ber 20, 1935 SCP( .fowiys Serve the Best ALAM TEn OPEKO anilla Flavoring To ANYOX To STEWART WEDNESDAYS," p. FRIDAYS, 10 p. m. m. IS A Superior Vanilla Flavoring 3V7-0Z. bottle, 25c I. D. Vita-Full Builds strength, improves nutrition for grown-ups. A delicious food beverage for everyone every day. One-pound tin, 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jiie. Pioneer Druggists aKuU Bton Phones: 81 & 82 Open Ually From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 6nrfj)jnd Holidays From 12 noon till 8-p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. fave You Furniture for Sale? c HIT. Wc SELL. Wc EXCHANGE. D. ELIO URNITURE Auctioneer. EXCHANGE PHONE GREEN 421 S. PKlXCE GEORGE' S.S. PRINCE' RUPERT TWICE WEEKLY SAILINGS -Vancouver THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS, 10:30 p.m. V-53-35 Canadian National Steamships UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam-ta !mvi phi, Rimert for Vancouver S. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday rs-S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. driving Vancouver Monday a.m. IWeckjj &amnj!s to Port Slmpaou Anyoi. Btewan "J NaA iavt rrince Rupert ounaay, o R1TS Urtner information regarding all sailings and tickets at "KINCE PtMIOS 868 RUPERT AflVNcr, tkim l..nt CANADIAN PACIFIC r Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. 6th, 15th, 25th. Oct. 4i. 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3. ' To Ketchikan. Wrantn.ll T..n... a ct. . - n uiii,u anu " . PnSESS L0UI8E, Sept. 11th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th. vFir . l?Ari?itlon and reservations call or write L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News t, L the neoniB nf .tko. -.i tViP same. - ; Be warm and comfortable by rid-J j tag In 32 Taxi It cosU the same, j ; Prince Rupert Crib, Whist and Bridge League annual meeting Frl j day, Sept. 20, York Hotel, 8 p.m. J. E. Jack, Secretary. 218 j Miss Helen Randal R.N., registrar I of the 0iduate Nurses' Association lot British Columbia and inspector I of training school for the pro- vlnce, will sail by th Princess Adelaide tonight on her return to 'Vancouver following her annual Inspection visit here WILSONS 6 lbs REALLY KILL One pad Lilts flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no stickiness, no Lad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WltSON FI.Y PAD CO)., H.giilion, Cm. INDIANS REVERE PRIEST VICTORIA, Sept. 20: CP) In-dlans for miles around gathered near McDame recently to pay their last silent tribute to Rev. Father E. A. Allard. Roman Catholic priest. drowned in a canoe accident. They formed an impressh-e sight as they filed past the grave and threw handsful of earth onto the coffin. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials Leg of Veal per lb Shoulder Veal 6 lbs Veal Chops f 3 lbs. . , Stew Veal, 3 lbs. & 1 tin Peas Shoulder Lamb 4 lbs Lamb Chops, 2 lbs. Sz 1 tin Peas Pot Roast of Beef T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Sirloin Tip of Beef ner lb. Round Steak 3 lbs Rump Roast of Beef per lb. Prime Rib Roll per lb. PHONE 957 FARES to the 15c 50c 50c 25c 50 c 50c 50c 20 c 1Kf COUNTRY are $140. 00 T May Wc Explain Thm To You? Agents for ALL TransatiantU Lines; Passports Secured For Information, call or write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. v- CANADIAN NATIONAL! J- - -ft rui daily irirwi LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a ear at Walker as low at $1.50 a day, plus 7c. mile. Just received 300 ton scow of cea ' C . A .. . . .. Pflll.n 1 t ' Algie. Call Albert McCaf fery for ; your winter's supply Of coal. Phone i 116 or 117, (tf) j R. Bishopric, Seattle lumberman,; who arrived here Irom the south earlier In the week, will leave on; this evening's train for Fort Fra-: ser. i Miss Ruth Scherk, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Ru pert this morning 1 J. Q. Cameron and R. F. Corliss, who arrived in the city-a few days ago from Prince George, will sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Louise for Skagway enroute to the Atlln district. J. R. Slaggard (633 Taxi) wishes to announce that he will be but of town for the next three weeks and extends his' thanks to all who have given him their patronage In the past and hopes to serve them In the future. - (218) Miss Ann ailchrist, who has been spending a vacation here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ollchrlst, sailed by the Prince George last night on her return to her nurses' training duties at Royal Columbia Hospital In New " Westminster. Announcements Prince Rupert Tennis Club An nual Dance Friday, September 20, Oddfellow's Hall Salvation Army Harvest Festivrl Sale, September 23. Rebekah Bridge and Crib, Odd fellows' Hall. Sept. 55 Anglican Tea at Mrs. C. V. Evltt's Sept. 20. Terrace Concert SepJember 28. Toe H Bridge, October 2. Catholic. Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo- i Junior Chamber Hallowe'en 50C dance Moose Hall October 30. 15c 18c Baptist Bazaar, Oct., 5. United Annual Supper, October 3. Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Uetropole Hall. Gyro mlnistrel show 11:15 p.m October 14, Capitol Theatre. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 -i7, Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Hugh Martyri, vocal recital, November i. ' Presbyterian Bazaar, Novembei St. Andrew's jNov. 21. . 'v Cathedral Bazaa. Orange Ladles' oazaar. Nov. 28 St. Peters. Ba?aar December 5. Moose Hall Tonight Junior Order of Moose will meet at 8 p.m. Business: Organization of basketball teams IN THE SUPREME COURT OF. BRITIS1J OOLUMBEIA. IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINW. TRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OV CHARLES KARSKIS, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 10th da." of September AD. 1935 I m appointed Administrator ot we wuw ox cnane KarekU lata of Atlln. British Columbia, deceased, and all parties having claims against the tld tMMe are hereby re quired to furnish same properly verified to me on or Defers uie ran day or October AD. 1035 and all persons indebted to the Estate- are required to pay the amount of their, Indebtedness to mi forthwith . I HERBERT V QLASSEY I ' Official Administrator, Atlln. B.C. Dated the llb day of Beptetabei, 1935. CONSERVATIVE PARTY BROADCAST TONIGHT, 9 to 9:30 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 THOMAS TODRICK Conservative Candidate, Vancouver East CJOR CRCV CFCT CFJC CKOV CJAT GHWK Vancouver Vancouver Victoria Kamloops Kelowna Want Ads FOR RENT TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE BICYCLE in excellent condition Phone 334 or call 315, Third WANTED WANTED Well educated woman or girl for light work, out of town. Apply Box 250, Dally News. 218 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Wanted to secure orders for authentic life of Will Rogers. Contains his hursorous sayings and witty comments. Large book over 300 pages. Profusely illus trated. Only $1.25. Enormous, demand. Liberal commission. 5 to 10 dollars per day easily niade. Credit given; freight paid. Do not delay. Send at once 10c to cover cost of mailing - cloth- bound sample book. Winston Company, Toronto. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN. PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEWART, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hlf Honor. W. E. Fisher the 6th day f September, A. D. 1935 I was appointed Administrate or the estate cl William Stewart, deceased, end alj parties hav mg claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, prop erly verified, to me on or before the 10th day of Octcber, A. D. 1935, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT OFFICIAL AMINISTRATOR Prlnoe Rupert B. O. Dated the 7ta day of September, A. D. 1035. Modern Bedroom Furnishings A Simmons Bed Atl-steel construction, Rigid. Ricn walnut finish. An interesting de sign of quality and good appearance. In all standard widths. A Simmons "Slumber King" Spring An outstanding achievement in spring design. Maximum comfort, strength and terviceabllity. Simmons "Deepsleep" Mattress A modern development In sleep comfort. Contains 312 individually upholstered coil springs, separated with layer? of felt. Smart herringbone tweed covering. Provides many years or restful Buy wisely "you rpend one third of your life m bed." PRICE $54.75 COMPLETE MACKENZIE FURNITURE 327 Third Ave Prince Rupert Trail Chilli wack Continuing Our Policy AS IN THE PAST To Offer You the Best in Service, With the Latest Equipment, Complete Service Data, Reliable Experience and Careful Workmanship We wish to announce that wc have opened up for business again, two doors down from the Tower. We have just installed the following Instruments lo jive you better service. THE CLOTJGH BRENGLE LABORATORY TYPE OSCILLOGRAPH (Cathode Ray Type) This instrument has features unobtainable In other types. The companion Instrument to above THE CLOUGH BRENGLE LABORATORY TYPE SIGNAL GENERATOR With beat note frequency modulation as well as the conventional amplitude modulation. This Instrument has an accuracy of one-half of one percent. These two Instruments are develoDtnents of the Clbugh Brengle laboratories manufactors of high grade service Instruments. Also the Latest Supreme Deluxe Tube Checker and Analyzer This instrument will check all types and makes. of tubejlnclud-ing the NEW ALL METAL and METAL spray eight prong tubes. Every part In your receiver can be checked and the condition of them determined, also. Superior Radio Electric Phone: Blue 320 SPRING LAMB Legs, lb. 25c Shoulders, lb. ...... 15c Stew, lb. . , 8c 3 lbs. 75c COMET BUTTER if ii : i PvUPERT DELICATESSEN Special Fresh Killed Roasting Chicken,, each Scott's Extra Special per doz. 44c Young j 90c Eggs Also a tempting array of home cooked meats, salads and jellied delicacies. Our Motto: "Second to None." Mrs. P. Cooley, Prop. Third Ave. next to Selvlg's imwBn,,,"ll"''l,l,'llll!i'MI"a'1 t fRt oeiMRyj VEAL Rumps, lb. 18c Shoulder Roast,, lb. 15c Stew, lb ....... 8c 3 lbs. 75c Fresh Ox Hearts Fresh Ox ftr lb. ... V Tongues, lb. . , . . . f-H swift'scottRge 28c ibrk Tenders 28c FRESH WHIPPING CREAM, i pint 20c Eastern OyMers gQp Lard 35C i:,t;;ii Remember You Can Get it at the Sterling Reserve Your FUR went Call at our store and pick out what furs you wish to purchase' this fall Make a deposit and we will hold them until you are ready to complete the purchase. We Have a Wonderful Selection G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable 1