PAGE TWC THE DAILY JTOVS Saturday, Septwaf jj, lay Are You Prepared For ISPORT R Wei Weather? i 1 my, BiL NEW LOW PRICE RAINETTK Protect your health by keeping your feet dry and' snug, no matter what weather. Our stock is complete. "Every pair made to wear" Just quality goods only Cold, Rainy Days Mean . . . BBERS I BEST &TLLLA The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue DAILY EDITION Phone 357 a xaaiBMUiEBMZM&iJui mmwwm WEirjOTzasiriii n n da THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managlng-Edtor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday. Epteir.bsr 21, 1935. CAPITALIZING DISTRESS Economic distress brings into being new political parties that try to capitalize it. It is therefore quite to be expecieu mat tne aepression irom which we are slowly climbing should follow the usual rule. We are told that there can be no cure for depressions without sweeping away all that we have evolved in the past centuries and taking up something wholly new. The sad thing about these new parties is that the leaders believe in them and in most cases really think they , . ... " U -A 1 1 1 J ! J 1 - cuum set me worm ngnc n tney only naa tne chance. There was an experiment in Russia under which millions of people lost their lives from the oppressive tactics of the Marxists who seized the reins of nowp- and also from famines which any wise government could have prevented. It was a terrible price to pav in-ordr to t.iin out one set of bureaucrats and replace them wir.h mother set. : As Ru ssia is the only country to which we can refer as having based its social revolution on the Marxist system we must be justified in warning local neonle against any such movement in this country. Local leaders may be sincere in their efforts and in their beliefs that their svstem could be brought about in a peaceful manner, but others who opnose it may be equallv sincere in expecting a repetition of the Russian experiment, should the Marxists onre eret a chance to carry it out. Liberalism provides for a gradual chancre in the svstem under which full protection will be piven to the Avorkers without causing such national turmoil as is bound to follow any revolutionary step. Marxism tends to induce the rise of Fascism alone-pomewhat similar lines to thar seen todav in Italv and Hermanv and othr countries. It is the natural reaction. It would a terrible thinf Canada to o-o fascist with the sacrifice, to th ne0nlp of all. the rights for which their predecessors have fought. -Freedom of speech and antinn would tro alone with the freedom of the press and the right to a free trial. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Ordinal For Sal. Vendor, or direct from "Mill Order Dept." liquor Control Board, M7 Butty Street, Vancouver, B.C. L I v f 1 1 k IP! rVIPVPHHMMMii ;i Bottled tnd euarinUed by WiBUm urnt & Sow U ml ted. Clnfiddich and (IK! Balvenie-Clenllrrt Diitilleriea. Dull. -.1 town ft GlUffOW. Scotland . p Pi PROCURABLE 8 Thl advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llqucr Control Board or the Government of British Columbia. iFOOTBALL SCHEDULE Fixture List For Junior Soccer, League This Fall Is Announced The following schedule for the1 Junior Football League is announ- ced: i September 21 Borden Street I School vs. King Edward Hi?h h School. a! September 28 Booth Memorial Hj School vs. Borden Street School. October 5 Booth Memorial School vs. King Edward High School. October 12 King Edward Higo School vs. Borden Street School October 19 Borden Street School vs. Booth Memorial School. October 26 King Edward High School vs. Booth Memorial School. November "2 Borden St. School vs. King Edward High School November 9 Booth Memorial vs. Borden Street School. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barrit Don't forget the number 156 Old Country Soccer 2. ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 2, Manchester 3. Rirmlneham 0. Stoke 5. Everton 1, Huddersfield 3. Grimsby 3, Bolton 1. Leeds United 1, Liverpool 0. Portsmouth 3, Sheffield Wednesday 2. Preston Nonherd 2, Wolverhampton 0. Sunderland 7, Blackburn 2. West Bromwtch Albion 1, 2. ' SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Aberdeen 4, Dundee 1. Albion 4, Airdrieonians 1. Clyde 1, Partick Thistle 0. Hamilton 3, Motherwell 3, Hearts 8, Hibernians 3. Kilmarnock 5, Arbroath 0. Third Lanark 3, Queen's Park 0. Queen of South 2, Ayr 1. Rangers 1, Celtic 2. St. Johnstone 4, Dunfermline 2, NO BASEBALL YESTERDAY .NEW YORK, Spt. 21: (CP) No games were scheduled yesterday In either the National or American baseball leagues, some of the games having been played in advance. TENNIS CLUB DANCE About 140 persons attended the annual dance of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club in the Oddfellows' Hall I last night. William Cruickshank, J during the evening made the presentation of tournament awards to their winners whose names have aready been announced. , SEARCH ABANDONED After an Intensive search both by water and air, hope has' been aban doned for the fish