PAGE roux '&r- Write for two valuable free booklets "100 Glorified Recipes and "Contented Babies." Address Carnation Company Ltd., Vancouver. I xSPuTTf. Vitamin D k9 THIRD AVENUE NO EXTRA COST what it means to be THINK able to add to the family diet the precious "sunshine" vitamin D through the milk you use. It's the vitamin that babies must have to make little bones grow straight and strong, and to help little teeth come in sound and fine. The famous Dionne quintuplets are being raised on Irradiated Carnation Milk. They have been fed Carnation Milk since November, 1934. It's needed by every growing child, and by every prospective or nursing mother. In fact, every member of the family is better off for the daily fortifying with D. ELIO Furniture Exchange WE BUY and WE SELL Kitchen Range, Beds, Table, Etc. Box 50 Phone Green 421 1 10 Third Ave. Satin-Glo Finish The satin-like finish for walls, furniture and woodwork. The various colors may be intermixed, producing an almost limitless variety of shades. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Covered In combination tapestry, reverse cushions CQQ Special vfO 327 Third Ave, Prince Kupert Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 180 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News jnat tne people ot jhg whole district are doing the same. vitamin D that's so easy and in expensive when Improved Irri-diated Carnation Milk is used. No increase in price. Many specialists recommend Carnation as an ideal milk for bottle-fed infants, because they know it is safe, nourishing, easier to digest than cow's milk in any other form. Why not ask youi doctor? The Improved Carnation Milk is also splendid for cooking, drinking, and for creaming coffee and cereals. Ask your grocer for Improved Carnation Milk. Look for the word "Irradiated" on the labeL THE WORLD'S LARGEST-SELLING BRAND OF EVAPORATED MILK '2 zmzms latcBii THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT FLOWER DISPLAY (Continued horn pace one I Asters, any color Joe Mrs. Joe Naylor. Asters, one color Mr?. H. person, Joe Naylor. Roses pink Seccnd. John rhn'e4n(hafMiim W 1. . rAnVir1m tip CAImmm. Naylor. Cas- Mlt- cheU. Roses, white Second. Mrs. J. L Lee. Best Rose Mrs. F. Vlckers, Mrs. J. L. Lee. OladlolL any color F J Fuller.1, Miss Dorothy Stiles. Mary Snapdragons Miss Dorothy stiles. Mrs. L. Stiles. Best bowl mlxetf cut flowers-Miss Dorothy Stiles. Miss Mary Denholm; special prize, Joe Naylor. Best bowl cut flowers, one variety C. P. Balagno, Mrs. J. J. Little. Pansles Mrs. IL Casparson. John Mitchell. Visitors! WE WELCOME YOU! We extend to you an invitation to call and see us. Tl.rse specials are for your convenience as well as our regular customers. MUSS ALL EM'S BUTTER First Grade, per lb. PURE LARD Vs 2 lbs ELBERTA PEACHES per crate APRICOTS No. 1 quality, 16-lb. crate . TOMATOES Hothouse per basket RUBBER RINGS per doz CERTO per bottle NEW APPLES Trpns- parcnt, 4 lbs. GREEN PEPPERS per lb. 25c 25c S1.75 $1.45 29c 5c 29c 25c 20c Ask For Our Special Sale Sheets! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone IS 131 TBI CULT KIWI Thursdi CARNIVAL UNDER WAT GREAT PLAY TOM OUT. nti. (Continued Irom Paee 1 ANOTHER ...... I Cameron, violin. IN PICTURE week hit a Little Oypy Tra Room," Bert "In Bert Cameron and chorus. "Carissima," vocal solo by Mrs. F. W. Allen. "When-il Grew Too Old - to Dream." vocal solo by Betty. Cameron. Carita," duet with Mrs. F. W. Allen and J. A. Te"g. "One Night in Ilapoit." duet by Miss Malsie MaeDonaW and 6yd Hunter. "In a Kingdom of Our Own," vocal duet by Betty Cameron and Alan Davlct. Part II. "Tale of the Mermaid." Ingrld Morse and chorus. "Sailor's Hornpipe." with Leah Basso-Bert. Thelma Davtea. Jean Wilson. Edith Wilkinson and Helen Valentine. "A Sun Bonnet Blue and a Yel low Straw Hat," duet by Evelyn iDalby and Syd Hunter 1 "Going Home" and "Without a ! Sons." vocal solos by Leonard ' Cripps. ' "Love's Hesitation." duet and I dance by Evelyn Dalby and Sam Joy. ! "Saturday Afternoon on Broad- j way," by Sam Joy and the Broad-I way Girls. "Twas in September." duet by Betty Ellison and Walter Smith. "The Hawaiian." guitar and ! song number by Wa'ter Wright and i the Hawaiian Girls Jean Wilson, Marion McLachian. Kay Fortune (and Adeie Mussallem. I "It Was Just Summer Ro-i ma nee," duet by Margaret Johnson and Alan Da vies. ! "You and I." duet by Betty Woods and Walter Smith "My Tango Queen." song by Walter Wright and tanso dance by Gudrun WeUe and Edward