RY DOCKS . ALE HERE NOW CONFIRMED Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Overcast, moderate southeast wind; barometer, 29.90; temperature. 57; sea choppy. XXIV No. 218 OTH BORN , IN RUPERT n use. 1 1 ijvii t n If .1.1 nf Fred Cameron ai rrctty And Interesting Ceremony Thc..an oi a popular vuuuk 1 ...t .niptil In Tlrlnnn T i 1 U .... lirt vilnVif In 4Via .1. i. .. Ill - Ti t U' V. nuais i ml j nun; cuccn mr cacti. nly taster of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F H, Cameron. The pretty p nr. r nirnnrc -ivi nflvnn t n ine w..." entered the room. iCnnttnued on Paee Four Today's Stocks (C urtMj 8. 1), Jon nn ton Co.) Vancouver B. C Nickel, .16. Big Mfcouri, .53. ' Bralorne, 4.50. B. R Con.. .03V2. B. R. X, 10''2. Cariboo Quartz, 1.05. Dentonia .20. ' Bunnell, .03, Georgia River, .0011 Golconda, ,15. Orange .02 "2. Indian. .01 Meridian, .05 V. Morning star, .04 Vi National Silver, J)3)4. Noble Five, .05y2 Pend Oreille. .70. Porter Idaho, .05V2. . ! Premier 1.65. Reward, .02. Reno, .82. Silver Crest. ,00V2. Mimon Gold, .09. Tylor Bridge, .15. Wtftlde. .14V2. Wbitewater, .04V2. Overly Tangier, .00. " United Empire, .03 V2. lUIUUtU Central Patricia, 1.70 Chibougamau, .142. Lee Gold, .034. Qranada, .27. Jnter Nickel, 29.70. Macassa, 2.30. Noranda, 38.00. Sherrltt Gordon, 79. slsco, 2.65. Ventures, .98. Lake Maron, .02A. Teck Hughes, 3.95 Sudbury Basin, 1.55 Smelter Gold, .05. Can. Malartlc, .55. Little Long Lac, 5 25. Astoria Rouyn, .02. Etadacona, ,23 y2. Maple Leaf, .03. Pickle Crow, 2.50 McKenzle Red Lake, 1.08.'' od's Lake, 1.55 Sturgeon Rlver Qcld 59 Red Lake Gold Shore, .28 san Antonio, 3 05 Cromble. FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IS PAID FOR FLOATING DRY DOCK, SHIPYARDS AND LANDS ANNUAL SUBSIDY FORFEITED CONTRACT CALLS FOR OPERATION OF YARD. OTTAWA, Sept. 20: (Canadian Press)-Salc of the floating dry dock, shipyards and lands at Prince Rupert formerly owned by the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co. to the Mutual Pulp and Paper Mills of Prince Rupert Ltd. has been authorized by the Dominion government, it was announced today. The pulp company pays 500,000 for the property and nvxh. and Frederick Harvey forfeits the subsidy arrangement whereby tne govern- urm'-'-n ruin .vr n in rvi r ; 1 1 1 1 t i l -iai m v .1 riu.... i. . s- - v mnni n in iiTiifi i nn i r;i n ii riiiiiv iru ii i fi- i-iiiiiiiiiua. $76,970 annually for operating the dry dock and shipyard. The subsidy had seven years to run. The pulp company undertakes to continue operation of the dry dock and shipyard and to build a pulp mill. The sale is from the Canadian National Railways, present owners of the property. Big Meetings On Queen Charlottes For 0!oi Hanson The largest attended political 1 meetings ever hetf. at Skidegate and Queen Charlotte City took place on Wednesday and Thursday nights when Olof Hanson, me uu-cral candidate for Skeena, addressed the electors. Mr. Hanson received a splendid reception at every point on the Islands and great interest is being displayed Dy those attending in the great issues of the day. The enthusiasm for liberal principles which was so noticeable right from the start of Mr. Hanson's tour of the Island? has continued unabated st every point visited and everything points tc the success of Mr. Hanson at the polls in due course. RAILWAY HEAD HERE : tinn 1 TJnUttrn v. is here today in ! course of a western tour. He ar-J rived from Vancouver on thi ! Prince Rupert this morning ant I will proceed east by train this eve. Inlng. He is accompanied by Mrs from Scotland the presses to and i ... 1 1 CnnU en 'TnnHnn Midland owwwo.. Railway has completed the first of a series of 26 ''luxury" sleeping cars, with noise cut to the Details of Western Joseph E. PanterC. C F. Aspirant To Ottawa Seat, Makes His First Public Appearance In Prince Rupert Criticizes Bennett Doubts Efficacy of Social Legislation and Questions Liberal Sincerity Winch Expounds Socialism Commonwealth Federation for j vlHinor n tna fnrthpnmlniT Moose Hall, createc" Tmir i RflfKAVplt nett government. The unemploy-1 UUI Ul IVUUOliVtll m nt lnsurance measure, he as- serted, was entirely inadequate, of- Will Visit Doulder Dam and San fering no benefit to those who Diego, Returning East by Way needed it and being available only Of Panama on Warship (to a small minority. It was not open to those engaged in agricultural, NEW YORK, Sept, 20: Details railway and fisheries' work. He 3f the forthcoming tour of the pointed out that the number on west by President Franklin D. relief In Canada had Increased Roosevelt were announced from the from 300,000 in 1920 to 1,500,000. summer White House at Hyde Park He also condemned the Franchise yesterday. The chief executive will Act as disfranchising thousands of leave here on Monday next for; Canadians including those in thej Washington and will leave there relief camps, miners in this district on September 28 for the west. He and many rallwaymen who would will visit, among other points, not be able to vote as they were Boulder Dam and the San Diego not now resident In the divisions Exposition, returning via the Pa- where they had been registered, nama Canal aboard U. S. S. Hous-, The move to disfranchise all those ' ton. He expects to be absent about who had ever been on relief might a month. : be more than idle talk. Mr. Panter - 1 pointed out that the Central Bank v DRAPER LABOR HEAD was privately owned and operated . j and was serving only to further HALIFAX, Sept.' 20: Patrick M. centralize finance under capital-Draper, acting president of the ism. Trades and Labo Congress of ; Mr. Panter also gave some atten ui otiiof nf tmnsnorta- Canada since JOLLAR WHEAT IN tive retirement oi tion to tne Lmerai party. It had r u r"nori!in National iuiu rauua, vw . --- LEOl'ARDS MENACE FLOCKS PAARL, South Africa, Sept. 20; (CP) Although few leopards art left in Western province a numbc; of the animals are causing trouoi to sheep and cattle farmers In. tl mountainous fcreas. CUTNOISE TO MINIMUM r nnnoN. Bent. 20:' (CP)-Intcn- jHo'nrimsirllv for the overnight ex not Implemented its promises in 1UI WIC .. , , 11fl A-i of tV,o r,oct l 4 I.I the51dency uy a VUi.e in poi, m iisniu iu iuticll icgia- 'he annual convention here yester-. lation and he questioned the sin- lay. I cerity of similar promises now be- .. : I ing made. At one point in its plat- WINNIPEG TODAY repeal 98 and in the next - j line nullified the promise by de- WINNIPEG, Sept 20: (CP) daring it would give no quarter to Vheat sold at $1 a bushel today for communism in Canada. GOING TO HF.DLEY Mr. and Mrs. Tony Perpich and palgn going on against the C. C. F. NOKTIIERN AND CENTRAL WIITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1935 London Insists it is Merely Precautionary Measure Fighting Forces Being Massed at Many Points-Conservatives to Demand Further Strengthening ROME, Sept. 20: (CP) A high authority said today ithat Premier Benito Mussolini had ordered that a protest Joseph e. Panter of smithers, ; De made to the council of the League of Nations against Candidate Of the Co-operative! noaf Rritnin'o rlicnatfh nf war-sTiinc fn Hi a Morliforran- l ean. At London it was claimed that the movements of the federal election, made his initial ! ueet were merely precautionary in view r.uhlie here at a well national situation. warshiDs and the attended meeting Irst night in the "y seemea seemea wim wim activity acuvuy asMvlslts asvlslts of of Itallatl Itallat. a favorable -nigni as me zero n?ur nearea ror aklng 0I S0UnQin?s. imnrpulnn with his earnest man- , the war against Etnlcpla or any ner in a brief address and wasith nation which may stand in given a cordial Kception. E. E. Italy's way. The rejection of the winrh. M. L. A. for Burnabv. i Hve-power board's peace proposal whose first appearance it also was irr Prince RupertT'Vras the