| | | ~~ ; Prudho! SNER & provement FIRST A S$ A FIRST R BAT —oo —- ~ ost A A AEP OA Ah 1s os Pts BE General i eernet ~~" RST AVENUE Windsor Hotel Newly Furnished and RAT PW. H. Wright, Prop —————————— cra Re ————_—_—_—_ THE DAILY NEWS J M hae Lowest Prices in Northern B. C 44.4 rT? ~~ ~~ Largest Stock ; ITEMS OF SPORT acer ee eet le ll es rt errs tee rere BE Fr Fifth St. tel in town sid wat- est fur- Rooms Se 7, P.O. mme & Fisher Proprietors Knox Hotel BESNER, PROPRIETORS is runon the European All the in Modern EDS We UP PRINCE RUPERT * VENUE AT EIGHTH STREET team Heated Rooms CLASS BAR AND DINING 00M IN CONNECTION CENTS AND UP TO GUESTS gs i WS FREE P.O. BOX 37 es NEWS Agency Seal TY PACIFIC RAILWAY Canadian Pacitic Railway B.C. Coast service Line Princess May Monday, September 25th, at 9 a.m. Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle J. G. McNab General Agent Double Weekly Service 8.8. Prince Rupert, S.S. Prince George Vancouver oar elas Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. Famous Princess ss. Prince John sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River, and Stewart, Wed- nesdays, 1 p.m.; and for Masset and Naden Harbor Thursdays 12 p. m. For Skidegate, Rose Harbor, etc., Saturdays 1 p.m. Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Mon- days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1 *p.m., returning Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 4 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreai, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings arranged via all lines. Full informa- tion and tickets obtained from the office of —————SSS gazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers A. E. McMASTER JARS :; TOBACCOS FRUITS om , FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT G.T.P, WHARF pave, |s-S- INLANDER Two Five D ar bills td ooo ROR . os be giv way to bright HAZELTON mye. Se Mr. Munroe at Take the fast light-draught steam- CEE er Inlander for Hazelton, CE H. B. Rochester - Agent Memt ot 19, Mfort Toome are requested t bath. ince Rupert Lodge, L.0.0.F. Meets j: the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening ere of order in the city Visit the lodge. 1. P. CADE, N.G W IACKSON “See. For Sale.. Block 23, Section 5, With 7 rooms tly furnis) Y furnish¢ } se. For particulars Fire, Life and Accident Insurance HIN DYBHAVN Block O RENT able 5 yy omed house with °n Sixth Ave,, near McBriq , $85.00 deabin, ear Government Office, 10,00 ee RNADEN COMPANY |i d Ave, Limited, Prince Rupert, B,C, Application for Charter for a Railroad NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Parlia- ment of Canada at the next session thereof, for an Act incorporating a Railway Company under the name of “The Pacific, Trans-Canada and Hudson Bay Railway Company,” witi) power to lay out, construct and operate a line of railway from a point in the Province of Alberta, at or near the City of Ed- monton, thence northerly by the most feasible route to, at, or near Athabasca Landing; thence northwesterly north- east of Lesser Slave Lake to Wabiska or Loon River; thence northerly to a point at or near the junction of the Loon River with the Peace River, or at a point near the junction of the Red River with the Peace River, below Fort Vermillion on the Peace River; thence northerly to Fort Smith on the Slave River: From a point on the said railroad near its crossing of the W abiska River or the Loon River easterly to Fort McMurray on the Athabasca River; thence easterly along the Clear- water river and Chruchil!l River through the Province of Saskatchewan to Fort Churchill or Port Nelson on the Hudson Bay: From a point on said railroad near its crossing of the Wabiska or Loon River, westerly to Peace River crossing on the Peace River; thence westerly on the north side of the river through Laurier Pass to Prins e Rupert or Portland Canal on the Pacific Coast in British Columbia; with power to construct and operate telegraph and telephone and cable lines for general pub) bie purposes; to carry on, construct, maintain and operate boats and ferries for the purposes of the railway anc other purposes; to acquire and make use of lands, waterlots, wharves, docks, dock-yards, ‘slips, warehouses, elevators and ‘other conveniences; and with power to enter into Agreements with ‘ompanies. gl 3 MITH & JOHNSTON Solicitors for the Applicants Dated at Ottawa this 12th day of September, A, D,, 1911. Sw Roy Hartzell, who was traded by St. Louis to the New York High- landers, has helped the Yankees win more games from the Browns than any of .Chase’s players. other one aM OK young Washington