paob rotm WE WELCOME COMPETITION FLOUR All brands 1st Patent, 49-lb. snck 2nd Patent 48-lb, sack Known for Quality 7-lb. sack .'. DR. JACKSON'S ROMAN MEAL COOKIES, per Ajz 12-do. box SMALL WHITE BEANS 4 lb. JAP RICE 4 lbs. HORSESHOE SOCK EYE r S1.80 S1.65 DR. MIDDLETONB FLOUR SALMON, Is, tall per tin 100 Ironlzi Whole .Wheat Q1 Q7 ' vi.a ' 4-ib. sack SOINTULA FRESH EGGS- (tOn per do. ECONOMY COFFEE . groQRd at our store , per lb - ; 3 lbs. ECONOMY TEA Orant-Pekoe, per Both ike quality BANANAS 3 lb. NEW CABBAGE '3 lb GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 10c $1.10 19c 19c 37c Freshly 27c 79c lb39c proved. 25c 25c 25c Other I'rwli Fruits anil Vegetables at reduced prices Phone or mail your order to MUSSALLEM'Si "Where lolUr Have More Cents' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 I'VUBI OH RATS! We Want Thousands Of Them A big order has arrived for rat pelts and there is a demand for furs of all kinds. We buy anything with fur on it. Goldbloom The Old Reliable Send along y ur furs and if you don't like ur offer we will return them "xpress prepaid. 1 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Eason. Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Itupcrt Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Miotic 657 For Sale MANURE $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone lied C08 ' Dailv Wnnr-Arls u. .ways bring quick results. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Bringing north a good sized list We sell our quality merchanise at oi passengers. Union steamer Ca-the lowest prices. All other groceries tala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in proportionately as low- port at 8:30 last evening from the Capt. W. W. Mounce, after an 4hunM rf o four mnnthe V i t mm awmiikv wa w n uiviiktit si tv" OC; turned to his dutlei as pilot of the l steamer Catala on the present voy age north. He was ashore for several weeks in Vancouver on annual vacation but mors recently has been in command of the company's motorship Comox on the West Howe Sound route. The Ketchikan motorship freighter Evelyn Berg arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of halibut for transshipment east over the Ca nadian National Railways. After discharging, the vessel sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon. In command of the Evelyn Berg is Capt Allan i and Mrs. Fulmer, formerly pilot of the i steamer Dorothy Alexander and : brother of Earl Fulmer, some years j ago a member of Orme's Drug Store j staff here and now operating a 1 drug store In Prince George. C. N. R. Trains From the Fast Tuesdays. Thursdays and Rtlur days 10 15 pm "Build B.C. Payrolls" ECONOMY STORE! Just The Food For A Baby "TILL1E THE TOILER" Miss Sheila Stuart Charles and James Stuart, were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall. Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orme,i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMeekln, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Macdonald :and Miss S. A. Mills. Canadian Girls In Training Of Baptist Church! The clrls of the First Rintb'tl Canadian Girls in Training held their closing event ot the season Mrs. George Montcamery, resident lt Friday evcnln. '; It took the of this province, sends us a very gratifying letter: "Our baby," she writes, "was 111 and I was unable to nurse him. We could not find his trouble so called a physician. He placed the child upon a diet of. Pacific Milk and right away he began to pick up. It was but a short time until he was well." Mrs. M. adds she uses Pacific Milk In all her cooking. Pacific Milk "100 B.C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD form of a. penny party with a mu seum, shooUng gallery, peanut! duck, mechanical j-?nny and other attractions. The glrli In charge of the various booths were Astrid Pe-1 terson, Betty Blake. Nancy and Betty Bremner. Margaret and Amy I Armstrong. Margaret and Dorothy Fowled Eileen Hsmmons. Nellie Anderson and Dorothy Shrubsall. Josephine Gay had charge of the box office and Ina Robertson was at the door. Some of these girls as sisted In selling the refreshments. There .was an Impromptu program of songs and recitations. The affair was under the general supervision of the leaders, Mrs. F. W. Dafoe and Miss K. Watson. THE DAILY NEWS Mori April 2) ANNIVERSARY INOVELNOW CELEBRATED, QN SCREEN! ' .Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart Surprised By Larje Tarty of Friends Tresentation Made 1 William row ell and Myrna Loy Have Leading Itoles In Story v "Evelyn Prentice" A large party of friends as-i ambled Saturday nlzht In a sur-t "Evelyn Prentice." screen adap- south and sailed a couple of hours j prise party jn honor of Mr. and tatlon of the sensational courtroom later for Anyox. Stewart and other i Mr& D. c. Stuart at their home on novel of the same nam with W1I-northern points whence she will . Sw.ond Avenue In Westvlew. the l&m Powell and Myrna Loy In the return here tomorrow morning and iail at 1:30 pm. for Vancouver and waypoints. occasion elng their silver wedding leading roles, comet at the feature anniversary. The evening was" offering to the screen of the Ca pi- spent in bridge and dancing and . . passed off most delightfully. Winners at bridge were: ladies' first, Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill; second. Mrs. John Bremner; men's first, S. E. Parker; second. S. Stuart. A pleasant feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation by C. H. Orme, on behalf of those assembled, of a beautiful silver flower basket, filled with flowers, to the bride and groom of a quarter of a century ago who have spent their entire -married life In Prince Rupert Mr. Orme made appropriate remarks in his presentation address and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart both responded. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present In addition to Mr. Stuart and their family, tol Theatre here the first of this week. The story deal with the domestic life of a brilliant criminal lawyer whose buHnea keeps rum Mintirmaiiv from ht home and . family. On the ete of a second honeymoon to Europe, the lawyer s wife becomes deeply enmeshed In Miss Merkel's usually tipsy boy friend. Isabel Jewell plays the part of a love-crazed gill accused of the murder of her sweetheart Rosalind Russell of the Broadway stage makes her film debut as the "other .woman" In the life of the lawyer SCanaIUU mv nrt whlU th ontt In. which the lawyer-husband can extricate her. Powell and Miss Loy play the rurta of the lawyer and h'ls wife Edward Brophy has an Important ' " ' alone . . uuaes iniie i;ora sue louins in a child part respectively. Una Mtrkel, popular 8. O. Thomson returned to the comedienne. Is seen as a vivaclou J city on the Catala last evening young widow. Henry Wadaworth Is, from a business trip to Vancouver " mWdrnmi: k . A ,4' amor f U I 1 O '"J" x A. VJetw on an eititJnf ' yj L radio trip for n- witA of ntertainment. The proom prrfcrmanr of Trottf ' b. lUdio h4 put it owner in tourh ilh irrft C?-v rrnwic frnm f'n'n nmnlfim with iwwi rvenU , Mmmmabmmtmmmmmi nitliiK vita tka Iwt uf Uodral WjPi&&''"4$t'fi B-ytu ''cl l t. Con down to oir Ue and BlMTV3 . lJLp VN. iafpeetth'n peat line that bMinklMtifcUry i!.V5Jij2HkJ VJV hor ware rturmnr Um rul raliirr than Ihi Evft?r $ ifevt ' eeption. iUy Urma on th tanr U your ' I ttoit. Thirtrea mcxWU from which to chuMl r yyy ripsa, 'Essraim-.'-i . .. Al'w BSKirn?vnfP :'"":::V asm Aj2l4! It Slfij fW CarVUSiTV I. r.Uf you fr mor al.ltmi.. M w v hi u( mm m mmm Ra: AtitJLl.LS f-Z--tmmmmmmm2T- ,',', r'" aeeurafy and j jgs5ags mmmxi' . FjiaUr yon to lirar every I I note wiiti niiirr tlIity. I RCA Vb-ir 'T.Utw Tratur I I lt4.l rti 1 I A Mistake in Identity : . T IVII I n ell iw TW W h I I JT I lill 1 s-tJlA 1. TONIGHT AND 4 W1LLIAM PRENTK An extitlnc trr-sca the eu known rjiI Imii S, l ttb ia Itrin the Duct: World New a l.jftt 'F I D": y k" I Cei-bl i , :' ?' MACKENZIE' Fl KMTl'KK Studio LoungJ An attractive addilicn U'J home, liunte br !r n or twin brJi b7 r.' j FiOr4AV.O SAID HE'D Meet us 3 IN HIS CASlY mm, mm, r&zumi OH. SO wh has A CAR. I ft. . m 4 NUW M ten Zk-A Personal Service! AMD HE SAYS IT'S VEEY iM8?&y. snappy, t I t HEfZS AM , COME OM . JH WiTft' JUMH IfOM , ; Ca,rH 600D 6cf jr fr ta 7i.i ri cW""? . .1 m, m ,f I . ..el t . 1 I 1 "Mi mmm 'in 1 lwi . - 1 K Today's Weathej llaielton -Cio Smijher C". u Burps Lakr .S: ?. Terrace- Cli Anjwx Cleur s Stewart Pu; wind. 42. By Westovet T-Mll II lot iBirssrnT-ii I " Ma&rl ds&x&gi 2 SSI I ! ,ZS MOV.E ' I LCLJ (atir OT TO THC LOT J CW AJL- S ') X O " SH