speaker of the evening, devoting himself to a lengthy discourse along somewhat academic lines of the capitalistic system, which he claimed must be eliminated for so cialism if the common good was to be served. G. W. Rudderham was chairman for the opening. Mr. Panter took up a minimum of time and confined himself largely to a criticism of the so- called social leglsatlon of the Ben us reEaraea as a foregone conclu sion. " .; . t'.ltf-'. Italy Massing: in Libya LONDON, Sept. 20: (CP) Italy is reported to be mr.ss!ng a large number of troops and munitions in Libya, Italian colony on the Mediterranean adjoining Egypt, the movement creating a new focal point of concern for Great Britain. Informed sources say that another emergency session of the cabinet may be called shortly I Immediate strengthening of the British army, navy and air force to safeguard British territory and trade and to carry out with effect British Internationa! obligations is to be demanded at the annual con-1 ference of the Conservative party, at Bournemouth on October 3. j War fears hit British workers'! dinner palls yesterday when bakers announced that the price of bread is to be increased several pence; per loaf beginning Monday' be-, cause of advancing prices of wheat and flour. Wives now in Great Britain of army, officers stationed in India have been advised by their husbands on government instructions to postpone any contemplated visits to India. It is assumed that the officer-husbands may be' transferred elsewhere stiortly . The route of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co.'s new( llrier Strathmore, on her maiden voyage, has been changed to eliminate stops at Italian ports on the' Me diterranean. Refortifying Mauritius ' PARIS, Sept. 20:--Disquieting re ports continue to bf received here of warlike preparations In, the Mediterranean and Red seas, Great Britain is definitely reported . 1 .,... . 1 T 1 , .a form the Liberal party promised to I.. , A. . . " ,n j, , Section o. no,i T .t Mauritius in the Indian Ocean for ' use as a naval base in the Red Sea 1 where a strong naval force could (blockade Italy's East African he first time in more than a year.: Tncre was a whispering cam- u" ' L in regard to the Oriental question, Preparing at Gibraltar Mr. Panter asserted. Had it noti GIBRALTAR, Sept. 20: An of amlly, who arrived in the city a been the Conservatives and Liber- ' f lclal gazette announces that In ew days ago from Anyox, are sail- als who had been responsible in,certaln emergencies Gibraltar may tig on the Princess Adelaide to- bringing the Orientals here in thej be suddenly plunged into sudden light for Vancouver enroute to first place? (darkness and citizens have been ledley where Mr. Perpich has ob-i The candidate declared that it advised to lay in supplies of allied employment with another was the C. C, F. intention to fight! candles. nining company. a clean campaign in this election. Greek and Italian Warships At the same time it did not Intend ATHENS. Sept. 20: The Greek tt n srott. well known pioneer to submit to such scurrilous mud- cabinet last night decided that viov of this city and now represent- slinging as had been engaged In in henceforth Greek warships will ac ng a Vancouver commercial con- the last provincirJ election. It company Italian warships while in i.ern is a passenger aboard the would ignore such attacks as long Greek waters. The action Is due to Prince Rupert today going through as possible but was prepared, if complaint of other powers of the to Stewart on business. I Continued on Page 2 tolerance by Greece of repeated of the inter The newspaper Akropolis reports hat the British liner Homeric, arrylng 560 British tourists, has ecn ordered by r?dlo to proceed it full speed to Malta, ttie British trongho'.d To Guard (Frontiers DJIBOUTI, French Somaliland, Sept. 20: Colonial governments in British and French Somaliland are preparing to guard their frontiers