,aber 21, 1935. OPEKO oilla Flavoring BRITISH COLUMBIA E MINERAL PROVINCE OF WESTERN CANADA ; nrnriWd minerals of an atrereirate value of r o nion Steamships Limited w, SPECIAL NOTICE IMPORTANT CHANGE IN NORTHERN ROUTE of ss. "CATALA". - "-aiing rnnce uuperi Aonnpounu, aumuj muting inis aaie, ss, "i;aiaia ' leaves nmp; nujv, Sunday 8:00 n.m. calllnK -Port Simpson. A Superior Vanilla Flavoring bottle, 25c D. Vita-Full Builds strength, improves nutrition for grown-ups. A delicious food leverage for everyone every day. One-pound tin, 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtu&ists lit rxU 8Ur rnones: bi & bz Open Daily From 8 a.rn. till 10 p.m. j Prnm 12 noon till 2 n ni 1 n.m. till B n.m. 1 aim j - S4Z.aua.29.uu: hemp an-increase oi zu.avc over ....l.-.a r ii " 1 nnn ii ... . n i" . l l i i ru ii'iiim mi ;i ri iisiii'ii .111 .111-Liiiit' niun 111 volume and value. Auuuai iwpori 01 tne rionouraoie me mkhsw ui Mints for thp lalonHor vpnr 1034. BuiL'tin, British Columbia the Mineral Industry" " fTn1,,4AJ I. .Ll - 11 .1 1 . I - -n Ilia r n rlftllO ""jcu in uus uuiieun is a ajiiutjaia ui wic Mining Laws of the Province). Non-Metallic Mineral Investigations: Barite, Asbestos, clay, Qlass-ware. Magneslte. and Hydro-Mag- nesite. Sketch map of B.C. showing Mining DlvMons. Etc. " ii :i'u u.ui. calline Port SimDson -s rnnce Rnnprt. TTTJTKnAY H 43 H.m. uuuiua. --vv ibUJCIIf 1 U 1. Tickets and all Information R. M. Smith, Agent. Third Ave Prince Rupert, or Purser ss. "Catala". Thone 558. CANADIAN PACIFIC oncouver via Ocean Falls and way ports mcouver Direct - 'viii i . nni w i r liirnm n a. mi . Aril. urn inn. vau I j, j i i inn. Nanr nr n l r i( i . i. . a w i I hi ivt n Tn n m 'irirniiri. . . T nTTTOta r. i. .... . . n n . i tOtVl ftTxrJ oepi. um, zisi, Mia, wrv. " -iCESS NORATT ru.t oif "-! wwv. MlOb OUVHi ' i i?A.rPatlon atid reservations call or write i COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. interesting to know when reading the Daily News "-"pic me wnoie district are doing vn c' your winter's supply of coal. Phone no or 117. (tn Provincial Constable O. R. Dil- worth, who has been stationed at Butedale during the summer, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night for Vancouver. Attention A mass meeting Moose Hall. 8 p.m. Sun., Sept. -22 Alert Bay. H FMntnw nf Sntt nrnmin-sntlv (identified with the co-operative Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. J n nihsnn left on last cvenlntr'i Auxiliary of the Anglican Church at Ottawa. First Mrs. Gibson will attend executive sessions at Prcs-cottt, Ontario, while Mrs. Mcintosh visits in Toronto. MORE ASPEN LOGS Another shipment of aspen logs from Fraser Lake to the Orient through this port is to be made around the end of October or late In November, it Is announced. The shlDment will amount to some half a million feet and will require 25 cars to handle. A vessel will come here to load for the Orient. CONFECTIONERY SPECIALS For the Wcck-End. Treat Your Family and Friends CHOCOLATE BUDS 25C per lb. LICORICE ALLSORTS- 97 nor th jjv SCOTCH MINI'S O 7 1 ner lb CHOCOLATE BARS 95 P 6 for Tea. Coffee, Hot Cliocolate, Sand- wkhes, cakes, rier, i,uum, Shakes, the best in town BUTTERMILK per glass 5c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Spring Filled Mattresses You are losing comfort! If vou sleep on a mattress that loses comfort through the years. Try a spring Idled. 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 775 THB DAILY NKWB , t i 1 fi . - 1 3 : . a I f I T rr i t urnm tinmrn I Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Wanted small uririehi tila.no. An. ply Prince Rupert Hotel. 224 Be warm and comlortable br rid ing In 32 Taxi It costs the same, gert Jewellery Store "Problem of Pain" -- United Church Sunday Evening. Soloist Dr. Large. Miss N. E. Yamaiiaeka sailed hv the Princess Adelaide last night for Vancouver to enter the University of British Columbia. C. C. Mills sailed last nletit on tire Prince Rupert for a brief business visit to Stewart whence he will return on the Catala next Tuesday. Just received 300 ton scow of coal In tow of Armour Salvage new boal Algie. Call Albert t. McCaffery for You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Free Capitol Theatre tickets, our cash register receipts. Bul- J. A. Hincon sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Miss