it PAGE TWC THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. Augu m i s rKXKXKIKIKXJO mEUU E3 ETI3IXKTII Bl BTJ 131 13 HE Kf3 ANNUAL .w Continues OFFERING YOU Unparalleled Savings on All Types of Dependable Footwear. Hundreds of satisfied customers will support this statement, and you, too, will think so. Come in and judge for yourself the first time you're in town. FAIR VISITORS We Welcome Your Enquiries. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. rUlNCB KUFEKT UHITISH COLUMBIA Pubiuned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Thlrd'Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid rn advance ror lessor penoas, paid la advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and uniiea mates, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, pet year Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION 98 86 SEE US TOR YOUR PRFCiroVTlMr. Ql TPPT ICQ Jelly Jars and Covers, doz. ..75c Prfect Seal Jars, Quarts, doz. 5L75. Perfect Seal Jars. Pints, doz SI .33 Economy Caps, doz. :.. 45c Rubber Jar. Rings, doz. 7c Parowax, 2 packets for 35c , Aluminum Preserving. Kettles, each 95c Canning Racks, for 8 quart Jars, each 50c GORDON'S HARDWARE STif- Ml h , i Si Family Shoe Store Ltd J g ! ye 900 Thursday, August 22, 1925 ELECTION CAMPAIGN Nearly fifty candidates are already in the field for the sixteen seats in Parliament from this province. So .far the Liberals and Co-operative Commonwealth Federation are the most numerous but the Conservatives are trettine iuen men m me ngni in a great many centres and it is said they expect to contest practically every seat. The new Stevens party has only two men officially nominated so far but it has an organizer at work on Vancouver Island and presumably the lady will be here in due course with the hop'e of putting forward a candidate in Prince Rupert. In this constituency the representatives of the two older parties have made a quiet canvass of practically the whole constituency and evidently the next move will be a speaking tour in which they will meet the people at public meetings. This is the hardest part of the campaign for candidates because speaking in public is hard work and the difficulties of travel in this large riding makes it hard to get around. In modern elections there is less of a tendency to en gage in personalities than formerly. Candidates turn their attention more to the issues of the campaign. While this does not make as lively entertainment as the old method, it is more in line with the thoucht of the dav. For in stance, in this constituency we have good men offering themselves and the only question before the electors is one of policy. Each person has his own ideas on this and is fully entitled to them. It is up to the candidates and their supporters to so set their respective cases before the electors that they may hope to receive the support for which they ask. Unfortunately the campaign is to be a rather loner one. This means'that the country will be disturbed for a long wuic auu uictc van u nine expecuHiun ol ousmess improvement until the matters of administration are settled. The country must know who is to govern before it will make progress., While we strongly urge every citizen to consider the issue thoughtfully, there is nothing to get excited about, No matter what party is in power we shall continue to make progress. Possibly the people most interested are those who have been out of work for so long or who have beenr forced to accept so low a wage that it has been difficult to subsist for the past several years. If these men are working it affects the businessmen. AIL will be prosperous once the mass of the people are working and receiving wages commensurate with the services rendered. Kulita cf 'SPORT PRINCE RUPERT TAKES OPENER Loeal Ball Tossrr Defeat Oeran Falls 10-1 Last Night lie fore Good Sized- Crowd In the opening game of the w j three-game- baseball