tro-nol is especially designed for the nose and upper throat where most colds start. It aids and stimulates the functions provided by Nature in the nose to prevent colds, and to throw off head colds in the early stages. Used in time at the first nasal irritation, sniffle, or sneeze just a few drops up each nostril Va-tro-nel helps to avoia many coias. Where Irritation has led to a clogged-up nose (a .stuffy head cold or nasal catarrh) Va-tro-riol reduces swollen membranes clears clogging mucus brings comforting relief. .,,., For Fewer and Shorter Colds Note to mothers iwho guard the family's health: Vicks has developed, especially for you, a nrrttp!i1 Plan fnr Rt.tpr Home Ulll - . . . - ' I . n . i ml . ) I J .A The music will be yontroi oi uoms inis gume iu icwer ana snuner tuiua naa been clinically tested by practicing. physicians and, further proved in everyday home use by millions. Full details of Vicks Plan in each Va-tro-nol package. New Books At Library Here Several Late and Interesting Volumes Received The following is a list of recent books received by the Prince Rupert Public Library: . "National Velvet" Bagnold), "II-lyrian Spring" (Bridges), "Strange Journey" (Cairnes), "Honey In the Horn" (Davis), "Life With Father" (Day), "The Golden Cord" (Deeping), "Honour Come Back" (Jacob), 'Dreamland" (Kelland), "North to the Orient" (Lindbergh), "Uncrowned King" .(Orczy), "Golden Apples" (Rawlings), "Deep Dark River" (Rylee), "Chivalry" (Saba-tlnl). "Asylum" (Seabrook). TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on Saturday, November 30th, 1935, for: One 7Vi H.P. General Electric Motor. One Ammonia Compressor. The highest nor any tender not necessarily accepted. G. L. RORIE, Trustee of the property of Fri2zell's Limited. ' (Nov. 16. 20. 27) Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the -f WHITE. LABEL with the GOLD SEAL mm Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. I f W.'H. McCallunv sailed last night Mrs. W. Long, daughter of Mr. Inspector John A. Fraser, pro- oii the Princess Adelaides for a trip and Mrs. Oeorge Frizzell, arrived In , vlnclal police, left on last evening's to "Vancouver. the city on the Princess Adelaide train for a brief trip to Terrace on . J yesterday afternoon from Courts ! official duties and, returning to the Thomas McMeekin left -on last' enay. Vancouver Isjand, being here! city tonight, will sail tomorrow evening's train for a brief business!0 attend the marriage next week (morning on "the Princess Uorah for UId to Terrace. 01 ner wtr, miss Laura mzzeu, to a trip to the Atlln district. He will , .(Aiex Miicneu. . jny into Aiun irom uarcross. Corp. A. Mason-Rooke R. C. M. P. I . sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. William Goldbloom sailed last night on the Cardena for a'buslness trip to Butedale whence he' will re turn to the city on the Catala to morrow evening. Miss Llnnea Hanson arrived In the city on Thursday night's train from Smlthers and will 'be 'here for the next two or three weeks visiting with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Dlof Hanson. Kenneth Powell, 'Indian, a fre quent offender, was sentenced to fourteen days' Imprisonment, 'without option of fine, by Magistrate MCClymortt In city police court esterday for drunkennsss. Angus MacDonald, well known tiember of the fish packing staff! af the Canadian Fish it'Cold. Stor- lge Co., left on last evening's 'train !or Montreal where he will embark (or a trip to his native home in Wusselbrough, Scotland. Mrs. "Mac-Donald Is already In the Old Coun try. Hotel Arrivals Royal A. Haugerud, San Francisco; S. "3. Adams, Vancouver; M. J. Wll- iams, Skidegate Mission; B. Webb md B. Krlstmanson, Osland. Prince Rupert John "W.. Allen, Vancouver. Central H. Kawal, Skeena; C. Aune and 3. Erikson. city; J. Jones, Sask Uoon; Ben Erikson, Digby Island. Knox John Barseth, city; W. Boyer, Stewart; George Thompson, Alert Bay. THRIFT SPECIALS November 18 to 23 Inclusive PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel Brand, 1-lb. tin .JABOB COFFEE per lb 3ARTLETT PEARS No. 2 tin RED PLUMS No. 2 tin - 12-oz. bottles, each SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg 15c 39c 15c 10c 30UPS Nabob, Vegetable, Tomato, Vegetable-Beef 25C O UU5 TOMATO CATSUP Nabob 15c 10c ORANGES Family "Size 'CjQg SALT Plain Or Iodized per carton PORK & BEANS Royal City, 16-oz., 3 tins GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE E Na bob, 32-oz. Jars each COOKING FIGS Smyrna Natural, 3 lbs PINEAPPLE Singapore Sliced, 3 tins j SUGAR l 10-lb. cotton sack Nabob chicken 7-oz. tin NABOB oysters per tin CUT WAX BEANS per tin MILK IMACARONI With num Premium 3-lb. pkg PUMPKIN Malkin's No. 2 tins, each CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Red Arrow, Fresh, per lb, 8c 25c Na- 29 c 22c 28c 59c Aluml 28c 9c 28c Thrift Cash & Carry WE DELIVER 28c 22c Wc Phone 179 Ml ThhA At. "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Oar rromjst Attention Find Out From Your Doctor if the "Pin" Remedy You Take is SAFE Don't Entrust Your Own or Your'Farnily's Well-Being to Unknown Preparations. BEFORE you take any preparation you don't know all about.'for the relief of headaches; orthe pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it in comparison with "Aspirin." We say this because, before the discovery of "Aspirin," most so-called "pain" remedies were advised against by phy-dans as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of "Aspirin" largely changed' medical practice. Countless thousands of peo per pkg ple who have taken "Aspirin" year, in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: "Aspirin" is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look far the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get m 1.1 A TM n I 1119 Muresco CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 A.M., Sermon Subject: "ON LOVING ONE'S NEIGHBOR" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westvlew School 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: . "ON MAKING DREAMS REALITIES" We Invite You to Worship With Us For Beautiful, Durable, Economical Decoration of Walls and Ceilings 75c 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE MURESCO McBride SL Phone 311 BRITISH COLUMBIA THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF WESTERN CANADA has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,376,437403.00. The -value of mineral production for.the year 1934 was $42)305;297.00; being an increase of 29.8 over the production for the year 1933. Gold production established an all-time high in both volume and value. Following are some recent publications,- copies of which .may tbe obtained upon application to .the DEPARTMENT OF MINES, VICTORIA, B;C.: Annual Report of the Honourable the Minister of Mines for the calendar year 1934. BulleUn, "British Columbia the Mineral Industry" (Included in this Bulletin Is a synopsis of the "various Mining Laws of the Province). Non-Metallic Mineral Investigations: Barlte, Ashes-' tos, 'Clay, Glass-ware, Magnesite, and Hydro-Mag- neslte. Sketch map of B.C. showing MJnlng Divisions, Etc. ! 1 A 'A