w I bruary 1 1935 Ormes Lm. ,7 Pioneer Druitjists Mlf itrsall Store time: SI st Open Daily I rmn 8 a.m. lilt p.m. :miim and Holiday I'mm 13 win tilt j p.rn i pjn. tin 9 p.m. FOR CAR AND HOME USB Large Size SPONGE and CHAMOIS (lflfi Inches) Special 89 cents JASMINE SPECIAL 1 llox Jasmine Face I'nvrdcr, rr. 5(c I Vial Jasmine Perfume, rcj. 2oc Both for 50 cents Don't Forget PURETEST HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES i . nl"! hy physicians the world over for the ii of colds and a.- a hdv building tonic of the greatest efficiency. Note the new low jirice $1.00 per box of 50 capsules HANDICRAFT HARDWARE TSc J ur.t P'.jhps 20 Inch 1K.Rl 8wj UM THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HYDE TRANSFER Phone-580 - Phone Dry Cedar, Birch and Jack Pine 50c .50 Bulkley Valley Bulletins have your fire bed cover the entire grate. Don't leave any open ftrate space. Bulkley Valley Coal LASTS LONGER your dealer to send the representative and he will show you why. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamsrs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver TS.S. CATAI.A KVfJtY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'JNI ArnvinR Vancouver Thursday TSS. VKNTUIIE KVF.KY FHIDAY .MIDNHlllT. Ari'ivinu Vuncouvcr Monday a.m. W'lciy Milltnga tu Port HlmpaOi.. AUra Ann. tMjm. Mtrwart V(1 N Klvrr jwlnu. Iav rrli Buprr MunUy. B p in. Further Information regarding all sailings and tlrkrts at RI'i:CIAI, llOl'Nn-TKIP FAlti:S TO VANCOUVHR 699 00 i- luin limit March 31st ruiNrs Hrrtar Atir.Nt'V Third arraoa. tltbH cjk QUALITY J COFFtt fhnn MS 45' You can rent eat At Wafkerri as :ow at nj a- am .pan Te. 1 mile. Prmce aarn-e Rupert WaaHulm erybody wetooaW. no's Orchestra. plot Me. Bataa- 11IG SCHOOL IS FAVOKLI) 'Conttnooir Mm pate one) 33 Father P. J. MlWWfc O. M. L of U-jac wttl arrive la dn ofty on ts- n.nht s train front the interior tm4 ( Lv where in the sooth. The regular weekly laWneon of the Punee Rupert Rotary Oub was postponed fro today antO attar- The need of persona! Initiative and perse veranc- was. tf snything, an advtfitase for Jie smaller school. Norman na Male Charm of Ketchikan, concert Moose Han. Saturday. FVb. 9, 8 pm. L.O.BA ruary 14. bridge and dance. Feb- j Prince Rupert Badminton Club ! dance February 8. rhrltifTmonfi- Society eontert l'renbyterbM fwraa. Mtreii 5 and ft, : 1ft pm ; Praatoierhtn St. Patrttkl Tee ; March 14. ( ! Presbyterlari Church Cliolr Con !crrt. April 5. Moose Hall ki:nt.i, rktvx Concerts - $25.00 Dances , 20.00 Pa;! Meeting ..... .... 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings te now available on the Kround floor, rental rate. $4.00 For encagJcmmUr phone the Club" Steward, B40 er Red 412. TBI DAILY NTW LOCAL NEWS NOTES H -ar Ataaatfs MeCoinUrtc at jaeese Hall. ea. gpjn. Ms. Bridge. Whist aid of Boys Mall Adn 2s. DaattTfp. 8 in OMfdlewr Basketball tenia HaA. He ma andaCorttt by 1b X Tlx- tt owu the same. Fresh Flounder and. Soles a I'.Of a-ra. da v when metnberi of Um Ketebi- yelcrihry kun Clue will se her wKh the Nor-Geete to mutina Choru par.y fsom the Al- uskuii ciiy. board Unme, Hunt's Hunt' Float. Float, (tf (tfj Geee Crax. prvrtnTol asses-: f. sntfe tonisj&t on trie Prince George tor trip to Ocean Fails on T. W. IMS. insfx-etor of schools, calk tosnilit on Prince Ootfe fW ttte aw seen Pali district m efftetnl dntfeev. R. E. Lagc sneofinleadtDt of the Surf Point mine, and Mrs. Is'im t ! TosrfefcTs train, dae tram the east : sail aboard the eteasner Prtaee jajfj, MitfpxM this morning Oi-oivv tor a trta to Taaeoaver n4 1 . k. kmm ut I late wtaMf wmM brine it in at J. J. LM0e. -taeial manager of tKeN iMWiai VL C. Power Co . taUed