Today's Weather prince Rupert CUar. Iht southerly wind; barometV k. v f mperature, 50; sei chopCj. V Vcj. XXIV . No. 08. r Toronto t ntral Patricia. 1.43.. C hlbougamau, .10. Leo Oold, .00. Ounada, 26. N.rkel. 27.00. Marassa. 2.34. Nuranda, 38.50. Shrrrltt Gordon, .62, E; -o, 3.12. Vi nturcs, .90. Lake Ma ton. .05. Tcck Hughes. 4.13. Sudbury Basin, 1.41. C jlumarlo, ,08Vfc. Smelter Oold. .08. C tn Malartlc, .03. Little Long Lac. 5.C0. A '.oria Rouyn, .04. Stadacona. .07 li. Pi kle Crow. 2.01. Mi Kcnile Red Lnke, 1.15. Ood's Lake, 1.43. S:.urgcon, .80. Id Lake Oold. .30. Vanrouvrr U t Nickel. .39. Ill:- Missouri. .50. Hiadlan, 1.50. Bralome, 7.05. n R Con.. .05. D. 11 X.. .15. Cariboo, 1.00. Dcntonla, .32. Uunwcll, .08. Georgia Itlvcr, .OOVfc. Oolconda, 21. Mliuo. .15, Mrrldlali. .08,i. Morning star, .07. NJble FIVc, .14. iVnd Oreille, .05. National Silver, .05V. Gorier Idaho. .14. U'-wurd, .0214. . I'rcmlcr. 1.85. llcno. 1.51. Silver Crest, ,oib. Salmon, ,17. Taylor Bridge, .22. Wayside, .18. Whitewater, .1U4. Wavcrly Tangier, .0114. -United Empire, .0514. sign. Halibut Arrivals mm American Arctic. 31,000. Atlln. 6.4c and 5c. OuolIHgc. 20.000, Pacific, 0.6c and 5c Anna J 21.000. Cold Storage, 7c and 5c. Chelan, 10.000. Royal. 7c and 5c. Oceanic. 14,500, Royal, 7c and 5c. Emma. 11.000, Cold Storage, 7c and 5c. Omnia, 11.000. Cold Storage, 7c and 5c. Canadian Melville, 24,000, Cold Storage, 0.3c and 5: 'Southend. 17,000, Atlln, 0.3c and 5c Unomc, 12.000, Cold Storage, 6.4c and 5c. ' Judo. 4.500, Atlln. C.5c and 5c. Fear Not. 1.100. Cold Storage, 6.5c and 5c. 1 i: CHANGES IN LEADERSHIP Ctilcato While Sox Now on Top In American Lea;ue Giants in National NEW YORK. Apri! 29: (CP) The leadership of both the National and American League changed as a result of week-end play. The New York Glanis won both Saturday and Sunday from the Phillies at the Polo Orounds to assume first ilace In the senior circuit, displacing the Brooklyn Dodgers who suffered two reverses at the hands of the Boston Braves at Ebbctts Field. Thn Chicago White Sox noved Into command in the American League by virtue of two victories over the St. Louis Browns at Chicago, the Cleveland Indians, who shared week-end honors with .he Detroit Tleers at Cleveland. I Iropplng into second place. . The Washington Senators and) I New York Yankees, winnlne both' .heU- games over the Boston Red Sox and Philadelphia Athletics respectively, continued in a tie in the American League, now being iven In third place, the Boston Red 3ox dropping into fifth position. The Detroit Tigers are now-ln sixth jlace. the Browns slumping Into icventh and the Athletics remaining In the cellar. In the National League, the Chi sago Cubs, dividing week-end games wiUi the ClnclnnaU Reds, idvanced into third place while the Reds and Pittsburg Pirates, who -on twice over the world champion St. Louis Cardinals, are In a tie for the fourth notch. The Cardinals Iropped from third to sixth place The Boston Braves, by virtue of 'heir two victories over the Brook lyn Dodgers, moved out of the cellar, leaving the Phillies now In the basement. Week-end Big League scores: SATURDAY GAMES National League Philadelphia 4, New York 5. Boston 4, Brooklyn 2. Pittsburg 8, St. Louis 5. Chicago 1, Cincinnati 2. American- League New York 9. Philadelphia 8. Washington 8, Boston 3. Detroit 2, Cleveland 9. St. Louis 4, Chicago 16. SUNDAY GAMES National League Chicago 4, Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 0. New York 3. Boston 5, Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg 3, St. Louis 2. American League Washington 5, Boston 3. New York 7. Philadelphia 5. Detroit 5, Cleveland 3. St. Louis 4, Chicago 6. Lulu Island Man, Riding Bicycle, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1935 Kaiser Wilhelm Attends Show Tomorrow-slides High ilMnm. WSft Low :4 pa. 31.9 ft. 5:18 3.7 fc. 17:30 pta. 5X ft. VMCOUVER SIMKE HAS DWINDL PRICE: 5 CENTS CONVICT KILLED IN OUTBREAK AT STONY MOUNTAIN PEN Only Longshoremen and Seafarers Sympathize With Relief Camp Men Fifteen Thousand Persons Attend Protest Meeting in Arena Deliberate Attempt to Foment "Proletariat Revolution," Declares Mc(5eer Talks Secession VANCOUVER, April 29: (CP) Indications at noon today were that the proposed one-hour sympathy strike for men who walked out from the relief camps recently v, ( .il(l Ik? confined to seafarers' and longshoremen's union The ntrike is scheduled for three o'clock this af terrain. Street railway men decided to ignore the call. . . m Yesterday more than 15,000 per- Profit-Taking On Stock Mart Early (taint DLtapprarrd in Trading in New York X! NEW YORK, April 39 overcame early Late -Profit-, gain In 520.000 shares. CloMiMp aver-1 wire. JndustrtaU. 