r a t 10 1M5 TORONTO 1 9kh Seaspn NEW GRADED SYLLABUS .IS IB TBMX. '-! TWS1 . i .M v . xi.raiiciru Opens Sept. -2nd 1935 in rid r T.P LOUISE. Aug. Hthth, SpU6n. .. r Z FH ALICE. Aug 10th. Jifkhikan, WfantflU, Juneau ana Dfnf7r-, ' :ESS LOUI8E, Aug 12th. jard..Scpt,t. I i;t ESS ALICE, Aug 19th. F t Information and reservation talljOr,wr W L COATES, General AtwU Pl(vre4UiP'rt P . . ..-.tr t I KIITDll UNION TiWto"M P. 4 Btearaeii leave Prince Rupert for. Vancouver- Ms. CATAIl EVKUV TUESDAY, 1:SI Ml. Arming Vancouver Thursday TSJ. CAItDENA EVEItV FRIWAY.MinSMIHT. Aniving Vancouver. Monday. ajn. MUln lo Port SUmi-ou.AaTOi'""-4-twiiju. Utr PrUc Bupm Bund;, p- r BOOK COVTAIWINC rCTt JVr0M ATIO AiOt OUT SPECIAL , A I. 1 I . Tl f 1 s. A. Tablets, lor uoKitvueauaenes, u lUieumatitun, etc. Keg., price 50c. On sale 36c l uju jine Shampoo,, reg. price 5cQnjale 15c Flah Hand lewder. .Removes paint,! p-easta, etc. from hands. t 15c ar floow, funiiture, woodwork,- etc. use V ARE Solid Wax, Liquid Polish or. Powdered Wax for dancing.: Price each 50 C Ormes Ltd. ru fetal! SWn Phones:,!!, Ml Optn Dally Fronvl ajaj tlU JIp m. nixrni Holidays From U noon till t pjn J p.nj M'L9 P "1- CANADIAN 'P-ACIIRHC VawooTfr via Ocean, Falls and.way.ports rr::;i xas Adelaide. Fridays. 10 pm. t tancouTrr Dlrrct fwtner tnformatlon reg,ardlng all tailings and ticket at- tUlSCK KtTIKT AUIHC1: Tfclr Si r. IIS I'Oll YOl'K I PRESERVING SUPPLIES Jelly Jars and Coyerst doz. Perfect Seal Jars. Quarts, doz, Perfect Seal Jars, Pints, doz. Economy Caps, doz, Rubber Jar Rings, doz. Parowax, 2 packets for Aluminum Preserving Kettles, each Canning Racks, for 8 quart Jars, each GORDON'S "H ARDW ARE :15c .51.75 $1.35 ...5c 7c ,.35c 95c . .50c : ri jiriji tBim ;injaalt" :Mim D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Buys anu :Sells Now, lttliejU!ht Time! Kitchen. lUngcKUcken. Cabinet, Kltth?n Chairs. Kitchen Table Prince Rupert,; B.C. 4?HONKGRRPNii21 Be,warm . and. comrortaol by In 32,Taxi Jt cosl Uie tame. .Norman A. Watt left on last eve niog's train for Laketoe Lake where be will spend the week-end with bis family who are ln .residence there for the summer. Mr and Mrs. Copley Bennett tailed this momlps on the gar-dena for a vacation trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Mr. Bennett is Identified wHh the Railway Mall Service here. Dr Cordon C Large of Vancouver, who has been visrUpg la the city for few days with his I brother and sister-In-law. Dr. and 'Mrs R O. Large, will salt Monday afternoon by the Prince George on his reUim south. O. Oury-Jackson. who has been here for the past several weeks closing out the local United States Consulate, will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for Van rouver en route to Tela. Honduras. which will be hte next post. William Peters' of Okanagan Landing and E. K. Peters of Verr non arrlvel m the city on the Cardena this morning from the Fouth and will, sail tomorrow eve. nag on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart and Uieuce south to VkVrla where theywill take up residence for the .winter. F. W. Weoch. manager ,ef the Pioneer Launory. appeared at last night's meeUng of the hospital board to explain the laundry's po sition In regard to a dispute wnicn had arisen over seven bedspreads which the hospital claimed had become missing In the laundry. Mr. Wesch maintaining that every thing which bad been sent to the laundry had .been returned and that. If anything, had gone astray, It was not in.Jhe laundry. It would be more satisfactory Mr- Wesch suggested. If the hospital In future sent In Its own list with laundry for checking purposes. The. matter was left ln the hands of the chairman of the house committee. Frank Dtbb, who Is at present out of' the? city and the laundry account was: ordered paid, subject to possible ad-j JustmcnL I Announcements Catholic August 29. 