I on the Prince I the round trip toi Anyex and SteMwt ot k4uuies ; who hare been on a visit to Sydney. jK., rMnned to the cHy on Tues-iday night's train and are leaving Rau vote was m U m m faw of j today for Poreher. Island. thr affirmativa. Manv uiterestinai aMuments were un " mf 1m Speakmg of his recent trip east, City Commissioner w. J. Alder re- Joe Landry stressed the better .marks that novertv in the ooorer equipment and superior conditions districts of Montreal seeing to be for learning in the larger school, jmore accentuated than ever today. Bob Klkins interjected consider- People there seem to be draggling able humor into his arguments and ; even for the smallest nickel. Condi- quoieo uie wejenjnam. reparti tions in some- pars oTtoe treat mat results in rural scooois were , metropolis appear to be gtffte de-better than those of the urban. 1 piorable A vote of thanks was tendered the debaters on motion of Dr. R O Large, seconded by C. w. Dawson i. a-Bi a a.a, aa it a The debate was staged in connec-' tion with the observance of Na-' bonal Bducation Week. President S J. Jabonr was in the chair and there was an almost perfect attendance of members with A. B Cumming and Harold Brown , of Vancouver : and G. A. Woodland of Prince Ru-; pert present as guests Announcements 9c SAL SOUP, tin 1 Boys' Banc Parents' AawMttaUon ! FINE MILD CHEESE per lb Bridge, Whist. Dance. February 8, TUNA FISH VIb. Un OdtM slews' Hall Cambrml Annual Valentine Dance February 14. Mrs. Manajr Recital Prts.ry 22 Baptist Welsh Tea. Mtreh 1. in E Of Pure Foods For Friday and Saturday MECARONI Cut or Whole, pkg. 9c JELLY POWDERS 2 pkgs. 9c CANADA CORN STARCH pkg 9c PARAOON TISSUE roll 5c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tin 9c ROYAL CITY TOMATOES -No. 2 un 9c BEST JAP RICE 2 lbs. 3c CORN FLAKES Any brand, pkg. 9c CALIFORNIA GRAPE- Qp FRUIT, 2 tor . 4 ' BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 tins 9c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO fn KOYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Number 1 Patent 49-lb. sack 19c 19c NALLEYS HOJfEY-12-oa. jar 19c NALLEY-S PRESSING -J Qn 12-oz. Jar FINEST CRABMBAT -lb. tin 19c $1.69 KELLOGG S ALL BRAN pkg QUAKER OATS pkg. KNOX GELATINE pkg. MEDIUM PRUNES -2 lbs. Pioneer's B4nqHt"MSidaMarrii ! an All AM WAFERS 1 -lb. cello 19c 19e 19c 19c 19c ' PURE MAPLE SYRUP pint 19c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE f Qn I 2 tins JLUs THRIFT BLEND COFFEE lb. 29e I ORANGE MARMALADE OQp 32-oz. jar i PUFFED RICE- 2 pkgs. 29c ROYAL CITY PEAS Choice 9Qp RIpvo 7 9 tine Jt7V SPINACH-Royal City ! No. 2 Uns. 2 -ins 29c !l SCOTT'S EXTRAS per do, .flc SPITZENBERG APPLES- -0 lbs 29c Thrift Cash & Carry J Plume 179 201 Third Avt. II "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention SUNNY LIVING starts at the table II rw Ttfl fed and hew yon look dpd latccty Mt the food yon eat. The failwrni aMtru preside she liaUT to prevent common conili-patiaa rtwnl by lack of this ea-aetrtW O. Cmmh M4MtiMtkn frequently (Mam aaaSaraei, Um of appetite aatd mrrT- Yet, in most eae, it eaa be erwaf pleaaantly and aafoly by eatta a deiiefou cereaL K4bM At4Baff m a natoril faad far mtwal inJitidmU. It for-ite "bvlk" ia eOBroil and nrauil farm. AuHna aU prvriaVn HMaiai B ad kan. ImA than nanaty way ! thin lakms paaaa tmnbr 'nw Two table-pof of Ali.