22 1M8 THE DAILY NEWS fAQjff THRZX .L -JLJ. SPECIAL ,21 hold Size Bottle Italian Balm, reg. GOc j': Hiir.e Dispenser 5c 5L25 Special Price, 59 cents .ice tn Mi 1 Tooth Powder and On1 Klenzo Tooth Brush, Value We Both for 39 cents CHILDREN'S SPECIAL the ( tMr Tooth Brush and Sponge Ball Both for 19 cents Ormes Lid. Jit Pioneer DruqtfisU lit HtU BUf Phone: 81 ft tZ Off a Dally from I s.m, till II p-m. ndayi and lUUAayt From IZ non till 2 pjn 7 pjn. tin 9 p.m. UNION STKAMSHIPS LIMITED P-Mmtii kf Prftice Rupert for Vancouver- Ls. CATALI ITUtr TtSSDAT. 1:3 ML lAr- . 2 VirroHWf Tnunaay fe. CAROEVI nXBV miDAY MIUNIfillT. r J r Monoay ajn. 17 or f r MmpMii aana. mwui aiMt pal iif nuK tfturvT sumnji itr sftrsitton regarding sQ sailings and tickets at irf srrtsr or?cT tWif tniM. riwa ss LOCAL NEWS NOTES Bargain shop oprni next door to C. P. R. ofiiee-lJemers. ! FIRT CLASS SHOE REPAIRING. SEE SIMPSON. FIFTH AND J McBRIDE. (U) Charles Helms of New York! passed through the city from boat Orange Ladies' jasaar. Nov. 28. MOOSE HALL RENTAL ItATES Concerts J25.00 Dances 20.00 PudlU Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaBer meetlncs Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate. SA.Ofl For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412 1 , 1 Be warm and comfortable by in 32 Taxi It costs the tame. You can rent as low a $1.50 mile. 1 I: ' t a car at' Walker a day. phis 7c. a Airs. it. T. Croat mt on last TJwiL Hilda Brkfcre ef the teeal Hahnut boats leavtnx: for the rttV trto fet InTenu ' 8elvatlon Army Corps returned to J bank today are Signal. Aiken, P. I I J ' j 1 r In-law and dauhtr. Mr. ami Mrs.1 . ,u , 'home In Vancouver. i Mr. and Mrs. C Strollers' Stagnation Waltz con test at the OddifBows' Hall tonight 10 pjn. U&5 Prince Rupert Tennis CXub Amer ican tournament Sunday, August j 36 at 1:30 sharp. 1W; Tonight's train, due from the East at 10: IS. was reported thte morning to be on time. Dor rem and Vera Beatrice. C. O. R. Anderson sailed yester- day afternoon on the Prince H. Lewis will George for a trip to Juneau. tr ant m.-4 . . Nil tAfllMJlIUW I'J W vSW . r:rr:V?;: PtHkm Louise for Ketehika. Mr. O-atng to the carnival, there wa3 , Z. LewU wnTna been TZTZ tne Qn ' lat nlghV, re Ung of J. C. Hunt of Decker Lake, who ?. 5 ITT S2 Is spending the summer at North Inland. Announcement Catholic August 29. tea, Mrs Prince Rupert Tennis Club Annual Dance Friday. September 30. Oddfellow's Haft. Catholic Church Bazaar October 2 and J. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. i Presbyterian Bazaar. NoTembei Lodge and Junior Chamber of of the Moose Lodge which was. therfore.postponed, Northland Transportation Co nT; J tL pTlrC rr, motorahip Northland, Capt. Lex; Utament for the Rater, Ctab at 30i arrived In port at 3 Ketenikan. ! yesterday afternoon from Ketcbi-i 'kan and, after discharging four Guests at the luncheon of the , carloads of canned salmon for! Prince Rupert Gyro Cub yester- (transshipment East over the Can- Burbank's. day were Charles Hetaut of New'ftdlan National Railways, sailed York City, T. G. Applegath and C. at 6:30 pin. for Seattle. II. Seott of Vancouver. Walter Martin and Claude Kelly of Oeean Jack F. Jennings of Chicago, Palls, and Dr. Nea Carter and O. globe-trotting movlog picture pho-F. Denstedt of Prince Rupert. The tographet, was. among passengers luncheon entertainment program going through to- Alwka aboard the constated of the prwentatlon of a steamer Prince George yesterday, number of reels of talking pictures. He is Including scenes of the "In- furnished by the Genera! Motors side Passage" In a general travet-Corporatlon, the stibjet inetodmg ogue which wiil al take In some musical, cartoon and automobile Prince Rupert views. Accompany-maaufacUtring. There were ex- ing Mr. Jennings were hla wife and plana tory remarks by Mr. Apple- Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McCormlek and gath who is zone manager for Gen- Mr and Mrs. a R. (Hague, all of eral Motors. i Ctiicago. Dance Tonight t Snappy Music Oddfellows' Hall STROLLERS' VANCOUVER ORCHESTRA Ofv.U 50c Prize Waltz Dancing 10 .p.nv-2 a.n S10 First Prize 6 Consolation Prizes DRESSES Sunday Nites in pastel shades, lace trimmed. From 14 to 44. Carnival Sale Special DRESSES Crepes, stripes, prints, some with jackets. Sizes 14 to 40 only. Carnival Sale Special ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR COMPANY Ladies 25c I NABOB COFFEE offers DOUBLE VALUE! Becsme it is sdentifictlly bfendeo, smooth, (r5rnt 6 uthhint. Becsute it is scslco in s ttcua container, festsnUci4 lasting fccsnnes ... sua slso, tie one pound $Ua u any be used for canning, or many other hoesenold perposet. Same kijli quality as in titc tin. MARAR Start taring jtrar Vrrtrtin$ Jctrt Xmt Thrrm MrtT mJm. mbi prmmlum cmuponm im Fm jmr 4f KAttok evffmm ! them. Send TOR THE NEW ti A.BOB CATkVOC It's Free! a CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way perts PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 PJuL To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE. Aug. 17th. 28th. Sept. 6ta. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. To Ketchikan, WraagelL Juneav and Skagway PRINCESS LOUISE. Aug. 12th. 23rd, Sept 1st PKINCEBS ALICE; Aug 19th For information and reservations call or write W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Knpert, E.C If you lose anything, try a classified ad. Annettes Carnival STILL IN PROGRESS 3 stlc Here Are Some of the Extraordinary Values That Annette Was Fortunate Enough to Procure While South. ... tnnfu nf ihirtv vcirs' exDcriencc in the Ladies' Wear business. Our merchandise is brought direct from the manufacturer to you. The ToJrwtXlcVatS pHccT WE 1)0 NOT H AN OLE JOBS 0? BANKRUPT STOCKS. Our Stock is new, different and priced for every pocket. We invite your iaspection. 15 ONLY SPORT COATS In White, Green, Yellow, Rose, Beice and Sand. Reguar values to $19.50. Carnival Sale Special $7.00 FLANNEL & CH0NGA SLACKS FLANNEL AND CH0NGA SLACKS Navy, grey, blue and brown. Regular val. to $3.95. Carnival Sale Special- $1.95 SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES-200 pairs of shoes, white, black, brown, sand grey, in low, Cuban and high heels; pumps, straps and ties. Regular values to $5.95. Carnival Sale bpociai 1 DRESSES! DRESSES! DRESSES Afternoon, Evening, Etc., some with jackets, pastel shades, polka dots, stripes, crepes, Swiss organdy, fancy weaves, etc. Suitable for all occasions. Sizes from 14 to 44. Regular values to $19.50. Carnival Sale Special $5.95 SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS All new fall skirts, all colers, all sizes. Regular values to $3.95. Carnival Sale Special BLOUSES $2.45 BLOUSES BLOUSES Plain crepes, figured, candy stripes, polka dots. Sizes 14 to 44. Regular value to $1.95. Carnival Sale Special CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES HEAVY CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES from 14 to 20. Regular value to $3.95. Carnival" Sale Special- $1.95 "The Store of the Better Dressed For Less" THIRD AVENUE x "XT a a s s c r V. is K n 1 s