II m H5 .. the stomach seems I' ' .... A nail. Because Biturated Macneila It Bitrnvth In Mtnnii, it it more effective in correrttt acid !( Ii anil kimlred ailnwtm tkM fiilx ka- mutb or magneua uted alone. lOOTS, Chemists, Nottingham, Eng. rviUAi r 1114 ni a 1 1 an aa m m m m m av m - m m And Its Preparations Kxlracf of Malt with Cod Liver Oil Ltrart of -Malt with Cod Liver Oil & Chemical Food i: xtrart of Mall with Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphiles Price per pound jar, 90 cents REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Krvtitar 50c per tube Soecial at 25 cents per tube n tust boiRht a special deal rm this tooth ,.r i:l while it inaw we oner u to you at nun uiu regular price. CIVIC IT A TKIAI-YOU'LL LIKF. IT Ormes Ltd. Jj Pioneer Druqejists Ike lUisll BUr rhonesj II M flpen Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays From 12 noon t ill 2 p.m, 1 p.m. tltl 9 p.m. IJL 1 1 IANDICRAFT HARDWARE . t 18-lnch. 83C Combination Pliers x r . r. -s ?Se I Jack Planes 2G-!nch Hand Saws Sl.w 56e $2.50 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Dry Cedar, Birch and Jack Pine Bulkley Valley Bulletins Always "have your fire 'bed cover the entire grate. Don't leave any open graie space. Bulkley Valley Coal LASTS LONGER, Ask your dealer to send the representative and he I ...Ml . ..... 4, ,1,4 will Miuw ymi u,Y. You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day. plus 7c. a mile. S.O.N. oajj. Whbt wuiv Drive unve and aim Dance. luucc.i I John Kati-uk of. Stewart, who ar j rived In the city a week ago from the north, sailed yesterday after noon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. J O. Pearcey. one of the foremen at the Premier mine was a passen per aboard the Catala yesterday go inn thiouRb for a trip to Vancouver Mrs. Oat Endedf fl. T. Rowsoim, Atheot, -arilM. ' Mv Labr bur tn.nMnl with (ontipatkin. I (tr Lim Haby'a Own TaUetl as flirert-ed . . Mf 1 had siTro half th tlii- roostipatiim was rirh'd." lty rHifias oinrtilla, Bby a (a Tablet prrvmljiiore aerkms ailin'flts dfrelopinf. Much easier to UU than natwaUtl UtstirM od perfrcUy o for all littla folk Ir.m tha m baU to children 4 x-boul . 11 paka(. Dr.Williami' '' REWiViiilMlirJ Arthur Evans of Vancouver. Com munist speaker af'.er spending a couple of days here following a tour of the Interior, sailed yesterday afternoon cm the Catala for camp bell River. He will tour Vancouver Tlnnri ntrtats before returnlntt to his home In Vancouver. A. B. Cummin g, district manager' for British Columbia of the fur de partment of the Hudson Bay Co.. after spending a week at Pcit Simpson on company business, arrived in the cfty on the Catala yet-terdav and will proceed from heie to the interior this evenlngrby trahi. Rev S. Cook, United Church pas tor at Sardli. after having made the trin north In comoanv with the body of a Klncollth native boy. who Idled while attending Coqoaieetza i Institute, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday returning south. Announcements Normanna Male Chorus of Ketchikan, concert Moose Hall, Saturday, Feb. 9, $ p.m. L.O.BA ruary 14. bridge and dance, Feb- Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance February 8. Bovs" Band Parents' Association Bridge. Whist, Dance. February 8 Oddlellows'. Hall. Cambral Annual Valentine Danes February 14. Mrs. Mandy Recital February 22 Baptist Welsh Tea. March 1. Philharmonic Society concert t'rshvterian Church. March 5 and 6. 8:15 p.m. Pioneer's Banquet Monday, March 11. Presbyterian March 14. Presbyterian Church Choir Con etit, April 5. St. Patrick's Ten Moose Hall TONIGHT V. It Lodge lOSl meet at Installation of 19JS fflcert. All niemhers and gnests eW-dially InvKed to atlen4 at 9 o'rlorlc tf Fresh Flounders and Soles a-board tnome. Hunt's Float. (tf) Magistrate McClymont In city police court Monday afternoon. W. It. McLellan and Ed. Johrtsot of the CaDllano Shingle Co. from Vancouver sailed yesterday after noon on the Catala for the south. Women's Canadian Club exhlbi provincial Constable and Mrs. Harold Aavbone returned to the city rm the Prince George this morning from sf brief trip jouth on fescorl duty,. Cant. ' W. P Armour, manager of th Armour salvage Co returned to .... - ... th ritv on the Prince George tms morrilfig if rtan a brief business trip to Vancouver. oW-Snldal of Casslar Cannery came In on last nigm s irara irom the Bkeeita River and Is spending Uie day in-own. He will return to Casslar tonight. ABOLISH tlon of oil paintings at the homelNaylor and of Mrs. Goodrtck, wesiview, murs- wnue many day. February 7, 2:30 to 6 pjn. Debate by High School students a1 430 nitt. 29 &3J Four new members were Initiated at a meeting of the Moose Legion last night with Oreat North Moose T. O. Morgan In the chair. Business was otherwise largely of a routine nature. " Mr. aa and Mrs. Roy Wakefield - - of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shenton, who have been on a trip to Vancouver mil Vancouver Island, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. R. n Nlchol of Winnipeg, assis tant taxation rommlssloner of the Canadian National Railways, arrival hi the citv on the Prince George this morning from the south to attend sessions of the civic" court of revision to be held this week. The company lias entered appeals tor consideration by the court. Pimiu nf Klncr Edward Hlth Rrtmril anwared at the wee.klV lun- cheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro' Club today and. gave an Interesting debate In connection with the ob servance of Canadian Education Week. President S. J. Jabour was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members of the club with a few guests. MATRIC Interesting Debate Befsre Monthly Dinner Meeting oi jnaw j Chamber of Commerce A debate between students of the ' King Edward Hieh School on the Pnr amnlvine beer to Indians, ' - subject: "Resolved Wat the Junior rui ouiiji"5 i Oddfellows' Hall. Thursday. Feb. 7 1 Mrs. C. E. Black was fined $50 by Matriculation Examination Shouia at 9 o'clock. Refreshments free. Ad mission 95c. 32 Education Week public meeting, Presbyterian Hall, tonight, 8 pin 8pekers: Col. J. W. Nieholls, T. W. Han and J. S. Wilson. It be Abolished" proved of much In terest to members of the Junior Sec-, tlon of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at their regular monthly dinner meeting at the Knox Hotel last night. The affirma tive ,sWe was upheld by Misses Mar garet McLeOd and Lean Baso-uen and the negative side by Josepn Douglas Sutherland, excellent arguments were ably Dresented on both sides of the question, the Judges, O. W. Laidler. Oeorge Rorle and T. J. Wll-lllams. decided unanimously in favor of the aflfrmatlve. Dr. E. E. Lucas, ulnclpal, and other members of the Hieh School staff were among those present. O. P. Lyons, vice-president, was In the chair In the absence oi T. N. LePage, the president. A communication from the Gyro w Club w In regard o - to the a projected a jTelkwarwho have been on a trip to 1 establishment of a community hall Vancouver, arnvea in me cuy iivni i ana gymnasium in mecuj . . . i . I I w a U I . I JI.....HIAH 1 4 ,nm ALuiAaA me souiu on ihc riuice urjjc uiuiano, aiier aiatusaiuu, wo uwium morning and will proceed tb the! to wipport the movement A com- Interior on this evening's' tram. mlttee consisting of Foster wuian, O. P. Lyons and T. J. Williams was F. C. Freeman, engineer of th appointed' to confer with the Gyro Port Simpson Oeneral Hospital, J club on the matter. nn r. c room on ir mtwnpprsl clIffnrH nlllrpr rcnnrtpd havlnz aboard the Catala yesterday going! obtained figures for the printliSg of inrougn on a vacauon ixip vo At the meeting of the Prince Rd- pert Chamber of Commerce Monday evening a letter was read from the urged attendance at the public meeting Wednesday night WAKE IIP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin'to Co :. mM mailt maA tmm rl4 kaxiBi tod full el laataiaa. i mmli mt. tkt . . - AamI nl t bit Juti bU leu oVnU lally. 7. .... .a..;. Awtn. fMdV. VOOf 104 - ... I MaMSftUksm. Your D4Ja4 .. ....in .i.ui .U CARTXK3 unl. f "t"J. ;. i2! .... ..bi.,ii..rt,lu. Atk !rCn('S lrcx U.r U.1 tr tba iiu. Utf . . &:&?tZ: pamphlets descriptive of tourist and scenic attractions locally for distribution on tourist steamers during the coming summer, particularly i the steamer Prince Robert wnlcn will be here on four whole Sundays Prince Rupert Teachers Assocla-j with lajt passenger groups. It Is tlon asking the members to Join In celebrating education week. Vice-President W. M. Blackstock the Intention to have the pamphlets printed. Museum matters were discussed ind the suggestion was offered that the old public library building mignt be obtained for the housing of ex hibits such as Indian curias, the sea monster, etc. A. committee repre- 4-nHrn Via liinlnr (Chamber will - - .,1IUI get In touch with the museum board on the matter. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, north wind, 28. Anyox Clear, calm, 23. Rtewart Clear, calm. 20. . Hazelton Clouay. cairn, zu. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Bums Lake Fog, calm, 7. IMPORTANCE OF ROAD (Continued from Paee lv interests which are operating the Princess Royal Mines Ltd. The bond lis for $100,000 of which $5,000 nas hppn nald with another payment due tn.sprlng. Mr. Wells is confident that Surf Inlet tn the near luiure will be another Important mining camp. Already over $100,000 has been spent upon It since Mr. Wood- worth took it over and, under new financing, $15,000 monthly has been made available. Until recently managing director of the famous Cariboo Gold Quartz property, Mr. Wells Is also mteres- prf in the Stuart Lake ana Terrace areas. He will be back In this district agalri during the coming suamer. Mrs. Elmer Thompson returned t the cltv on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a trip to Van- touver. rhhrfes Anderson was found guilty by Magistrate McClymont tn ttv nnlire court this, morning on a "W a - ... charge of assaulting B. Bencuicsen and was fined $5. A. M. travles returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Victoria where he had been called on account of the illness and siihspnuent death of his wife. Sym nathv of numerous local friends is being extended to Mr Davles on his sad bereavement NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprtetjr "A HOME AWAY HOME HOME Rates $1jM Bp 50-Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. BoJt 198 BLOOD test would probably A thw that yur pmiwtt. vkjHi bit and ewrgy-jmxluria katto-bia Bis been thinned down until it m from 106 to 25 or more below normal. Powibly the effect ol winter ilk have also lowered your blood count. Tbtf canditiaa, common m Winter .asd Sprint, caa be soon nude right Complete records of thb scientific test are en file, abd are mosi convuicmi; to thote persons ho want scientific proof ol the progress made. But most important to. you is the fact that all f these persons greatly Increased their vigor, vitality and strength in from four to five weeks. At the end of the test they had' the pep that makes life a Joy. They had the Uremrth to tackle their work with the via that gets things done They had the desire to step out and go places Hotel Arrivals Royal O. S. SnldaL Caspaco; T. Otto- sen, Edmonton; T. tnomas, nauj Stlllman and Ted Barbour. Vancouver; J. D. Sutherland, J. Wal- seth, J. Lundmark and J. B. Wright, Vancouver-. Jonas Wlllman. Usk; Roy Labo, C. N. R.; E. K. Steele, J. A. Rutherford and Ben Nelson, sml thers; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Grant. Balmoral; M. Wilson, Mrs. Johnson and J. Katruk, city . Prince Rupert Mrs. P. H. King and son, Inverness: O. H. Tycho, Smlthers; Ken Mathesnn. Prince George; G. W. Clarke. Vancouver; Dan OTtourke, Calearv: A. B. Cummlng, Harold Brown, W. H. M. Allen. Ed. Johnson and L. O. West Vancouver: Harry McCavour. claxton; J. L. Hall; Sunnyside; Fred M. Wells and E. J. Good, "Wells, B.C.; H. P. Leitch and Miss Jacqueline Kennedy. Winnipeg; Brigadier Gensral M. L. Hornby. Lethbrldge. Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. K. Kennedy. Glenboro, Man.; G. WoodalUC. N. R.; Clifford E. Gainer Edmonton; M. Dubreau and Mrs. C. L. M, Glggey, Terrace; R. W. Sin clair, Inverness; Rev. F. Bushfleld. Port Esslngton; Rev. J. T. Burchill,: Klsplox; H. Dallow and F. Coul- ston, city; H. D. Gray. Prince Oeorge; H. E. Goulbourp, Victoria. Savoy Mrs. William Robinson, city; Mrs. W. Croteau, city; E. Swanson, C. N. R.; M. H. Lawrence. Kltkatla; H. McLennan, Vancouver; W. Gillespie, McEachem and D. Main, city; GeOrge McBean, Hazelton; C. Miller. Low Island. Central James Hart. Slvert Martlnsen, Mrs. P. Hansen and. Charles Jonn-son. city; John Tyrer, Vancouver,; Mrs. Clark Spalding. Port Esslngton; H. Joll, Ell Green. D. McLean, J. Jor-gensen and Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson, city. Knox E. Lewis. R. .Jackson, J,. McDon- mM va Tnvnml. :F. L. Lancaster and B.Meyer,Vanc6nfer; John1 Lyngnes, O. Hanson, Meth Davles and John Barseth, city; J. Rogers and F. Wlston, Toronto; E. Blakey. Winnipeg; O. Stearns, Burns Lake; , It Anderson, Vancouver; K. Cevers-1 vlck. Anyox; S. Flemmlng, Telkwa; C. Bruce, Smlthers; E. Watson, Usk: J. Shaw, Terrace; D. Davidson. WrangeU; S. L. Kuservlsk, Prince Albert; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadland Jr. and T. M. Johnson, Oona River; H. Hadden, Nanalmo; S. Powell and E. M, Saunders, Edmonton; Robert M. Mather, Portland; George A. Webster. San Diego; N. Topping, Hall- fax. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and 5:30 and hive a rood time. v February . ws m daily mrtnl Of RVC3 Jf" canted feline ... you may rcrtan that. In most ' rt, cvefacidity is the :.ur of the trouble. Neu-,,,'ite it at once with Luntcd Msn- This Ugj relief, because with . acid neutralized. . rach can be restored L'jts normal balance. U then - tive processes sweetly . LOCAL NEWS NOTES United Church W.MJ3. tea, nnefi Thursday, Feb. 1. Mrs.) Be warm and comrortable by rid I lng In II Taxi It costs the same. Does the Hard Winter Sap Your Vitality! 1 Do You Find Yourself Weak, Draggy, Pepless ? by treatment with a remedy du'.ll prepared to Increase haemoglobin to bofld p the Mood count. Sucbf'l remedy is Dr. WilBam' Pinl.Ml which wai thoroughly tefted atTl cBmc of 40 run-down, Ulow-pii, thin-blonded people beld in Canadian city. .: What Blood Tests Of UO People Showed These 40 men and women were given blood tests before taking Dr .Williams" Pink PiUs and again alter taking the remedy for about a month. Thirty-eight of the 40 people a 95 record showed increases in haemoglobin of from 10 to 22 in the short test period positive proof of the blood-enriching and revital j2r ; powers of this world-famous remeOr. Every patient whose blood countWi i below normal had it materially ii- creased posiUve proof of the poj of Dr. Wiffiams Pink Pills to aid 4, forming new red blood cells. ' fir- This Authoritative Test Proves the Value of This Remedy i t For Increasing Strength and Energy i-vj ... .... - j : Tt,M4iW Thry'afak knew what it was to enjoy heartl.fe ; vii in iiKt u surely surelv ban&hvd baniihyr t ; case of cfcrowt aiirae just arsurllyTV revitaKze your blood .with, Mw''W JjJ' cells and enrich it with erg-pffej during haemoglobin by taking, 0trt a few weeks. Dr. Williams' Pmk.Pir (so called because coated wfih pUF .' sugar). Your druggist has this' cljnKf ally-tested remedy 50 cent Want Ads PERSQNALJjy . 'MEN! Buy your Sanitary 'f.Sup- plies direct and save'75.,8tai dard Lines. Send $1.00 JwiisV sorted. Imperial Importent''2lP. Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards" Street, Vancouver. B.C.fc tf Frt p.m. From the'East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur FOR RENT ; -if FOR RENT Three room' "stiackv kitchen stove, oed, .table Vahd ; chairs. CaU 13 or 180 -tt-(tt) MODERN HOUSE. 140 SeVptftfff-enue East near AIcBrlaeretj vacant February 15. Phorieen 634.. .imkfrt': FOR SALEf FRESH Flounders and '" ?'S6l4i i sale on Helen II.. Cow"IB3ft mp RAt.F House andf two- lots. Emmanuel Street. Alsoitrrhitufei Phone Black 407. .l.V'v(33 LOST LOST Pair of used Jack, 5 M school Oxford shoes. Please Wtiftt at Dallv News or nhone;Biue2!72. PAINTERS .v, PAINTING ana Paperhhjtfa Moller. Phone Red 802. : J v. TIMBER SALE .i:if Sealed tenders via Tx .Tetrtrrf, Vie IHnlster of Landa nofc noon on the 18tn day oi reoruaj7,-j, tor the purchase ot U ceace to K 66S.O00 teet of Cdaf pola IJ4 tm an an area which coven porttonk ot Lou 145S and 1458. H trilleaJ,' north of Kltwaoxa. wmsiar -ico td .till trltt .it. Five years will be aTkWe'd for rifodtal or timber '''ISI l' runner nsvrtlcuiars ot tne ujej twister. Vlrtorta. B.C., or DtetHcf .TJ?it frirce Rupert. B.C. ..- ''v .-r-tr Comer Third Ave. & -First 3U Phone Green 421 D.ELIQ Furniture Deiler "Buys Everythlni" ' "Sells Everything Exchanging and Auctioneer Still Buying Gold USED FURNITURE RANGES, HEATERS, ETC. New Congoleum Rgs; Lln-leum Rugs. We sell tlnoleuaa rsrn Tf 1" an i tn ... . ti :rt! tUU il :ii ..r u.: a . ay iif v It "I .! I'm Ul 1 t il U!t .A J".' ,1 IV. n u a s s at