-Bai daily are oaaaOy MrfRrient. Cbratrir raaea, with emrh metL V rdief v iwt aaitained, few Au-Basw at a eereal, or in nuilaaa Get tke red-aad-tcrtM park- raa"1' Mad bf Krllasc in Lnaa1 on, Ontario. Keep on the AttBRAH Sunny Side of Life presented by Uie debaters who had has been VJarUng in the city with ' Horl nrC Qprrtnr! . . . coUeeled Ranasdarahlc - M n. , LCUiul Co LvCUUllU ------ - ' 11 - - - i stsra tssiwsjBivwai awvw hich as doUvarad ouMe inpres-land Mrs, S. J. Jaimr. will safl by slve! the Prince Georte tonight on her Mum Jabour eltasl as advantage i retarn to her home In California. of the larger high schools the wider j m op oi courses and curricula andj a. B. Camming of Vancouver, the areatcr facilities, the varied en- j manager of the far department of vironment. the more able teaching i ihe Hudson Bay Co. for British Co- and the exUa activities apart f run iambta. left on last everang s train straight learning. Coming of Christ Is Close at Hand The Pentecostal Assembly Hall aai nrrtirallv filled to eanaettT jfor Prince George, having arrived ! Tuesday night wh-n Rev. John E. ams wooa argueo uuu closer con- n Tuesday from Port Simpson tact of teachers and pupils made for where far spent a week on company better understanding and teaching, j business. Barnes of Chilliwaek. superintendent of Pentecostal Assemblies for British Columbia, delivered helpful hints which he declared, if put into practice, wooM not only give tem- noranr relief from distress but would create a lasting assurance of eternal Miss He paralleled present conditions in the world to the dark days preceding the first coming of Christ. As Before Christ there had been Tdur hundred years of a ban ' HnHAif hnn. S1 tiHav lwfnr t.ll second coming of the Lord, many countries were under the iron rule of ruthless dictators religious liberty was becoming a thing of the past and many who had once en-loyed the peaceful worship of their Creator had now bocome cold and indifferent The "vancelist. who look as his text .Tol 2 1 "Blow Ye '.he trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let ail the Inhabitants of the land tremble far the dav of the Lord cometh. rfl is niiih at hand," exhorted the people to turn from "red Oodlees" notions, which ar? polluting the world today, and seek God while He might yet be found The evangelical meetings of Su perintendent Barnes are continuing throughout the week. Try a Dally News cla.sifi?d ad. v A winter vacation in the warm stmshini of CaUiornu or Southern Aruona costj much less thn it once did. Train fare are very low. For example: TO LOS ANGELES (from I nteuter, B. C.) One way .... $24.50 21-djy rounJtrip . 39.50 5-mos. ruunduip 4iJ0 The-ie fsrei are pood ifl coaches on our fastest trains, also in new-type tourist sleeping cars. (Tourist lower berth from Seanle to Los Angles $5, upper $4.) Complete meals in our dining cars ctnl as little as 801. Tor full details, write C. G. ALTON. Canadian Passenger Sc Tkket Agent, Rogers Building. Vancouver, B. C Southern Pacific Fifty Appeals On Want Ads List ot Revision Court Tomorrow With City aommiaatoner W J. presiding, the annual civic comrt of revision on the municipal assessment roil will open tomorrow morning. There are fifty appeals on the list, practically all being on the grounds of excessive assessment of land or iinprofoasenta. The Canadian National Railways has entered a general appeal. Players' Guild Is Keeping Busy Play to be Staeetl Next Month For Junior Elks and Others Planned Social Enjoyed Following a business session last night in Toe H rooms, members of the Prince Rupert Players' OnMd had an enjoyable social evening last night in Toe H rooms, refresh ments were served. Roth Gordon. the president, was in the chair. The guild is at present working on a play to be staged for the Junior Elks about the middle of March. T zAr a nlav will he atawrl fnr th Rebekah Valentine Tea and Sale Was Successful Event A very enjoyable and successful lea and sale of home cooking was, held yesterday afternoon by Cen-i tennial Rebekah Lodge No. 40 at the i heme of Mrs. Bert Morgan. Leeds Mrs. J A. Murray. Mrs. W. S. Ham mond. Mrs. Thomas Priest and Miss Aim on poured. In charge of the tea j room were Mrs. William McLeod, , Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mrs. Alex PERSONAL Bny your Sanitary Sup-direct and aave 75. Etan- dntd Line Send $1 00 for 15 assorted Imperial Importers. 