7. tea, Mrs Burbank's, Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo- Baptlst Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian, Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. - presbyterlau Bazaar. .Novembet Oraiige Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. 4 Moose Hall . RENTAI RATES Concerts , Dances .$25.00 , 20.00 Public MeeUngs I" A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, . $4J00 Fpr , engagements phQtie the Club Steward, 640 or Red,42. tTHKJOn,YJEHa LOpAL NEWS -NOTES Cash ,foroJd,,gpJdBulger',s. A. O.Rlx left on last evening's! xou can rent a ear. at Walker's, train Jor a. brier business trip tol a low as iio a day. Dim 7c. a i Terrace. mile. - ' - i , Canadian Lcglpn regular month - M. 8Un Johatvsen sailed lasijiy executive and general meetings' nht r the Prince Adelaide, postponed for one wefc for Vancouver. '- i .WlUiam Etne ,sall?d yesterday . Fife Cftpllel, Theatre tickets, col- iafUroogn ..pn .the, Prince Rupert lact our cash ragiater rrfigpts Jlul-lfor .a business irip t(0 Stewart. ger's Jewellery Store. ; ,Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Breen and Mrs J A. Hlnton sailed last j son. Jack, left on last evening's night on the Prince' Adelaide for J train for .a week-end trip- to Ter- a inp to Vancouver and victoria, race Father Marie OM.I. left on .last evening's train for a week-end; trip to Stewart pn , eccleaiastteal duties . William FMIer of the Northern Il.C Power Co. staff sailed yesterday afternoon w the Prtwe Rupert for a trip to 8twart. ; Nick J.- Cpultor of . Port .Edward will sail this evaslAg en the, Prince Rupetr for Vancouver esrpute to the provincial Home at Karaloops. Bteve.Klng sailed this morning A. R Nichols sailed on the for Stewart enroute to the Unuk River dl&trlct-in which be is. in terested ln mining. Miss. Rose .Bell of the staff of William Ooldboom's fur .store rolled last night on; the Princess Adelaide for .Vancouver whence she will proceed east on a combined holiday .and business trip. MJ Darragh Perry, secreairy to the British Consul at, Los Angeles. s a visitor In the city. She .arrived pn the Prince -Rupert yesterday nwnlng and .will jbe returning south on. the Prince. George .Monr lay afternoon. The Prince Rupert Medical Asso ciation had. a lettet.be fore the hos pital board . last night welcoming the. suggestion, of a conlerenceube" iween .members of the association and the hospital board every .three months., The first .pf .these confer ences wilL.be held next month , at a date to.be, declded.upon lsterKan agenda of .subjects pf diMusslon to be drawn up meantime .Among the tourists on the Prince Rupert yesterday were;Pr. andMrs. L-S. J.Ugijault pfMon treal. old friends of Mrs. Joseph Qaron. .whose guests they were white In the city party were Dr. and .Mrs. L. S Leclere of- Quebec and Mr. . Ban- uni of Verdun.. They visited Win nipeg. Edmonton, Banff. Lake Louise and. Victoria before com In north and ..proceeded from here by train to Chicago where they will visit before returning to Montreal and Quebec. liansfer tPHONE 580 .Office 315-Second Avenue COAL Furniture fMoving rrmceKuoe on the Cardena for a- trip to Van- report from th fire-chief , pre-eouver. Mrs. Kln and family are Uented to the hospital board at Its already in the soutn. Imeeting. sUted thzt an inspection bad been made of hospital fire equipment and everything had Prince-Rupert yesterday atUrnoon,, Xound ln order Henceforth, the fire chiefs will make a. regular report monthly to the board. Want Ads HELP WANTED V LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman. Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stec pgrapher, etc. Free Bookie. How to get a. Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School vWln,' nipeg. W05IEN WANTED vWOMEN wanted to start : private Kindergarten Schools In their own homes this coming Fall Free Booklet on request Canadian Kindergarten Instltute.iVln-nlpeg. Established 1927. WORK .WANTED OIRL Wants work ln private home. Experienced. Phone Green 292. (1891 BOARD 'ANDfROOM "I BOARD IN Q Home for children. Also ln thel . ... .M tu, pr. R. O. Large,, at last night's nieetlng of the hospital board, referred to the annoyance to patients by the . noise of children playing on the Jawns.and nearby streets. In .some cases, the doctor said, the noise .was the cause of real distress, particularly tor very sick patients. Confidence was ex pressed by members of the board that the necessary parental control jvould be exercised without making It necessary to obtain tne co-operation of the police In sub dulng the youthful ardor of the children of the hospital neighborhood in their play. scimui use tu.vv uuuhu, ply PD. Box. 576, Prince Rupert B.C. U86 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why . work for less. Take orders for the "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas , Greeting Cards. Priced as low as j 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box As-1 .sortment containing 20 Beautiful j Cards with Calendar .sells for $1.00 Costs, as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit .tree. We are pnly interested ln genulr.e workers. Art-Point Printing Co.,- Victoria, B.C. (tf) MARINE DIESEL A LIMITED Number of men are now being ...selected to train for positions irr Mine Diesel engineering. Those qualifying .will be given personal. practical training ln the shops at Li& Angeles. Tul- Uon lees arranged to suit present conditions. In first letter give age, present occupaUon and phone number. Box :247, Dally News. (184) FOR5ALE INTRODUCTORY Offer on Gentle men's Sundtles. quara.nteea cwirfs thin and stronz. 24 DQSt- pald $1J00. Catalogue FREE. Box 332- P. Victoria. iuj WORK WANTED HIGH School girl .wUl wrk lor. board arid, room pr be. compan ion, Phone Blue 319. (187) PAINTERS P A I N T. LN O - na Paperbanglp Mouer. phone ' Bea oua. UtND.ACI Xotk o Intfntlon to ApplJ. to r Laod ? i. inH .Rroordlnij DUtrlc of Prince Rupert, IUne 8, Oo&at wismtos, ra outh of Jxt 0710, Bn . w T.ko notJc tnt ciarmce wt .di tr, ot itaywport. B.g, oocpuon erjnin. UJtenda to pp W a 1mm o i2 rolJowma iinctuea nnmHUJ; a.t ft OCMt DlMtd OS ft tanall Wuid; atout titfce-qurtr ot, k mUe loutn or ot. P710 ne'o. wat ni&triet. Uvnvm nortn-v i.b oauni; thw l by porvx i t uim,,uq wiik nitii.vMt 30.S chain; thenc vuithut hy aouth 17.5 chalna tohij point ol conmneixnt, and ,qontlatoj 5S.1 acm more or lsi. CLAHSNCE EDQAR. BALTSR. Dated Jun ito, 19SS, rt s Silver Jubilee CARNIWAL Qrganizedtby Junior i Chamber-of Gornrftrce August .21, 22 and 2.3 Sports - VAUDEVILLE - PAGEANT- -Dancing HI 1 .--1 CBUiRCH N01DKES Xoioperating Church .Services tFt!RSTfP,RESB YZERlAtf, CHURCH Morning Worship at 11 AAL, First Presby-terlan Church.' .Sermon Subject: "THE MISSINCh MAN" 'FIRST BAP.TIST(CHl&HCH 7:30 In the First Baptist Chtxrch JSermon Subject: THE. EiQUESST" Dr. Dafpe, will preach at botk sexrvkes All Are Welcome BRITISH COLUMBIA THE MINERAL PROVINCE O'WESTERN' CANADA - has produced minerals of an aggregate value of The value of mineral production orthe year 1934 was $42,305,297.00; being an increase of 29.8 over the production for the year 1933, Gold production established an all-time high in both volume and value. Following, are. some-recent, publication!, copies' of, vbichmay .be .obtaixed upon application to the. DEPAKTMLyr .OF II5ES, VICTWIA, B.C.: Annual Report of the Honourable tne Mlnistir of Mines for the calendar year 1934. Bulletin, "British Columbia the Mineral. Industry." (lacluded in this Bulletin Is a synopsLs of the various , Mining Laws of the Province). ' NorMetalllc Mineral InvesUgatlons: Barite. . Asbestos, Clay, Glass-ware, Magnestte. arjajd Hydro-Uag-neslte. Sketch map pf B.C. showing Mlptog Divisions Etc. Hgw,Will You Spend Them JTWs.Yfiar? Enjoy a period of relaxation wjfc-li ajl the:joysof country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Hslands SEABATHING - TENJS1S fTSHIUCi iRates $13 a,week,-540 a month and up. rwiodem Cpovenifnces Write or wireless to ttrrttlons to MADAME RAJAHJT Rupert iBwrand SMQKED LSUCK s i Prepared,1 Daily By i Canadian ; Fish & CoUragetCo,,tlli PRINCE RUPERTT,'B.CL V: 1