riot run 'J IV-. . 1 .; - - V n A - mm. M riV V. .i Overworked Eyes ? Does your child squint? Do you strain for every word i you read? VARIETY - i SPECIALS Tbe Beit For Less eaoiIe Lobster vs 2 tins 29c KINO SCAR J5ARDINES V. C. AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or Crushed, 2'S A On 2 tins IOC GREEN BEANS Malkln's Best! Fancy. "2 tins 29c 25c LIBBVS CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS EDLESS RAISINS . 2 lbs. ., DESSERT PEARS 2's 2 tins L. it PSAUCE Large per bottle INFANTS FOODS For Babied. 2 tins RINSOLarge . 2 pkgs. .:.r..,. CAMPEfELL'S SOUPS Assorted, 3 tins MEXICAN TOMATOES . per lb. BANAIfAS- per lb MARMALADE ORANQES Good 'quality, ;3 doz. 29c 67c 23c 45c MUSSALLfeto Fftfcsn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY .'4 Phone 657 S ECONOMY STORE "Where, Dollars Have More CtalsH P. O.- Rot 514 Pbohr 1s ) w - - ........... - l j . .Tijere is menace in inadequate ligking-ired r.rScst- Impaired Vision: Dizziness: Headaches. It .affects the entire family. You can 'help prevent ;: tjiese health undermining causes with better light-ing. The hew G. E? Study and Reading Lamp. is especially designed to eliminate glare; to diffuse r, IffiM correctly and to, give comfortable easy see-' ing. It paves eyes as no lamp before it has ever done. Regular price, $10.75, but offered at thefol-'"-lowiiig Special Prices for a limited period: '75 cash, including lamp and shade or $U on ; terms, " payable 75c a month. : t v r.- ' ' f . :': Mk ior thc ,oan of the sight meter tliat tolls , ;. -how much light you need. This Is 'h free r '-l.'-TfcscnrJcc to help protect your eyesight. : nr. r !:. M v'l- A SATISFIED CUSTOMER kIn ourcoAlyotill find ho ha your home Phone Us NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED 35ci 20 c 10c 95c H. J. ZUMKEIIK Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates Issued with each chimney cleaned. Call or Telephone Thompson Hardware COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. ,5J Phones 55U is thc best advertisement any firm can have. Wc do bur best to supply you .with the most suitable coal for your requirements. When in doubt play trumps. 651 - 652 PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. i ttAT MACKEEEL 4 n ' . i i , i i ii TM KULf iff n Wpdr.r-Ja:' FV 4 ii...f ""' "4 A (. ' I WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R steamer Prince George. Capt. H. E. Nedden arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morninz from I Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean i-ans ana win sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. 8everal members of the stewards' department of the C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, which is undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock, arrived on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to Join their vessel with a view to getting her ready to go back into service In about a month's time when the Prince George will be with. jdrawn for overhaul. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland, Capt. Lcn Williams, arrived In port at 6 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging six carloads of frozen fish for trans-shipment east over tne Canadian National Rail ways, sailed aaueq for ior Seattle. Seattle. OPERATIC FILM HERE'! . '2 "Enter Madame" and "The Lone ij Cowboy" on Capitol Screen B "Enter Madame." an essentially 2 light comedy drama, the story of," which is told against a continually suggested and occasionally acUve grand opera music background. Is one of two features on another ' J double bill program at the Capitol Jj Theatre here the middle of this' week. The other feature is "Lone 5 Cowboy." an interesting outdoor ro- manee. Elissa Landi. Cary Orant and ii Richard Bonelli, noted grand opera star, head the cast of "Enter Ma- dame." Comedy U the predominat ing entertainment although the operatic