211 Uimberman s Bldg. 509 Richards Street Vancouver. B.C." it FOR RENT&iig TOR RENT ThrnMnom ancnen stovei peanitaote can tsrofnro. KahacE; ana (tfr AepDERK HOUSE, 140 Serenth Avenue Bast near McBrlde Street, vacant Ffrhraary IS. Phone Green 984. 33 FOR SALE fKESH Flounders and Solo tot sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. ' tf FOR SALE House and Iwo lots Emmanuel Street. Also furniture. Phone Black 407. . 33r PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paper hanrtag Moller, Phone Red 802. TIMItr.K SALE Xi:fi3! United Church and Hill 8ity Chap-SLS otTtt ter. Imperial Order, Daughters Of mn on tba lath day of February 19SS. the Empire A one-act play will also cipu' be staged in connection with the u on a area wMcb covm ponton of annual St. Patricks Day concert of , J-" r'LSTi 'he Roman Catholic Church. j trtet ni year trtB be allowed for mnovai I or umber Further particular of the Chief For 1 ! r. victoria. B.C.. or District rorrtr ; mix Jtupert. B.C. HARTLEY BAY COUNCIL FOR YEAR NAMED HARTLEY BAY, Feb. 7: Robert miftnri A Unhlnson Ed. Clifton. Apartments. The ideal weather con- J ro- jQhn Eaton wllUam Romnson csoans orougni out, maay mmtro w . . . , rrtiftn hate the affair and received they were elected memb.rs of tne 6 Airs. A. BlackhaU bl by Icouncll heraJor .thfuyeax 193S. The L'T J.fTT is chief councillor district The jr.. deputy president. Arthur json as assistant. 1UUU w"c w,, Rnhinsnn is villaee secretary. with an air of St. Valentine's, hearts ' and cupids predominating. The tea table was centred with a basket of beautiful red carnations. Barbe. Servtteurs were Mrs. W. A.!skatoon; McLean and Mrs. J. S. Irvine and j RlTtr Mrs. S. V. Cox was cashier. Mrs. J. W. McKinley had charge of the home cooksnsj table. During the afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Black rendered acceptable piano solos. WHiFFLETS From the Waterfront Provincial police cruiser P M. L. 8 left this afternoon for Anyox. taking Inspector J. A. Fraser on a routine inspection trip The vessel is due back on Saturday Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert R. R. Nichol. Winnipeg. Central T. Anderson, C. N R.: J Jones Harold Jensen, Oona Knox Albert Barker, Vancouver L. Freiestod. Oona River: M. Wilson, city; S. Thomas. Prince George. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY HOME HOME" Rates $1.09 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Buz, 196 Break the Tyranny of UNCONTROLLED COLDS When Colds THREATEN . . . VICKS VA-TRO-NOl At the first sneeze or nasal irritation, quick! a few drops of Vtcks Va-tro-noL Iti timely use helps to prevent many colds, and to throw off colds in their early stages. If a Cold STRIKES ' . . . VICKS VAPORUI At bedtime, massage throat and chest with VapoRub, the? motner'a standby in tinting colds. Through the night, its famous poultice-vapor action gives toothing relief. BUIID RESIST AN CI TO COtDS - by following the simple health rules that re part of Vicks Plan for Better Confta of Colds. The Plan has been clinically tested by physicians and proved in home use by millions. (Full details of this unique Flan in each Vlclu package) If ytur paper docs not arrive, telephone thf offfe If you lose anything, try a classified ad.