FHE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLF.N Managtng.Rditor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid hi advance ...... For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year - ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION THE HORNBY SCHEME 98 .lu 1.00 9.00 .25 JU2 1.40 Wednesday, February 6. 1935 country against having the settlers desert the land by providing that, if not satisfied, thev shall be returned to their native land after giving the plan a trial. It does awav with inrr tKo nlnno nf vr nll M c .. r4 Maroons jnuvv ui uic uiu uii me Liciuuiii: laiiiis its ui it'll as . i they are vacated Ine success or failure of the plan will depend on the st. Lou boat to save himself rather than continue his efforts to rescue her. The thought of her wonderful self-iossession ' and composure under such trying circumstances will be an inspiration and a happy memory. i Her Annual Income $95,215 U&ot If iDlana Duft jFtstW ffcJfew-YorK-A iUs had her annual in- i rum ine-comparatively insignificant sum of $7,000 to $95215 a year by the Florida courts. The child is the daughter of the late Frank Doff Frazier, Wall Street broker, who was divorced from Diana's mother In 1926. She has been the subject of rfiuch legal wrangling. : mrsTaP'ia mimz i j i.i biiiiib.! bi .? :-1.3 ui Pi MURESC0 The Popular Wall Finish. Comes in 18 beautiful tints. 75c package; 10c 1-packaee ammmmmmmtmmm Phone .111 rVliirtH c Q wmm-mmmm '- g jcirai:iiai!aitK!i:;B:Ei:K:i;i::Kii:i:i:i;ix:ii:iiEi;KB n.nsF. one : i " Hawks and Bruins Continue Battle For Supremacy Americans Improve Standing St. Louis 3, New York America in Detroit 2. Boston 4. that isolation which is often so hard for the new settler to i n j. bear. It provides for adequate supervision during the early ' HOCKey u OlQIldlilgS days of settlement and the proposed settlements are all in ' ine neignoornooa 01 markets at which the produce can be sold. No former nlan has nrnvirlfd fnr thpsn tVitnrp Tho plan provides for continuous operation, new settlers tak- Toronto International Divhion W D. L F 21 17 8 9 . 10 11 17 14 C 22 95 S3 fil 5S lype oi men appointed to nave charge of it and the faith-1 American Division ful carrying out of the duties without too much overhead crtf0 " cost for general supervision. It certainly seems worth a HUm 17 3 12 77 t-Jn Rangers 15 4 11 88 Detroit 11 7 14 78 BRAVERY OF LOCAL LADY LTV The bravery of Mrs. W. E. Burritt, who went to her wncluver death two days ago when the West Vancouver ferry was Portland run down by a passing steamship, is worthy of more than Edmonton passing comment. The ladv was well known to a m-pat Calgary unselfishness of the victim who urped the 16 9 8 7 3 2 6 4 8 5 8 2 11 7 10 many Prince Rupert people to whom she was neighbor fnr Z7 7 many years. It was a tragic end but it was beatified bv the K K II I k Ti 70 C4 54 58 45 A. P. 69 45 54 V, 80 24 79 23 71 29( CHICAGO, Feg. 6 Machine gun bullets Monday ended the career of Thoma E. Molloy, Chicago's moving picture union dictator under whose regime there has been much violence, discord and disorder. The gunmen fled after their fire virtually decapitated Molloy xs rode In an automobile, having been out for fresh air following a recent illness. A woman dentist, Molioys' companion, was Injured by bullets Ladder Maker Was Left-Handed And Rough Carpenter FLEMINGTON, NJ., Feb. 6: An expert witness for the defence testified yesterday at the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, charged with thekldnap-murder of baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh jr., that the ladder found at the Lindbergh home after the removal of the baby had been made by a left-handed ' pon ana one wno was evidently ( . not used to carpenter work. Haupt-DWJTJt mann, it was contended, Is an D6rt Carpenter and is rRht-handed Help Yourselves BY HELPING US STOCKTAKE Look:Over Our Bargain Tables Now Is the time to obtain your wool for spring requirements at greatly reduced prices. Your Inspection cordially Invited. Regal Shop i: s CO 100 18,4- A. P.j 45 34 4 53 22 51 21 75 16 67 13 - 5E3 TSZSL1 FZWZ . SPORT NEWS PUCK RACE CHICAGO. Feb. C CP -Chicago Black Hawks and Boston