background makes it attractive to lovers of sood music An especial treat is the choral rendi tion of excerpts rrom "Cavaiierra Rustlcana" which is a feature to the dramatic anti-climax. The stury is that of a temperamental opera star and her affairs of the heart. The picture is clean throughout and its moral value is unquestioned. PoDular voum Jackie Coooer is probably the outstanding member of the east in "Lone Cowboy." Lila Lee. Addison Richard and John Wray also having important part Thc story is that of a boy who is sent west to live with an old friend ! of the family The westet nr. how- ever, has soured on the world and i the younRster has a touch rlttnb to ! break down his resistance. The re ; arc many thrillliut and dranuitk- sequences. Limericks A dainty young lady from France. went to the Moose Hall for a da nee. She Itad so many beau, w1h stepped on her toes. She gave each a kick in the pants. There was a young fellow railed Bennett, Who'd the money but sure wouldn't spennlt. Till the folk took the cure. Now he ain't quite so sure. But what he will soon have to leii- nlt. A bridge playing fiend namd O' Connors At the dinner table displayed such poor manners. That his short-tempered wife, Put an end to his life. So he was buried wtth a few simple nonors. A pretty young lady named May. 3ct out on her cycle one day, When she met Mr. Brown, She completely broke down.' Girls make spills into matches! that way. Just now through my old office door There entered a terrible bore. She looked raher hazy, ! And said rhymes were crazy. Then went and came back ncven more. Of course it was onlv a nrank. Bennett proposed the C. C. F. plank. with a wink and a smile. The fools III beguile. With this pensions and national bank. (There Is an old man in the city. Who said, "It's a shame and a pity. "I can't afford snoose, "While taking the 'News,' "But I won't give up that in a Jiffy." In thc south is a city, Vancouver by name, Who, of sunshine and flowers, boasts fame. But the rain and the snow Dealt her such a blow, She had to route her traffic via Ru s,f ijway, pert. pert. What What a a shame shamel I TONIGHT TIIUKSD "TILLIE THE TOILER" SAV, MR. dubopJet. I'M duiTTIWej -TUiS RlflUT klnm. One Time Mac Backs Out rr V LL L4vinc Prince Rupert 1 VMOWI.D MKB I ITHvr' wbx"! H:UtJ,rn An Kxcitinc, llrctlc Comtdy-llomanre! Elissa Landi - n - 'Enter Madame' The fast moving story of a temperamental operatic star parked uilh laugh, . . Hear the choral rendition of ex-eerpti from "CavallrrU Kutl-eana," a treat for muilc lovers with CAKV GRANT KICIIAKI) HONLLLI At 7 13 & 9.Sf Tli iriii. Thrc tiir eiif'i ve o Fei 'U4ry 4 Return limit, March Jl - TV.;" r -, . - ' ... 2 IX.TIRU mm """rsnd the Kl4, Jackie Coope 'THE Lone Cowboy' .c ruwDoy out t trt man in. I r . - - -S a M wonhiDDtd hv . ... I H.A JOHN WR.Y 'At 8 33 SJ. r; Paramount Nti The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famou "Rupert Brand SMOKED . LACK COB Prepared hall Hj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli I'KIWK Hlfl'KKT. n.r UNION STKAMSHII'S LIMITKI) Steamtrs leave PrUice Rupert for Vancoutf T.S-S. CM ALA KVIlttV TUESDAY, 1:30 Arriving Vancouver Thursday tjsjs. viuntlri: i:vi;ry friday midnioht. Arriving Vancouver Monday ajm. Wtttl; ulluii la Tott 8Uuj5... AUr Krai Apfut ..(, im)w IUrt poinU. Lir trim Rupt Suo4f S p m Furtner information regarding all sailings and Uikr1.' v SPIXIAI. UOI'ND-Tltlf r'AUKS TO VANCOUV1.U Kflurn limit March 31l 832,01 miNCK RITr.KT SOKCr: Tklr Stfaat, rk, Ml ici:im c viri;ii vmum ?32 RETURN To VANCOUVER Muli and Btrth Included s. s. PRINCE GEORGE THURSDAY 10: t0 p nv Southbcurl i'ANAIHAX ATIO.VI. STK.VMSllirS BKiJLTS WAH7 MACKENZIE'S FUKNITlMtK 100 .Matt, earh 13 rrnti 730 square yard t'onxol l.lnnlrum. IVIIol. Inlaid lUlllrship. All I'fu iwi H arrived. I'lione 773 Third Ait Prince Rupert If ynu lose anylhinir. try a clarified ad -By Westovei