nnd c Women, of the Mooschcart Lc- on Sunday afternoon visited a'miew Cemetery where they "wpieted the recent annual mem- L. Pi (n:e Rupert Put cloudy, light ' x , iUiwet wind; ba lometcr. 30.06: v ::mpcrature. 45: m moderate. J v XXIV No 105. ' She Seamen's Officials Cliarte Oil Companies With Sending Under-Manned Tankers to Sea SAN FRANCISCO. May 8:- Charte were made -by seamen's union officials at th" week-end that oil companies were sending their tankers to sea with short crews of strikebreakers in violation of the maritime laws and constituting a menace on the high seas. The charge was made as the unions made a new bid for federal IntervenUon in the dispute which has now been on for over two months. Reduced Rales By Cable For Kings Silver Jubilee WINNIPEO. May 8: To assist the people of Canada in exchanging tubllee Ereetlncs with their friends In the Old Country, the Canadian NaUonal Telegraphs announce a special cable service from all local points to any place In Great Britain. Thl3 reduced price cable service went into effect on Saturday and will remain In force until May 17. Tills is part of the contribution the telegrapmc ana cable companies have made in con nection with the King's Jubilee celebration. Halibut Arrivals American Yukon, 10.000, Atlin. 6 6c and 4.5c. Canadian Aleve. 12,000, Cold Storage, 5.1c and 5c. Vancouver Wheat vampouver. May 8: (CP) rvcs of deceased members of the Wheat was quoted at 842c on the 'uir- .local exchange yesterday. OIL MAN John A. Turner, Who Gave Name to Famous Alberta Valley, Tasses Away in Victoria VICTORIA, May 8: CP-John A. Turner, aged 67. pioneer of Calgary and prominent stockbreeder, whose farm operations gave his name to what is now the Turnei hValley oil field, died at his Upland home here last night. He had resided here since 1914. Fishermen's Union Organizers Here RepresentaUves of New Organizat tlons on Tour of Coast By Gasboat George Miller and A. Ramsay, or ganizers of the Fishermen's and Cannery Workers' Industrial Union, who are on a jtasboat tour of the coast, were speakers at a meeting of local fishermen and others in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall Monday night Fish prices, co-operative marketing and such matters were discussed and a number of local men were signed up. There were about 200 present In all. From heje Miller and Ramsay proceed to the Skeena River and the trolling ground:. j wtOftiA,aa Today's Weather; Today's Tides wmm COLLECTORkOFICUSTOMS AtVARDtlrKINCS MEDAL J. H. McLeod. collector of customs here, has been awar- ded a King's Jubilee silver me- dal in recognition of thirty-six years of service with the department. Mr. McLeod is the senior member of the customs service in this province. In a communication to Mr. McLeod accompanying accompanying the the medal, medal, Hon. Hon. R. R. C. C. Matthews, Matthews, minister minister of of )ne of Old Country's Largest Land-Owners Passes Goodwood Race Track Was His GOODWOOD. Chichester. May 8: (CPt Lord Charles Gor don-Lennox. Duke of Richmond, VANCOUVER. May 8: (CPt Mr, uirhnrri m. Tturnrtt. formrr. James A- Greene, aged 71. under- ly Miss Sue Boddie. returned to theltak,er in thc Klondyke during the Rusn and resident of the city on the Prince Rupert this pold f mnrnlnir from Victoria where she u.iiv. iui iwcnijf- wn. mnrriPH int. uPPk . eight years, died on Monday. CORIHN COLLIERY IS n-EING CLOSr.Il DOWN CORBIN, May 8: (CP) Pre- sumablv as an outcome of the MUSEUM FOR GOVERNMENT ' OSLO, May 8: The Norwegian government has Just taken possession of the museum of Roald Amundsen, famous explorer, who lost his life several years ago In the No- blle search expedition and who was recent strike, notice that the never found, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1935 ; member is national revenue, says: "I wish to take this opportunity of ex- tending my personal congratu- y latlons on this recognition of your long and faithful service to the crown." Duke of Richmond Dead in England HOME TODAY Olof Hanson Rack From Ottawa But Will be Returning to Capitol Next Week Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, and Mrs. Hanson arrived In the city on last night's train from Ot tawa, being home lor the Easter recess from the session of Parliament. Mr. Hanson will be leaving next Monday on. his return east to be on hand when Parliament reassembles on May 20. There was considerable disappointment at Ottawa that it was impossible to get the business of the session finished before the pre sent adjournment so the members would not have to return, says Mr. Hanson, but it was found Impossible to do this. There was general En?-; Perley carried on quite satisfactor He had willed the coal mines of the Corbln Col- collection to the government In the lieries Limited would be closed event of his death. Immediately was posted here yesterday. Resignations of all PARIS, May 8: Feodor Challa- ' officials are requested by order tpin, famous Russian operatic singi 4 of the board of directors. ,er. Is seriously ill here and some .fears are expressed as to his ily as acting Prime Minister. One of the reasons for delaying aged 64, died yesterday. He was one the session Is felt to be that the of the largest land-owners in the premier expects to be able to pre- country, his property including the famous Goodwood race course. Dawson Undertaker During Cold Rush Days Passes Away sent a trade agreement with the United States. Mr. Hanson says. Mr. Hanson returned to the city via the United States, having had business to attend to on the other side. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, May 8: (CP) Bar sliver closed at 7274c per ounce on the local metal market yesterday. STATE OF CALAMITY HAS BEEN DECLARED Hfeh Low There was a large congregation. including numerotiTpldiierrHefidsT in attendance at First United j Church this afternoon for the fu-fneral of the late Frank W. Hart. who passed away at the end of last week. The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. D. Clarke. Miss Swanna Olafson was organist and the 4:25 am. 18.1 Ik 17 :5 pjn. 185 It. -.11:20 am S2 tt 23:36 pxn. 9:4 ft PRICE: 5 CENTS BRIDGE RIVER STRIKE IS SPREADING LITTLE ONTARIO GIRL LIVES AFTER HEART HAD STOPPED Miners Ask Government For Mediation of Their DisputeWith Companies llralornc. Wayside, Pacific Eastern and Congress Workers Decide to Join in Walk-Out in Demand For Higher Wages and Better Conditions . (jOl.D UIHDUE, May 8: (CP) Striking gold miners f x Bridge River district will auk the provincial govern-tnen1 to appoint a mediator in the dispute with the mine tr.aiva TinentH over the demands for increased wages' and ot i living conditions. Three hundred and fifty men on a t; t: 1... l-. 7 1 h 'i.Ke ai me rioneer uuiu wviv jumuu ihu huhwilu Today s Stocks D ( I I . R w. R'T.'' Vancouver A. Hi N.i kfl. J8. i. aouii, M. Mi I 6. in .. -j 11 r I u . 09. B. ir X. .14. ' IJuarU. 1.07. -nil .141. r. .... io. mull 21. ' fret. .04. I -r .69. U N ?! V P r 15. jr.. .09. w.g stir. .04. uai Stiver, ot H Five, .11 V'. ! Oreille; .CO. r Idaho. .114-ncr 1.78. i;m Quartz. .15. rd .02 V. 150. . v r Crest. .01 V4. 1 n; u) Gold. .17. T .or Bridge, .20. WV.-.idr. .16. Whitewater, .09. "Waviirly Tangier, .01 V. Ur. tcd Empire, .03. Toronto C'Vut Palrlcla, 1.51. tiiibfjugamau, .22. Li' Ould. .00. Ouiiada. .2$. Ii Ver Nickel, 27.85. Ma as,sa. 2.27. Noianda, 39 JO. Ehcaitt-oordon, .01. fc- :r 3.15. - -Lak V'.ii,urcs. .86. Maron, .03. Tc-'k Hughes. 4.17. Eudbury Basin, lill. tuljmarlo. ,08Vi. fnv. 'Iter Gold. .00. c !' MalarUc, .62. L!"