An-tonelll. Between act, there was musk by Charlie Babgno's Orchestra. For the big carnival dance which followed"' Uw entertainment, music was provided by Charlie Balaam)' and hBTorthettra with G. P. Lyons' as master of ceremonies Continuing Today The carnival continues this afternoon with a baseball game be-itween Ocean Falls and Prince Ru pert foHowed this evening by a football game between Prince Rupert and Massett. The program foi this evening in the Exhibition Hall I ' will feature The Pageant of the I Nations Contest" with another big I dance THRIFT 9c Sale IN EFFECT UNTIL AUGUST 23 JELLY POWDERS 2 pkzs 9c SHREDDED WHEAT -p leg 3c Royal City SPINACH No. 1 tin 9c CORN STARCH Dke. 9c JAP RICE 2 lbs. 3c1 MACARONI per pkg 9c Flower Petal SOAP 4 bars 9c Royal City Tomatoes No. 2 tin 9c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tin 9c FRESH UPRIVER PEAS 2 lbs. 9c Pure MAPLE SYRUP-Pint bot 19c QUAKER OATS Large pkg. 19c Malkln s PEACHES No 1 tins ..19c TUNA FISH vi-lb. tin 19c RED ARROW SODAS pkg 19c CANADIAN CHEESE lb 19c Nalley's MAYONNAISE 8 oz. 19c SWIFT DIAMOND "A" OQ AvK, p BACON, lb. SHELLED WALNUTS OQp Finest Light Pieces, lb. CHATEAU CHEESE lb 29c THRIFT BLEND COFFEE lb, 29c MARMALADE--Empress, 32 oz. 29c P. & O. SOAP 8 bars 29c WHOLEWHEAT FLOUR OQp 6-lb. sack Thrift Cash & Carry We Deliver Phone 17 101 Third An "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention Electrfr Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Ph. Green 219 MATINEES FKI. SATUR. 'Lea .Miserable," With Splendid - Acting and .Magnificent Settings, At 2:30 Offered at Capitol All (he powerful drama of Victor Hugo's great classic, the thrilling and dramatic story of a bunted man. is said to be amply retained in the ptcturtaaUon of "Los Miserable," which eomas to the Capitol Theatre here for three-day engagement commencing today. Fredrick March Is at his best as the hero, Jean Valjean, the fresh, honest country youth, who stole a loaf of bread because he was starv-1 ing and for this crime was brutalized for five yean in the galleys of a French prison ship and found his whole life reInUeasly shadowed by the law. As the fanatical detective. Ja-vert. who hounds htm from pillar to post. Charles La ugh ton offers an entirely new and great characterisation, sir Cedrtc Hardwicke. distinguished English atage and screen star. Is brilliant as the beneficent Bishop Blenveoa. Released from the prison ship, an unfeeling beast, Valjean is In-ptred to a nebk and prosperous life by Bishop Blenvenu but. bemuse he has broken his parole, he ematru a hunted man always. Oianks to the sinister Javet. The love Interest is provided by Rochelle Hudson and John Beal. others having important parts being Frances Drake Florence Eld-rtdge (Mrs. Fsedrteh March. Ferdinand Gottahalk. Jeatie Ralph and Mirilynnt Knowkleo. Settings and costumes are magnificent and it is declared to be a (really great picture. Doomed to a cl flight from a fiend who Lnowi no pityl Why won't he let me alone! Why doci he deny me love, peace ... the right to ulvage ray bitter heart! Vht have I done!. 2 51 7 21 & 9 30 Feature at 20.. Fof uftly, comfort, convenience, btvtl by rsll. Jiptt Nt!onl Prk Ii only one of mny dtlljWul btloomty points ta route. Thtrt is no tttrt cKfjt fof ttopovtr privlltfti. ri'iir i i T.iui For Information. Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 5:8 3rd Ave. FLASH Prince Rupert, B.C. I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i I 1 For roe there U only the liw' My hert W doted to fku Juitlcel Whit ii Jutt jt It not my duty to let cn rule my deciMon. I in Jj.j JOMM M KWXK VICTOR HUGO MARCH uianJL6 LAUCHTON CEDRIC HARDWICKE Um BUDSOX fva KUf imU a DAtKYi ZANiCK p : SltJ.Y SYMPHONY ft WOULD NIH'S COMING MONDAY MAE WEST in "COIN TO TOWS LUW SUMMED ROUND TRIP FAREV T. ........ rw )m Hhm kf rWl b mmm To all Radio Users of Prince Rupert and District Announcing the Opening of Our New Radio Service Department Servicing done on ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Our new service i uate, KfcLiAULb and EFFICIENT. Fully equipped with the laU instruments for servicing your radio. The best of materials only u I service man m charge. All work guaranteed and charges fair and n See our new Cathode-Ray Oscill latest development of the R. C. A. Vict r, :S 1-7 tories. A truly magic marvel. Now in oprrj the Exhibition. See it make a picture of 'W voice. Mail orders especially attended to ; t " Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Results