packer South-1 seaman which has been missing since September 13 when she left Bardwell Islands for Butedale cannery. Capt. Gerald Hamilton and his crew of two are conceded to, have perished. YOUTHS KILL TIGER RAWALPINDI, India. Sept. 20: 'CP) Two youths, a Moslem and a Sikh, killed a tiger with a club and a dagger after a terrific battle In which they were badly wounded. The animal had been responsible for many, cattle deaths. KNEE- mmJf?lW0 W '885 i. ACTION NHtly k CUBING JUttk. x Rise y BEING CLOSED IF BENNETT CONTINUES IN OFFICE. (Continued Irom naze one) Hon. H. II. Stevens who, at that time, was minister of trade and commerce. Had the bank been publicly owned, Capt Mackenzie asserted, the gold that would have gone to It from the government cculd have been usee! for expansion of the national currency by $400,-000,000 to $450,000,000 and this money used on account of national debt or to finance fane relief measures. The speaker recalled how the Liberal party had gone to Ottawa last .spring ready :o give Premier Bennett a chance to implement the reform measures he had proposed SOLE) STEEL TURRET TOP Body by Fisher the smartest and safest motor car bodv known ! And the famous, gliding KNEE-ACTION Ride ! . . . These two vital features are necessities in a truly modem car. And the Master Chevrolet is the only low-priced car that has them I The Master Chevrolet is also the only car in its price class that offers you the Blue Flame Engine for power and economy . . . Fisher No-Draft Ventilation for health and comfort . . . Shock-Proof Steering for safety and control. Ask to be shown all these modem advantages before you sign the order for your next car. Get them all at the very lowest cost by choosing a new Master Chevrolet! Duve a CHEVROLET KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Prince Rupert n.f,4 i lt(nn vnio o 'IAN MACKENZIE SEES POSSI-ICapt. Mackenzie said the Liberal rwhv rnimtv'a Middlesbroueh BILITY OF LOCAL RAILWAY ; party was not opposed to orderly BAR SILVFR marketing but it vas opposed to; NEW YORK, Sept. 21: (CP) Bar arbitrary powers being given lntosllver was ,mchangecj at 653Q per the hands of non-elected persons who were put in control of the 1934 act. The method.' of governing marketing should be left in the hands of the elected representa I unlmplemented promises made by' Premier Bennett In the 1930 elec- I tlon campaign particularly with I regard to the vast scheme of public works and the speedy eradica- in his radio addresses at the first tion of unemployment in Canada. of the year. Ottawa had then seen , the extraordinary sight of Mr.j Bennett refusing such co-operation, Today's Weather insisting mat tne aeoate continue; Terrace Heavy rain calm, tern-as the bills -were not ready to perature 48. bring down. When the bills were AnyoxHeavy rain, calm, 43. brought down they were found to Stewart Heavy rain calm, 42. be Ill-conceived, unconstitutional Hazelton-Raining, calm, 49. and some unworkable. Smlthers Raining, calm, cool. Speaking of the Marketing Act, Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 43. tome Back to Ogd en s Don't miss the complete satisfaction that you can have or so very little when you smoke Ogden's. Come back now to smoother, more satisfying cigarettes come back to Ogden's because it IS better tobacco. With Osden's Fine Cut and "Vogue" or ".Chantecler" papers you are certain of the best in "rolling your own". 52 Polctr Hindi, any numbers, now accepted i complete tel. OGDEN'S FINE CUT Your Pipe Knows Ogden's Cut Plug ounce on the local metal market today. O. A. Woodland returned to the tives of the people. Jcity on the Princess Adelaide last Capt. Mackenzie referred to se- Evening from a business trip to vere reverses suffered of late by j Ocean Falls, th C. C. F. Social Credit had wiped j . . out the C. C. F. and itr allies, the ' United Farmers of Alberta, in the i5BlBl'i;m3rBaB:r:yoiijriEiii Alberta provincial election and a ' similar reverse was possible In the j federal election. The speaker also discussed the! RUPERT DELICATESSEN Special Fresh Killed Roasting Chicken,, each Scott's Extra Special per cz. 44c Young 90c Eggs Also a tempting array of home cooked meats, salads and Jellied delicacies. Our Motto. "Second to None." Mrs. P. Cooley, Prop. Third Ave. next to Selvlg's !JnJWiiK?;iBaBiir,mn! mm f"n I eserve Your FUR Call at our store and pick out what furs you wish to purchase this fall Make a deposit and we 'vill hold them until you arc ready to complete the purchase. We Have a Wonderful Selection G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable ii (for the Master 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered, lully equipped, at factory, Othawa, Ont, Freight and Government license only extra. STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS 5712 AVo' Get dance niKe . lor" otn" m a. it J il A r POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. m NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes 11.00 up 5U Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving