Srggv TKE 1 STANDARD ' THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCF. RW'KUT - ItlClTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except 8umiay. by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Hdtior subscription ratf.s City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year Local readers, per Insertion, per line - ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnen, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion DAILY EDITION $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 .25 M0 .02 Monday. April 39, 1935 KNOCKING HOME CITY The Financial News of Vancouver is knocking the baby V THB DAILY NEWS Monay, April 'A fauk rwt 1- TOURNEY PORT' Grotto Basketball Team Home From Anyox With Northern B.C. Hoop Championship Tucked Away ! Bringing u ith them the Sun Life Assurance Co. cup, 'emblematic of Northern Hntish Columbia senior basket ball championship, the Grotto Senior League hoop team of Prince Rupert, m command or Manager mid Harrio, tinned home last night from Anyox aboard the cannery : tender Jedwav. ! 1 1 Anynx won the final game at the OF TENNIS nt on C. N. R. A. Court Yester day Under Ideal Condition An American tournament was held on the Canadian National Re creation Association tennis court! on Sunday afternoon. Hie weather was Ideal and a good crowd was in attendance. The winners were as follows in the order named: J. H. Horton and Miss E. Ktvett. R. Morrison and Mrs. bond issue of that city just because it does not approve the! J h. west. w. p. Mcintosh and Mrs. nnlinies nf Mnvnr McReer. That naner noints out how itiF M DaTte- We do not think the Financial News will make friends by that policy. The bonds are being issued for the purpose of imnrovinrr the citv and it looks like a mistake for anv JKNH Slnce1Q57theword,'SEAGRAMS,, WZMA SSHSM U on Canadian Whisky has stood for Wfflf Say Seagram's and be Sure This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of 'fifi)ti BrUiSn Columbia. Teng. assisted by other members of j citizens hold back such a movement No matterilhe commm!e wnat anyone may ininK 01 Mayor wicueer, tney niusi. uu- A .1 . TT 1 1.-11 ! mil inai v ancouver neeos a new city nan. WILD MAN OF EUROPE Hitler is undoubtedly using the German military feeling! as a means of establishing himself and consolidating bis; position. He finds it popular to defy the League of Nations so he is carrying it to the extreme. He is-ftrusting to the anti-war feeling in most European nations to prevent the neighboring countries trying to force him to live up to the Versailles Treaty. Just now Hitler is looked upon as the wild man of Europe and no one can tell what he may do next. , PREPARATIONS FOR CELEBRATION Evidently the whole city will join with enthusiasm in the celebration of the King's Silver Jubilee next Monday. In doing so they will be in line with the general movement throughout the British Empire and .wherever British people are gathered together. Prime Minister Bennett is in England preparing to take part in the big celebrations there and the premiers of the other Empire countries will also be there as well as representatives of nations not members rif the Empire. Prince Rupert will celebrate in proper manner, not to show its loyalty, for such a demonstration would be unnecessary, but as a spontaneous expression on s'o auspicious an occasion. ROWLING C. N. R. A. vs. Coquettes. 'let us givg you A PAIR OF FESTIVE FEET. Shoej have taken on the "luxury" air of Spilig fashions! Emer ...coDtra$iir.g leathers, fancy trimming and perforation . . . more feminkre and tophiiticitcd ttvles. You'r going to luvc feitht feet when tru tep out in a new pair ot Oryx Shoes. And you're going t o like them ... very much. Onyx SHOES BY BLACHFORD The Family Shoe Store LIMITED Third Ave. rhone 357 .smelter town Saturday night by a score of 27 to 18 but Prince Runert took the series with an excess of 18 Fourth Anyox. 19; Prlnee Ru pert. 16. defeated the Canadian National Recreation Association of the local Senior League. Alex Macdonald tcu the star for Anyox In the games at the smelter town, being used In various posi tions with equal advantage. The - ! Prince Rupert players all turned in April 29-Blue Birds vs. Strikers; A (KK, aii aroimd ,.ame atld there jwas little to pick u'hd choose be- . j iwecn mem. The visit at Anyox proved town and enjoyed play themselves. The local team consisted of I Sonny Stiles, Dtddaurvlch, Emle Ratchford, Herbie lorgan. Johnny Morrison, Angus McPhee, Eddie Smith. William M-irray and Joe amis. RIBBONS IN LEAD Defeated Assumption College 38 to ! 