II. Hirano left on last ev ening's train for Toronto where) she will take up theological studies T"U Tll?. 1 1 . . . TO - ijic j-mitc nupciii uu"uuj sociation will hold a meeting at the Rex Bowling Club Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at 3 p.m. All those Interested please attend. . Jack Cade, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver where he will resume his studies at the University of British Columbia. Archie Thompson sailed last night by the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to complete Ills studies at the University of British Columbia after having spent the summer here with his parent Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. Mrs Brummltt of Vancouver, under auspices B.C. Joint Defence who has been visiting at Smithers Committee. Subject "Vancouver with her son and daughter-in-law, Waterfront Lockout and Reglna Dr- and Mrs. R. B. Bnsnmitt, arrl-Rlot." 219;Ved Vi the city from the interior on Thursday night's train and sail- Miss Jane Potts R.N., who has ed the me evening on the Prince: mmnVtwt hr trntntntr fnr a niirw iueorBe lor Vancouver. - at the Prince Rupert General Hos pital, sailed on the Princess Ade- The County Court case of T. V lalde last night for her home at Collins, making a claim of $148 against T. Shvubsall and Lewis Pitcher for wag'as, was heard by Judge W. E. Fisher yesterday afternoon. Judgment being awarded (marketing of Alaska salmon, was a. for plaintiff with costs. T. W. .passenger aboard the ss. Princess j Brown acted for the plaintiff while Louise this morning going through from Seattle to Ketchikan. defendant person. (Pitcher) appeared In Jack Hammett, travelling audi tor for the Home Oil Distributors r',tn for th PLtt and will attend I Ltd., sailed by the Prince George sessions of the Dominion Woman's nursaay on nu return w vancou- T Vi LJ.kti. ccr a VMlb liLiC Kill Ul" provement in the appearance of Prince Rupert, particularly In its; gardens, and found the business outlook here much more hopeful. Announcements Salvation Army Harvest Festlvtl Sale, September 23. Rebekah Bridge and Crib, Odd fellows' Hall, Sept. ?5 Anglican Tea at Mrs. C. V. Evltt's Sept. 20. Terrace Concert September 28. Toe II Bridge, October 2. Catholic Church Bazaar 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3. United Annual Supper October 8. Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Metropole Hall. Gyro mlnlstrel show 11:15 pan October 14, Capitol Theatre. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. Hugh Martyn, vocal recital, Nov-ember 1. r Presbyterian Bazaar, Novembei 7. V ; St. Andrew's Cathedral, Bazaa. TTOV. 21. T'- Orange Ladies' oazaar. Nov. 28 St. Peter's Bazaar December 5. MOOSE nALL RENTAL KATES Concerts ... $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.0(1 For engagements phoue the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. D. G. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver where he will attend a meeting of managers next week. He expects to be away from the city for about a week. Want Ads FOR RENT iTWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE BICYCLE in excellent condition Phone 384 or call 315, Third AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Priced as low as 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box As sortment containing 20 Beautiful Cards with Calendar sells ' for $1.00. Costs as low as. 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only Interested ji genuine workers. Art- Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.C. Be a Civil Servant; Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Bookie. "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win. nipeg. PERSONAL WOMEN Wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools in their own homes this Fall. Free bookf, let on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Established 1927. tf. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEWART, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher the 6th day I September, A. D. 1935 I was appointed Administrator of the estate oi William Stewart, deceased, and all parties nav lnz claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the loth day or uctooer, a. u. lbwa, ana mi nartleg Indebted to the estate are re quired to pay the amount of their In debtedness to me loraiwrwi. NORMAN A. WATT OFFICIAL AMINISTRATOR Prince Rupert B. C. Dated the 7th day of Septemlbur,. A. D. 183S. Al'CTIOX SALE TIMBER SALE X18033 There will be clfwed for sale at .Pub lic Auction, at notin on the Twenty-fifth day cf OotctojT, 1935, In the office tf the District Fcre?ter. prince Rupert, B.C. .the Licence X18988 to out 2,574,-poq feet, board meaeure, of, Spruce Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoining Lots 652 and 653, Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Island Land District. One year will .be allowed for remo val of ttenber. "Prevlded any one unable to attend the auction in uersTU may submit trvi't tr be opened at tha hour of oucftlrn and trwted as one bid. Fjrther particulars may be obtained frctn th? Chief Forester, Victoria, u.u., -r D'.trlrt Foreoter, Prince Rupert. B.C IN THE SUPRBME COURT OP BRITMH COLUMBEIA, IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" Awn IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OY CHARLES KARSKIS. Deceased. nitn? v-Tmnr .ha. vt rvl..r of His tAAl IIVitfGl wn. 1 "v " " Uvnmir lnrlra W TV VlKhr th 10th dA" of September AX). 1935 I was appointed Administrator or me tiswite ui Karakls late of Atlln. Brftlsh Columbia, deceased, and all parties having claims iha enM ir.atnfA nrw.' herebv re quired to furnish same properly verified to me on or Deiore xjie auvn uy w w-tobex A.D. 1935 and all persons indeb ted to the Estate are required to pay tne amount ox ineir raaeDteuwM m forthwith . . HERBERT P. OLASSGY Official Administrator, AUln, B O. DaUd the lHh day of September. 1939. RADIO TONIGHT ONCE AGAIN! MISTER SAGE A shrewd observer who sees through the pretenses, knows the facts, and understands the true issues of the present political campaign, discusses the election with his friends. CRCV Vancouver CFCT Victoria AND OVER A NATION-WIDE NETWORK 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (tf) MALE HELP WANTED ficlal duties. He noted a great im- j 4 LESSON from the depression Oscar Olsen, having given upi Charles Harradtne, yardmaster fishing, for the season, left on last 'for "the Canadian National Rall-evenlng's train for Southbank,! ways, returned to the city on tha Francois Lake, where he wftl spend . Prince Rupert yesterday from a the winter. Itrip to Vancouver. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev, W. D. tirant IIollingworh, B.A. Organist: Mrs, J. Smith 11 A.M., Quarterly Communion Service 12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westview School ,' 7:30 P.M, Sermon Subject, "MY CHRIST WAS A QAMBLERlV"j ARE YOU?" MUSIC i, Morning: Anthem by Junior Choir. 4 Evening: Duet, "Selected," Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and Mr. , S. J. Hunter. All visitors welcome THE SALVATION ARMY Lieut. II. Bridge, Lieut II. Thierstem Harvest Thanksgiving Services, Sunday, Sept. 22nd. Holiness Meeting, 11 a.m. '( ' Company Meeting for the boys and girls, 2:30 p.m." Salvation Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Speaker, Lieut. Thlersteln . '- J Topic: "WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE " , J "Give thanks unto the Lord cf the liafvest" ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL , i i (Church of England) ' ' Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES 8 A.M., Holy Communion 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon Subject: "THE BENEVOLENCE OF GOD" Anthem: "Oh Lord How Manifold Arc Thy Works" 12:30, Sunday School , - . , ' 7:30 P.M., Evening Prayer and Sermon , Subject: "GOD'S GENEROSITY AND OUR RESPONSIBILITY" . Anthem: "Ye Shall Dwell In the. Lord" IJVV777JVG YOU To see our New Equipment and also the New All Metal Tube OUR NEW C-B SIGNAL GENERATOR AND G-B OSCILLOGRAPH together with the latest Supreme Deluxe Tube Checker will be on display over the week-end. With these will be shown the high grade replacements parts used in repairing your radio. SEE THE LATEST GENERAL ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT The New All Metal Tube which is being used in the 1936 model sets. With this the latest development of Rogers the Rogers Metal Spray Tube. THIS DISPLAY will take place in the show window of J. LORNE MACLAREN LTD. Sept. 21 to 23. All parts on display may be purchased localy. Watch this add next week for all star program for the week. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone: Blue 320