Bruins are I continuing their tight race for leadership of the American Division I of the National Hockey League, the Hawks having defeated the Cana- Idtens easily here night vvtitle the Bruins had no diffwuUy with jthe Detroit Red Wings at Boston. The Americans ptayel a draw I with the St. Lntita Hagle at New I York to move into exetwtve r- Brieadier General Hornby has worked out a scheme of session of thd pee in ue mtef- land settlement which seems to be the best settlement plan 'wunai iHTWon feed f the sa- yet produced for the 'placing of British families on thelS land in this country. It has a number of points in its favor. NaUw1 Uty It plans to give the new settler that training on the ground i canadiewa i. ctricto 4. that could be secured in no other way. It protects the New Ywk ruiwer s, Montreal 4. GOKHON WALLACE .IX D sonny jonks su;M:n up rtn: February VANCOUVER. Feb. fl: CP The Family !0 - Gordon Wallace and Sonny Jones. boUi of Vancouver and both ambitious for the Cans- dian welterweight champion- alilp. Iiavt- been matched to meet here on February 20. Both recently gained cl-in-cul dtclsJout over Ron Headtey ot Toronto. 4 SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE February 7 Swifts vs Ramblers; ChRA vs Grotto: Canadian Le-fton ?s "Rupert Brand" MaOc- teea. BY GUNMEN: bhoe Morel Machine Oun Mullets l.nd Career Of Thomas .Molloy, Chicago's Moving Picture Leader I You Save Good .2 Money When You s . . rfi m m mil i Buy bood bhoes Quality In footwear Is first consideration. the You know better than to expect something for nothing, Your common sense tells you that material made to last costs less In the long run than material thrown together to sell cheap. WE DO NOT HANDLE BANKRUIT STOCK OB SECONDS becau? both these classes are "leftovers" which sell for practically nothing because they are worth practically nothing. flood Shoes and Rubbers flood outwear poor shoes and poor rubbers many times over and they keep their shape atid appearance. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE have always given you the finest your money can buy. And we will continue to give you the finest for thl.s has been our policy for many years. 3! i ELKS LEAD BILLIARDS Empress Him Over I.etWn And I Still Leading Leap Three out of six games were play- ed in last night s Prince Rupert Bll-, Hard League fixture betseen Hks and Canadian Legion the Fife having an aggregate lead to date as a rettlt Ol 716 to 652. The individual srwex were as follows: t C. P Balagno. Elks 250; O P. Tin-! ker. Canadian Legion. 151 I ' ; W E. Wllllficroft. 230; J Allen. 250. Harry Mensle. 230 M. M. Lanih. 254. The final outstanding game of tlie fixture of January 10 wxs played with M K. Young, fcmpreas. defeat log n. A. Woodland. Canadian U E l"i. 250 to 202 and Oms f;lvlr the Fin press an aggTeate vkl.y of 14M to 1254. J. Allen. Canadian liegloii. cle- February H-wifts ts. Orotto: ; w i .'JillJi. n. -Rupert Brano" Mus- V " ' mmtr mmi.iNr. i.rrUK atnl otliers atterH) Intereted. A meeting will be held In the P. R. Bowling Alleys on 57 38 4- Sunday at 3 p m. BuUness, to 09 37 form a City Bowling League 79 34 with teams already entered Please 131) 4 4 keteers: Cansdian IWin . p,m. January 24, . the Orotto urouo navmg Wera. lead of 934 to 853 with the follow- February 3l-.ON.rU. s. SwUU; l"z two ram be placd Orotto vs. Canadian Legion; Ram-attta, vs. O A Wers vs -Rupert Brand" Musket-1;"""1' fanaaian legion; J eers Sutherland vs. neorte Crlwis. January 54-Ceorge Howee. Grot-' to. vs. J. Allen, Canadian legion Bert Morgan vs. o. A. Wooiiand J 1 ei..i.j ... ' miiu vs. Mcorge enpps. iAg- regate score to date: Grotto, 741 Canadian Legion, C03.) January iso. A. sj.urews. hits. Aggregate score to, ..jujie. Canadian Lesion, ms- imw. - aM . . January 10 -m. K. Youne. press, rs O. A. Worrfbnd. Canadian Empress Hks Grotto CanadUn Legion G. 0 4 S 3 39fl 1339 1330 jjf Billiard Averages W Stuart r Elks J. Bulgtr (Elks! J Allen CL) Oeorge Crlpps (CI.i W. C Yonng lEmpi M. Menzle Elks ' " 1 McLeod (Emp) .. Bert Morgan o . DMiald tEmp) C. P. Balagnj (f3ki O. 7 2 3 & 8 a 8 7 8 W. Macty Emn) 1 J E. Morris Elks 7 3. D, Macdonald tai . 