20 Satunlay in Third Game of Senior Hoop Series . VICTORfA. AprU 29: (CP) Vic toria Blue Ribbons defeated As- ) sumption College ot Windsor, Ont. ! 38 to 20 Saturday night in the third game of the series for the i Canadian senior men's basketball .championship. The Ribbons arc .now leading on the series two games to one. SPORT CHAT With the opening of the local pkritct bowls game ijv roy morrison. ... On Saturday evening at the j (lav Mnwtln. AllMMt -ROV MON rluon. in the fourth game in the five-pin ini!lw enam- pionslwp. bowled the first per- tecl gnme e" llayi m w (lid bowls he made twelve j strike or 450 point This is the pniwlble wore at five pins. J Ruy is Justified in feeling r chety. Inquiries are to De j made as to the last time a per- fret flve-uln scor was made in British Columbia. THREE GAMES tllrN Leatuc King Eds 5C2, J.M.'s C22. i OF SOFTBALL! Klnts on the aggregate. Five games Vlsltlnr .Me tlakatla Team Had Busy , werr played, the flret being a draw Day Here. Winning Two .ilatrhe while, of the other four, each team And lysine One won two. The total count was 126 for Prlnee Runert to 108 for Anyox. The Mellakatfa Softball team had the reunite mime by game having a busy day In town yesterday, play- been as follows: uig Uiree games with local teams. First Anyox.. 2t; Prince Rupert, two of which the visitors won 21. Seconder!. 3C. 53 -Anyox, 15, Prlnee Ru- Third Anyox. 2-1, Prlnee Rupert. in the first game, the Metlakat- tans were baffled by the hurling of J Ronnie Pitcher and lost out to the J Lamble Si stone team of the Senior' LfAgue by a score o! nine to nil A plek-up team of local Junior players went on the field for Prince Fifth Anyox. 27: Prince Rupert. Rupert In Uie second an I fcf Af tltfri1ltl wAn ft tf game and; This Is the first time the Sun The nurd game of tne aay iook would be-a financial error to purchase the new issue of a 'r TST u,e Cu, ,ras 'rom An- biace in the evenma. ending m the m?11nn million and n,I a n half half rlnllnr dollars wWnri which is i tn to Iip be sold wild in in the the city, oitv. ? r"1": c,,fm"n r t,,e c- N !yox. yox. In In the tne flndl linai last last year. yeor. Anyox Anyox klhth stanza with Mrtlakatla k. a. iennis uiud. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. II. Horton and Mrs. J. A. ahead uf u local scrub team 10 to 4. STUDENT BOWLING UftulU In I licit School league I'lay On Saturday very Results Saturday In tlie King Ed- enjoyable. There was. a dance at ward Utah School Rowling League the I. O. D. . llaHithere on Friday j were as follows: evening. The locals found igolf and tennis going strong at the smelter Gadgets 740, Aces 674. Lucky Strikes 086, flay Maids 503 Kippers C65, Co-Eds 022. Bowler Bears 705, TVrirlers 731 Roys' League Cubs 455. Buckaroos 500. Tigers 539. Punks 523. Giants C2S. Champs 475, High scorers ulrk Llnaa Field, !E5: boys, I). MeMeekln, ISO. The standings: Girlt Twlrlers 6097 .ucky Strike 5693 Aces ... 5504 Gadgets 5483 Kippers 5225 Co-Eds 5092 Bowler Bears - 4W2 JM.'i 4010 King Eds j. 4515 tlay Mnlds 4231 Roys Tigers 1081 Giants 1C28 Champs 1537 Buckaroos 1510 Cubs 1494 Punks 1438 Baseball Standings American league baseball season scheduled to take1 W. place next Monday with an exhl- Chicago 0 'bltion game being played at the Cleveland 1 I King's Silver Jubilee Celebration, Washington 7 , interest In the diamond pastime is New York 7 showing a creat comeback. Yester-1 Hottort fl j day morning about twenty-five Detroit , 4 ; athletes were out limbering up at Bt Louis ... .2 (the Acropolis Hill Grounds wtth t'lilladclphTa 2 .the younger clement In much cvl-l National League deuce. With n few of the older New York 7 players coaching them, the rookies Brooklyn ,show promise of develonlnir Into a Chicago fine lot of ball playerjThc league Cincinnati t.1 ertry mill nnthnkl., .v.. n t n I tl t tthlirir 24 with three teamr'ln the clrcult.lHt. Iuls If is expected Elks Sons of Can- Uwton ada and Canadian J-egldn