1 10.37. off ui!v 31.61. up n. uUllUea. . oft 37. and bond. 95.27, off sons attended a protest meeUng against relief camp conditions, the j fathering taking place In the Ar- ; ena. Sympathizers paraded to the meeting under police sanction. 1 On Saturday night Mayor Mc- Ocer reiterated a previous state ment that the relief camp strike was organized as "a deliberate attempt to commence a proletariat revolution" under Communist leadership and warned communists i on the New York Stock Ex- 'against attemptlngjo bring about a gr with averages T6r the day ' general strike on May 1 t;v doun on a total turnover! rrcaicis accession Secession of the four western provinces Is Inevitable unless the Dominion government adopts some adequate means of financing pro- great. Mayor McOeer stated in com- menUng on a statement of Acting Tnrlat c NfnrlC Premier Sir George Perley that the b OlULKb lUUdJ gonnt employ Canada's Jobless on a works pro-!gram. This would be the result If Ottawa persists In its present ley. declared the mayor. Mayor McOeer suggested that, If the government cannot take acUon, the western provinces should set up their own monetary system. The mayor also charged that the federal government had lost Uic uubltc confidence and should re CHEAT BRITAIN Will. IUIU.I) FIVE HUNDRED ' NEW FIGHTING PLANES LONDON. April 29: CP Immediate construction of five hundred new airplanes for n.llltnrv niimntrs will be im- 4 IP- W Ex-Kalser Wilhelm of Oermany made one of his few trips outside His castle grounds at Doom wh en he attended the re:ent flower show held at Heemstede, Amsterdam. In this picture a Dutch girl from Volendain presents the former monarch of Germany with a flower for his button-hole. Wilhelm appears to be in excellent health and spirits. MANY AT FUNERAL; Numerous Friends Pay Tribute Toj Memory of Late Wilfrid Grat-ton Catholic Interment 1 With a large conregation which crowded the church In attendance. solemn requiem mass for the repose of the soul of the late Filfrid Oratton, well known and highly es teemed pioneer citizen, whose death occurred suddenly last week, took place this morning from the Church of the Annunciation to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. Father E. Allard O. M. I., officiated at the church service and the choir was In attendance wtlh Charles P. Balagno presiding at the organ. Following the church service, Interment was made in the Romar Catholic Cemetery at Falrvlew. many being against present for the burial rites which were conducted by Fev. Father J. Byrne Grant O M. I. lir A I lillnir Mr nnri Mrs i ! The pallbearers were J . L. Blaln, Thomas Trotler, Hugh Mc-Eachern, D. Sigouln. Henri Le-tourneau and Joseph Garon. Haynor B ros, undertakers, were In charge of funeral arrangements. Those sending flowers were The Family. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blaln, T. Budlnlch. Olof .Thomas Trotler. J. Curzon, Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. O. Kltagawa, Norman Short and Mrs. Beverldge, Mr. and Mrs. D. Glcnnie, Rupert Bakery. Mr. andi Mrs. N. Mussallem. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dawes and Prince Rupert 'Pioneers' Association. i APARTMENT IS GUTTED Fourteen Families Forced From Homes in Saturday Evening Fire at Vancouver VANCOUVER, April 29: (CP) Fire oh Saturday evening gutted the Ilchester Apartment Block on Granville Street at Seventh Avenue. Fourteen families were forced from their homes and six firemen were Injured, none seriously. The damage is estimated at $100,000. -T " FIXED PRICE UNCHANGED WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 29: (CP) No further increase In the fixed price of silver was made by the United States Treasury Depart-nent over the week-end. Card of Thanks 1U11CU UJT UlUnanson Mp and Mrs J REINFORCEMENTS FOR VANCOUVER, April 29: E. Simons died In hospital here Friday night from Injuries sustained the same afternoon when a bicycle he was riding was struck by an automobile. The accident occurred on Lulu Island. C. R. Cocks of Tort Esslngton, Oscar j. ornVnn hv nront Britain. It who has been on a trio south, ar- Mrs. W. KS AUr. r vtr Mr. and rf Mrs. Mr, A. A MOUNT! is authoritatively learned. . rived In the city on the Catala last, 'on the Catala last, evening from his!'' day for British Columbia., evenlnir on his I 'Skcena River. way back to the studies . at the tlsh Columbia. University of Brl- NT . 