bordering on Ethiopia against possible incidents. The British are en gaged in erecting a line of block-' houses and interment camps. Guarding U. S. Neutrality WASHINGTON, Sept. 20: The Roosevelt administration moved yesterday to set up special machinery to guard the nation in its neutrality in the event of war abroad. Today's Weather gale, 59. Stewart Heavy rain, south wind, 48. . Hazelton Rainin?, calm, 49. Smithers Cioudv. ra'm rnnl High 9:16 a.m. 16.0 It. 21:05 p.m 17.0 ft Low 5:22 ajn, 6.9 ft. 14:43 pjn. 10.9 ft. PK1CE: 5 CENTS m m rw m mm mm m rm m m m m rrm. m mi m m mm m m m m m m m m m m. m mm mm m m m m m mm mm m mm, m m m w m mm m mw m m w m m. m m m mm IViEWlIIUniL VU1LUV& Id mUliL MUmUlVU 1UUAI rr I a i lull I Lt- m n m a ii nil wm m a m m -rra 1 m w m r fr a h iiiiiiii m m m Ottawa of Transfer of Property Here for Pulp Mill Undertaking CANDIDATE Mussolini To Protest To League IS HEARD vi nuiiuns m uiuisn ivunmps Massing in Mediterranean Waters DISASTER INDICATED Four Empty Oil Drums But No Other Trace of Southseaman The provincial police power cruiser P. M. L. 9 reported to divisional headquarters here last night the finding afloat not far from St. John Harbor.'Dard.vell Islands, Milbank Sound, of four oil drums which were aboard the Vancouver fish packer South-seaman which has not been reported since it left St. John Harbor a week ago today with a heavy .load of salmon tnr.Bute-, dale Cannery. This fends to support the belief that the South-seaman may have come to grief soon after leaving St. John Harbor. No other trace has been found of the vessel which had Capt. Gerald B. Hamilton and crew of two on board. The search Is continuing. Constable Victor Bond on the P. M. L. 8 also reports finding a large patch of oil on the water at St. John Harbor. ASSAULTER FINED Found guilty on a charge of common assault, Somato Suzuki, Japanese, who is alleged to have Terrace Heavy rain, south wind, drawn a knife on Charlie Ki, Chl-temperature, 50. inese, in an altercation on Third ' Anyox Heavy rein, southwest Avenue the night before last, was fined $25, with option of fourteen days imprisonment in city police court this morning Mrs' H' Hankinsn sailed last Burns Lake-Showery, ' calm, 42. 1 (Vancouver. She will Join Dr. Han- Wllllam Brass si'led last night klnson, who went south-earlier In n the Prince Geoige for a trip to the week, and may make a motor Vancouver triD to California. THE POLITICAL CORNER More Broken Pledges of the Great Promisor OLD AGE PENSIONS Mr. Bennett at Chatham, New Brunswick, on July 11th, 1930: "I say to you if the Conservative party is returned to power we will provide for the payment of all old age pensions from the federal ex- :hequer so that the provinces will not be called upon to contribute a :ent and so that the provinces who now find the burden too great will be able to benefit equally with all the provinces of the Dominion." Of course he has not done so. The provinces, of Quebec and New Brunswick still have no old age pensions at all. and the other provinces are still paying 25 of the cost,-although they are financially little able to do so. PROTECTION FOR THE CONSUMER Mr. Bennett at Moncton, New Brunswick, July 10th. 1930: "I promise the consumers that as they support our producers they will find us ever on the alert to forbid this exploitation, for no manufacturer must be permitted to take unfair advantage of the consumer." What about the price we pay for automobiles in Canada? If you buy a car In British Columbia you must pay at least $250.00 more than if you bought the same car in Seattle. The manufacturer Dockets this excess profit. It is so great that we could save a large sum of money by Importing cars free of duty and at the same time pay the wages of the whole Industry in Canada to remain Idle. Is this the way to protect the consumer? If you want Bennett to continue then vote for Orme who Is supporting him. (Broken Pledges to be Continued!