will be',hl!adelphla tne tnrcc teams. Players will be al lotted In the ncaf future and It Is j the Intention of the league officials , to endeavor to even things up as imuch as possible with a view to making the games moire Interesting. NO FOOTBALL GAME I A football came vas contempla-I ted for yesterday between. the , Young Liberal team of this city and ,an eleven from the British steamer I Paris City, which Is how In port ; loading grain, but It failed to e 0 8 6 5 -4" Z L. 3 3 4 4 5 8 a. o 2 4 6 6 0 0 7 8 II. J. ZUMKETIR Fully Equipped and Experienced Pet. .750 .700 .030 .030 .545 J33 .200 .182 .778 .807 M5 .500 .500 .455 .304 .200 Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates Issued with each chimney cleaned, Call or Telephone Thompson Harchvnrc Prime Minister Goes .For Drive tr rr- jztrrzFw'ii. i n 5?' gjggag ''"ggSgV "'iglggM' ' g HBPv jstS VgggggggflrrgggHiHiv r&BMvgfls iilfflLc'tfMjAHHiaFT ggflgHgaaggggfam sHaWst WtuHiwKtni ggHgggggggggggggggggggggagggft' ggr gUgMgggggS A Prime Minister II II. Rennet ca . ' b ,.e tmt he stepped a "X- fat lit! r ct.-u seven wccK- .ig.. Perhaps Mf lien net: Jli.u i x . the remark of his prtvat.' chuuffur. Clifford Allrn ,b . that he wan gto to see his chief out again The phot" wn In Ottawa, Monday AprU 15. I BEER BUITISU fxilufnl.iu'. fmnurlte. You v. Ill enjoy the fine flavour of thU fatuous User. Jut say I'llenef when jhii urilrr. tit PruJ f nolurt nf H Wtrr lUrttrt, Oddfellows And Rebekahs Have ' Church Service Members of the Oddfellows- and Rebekah Lodges to the number of about fifty attended annual di vine service last evtnlng at Bt. Pe ter's Anglican Chorch. Seal Cove, where Rev Canon W. F. Rushbrook preached appropriately to the order. The party, hi flrarf Of James Madden, drove from Hall to the1 church and then drove back to be dismissed. C. F. Outred and A. Dickinson of the Consolidated Mining St Smelt ing Co. from Trail were passengers aboard the Cawtfl last evening go ing through to Anyox. Steamship Sailings L 'or Vaneoavei Tuesday -Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs- . P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. rriday . Prin. Adelaide .10 p in 8. cardena midnight April 4. 15. 25ss. P. Norah 5 p.m. t m Vncoue Sunday as. Catala .. 4 p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rucrt 10 p.m Friday sa. Prln. Adelaide 4 pm as. Cardena p.m April 11 and 21 s. P. 'Norah a.m. i'iir Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catdla . 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 p.m. lYom Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. Thursday- ss Pr Itapert 8 p.m. ror Nsas River Aim fori Mmpion-flunday ss. CaUila 8 p.m. rrom Naas River U I'ort Klmron Tuesday s.s Catala 1 :30 a.m. lor Queen Charlotte Islands-April 12, 2& ss. Pr Johti 10 p.m. Prom ()ueen Charlotte Islands- April 10 and 24 ss Pr. John a.m. ir Ocean Falls Thurs. ss P Rujiert 10:30 p.m. Friday-.! Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m mm Ocean Fa!l Wednesday ss. P, Rupert ;10 Friday ss. Prln, Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. cardena p.m For Alaska-April 11 and 21 ss, p, Norah n.m i From Alaska- April 4, 15, 25ss. P. Nornh p.m. I roin nkrena River Friday- ss Cardena p.m. & Tliik advcrliement is not jniltluhcd or dilaycd k the Control Hoard or lv tti. r.f,rrniniii of Rriti-h C.,-i Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and FV days 4-iorra I'rom the East-Tuesday. Thurdys snd : days 1" ': l " t-'ar Vancouver Mondays Hrnln 4 in p.m Tuesday .. no p.Ta. Wednsday (train) - 4 30 ,m Thursdays 0 30 p "J Friday H p.m. April 4. IB and 25 . From Vancouver- Sunday 4 Pm Tueday Itralnt 10 15 pw Wednesday 10 a m, Tliursday Uraln) 10' la P ' 1 Friday - Saturday (train) 1" 1' ' April 11 and 31 For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 P n Wedneday - 3 P-m rom Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday H 30 aJB Por Naas River and Port Slmpsflo- Sunday 7 P ro Clean Paint Plant Fix Everything to Make This Job Easy For Von - m Kaien Hardware SPECIAL (.arden .1!)c PAINT For the Fence. Shed, O.irar' Ltc. Only 03c per quart. 53.?" Pft gallon Handy cans. 20c $150.00 Prises, 'del In th' bl parade. Drcoralc jnr raf May filh. Don't forget It's U King's Silver Jubilee Celebra' linn.