5 Two Hour Riot Finally Put Down By Guards in Manitoba Penitentiary George B. Forsythc, 28-Year Old Inmate, Shot to Death From Watch-Tower as He Attacked Unarmed Official j With Foot-Long Knife; Machinery Broken WINNIPEG, April 29: (CP) One convict. George B. Forsythe, aged 28, was killed and others were subdued by tear gas bombs as guards quelled a two-hour riot in Stony Mountain Penitentiary Saturday afternoon. Forsythe was shot by a watch-tower guard as he attacked an unarmed cell guard with a foot-long knife. Windows and machinery were broken. TO COAST ON SUNDAY . REGINA. April 29: (CP) As a precaution against further disorders in the coast province such as those which broke out last week In Vancouver, about Fulton., son of Mr. and fitty Royal Canadian Mounted C. Fulton, returned home I Police officers left here yester- STUDENTS AT WINNER IN MUSIC CLUB DRAMATICS Interestine Meeting Saturday Af- ! 4 rnnnn m 4 TinittK t lectnn The Ladies' Hall Music Club held H jjfe BTiuarMstodeBtr,7TaT Wi lts. (day In the Japanese Mission Hall Violin solo, "Rose Petals," Englna Christensen. Piano solo, "Juggler." Gordon Stamford. Piano solo, "By the Zuyder Zee" (Louise C. Rebe), Molly Frew. P'.ano solo. "Valse Brllliante," Moszkowskl. Frances Moore. Violin solo. "Light Cavalry March." Joan Baker. Piano solo. "Romance" (F. La Forge). Ada Brown. Piano solo. "Pranks." Op. 149, (Fred A. Williams), Peter Brass. Piano solo, "Valse Pantomlne" I (Rudolph Vanasse). Betty WUkin- son. Mrs. Wilfrid Gratton artd family j piano solo. "Impromptu" (Schu-deslre to thank their many friends jbert). Beatrice Bemer. for the kind expressions of sym- j violin solo, "Polonaise" (Tchal-pathy and floral tributes' received .kowsky). Robert Hale, during their recent bereavement. piano solo. "March Wind" E. iMacDowell. Venetla Feero. , Piano solo, "Cradle Song"i Brahms). Mlss Ruth Nejson. I Accompanists were Miss N. Law- j rence and Miss Baker. j The meeting closed with the: singing of the National Anthem af- J ter which tea was served. i H. B. Roshester. who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver returned to the city on the Catala last evening from the south. ' Ottawa French Canadian Players I 1 iLp ItKchnrnn.h f,,n Van. couver Woman Honored OTTAWA, April 29: (CP I The the Dominion -Drama Festival, was with the executive in charge of the awarded Saturday night to L Ecole program. The president, Mrs. R. L.,de Music.ue et le Declamation de Mcintosh, presided over the meet-1 LTJniverstte d Ottawa for its pie-lng. There was a splendid atten-: sentation of "LTnaocente" by H. dance of members, teachers, stu-jR. Lennermand. dents and their mothers. i Brenda Ferguson, who played Those taking part in the program! Jeann d Arc m the trial scene from were pupils of Miss M. A, Way, Miss! Bernard Shaw"s "Saint Joan." pre-Swanna Olaf son. St. Joseph's Con-' sented by the Vancouver Embassy vent. Mrs. S. A. Kielback, Miss Mar-1 Players, was awarded flrst prise for garet McCaf f ery. Mrs. A. J. Lan- j tn be individual performance by caster, C. P. Balagno, Miss Nellie Lawrence and Bert Cameron. Tne program: Piano solo, "Dance of the Cobblers" (Op. 148. Fred A. Williams), Helen Ormiston. Piano duet, "Laughing Buttons," Jean Thompson and Bernice Eastwood. Solo. "Gypsy Rondo" (Hadyn), Francis Daglish. Solo. "Alaskan Twilight" (Jean Sarola). Margaret McMeeteln. a woman. Logger Killed At Goat Harbor Odd LankO Victim of Accident Yesterday Afternoon in Reite's Camp Down the Coast The provincial poUee cruiser P. M. L. 8. with officer on board, left this morning for Qm Harbor near Uutedale to investigate the circumstances of an accident at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Reite's logging camp when Odd Langlo. a logger, was killed. Particulars of the accident will not be available until the return of the police boat with the body possibly tomorrow night. Big Labor Bill Is Approved By Representatives WASHINGTON. D.C., April 29: The House of Repreeentatlves at the week-end Dassed the $457,000.- Plano solo. "Mazurka," Op. 7. No.",,, annrnnriatlnn wit f. 1. (Chopin). Malcolm Wilding. !i93S wnicn now goej to the Senate Piano solo. "Sonata," Op. 28. ' t . (Beethoven), Eileen Hamblln. ! ' J!-:?' ,slbel-i Insurance For Unemployed In New York State ALBANY. N.Y., April 29: A state system of unemployment insurance for New York H now in tlfect following the slgnlhf by Governor Lehman of a hill providing for same.