series between H; Ocean Falls and Prince Rupert last 1 evening, the locals took the Paper PTown crew Into camp" Mrlth a 10-1 j score behind the three-hit pltch- ' lng of Jack Lindsay, local rookie, 01 whose first season It is in senior I company. A strong wind was blow ing wrucn made it cuncuit to Judge fly balls and, while the to xicals gathered in eight hits off "Lefty" Robertson, several of them were lucky clouts which should have been outs under ordinary cir cumstances. Prince Rupert started ri?ht off in the first inning and drove In two runs on a hit. a sacrifice, an error and a passed ball. There was Football TONIGHT MASSETT INDIANS vs. PRINCE RUPERT All Stars ' S:30 p.m. no further scoring until the fourth when Ocean Falls pushed over, one run when Lindsay walked Marshall with the bases loaded. Then came the blow-up for the Papermakers. In the last of the fourth Prince Rupert scored seven runs when 10 men faced the pitcher who was ejven poor support, three errors being chalked up to his team-mates in this inning. Prince Rupert added their last tally in the fifth on two hits and an error, while LJndsay held the visiting batters helpless In the fifth and sixth Innings after which the game was called on account of darkness. The Box Score Ocean Falls ABR H PQ.A Kelly 2b. ..... .....3 0 0 1 2 Arcand c. 2 0 0 8 0 Sakina ss. 2 Douan rf. 3 Alexander lb. 3 Marshall 3b. Meade If . Robertson p. . Totals Pr. Rupert Slmundson cf. Moran lb. Antonelli rf. Bury If. . Mitchell 2b. Lambie 3b Stiles rf 3h. . Gurvlch c. Linasay p. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..23 1 ABR 4 1 1 1 1 0 4 3 4 1 3 I ...3 I L 1 2 0 Johnson ss 1 3 15 5 H POA Totals J$ 10 ,8 18 6 3 Score by Innings: O. F. 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 P- R. -,- 2 0 0 7 1 X 10 Summary Base on balls off Lindsay U). Robertson (4)- struck out by Lindsay (8). Robertson (3); passed ball, Arcand; hit by pikher, Sakina. Robertson, Moran, Lambie; balk, Lindsay: umpires, Kennedy and Hlwyn; scorer. Davles. TIGERS IN TWO WINS Took Double Victory Over Boston Red Sox And Improve) .Marx in Of Leadership DETROrT. August 22 (CP): Detroit Tigers defeated Boston Red Sox In both games of a double-header here yesterday to increase their margin of leadership in the American League to seven full games over the New York Yankee who were dividing a double bill at St Louis with the Browns. Cleveland Indians split with the Philadelphia Athletics at Cleveland and moved into a tie' for third pla?e with Chicago White Sex who lost to- the Washington Senators at Chicago, the Red Sox slumpln? into second division. New York Giants blanked the CtnclnnaU Reds at the Polo Orounds and St Louis Cardinals slugged out an easy victory over the Braves at Boston and the National League situation remained unchanged with the Giants still leading by three games. Yesterday's Big. League scores. National League St. Louis 13, Boo ton 3. Pittsburg 0. Brooklyn 5. Cincinnati 0. New York 3. Chicago 12-19. Philadelphia 13-5. American League Washington 15, Chicago 7. New York H-3. St Louis 2-14. Boston 1-2. Detroit 4-3. ' Philadelphia 10-0. Cleveland 5-3. Baseball Standings American League W. L. Pet. I Detroit 72 41 .837 New York 64 47 577 Chicago 57 53 .518 Cleveland 59 55 .518 Boston 59 56 .513 Philadelphia fr. ..49 60 .450 Washington L , jr,v 68 .421 St Louis 41 71 206 National League W. L. Pet New York 73 41 .641 St Louis ..... 69 43 .616 Chicago 72 48 .600 Pittsburg . ...64 55 538 Brooklyn 1 54 60 .474 Philadelphia ... ...51 65 .440 Cincinnati 49 69 .419 Boston - 32 83 .278 Divisional headquarters of the .provincial police here were advised today that Constable Putland of Ocean Falls had been stricken sud denly with acute appendicitis and was operated on last night at the paper town. Constable Victor Bond of Prince Rupert will leave tomorrow night on the Princes Adelaide to take charge of the police boat P. M. L. 9 at Ocean FaUs during Constable Putland's illness. .IB GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once. Why not ride in .he best? Three Can at your service. Bert Morgan Bud Barrie PROP. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PINCE RUPERT, B.C. 4 NANAIMO AND MONTREAL EVEN IN SOCCER MAY WINNIPEG. Aug. 22: (CP Nanaimo. Western Canada soccer champions, tied up the Dominion final series at oua game each last night by de- feating- Montreal Aldreds 7 to 3. Montreal had won the first game Monday nUht. James M. Clark, nephew of Mr. P&nd Mrs. James M. Captain, left on last evening's train for Montreal where he wilt embark August 30 aboard he Antonli for a trip to Glasgow. He had recently been employed at Oceanic Cannery. Elimination Dance Is Well Attended :happy days What more welcome prize to the victor or solace to the vanquished than a waiting Collins made with Sir Robert Burnett's famous LONDON DRY Gin. 25 OZ. it L'i n 1 m js ,1 I! BURNETTS Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the fn-ernment of British Columbia. Prince Ruperts Silver Jubilee CARNIVAL Organized by the Junior Chamber of Commerce TONIGHT Talking Pictures at 7:30 GRAND PAGEANT OF THE NATIONS AT 8;15 Packed with programmes and artists brought from all parts of the world overseas. A magnificent repertoire of International talent. Programme includes the thrilling NISHGA INDIAN WAR DANCE ! Don't fail to see this. wonderful display f the Nfsh'ga Indians' Tribal War Dance Friday Night p Talking Pictures at 7-JJ0 Children's Masquerade at 8:30 Grand Carnival Rail at 10:30 Admission each evening, 50c,' Children; ;25c SPORTS - TONIGHT at G:30-Footbair, Massett vs. PrincRnpert Atlmission, 25c; Children, free. ' " FRIDAY at 6:15 Baseball, Ocean Falls All Stars vs. Prince Rupert All Stars. Admission, 35c; Childen, free. fir . a i leretiea in genuire worse Art Point Printing Co ';ru.. B' FOR SALE suite, kitchen cab net complete, eurUvn wash tub stand ml-articles. Mrs. Thomson lor Street 1 MODEL A Ford Tudc- condition. $160 etb VI i 57 1 p 1 FOR RENT TWO Remodelled 5 1 . and. well 1 with Chester tlf Id i t PAINTERS ' . t 1 f FOUND FOUND Signet rlrg w t ruj . have same by raJU; u; News Office and pa f - 1. advertisement. .PAINTING no PiperU&U 1 ytr. Phone Red m LVMI ACT kt ( Intention U Apply U Lw i Land 1 U lAttd nonrdlb DUtrtct c ta Ruprrt. Banc S. Ccxuf DUt"4 ainuU tAout m-rurlr of nutt of lot 710 KA S, Co- utci Puroirr IUnd. i TU ncKIr that Clarwvfw EtrW Ur, of H rn"rt. DC. occuptt nerjmfl. UiUiult to fur Ut ltv roiknrtiw 0rrUrd Un4i vv am Ads M Mra. m.,, ...., . GENTSJVANTED Pierce Winners or Contest AGENTS 45 CommK 1 I work for lets. Take orrf The Strollers' elimination dance last night in the Oddfellows' Hall: was very wen attendee alter tne performance at the carnival. v' The Judging of the wait tompe-Utlon was in the very capable hands of Miss Pebbles Stone. Mil. "Leone" and Tom Barton whose unanimous decision chow Mrs. Margaret Webster and John Pierce winners. The winning couple for each night will dance In the finals at the Capitol Theatre Monday next HOUSEHOLD Purr fur. The management of the Capitol piece mahogany di Theatre is presenting six passe as consolation prizes. -Art-Point" Srle Pr. Xoy Oreetlng Cards. Prired . . t 18 for 11.00. "Victory lbs ju. sortment containing 20 Bciu.v baros wiiii virnuar j $1.00. Costs as low 04 . 13 8ales Kit free. We are ; I ktW Mind tnut thrrMTurtt 1 1 ; tnilt touuv of Lot mo. Tinc Cm I Uvrcif Mt bT north 23 etitl:-, UmoxI ouUt iouUi-nit i enftta Cm outii-ful b utb ITS trv: j U Oil po(BlorcomtnrvfKnt)it and --li I S3.1 icfm mort or . CXARRNOC trXIAR tKLUM. DU4 Jum 4(h. 19SS. t There Is a Dlffcrerce la MILK Prove it to yourself Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get cn'lre saUsfactlon or money fc:e guarantee. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving i J Trrr" nrmw 'anrin-i n-r rinrrri ffri m mi it inmnfTrirrnni t-- -