3 A. Harvey (CLl 4 P. Prltchard Emp c E. Cameron lEmp) 7 E. Hill (o 7 W. HuUon G) j L. Raabe (Eropl M. M. Lamb CL 8 George Howe (Q) j D, Iirown 0) . 7 W. Wllliscroft lEIks) 8 O. A. Woodland CL 3 E. stacey rnmpi 1 T. Kerrigan fG 7 O. P. Tinker (CI.) g 3. Sutherland Q) .3 James Andrews (Elks) 4 C. L. Youngman (CD 3 A. Beale (CD 4 Ttl. 1750 500 750 1247 KM 1449 1GS0 Wi 238 1 040 693 818 1400 1C07 1592 225 1127 179 1119 1543 17C3 652 214 1489 1640 600 774 579 725 AY, 250 j 350 200 349 348 242 240 239 238 234 231 230 i 233 230 1 227 225, 225t 225; 224 220, 220 217 214 213 205' 200! 194, 1931 181 BILLIARD SCHEDULE February 7 Empress vs. Grotto, February 12-EIW vs, Empress. February 14-Leg!on vs. Grotto, February 19-EIks vs. Grotto. February 21-Empresi vs, Leflon, lt' BETTER and You can Prove It Try Thii February 11 C N. R A vs. Moose. Annette's vs. High School, High School vs. Legion, High School vs. Rirouts. February 14 Orotto vs. C. H. R. A.. Warriors vs High School. Annette's vs. Orotto, ScyUtlans vs. Scouts. ' February 18 Orotto rs Moose, w woodland. Qrolu Tt lgh RchooL warriors vs. Legion. Scythians vs. Scouts. February 21 -Mow e vs. C. N. R. A.. Lesion vs. II ih School. Hlsh j February 26-C.N RA. vs. Orottn. Orotto v. Annette's, High School fflin j ; . ... . . Legion. a.,i. ,.:T- . . " w warriors, mgn ecnooi vs. Hey- !Fnnre io" , thlans. iM9, S 1 052 j C,inadian '"'"l February 28Moose vs. Orotto. Legion vs. Warriors. High School rwrmi-r n t . , ! FlkTjw Aiinmr!, Andrcw"-I. Orotic Scouu vs. aAs. Scythians. M-ch 4-C. N. It Moose. tAnnt nool. High Canadian Legion m , . Th. :J ... ltool vs. Legion. High School vs. j arcn i urovw vs. i;. w. n. A, .... , tidrnors v. iiign ucnooi. Anneiie S HI8, vs. Grotto, Scythians 54 lKl!fV.lww,i vs. High March 11 Grotto vs. Moose. Oortto vs. High School, Wanton vs. Legion. Scythian vs. Scouts. March 14-Moose vs. C. N. R. A, Legion vs. High School. High School vt. Annette's, Scmits vs. High rtehool. ' chihii.wh: FIXTIIIIKS ( Februai, !l-Orotto vs. C.tf.n.A, Empress vs. Canadian Legion. Meat S 2!I'Pnckerg vs Moosc- IOO.P. vs. He 1475 24(5 vfr,r I V M WS . Advertise In th Daily News Wednesday. rYtrroary , Simple Way of Making Cream Sauce! HIRl U Jmpl mty lo lull dlict am umtt lUl yo tn til lot vr)cUb4rt, f fti, ett, tioq, ttfWfttt, rlc bUt i If tpocn pepotr Ji Ublctpoon flout t cup SL CKad Milk H ltpooo wit H cup tr MtH th butltf In top of dovblt koilf. AtJ flow nd mvooln, Ua4 will ad p 1a p4Uf 1K m'A dtluttd with tt, itiiriii conttwttty tinW tJ) niti li tmoth tnd iKick. Continv to cock 1W konlx (.. t4 MUta miMtti Wt Uif oatl toli. Brdtn'i Si. CKHrt Milk It brtMt d yoy M pfT Kixi b twit to i H I o ihn m4 cditt rtckt tKl c'l fo Mitk, Following are other outstanding games: f ,m January 31-0. A. Woodbnd, Ca- ' 1 nadlan Legion, vs. M. K. Young. Km-' n 1 O WTTl iff prc; Arthur Beale Pele Prlt-1 BAolVL 1 BALL clurd; George Cripns vs. L Raabe , Aggregate score to date- Emnress I 714; Canadian legion C86 Febrnary 7--Moose s Orotto, January 29-Oeorge' Howe Orot 'Lfglon vs Warrl,,rs- nih Scho1 ,S to. vs. James A nri rur i Orotto. Scouts vs Scythians. gregate core to date: Hks, U4 Orotta 1058.) I3c?detvi ST. CHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED EVAP0RATE0 l 4M Ma4 M mm J T" t t "h1 A Skin Game iluyini fur t ... looked upon asi a Aj Today it ha bc impractical iciencc It, t ter for exjrt a l Goldblooni The Olil Krli.ihlc is an expert In the lu bt ne. Tir ht ft.Ttr tmmy of experience and hi n-oic tton has given liim an en.r ' place. He an nJoe your xh for yvu and HI make . a beat poiwible offer If repted he will retarn (he t and pay the retnn rx r charges What more . .u ak? Systematic Service Efficient V: systematic service is the lxst nnd most econnmlrnl. OUR SERVICE RECORD will how complete record f all realrs made and all par ' replaced. A copy of this rT, rI returned with all sets scryi" ' by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELEOTRIC nmne llltie IZ Hovr To Keep' Colds UNDERC0NTR0L llaCostwMs Bub. the nw-- .tonfr tttttini cow : Uli0n. VpoRu DM'1' - Sli 'hU?. ? 10 CoW" F"o rules of health thit ;f rti VT . ' ra ViCks.Plau.fof Better Cpfittfil v. rian niuuy.ttpltintd in tsch VfcAt pckst.) iT7rTr7rvWW