PAGE rotm Thursday rcbrvaryt Public I I I J. B. MILLER'S I RSTATF. I I Now Going On I I in Full Swing I THE COMPLETE SATISFACTION OF OUK Ct'STOMEKS IS THE IDEAL BEHIND ! MUSSALLEM'S LET US SATISFY YOU ONTARIO PURE HONEY 5's, per tin B.C. HONEY Fancy jars Cach LIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES Small, 2,11ns , mKyFLOWER CUT GREEN BEANS 2'$,. tall, 2 tins EGGS ; 3 doz. i ECONOMY SILCED BACON, per lb. VLBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER, 2 lbs ECONOMY COFFEE iFresh Ground, 2 lbs. QUICK QUAKER OATS 'Crilna, per pkg fDlCK QUAKER OATS ' Plain, per pkg. PEANUT BUTTER In makes a useful cup each FRESH SAIR DATES Pitted, 3 lbs FRESH SAIR DATES UnpStted, 3 lbs. 67c 19c 29c 25c 67c 33c 55c 55c 29c 22c steins 32c 35c 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices MUSSALLEM'S FCONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 rhone 18 TI8l1iaiiiWllimXIXII!IB'iCBtB KUESTI MILK AN!) CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 AdvertLse in U) Daily News Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. ' OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this recqrd returned with all sets serviced, by- SUPERIOR, 1 RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 T COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bdlkley Valley Coals are guitrafl. teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 "TILLIE THE TOILER" Militia Fights Forest Fires in England When a forest lire breaks out In England they call out the mihtu. The photo hhoxs troops wearing gx masks LgMg fire wJi. h broke out near Aldcr.Jtot and swept over tauv f forest in eight hcurs. More than 2,000 men were called not. It looks like a scene on the western front. AIYANSH OFFICERS Many Organizations of Village Choose Their Leaders For Year AIYANSH. Feb. 7 Various societies cf the village have elected officers for the year as follows: Young Men's Society President, Charles Morven; vice-president, Anthony Adams; treasurer. George Adams: secretary. James M. Adams; manager. W. McMillan. Young Women's Society President. Mrs. Jemmima Mercer; vice-president, Mrs. Jane Adams; treasurer. Mrs. Lucy Williams; secretary, ; Mrs Phoebe Morven. Women's Auxiliary President. Mrs Stella Adams; vice-president, Mrs. Catherine Derrick; treasurer. Mrs. Scodine; secretary, Mrs. Paul- ;inc Robinson. Aiyansh Silver Band President, George Robinson; vice-president, Arthur Derrick; treasurer, Anthony Adams; secretary. Herbert pollard; conductor, Benjamin Munro. Church Choir President, Paul A. Mercer: choirmaster, Benjamin Munro. James Adams has been re-elected captain of the Church Army branch here. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 100 Mats, each 15 cents 750 .square yards Congoleum, Linoleum, Fcltol, Inlaid and Battleship. All new stock just arrived. Phone 775 Third Ave. Prince Itupcrt II. J. ZUMKEIIR Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized with each certificates Issued chimney cleaned. Call or Telephone Thompson .Hardware EDUCATION DISCUSSED (Continued from Paee 1 Objects of Education Mr. Wilson discussed some of the objects of modern education. It was necessary to keep up to date with education progress. The standards and methods employed In education a few decades ago were not suitable to the requirements of today. He differentiated between education, which went on from cradle to the grave, and straight schooling. Essential factors which education must provide for Included good health, worthy home membership, mastery of the tools of education, vocational and economic effective ness .faithful citizenship, the wise use of leisure and ethical values Mr. Halt eloquent as usual, referred to the value of the practical aspects In educational administration. He alluded to heredity and environment Little could be done in regard tq Vhe former but much in respect to "the latter. He crystallized as the object of education "to try and uphold, the honorable traditions of those people who had made this the great country It Is." There was more than an economic aspect to the problems of today, he felt. Of great Importance, he thought, was tne religious side. Fortunately, there appeared today to be a greater disposition for return of the public conscience and the realization by man that he was his bmthor'n : keeper. The proceedings opened with the singing of ' O Canada" and closed with the National Anthem. Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School, presided at the piano In addition to the chairman SWEAT that COLD OUT! Coldi mean poiioni in the body. It' eaf lo tutt them tut with mustard baths. Soak your whole bodj In bt bath with 3 tablespoonsful of Colman's. Or wrap yourself up warm and take t steaming mustard Ittb. Then into bed right away and ptnpirt. Just try it. COLMANS U.S.F. M IJSTA It II "' ALL 1'ure MutHrJ" ,e and the speakers, those on the piat- i form were Arthur Sutton. Mrs Neal Carter and Mrs. H. B. Rochester. Schools Vbitcd As a part of the observance of Education Week, the schools were , open to public inspection yesterday and there wore numerous visitors during the afternoon to the various , classrooms in Kin? Edward High. Booth Memorial and Borden Street Schools, parents displaying a keen ' interest in the currying un of the cdu( utionai work Phone 953 , White Sw et Corn- Size 2's 2 ttn.s i Nu Jell Jelly Powder ) 3 pkgs. Nabob Red Plums Slie 2's pel tin Evap. California Prunes-large sire. 10-50, 2 lbs. California Orapc Fruit 4 for JSunkist Lemons Large J size, per doz. . California Rhubarb , 2 lbs. . 7.JB1 IT ILBi B CIXBJPI I B I B A Dreaded Possibility N-'e UOCATEDlo, l (ANO HE GIUtT HV3 U L. i 1iTUt. CAM'T I I ( "GMlFF ) T I, j f J POKE VMEeuTBlfd'l AJHV MAC LtFT I J 1 zz&j uvv-vis.y? rm?f$y?PWh ecz w si. Phone 952 De Jong 8 Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday ! SPECIALS Ensign Cut Green Qean-- 2's. per Un Brooms Blind Men Specials each Helmet Corned Beef l's 2 tins Bestoval Peas Ungraded Site 2 s. 2 Una Purity Quick Oats-With Chinaware. per pkg. Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs for lie 39c 23c 21c 27c 21c TOMATOES Malkin s Best Size 2's, 3 tins for 29c JIFF Soap Flakes per pkg 19c 23c 25c 10c 23c 25c 29c 25c IB f BIB Draw in Varden Singers Raffle Lucky Numbers Pulled Lat Mint For Lht of Five Donated Mies At the regular practice of the Varcten Singers last nlht. drawings in a raffle recently conducted by 'the organisation took place with A. C. Cromp assisting the committee. The prise winners were as follows: First Prtie $5 cash, donated by Bdward Lipsett. won by II. Gud-branaen. No. 3-63. Second $5 groceries, donated by Sunrise Grocery, won by Mrs. II. Erlksen. No. 88. Third Table tamp, donated by Gordon's Hardware, won by Jens Dygnes. No. 391. Fourth -Umbrella, donated by Max Hellbroner. won by E. Skog, No. 92. Fifth Suspender and garter set. donated by Lambie & Stone, won by Miss Irene Olske. No. 103. Mrs. W. Bray, wife of the chef at the Central Hotel, mils tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver i PLUS M LAST S1I0W1X(,S j KL1SSA LAM) CAKY (ilt ANT S 'Enter Madame The comedy-loin.i r. j liimnjinM.iii .1 hearexcerpU fnmi c ., , JJ Rusllcana," a j,,, jj lovers 5 with UICHAUD BOMLLI B At7:13&9M Jackie Cooper I 3 in "The bine Cowboy"! " - with mla; joiin vi:.v "At 8:33 Shu;. Ui tij 2 Paramount Newt TheFsh which made Prince Ruperl Famous "Rupert Brand" TAtCB T To HEART i0 - MAC VJV..L OE t shop it, r fWr Locjed Lflw ' m 1 1 vk I ( ij t " . ... SMOKED BLACK COD I'rrpsrrd Mall) Hi Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'ltl.NCK KUI'KItT, li.C A SATISFIED CUSTOMER Inourfoalyoiill the hoot, i willrnAkf r home complete Phone Us is the best advcrtUc-menl any firm ran have. We do our best to supply you with the most suit able coal for your requirements. When in doubt play trumps. 651 -.652 PHILP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon anJ rati! it with $1 for a lit wtrlr ti tthcrifntn U TUB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR rktUb4 1 Tm CumriiK Home i FvtutaiM cmr BmIm, MumlMurtU. U. t. A. ! It n 84 U UOf im4 m.i tlx mmVt Ittm tttl trim tMKt. taactajts. ttim. m. t w u h4 i m wan iwr m litmt 4IMrat. nf t4 yiu. AM m1 im MH Our D" fta4 Uu 0iM4itl b4 Um oOitr (mMm. " Ti Cminu Bniwl Uwmi. Bilk Btf StittMt! Smo4,"u'" ' PIMM Mnd m a i rki trial Mbacrtpttoo. i Mlti on 4altt ItUt ' rureucT f (. imm atiati tAMrtMt THAT'S TOST VUHA.T I'M ApBAio OF - V'SF.B HS fluti) Ik-cause it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, II dorn nav to buv those advertised. By Westover; T7 7 1 i