third Morgar, looks like a find. He has a terrific wing, and in reality acts like an old stager, though he has just slipped by his nineteenth birthday. That haseman, uM OK Amradillo Marsens, Cuban play- er, would make a great hitter if he would use a bet. He bats with a toothpick, weighing about one-third as much stick. as a regulation uw OK Arrangements were completed for a 20-round bout between Matty Baldwin of Boston ard Frankie Burns of Oakland at Dreamlard, San Francisco, September 29. They have agreed to make 133 pounds three hours before. x OuK OR The arrangements for Ty Cobb’s debut behind the footlights have been completed, ard the contract signed. Vaughan a per- | sonal friend of Cobb, will produce the play, which will be the ‘College Widow," revamped into 2 baseball drama, that Ty come to bat with bases lozded ard make Glaser, so cen a clean-up. KK OK Herman Werder, the pitcher given a trial by Comrrie Meck and then sent to the minors, said to have been a year because he by 2 sed accident in which he severely injured a fellow player at York, Pa. His bat flew from his hands, hit the player, broke his nose and jaw ard nearly killed was unnerved him. KM OR acting on behalf of the challergers, | suggested September 30 and Octo- ber 7 as daies for the matches. KM OR Connie Mack has expressed him- self ws quite confident that the New York Giants are the team he will have to beat for the world’s championship, and says: ‘The Athletics don't fear the Giants any more than they do the Cubs. They expect to win the series again, no matter which National League club they have to If New York wins they fully for their defeat Giants in the face. expect to atone at the hands of the big series of 1905, K RK K Canadians are rapidly rushing to the front tier in sport and another decade df advance such as has just been passed through will place the Canucks at the top of the ladder. Recently five ath- letes from Toronto—Bobby Kerr, Arnold Knox, Alex Cameron, Jack Tressider and George Lester— went to Pittsburg to the Olympic and made a clean-up of sports, five firsts, ore secord ard ore third, which is going some, They also won a medley relay race, which is somewhat of an innova- tion. In the medley race, which jwas the feature of the day, being All-Canada against Knox started | scheciulde as the United States, off, rurring the mile, and gave the Canucks a great lead, which Bobby Kerr increased in the 220, WATER NOTICE ert, B. C., broker | » day of November | Water Commissioner for a Hoence 1, S. Harrison of Prince Ru fis notice that on the fifteenth ym I \atend to apply to the y office in Prince Rupert, B, ©. to take and use three cubic feet of water per second | : from MeNeil River in Skeena District. The water | is to be taken from the stream about four mi | above mens unction with the Skeena River and is to used on Lot 4405 for domestic and gr culture! purposes, Sept. 9, SAMUEL HARRISON Owner Farrell of the Yankees, announces that he has decided upon his manager for next yeer, and that his name is Chese, front name Heal. He will pley first base. x HH OK is | failure this| DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO ow » a THE COSY CORNER apes THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN “ae Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. A chic French hat just over is of the bonnet or scoop shape, with a wonderfully draped crown of taf- feta. The joining of this to straw brim is covered with a wreath of small roses. Despite its simplicity it is indeed aes: New York Daskitors: The new season promises to be one of modifications and revivals in fashions rather then ore of radical departures. Practically all of the vest features of the summer modes are retained, but wiih new details and developed in new ma- ierials, they are bourd to take or almost the noveliy of entirely new ideas. The kimono sleeve, the turic, the stole-like panels, sashes, and all of the trimming methods that have charmed us durirg the lest few months, are gradually re- appearing in such new guises that they are more effective. The materials for fall soft and pliable, greater number of heevy looking fabrics then usual, they lend themselves to graceful draperies and flowing lines quite! as readily as did the lewrs ard} baiistes of summer. All satin-surfeced ere thick- the fabrics land fressider held his own in the 1440, and George Lister firished lup away out in front in the half, which wes the last lap of the race. The Cancdian team got a great reception when they completed lthe dey by their victory in the | relay, the lovely dull-lustre silks Vancouvers and Tecumsehs, Min | @r¢ back, but it is the rough to cup holders and champions of | tweeds, and the silky camel's hair the N. L. U. respectively, are|2rd zibelines thet catch the eye busy arranging for the big series, | first. Within a few weeks now East versus West, which will take|they will be noted emorg the place the latter part of the month, | SMartest of ‘street costumes, rot and although some obstacles re- | only ir coat and skirt suits, with garding referees and other points|the new half-lengih coai, but in heve yet to be overcome, it is|dresses which, with furs, wil! be expected that the matches will | worn right through the winter. take place all right. President | They will figure, too, in separate Murphy of the N. L. U., has ;coats. The color rote is an important jicem, combinations that are most unusual being considered most successful. Old blue and a faint, silvery blue are used with tobac; dark blue with cigar brown and a blue purple, with all less definite shades. Mahogary, which a prime favorite, will be used with black onyl; striped zibelines com- well with velvet of deep shades and particularly well with black; navy is trimmed with light blue, with any of the green blues, with black ard white stripes or rich black, 1s bine LOTS OF TOURISTS Three Years from Now Will Come to Rupert Calgary, Sept. Springs hotel entertained over 24.—Banff 99 . 000 guests from May 15 to August 30, an increase of 6,452 over the Dur- ing the months of July and August 308 guests berths sleeping cars dn. the treck as an correspording period in 1910. occupied in overflow from the hotel, During the period from July 22 to Sep- tember 2, 886 people enjoyed ‘he new golf links. Merager McAleer of the Na- tiorals, that Lerry Lajoie will be on his all-star teem this fell, the club thai will pley the Americen League perrant wirrers to prime them for the world’s series with the victorious team in the National Le: Jim = says that no all-star team is complete without the big Frenchman en- says Rue, - SILK AND STRAW CHAPEAU | even though there is 2| but} This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range V are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- | sidan and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | THE OLD LOCHINVAR | The old Bh ositn ar wes considerable sport, He picked out @ sweet lictle broiler to court; Though seve charms he Siill that was enough by itself all alone. Ard to sirergthen his chances, | right there at the start, | He gave her five milliors to wir her young heart. for his money of hed rore, . | | | | | | There was arching of eyebrows and sneers of disdair, There was comment in public both pointed erd plein, And parsons and preachers a near and afar All swore they’d not marry the old Lochinvar. But with millions behind him and Force on his side, He would rot relir.quish his charm- ing yourg bride. There were howls from the pulpit and jeers from the press; In the home of the bride there was tears and distress; nore were too wealihy poor to deride old Lochinver million bride. the old Lochirvar’ wes ex- ceedirgly game, And he clung to the girl with the breakfast-food name. or Ard The ard his five- But There wes racing and chasing by train and by yacht; A thousard was offered for trying the krot; Ard though mary declined, wes not one averse To taking a crack at old Lochin- var's purse. 'So at last they were wed—but how heppy they ere Musi be told by the bride 2nd her old Lochinvar. there FASHIONS FOR MEN Pointers on What Will be Worn This Fall A large clothirg house hes pro- duced a_ reversible overcoat in 26 erd 28 ource double-faced fabric cravenetted. It is worn either es a grey with a regular shoulder, or as a brown overcoat with a raglan shoulder. There are really two distinct coais in one, K K K In double-bree overcoats for dress occasions, three-button very sted, dark blues are going to be favored Paris this year. KR OK trouse ring in In with stripes placed far apart are meeting with a marked demand. Greys and mixtures in black and Paris, rs patterned leaders. KM OK Shoes of mahogany shade with socks to match have made their appearance in Lordon, the former patterr, and the latter white are in brogue with a neat clock at the side. x HK OK Manufacturers who are featuring silver greys, strorgly in thier shirt- | ing lines have struck upon a vogue | which is in high favor with the better class trade in London at the present time. ' MOM Harris and Donegal tweeds in heather ard dull well Bar- nockburns are in demend for hunt- rich browns, green mixtures, as as ing season wear in Englard. uM OK The watch chain that aecords with fashions requirement et the | present time is in mary cases of | very fine links in dull gold. Fobs, | & are, of course, still very much in vogue, There are, perhaps, a half dozen really desirable tenants who would feel that they were actually “lucky” to have learned rolled thereon, erty—and they. all read ads! LAND PU RCHASE NOTICE | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range V Take igen, oben that 1, Eevee Erickson of Prince rer, intend to apply for tovpurchase the following deserted fam der ae ommencing at a post planted on ge north bank of Williams Creek where the railway — of-way crosses and 3 chains back from the creek | bank, thenee south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 a trence west 40 chains to point of commencemen: Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON | Pub. July b5, Fred E. Cowell, Agent Take ioe that I, John Evenson of Prince ‘ borer, intend to ly for ont oe urchase the following Ganattoes tam encing at a Pe" planted at hi south- east corner of Lot 44 thence north S chains, east 60 chains, thence south ce thence west 60 chains to point of comm: Dated galy 18 1911, JOHN EVENSON Pub. July 2 . Cowell, Agent Skeena fue District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that 1, Benjamin A. Fish of Towner, f° +» occupation merchant, intend to ly ca pemiaton to purchase the following described Commencing at a planted on the east boundary and about tlre chains from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, | thence west 30 chains to point of commencement. Dated vane ot 1911, BENJAMIN A, FISH Pub. July 2 Fred E. Cowell, Agent keena ae Distriet—District of Coast meee S Take tae that Stanley Green of eS . C., occupation miner, intends to for perinission’ to purchase the following Commencing at a and 40 on west ed June 30th, il Pub. July 15. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Percy M. Miller of Prince pert, B.C., occupation Civil Engineer, oe to apply for bermission to purchase the following uescri nds: Commencing; at a post planted on the left bp of MeNeil River at north wees oe — of lot 4409 R.V., thence east 20 chains to point of commencement, containing 100 acres more or PERCY £ MILLER, ‘ Date June 19, 1911 . Pub. July 19, 1911 Skeena Land District— District of ee’ Take notice that I, Thomas Carter, of Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, intend to apply = erminsion to purchase the following describ- it planted about one mile about Eee eee W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street _ Over Westenhaver Bros,’ Office. MUNRO & LAJTEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STRWART ACCOUNTA! 13 -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 berta CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc, (hata ee block, sree aoe | avenue + ag WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. Crown and ror satay Work a4 aot tenes a sca local admin‘stered or thn be raises Alex.M.Manson 8.a., W.E. Williams,B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P. O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, to purchase the following lands: Commencing aes . lanted at the North- — corner 140 a thence 40 chains north to post of com- mencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dated en 14, 1911. H E. ALTON Pub. July 1 . Skeena Land District—District of Coast 5 Take ns that Linford Sewell Bell of ce to” apply “for to purchase the fohowing nail lands: oe ted on the north iat Gules: Cooma iver about three (3) miles di (up ) in a ly mencement containing 1 Dated June 7, 1911. Pub. July 8. ment, containing 320 acres or PRINCE RUPERT THOMAS CAR’ Dated July 7th, 1911. Charles Webster Calh Pub. Aug. 5th. Agent. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V WN Take notice that 1 Paul of Prince A. M. BRO e eer ee haneene te for permission | +4RNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER cing at a post ited the north bank of Williams Creek about 60 chains south- Repairing a Specialty. east from R. R., thence south 40 chains, thence Complete Stock Carried. east ¢ nm west 40 chain in Soran oe coer a Outside Orders Promptly Filled. Pub. July 25. ae Fred E.Coli Aamat 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to apply for THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SEconD AVE. PIANGFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs Cassier Land Distriet-—District of Skeena Take motes thas ie Lemuel oe a Vancouver, occupation bro! tend to app or permission to purchase the following desribedr desribedr lands: commencing at a post planted on the shore in a northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery marked L. F.’s S. E, Corner, thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, thence alwng the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. Dated June 10, 1911 eee FREER Pub. July 8, M., Collison, Agent Skeena Land Dintsiot-Disteiet of Coast Range V Take notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, occupation lawyer, intends to apply for permission to a the following described lands: Commencing at a post p d on mas shore of Kutzymateen oe on the eee of a small stream flowing into said Inlet bg east of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- lowing the shore lines of Crow Tales, the Inlet to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the place of commencement, containing ws acres more or less. Located August 7, 1911. Dated Aug. 9, 1911. JESSE M. TALLMAN Pub, Aug. 12. erly Skeena Land District—District of Coast AeNE Take notice that R. F. Miller of eee ng- land, occupation farmer, intends to 4; peenen to purchase the following Commencing at a post planted about 60 chains west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 south 40 chains, thence east 2 point of commencement containing eighty acres ply for more or less. Dated August 19, 1911, R. F. MILLER Pub. Aug. 26. P. M. Miller, Agent —District of Coast 5 Take notice that I, Thomas MeClymont of Prince Rupert, B. Cc. occupation real estate broker, intend to apply for perminneg to purchase the following described lan Commencing at a psot planted at the S. W. corner of pre-emption record 412, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore of lake, thence following, meee of lake in a northerly di ion to point of mencement; containing 320 acres, more or lee Dated Sept. 5, 1911. THOMAS’ MeCLYMONT Pub. Sept. 9. Erenest Cole, Agent Skeena Land Distriet Dien of Coast Range 5 Take notice that E. H. G. Miller of Falmouth Eng., occupation RR intends to apply fo pevenienion to purehase the following ibed Skeena Land District Commencing at a post planted at the N. W. Cor- ner of Lot 4406, thence west 80 chians, thence south 20 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 20 chains to the point of commencement containing 160 acres more or less Dated August 15, 1911. e. MILLER Pub. Aug. 26. P, i. Sun Agent Skeena Land Dietriet Dati of Queen Char'otte ni Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Ry occupation mnagies, intense to apply e p tte Chet Commlasiones of Lands and a Works licence to prospect for coal, oil and vs ny A and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No, 4472 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 ns, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to’ point of commencement, AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located A\ Ist. 1911, Pub. Aug. 1 =—=FE., EBY @& REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM RC. S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 31 England. meets the firet ‘and ‘third Tesedees it each month in the Sons of England Hall, 819 gna Ave. at 8 p.m. 8 Lt ay upert be 812. Pri R ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Bor 23" MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M,. Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture. 2nd A Between tthe & 8th Sts, Prince Rupert E, L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave, and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor » Fee Are. Hotel Central °:; Puropesn and American plan, steam eated, conveniences. Ra by 00 to $2.50 per day. 3 Peter Black Skeena leat! District——District of Coast Range V Take notice a hr Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. farmer, intend to apply | for tor permilasion to 4.205 the following described nae at a Bor, planted at the south- east corner Lot 172 tienes south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 8 hav thence east 40 chains to point of “PETER LARSEN SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Gffice: 3rd Ave, Wi 3 Phone 174 tnd Ave, bet. Tth and seh Bite: Dated July 15, 1911, Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range 5 Take note | cant I, Adolph H. Christianson of Tomeer Da occupation attorney- ye RE t Permission to purchase the wice ever tan im about your prop- of ‘commen Com ted about and one-half miles d Y oP tokheast las ortheast of the ‘hoad of Trout River on the west side of and about 5 chains cn the lake-front, thence sun’ © 6 thenes wert 80 30 chains, thence east 80 chains ae cement. ADOLPH H. ope Dated June 80, 1911. Pub, July 25, Cowl Att W. J. McCUTCHEON oust ett Dre, te Theatre Block Puows No. 79 Second Ave.