!o Long Lac. 5.20. A: tuna Rouyn, .03 Ik. E'-acUcona, .20. Mple Leaf, .00Vi PJckln Crow. 355. McKcnzIo Red Lake, 1.13. Qod-s Lake, 1.40. Sturgeon River Oold. .71. tod Lake Gold Shore, .33. Gravei Decorated HIrom Bralorne yesterday in the de mand for a dollar a day increase. Wayskfe has voted 7 to 1 to Join the strike while an unknown number of men at the Pacific Eastern and Congress mines quit last ntfht. Em-' I payees of the Mlnto mine have not; ! Joined the strike but decided' to. contribute to the strike fund. Men I of XHlnt nnlri n TJ V mri flrarllan mines may walk ou'.. All beer par-, ! tors and the government liquor rr i HPTJ CYC store here have beeVelosed mean-'Ui tl )k ume j CREWS ARE i INADEQUATE! How 3,000 Died in Formosa Catastrophe A photog.aph aken in one of the smaller town-, of the Island ! Forma- during a previous earth-juake A few days ago t ae Japanese owned island off the oast of China was vmtcd by the worst earthquake in its h tory More than three thousand uto have brn kld and twelve thousand Injured. IIom. have been levelled. Just as in this photograph. Further disastrous earthquakes were reported in Formosa last week-end. Cardiac Action Ceased Five Minutes But Drug Brings Child to Lite Dr. A. F. Little Has "Greatest Thrill" of His Career In Operating Room at Owen Sound Yesterday When Youngster Revived ; OWEN SOUND, Ont., May 8: (CP) The heart of fivc-;year old Audrey Brown was stilled for five minutes yesterday following a mastoid operation but was beating strongly again today. Dr. A. F. Little, when he found the little girl had collapsed and her heart action stopped, pumped nine drops of adrenalin directly into the heart. . . . . Immediately the little girl gasped v-t Tiiprt it r T-i and the doctor said it was the rUNrKAl OF1 ' "Breatest ihim" oi Ws me. ' FRANK HART Fish Biological .Many Gather at First United Church This Afternoon to Pay Final Tribute i Work m South Marine Life In Cowichan Watershed and Okanagan Lake to Ce Surveyed This Year nymns were nearer wy uoa w , Lake in the southern Interior will be Mrs. W. D. Moxley sang as a vocal olo "There Is No Night There." Following the church service, a long concourse followed the cortege to Falrview Cemetery where Interment was made in the Knights of Pythias Plot. Pallbearers were John Murray, P. W. Anderson, John Dyb-havn, J. W. McKInley. F. W. Wesch and K. J. Smith. Tne late Mr. Hart rua Deen n e.w...v.. w w , - resident oi rnnct ituperi since Premier Bennett going to London j 1908 He opened up ta the hardware for the King's Jubilee. During theand Iurniture business on Rupert absence from Parliament of the Road m th0e early days and after rremier owing io mness, oir ueorge the sale of townsite lots, erected a large building which for some time was a landmark at the comer of Second Avenue and Sixth Street where the Prince Rupert Hotel now stands. He retired from the mercantile business years ago and had since devoted himself to his realty interests. Prominent Pioneer Deceased ever took a keen interest in public affairs and was always active In the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association. He was also Under an amount which has been allotted in the year's Parliamentary appropriations for the work, biological surveys to determine marine life and the possibilities of propagation of fish in the Cowichan ; River and Lake watershed on Van couver Island and in Okanagan undertaken this summer under the direction of Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of Nanalmo Biological Station, it is announced by John Dyb-havn following his return from i Vancouver where he presided last week over sessions of the Pacific sub-execuUve of the Biological Board of Canada. Otherwise, work planned by the Biological Board on this coast this Numerous floral offerings paid!year u largely of a routine nature tribute to the memory of one of j with n0 f urtner extended activities. Prince Rupert's and British Colum-; Appropriations for the coming fls-bia's best known and most highly cal year are about the same as iast esteemed pioneer citizens. ;year. BOCKLNG PREDICTS . PERMANENT CLOSING DOWN ANYOX TLANT NEW YORK. May 8: (CP) At the annual meeting of the Granby Consolidated 'Kilning, SmelUng & Power Co. yester- day. President Clmles Booking said the Anyox workings would probably be closed per- manently; by July at the lat- est one of the leaders of the Prince Ru-! " , . , ,, nert Pinner- Aviation a u-rii' chief point of entry to the Trail "98 " He became Interes- ias !cf heavily being prominent in the Knights auu, wmn anagway was of Pythias. ! chose.n " he termtaus for Uie Yu-wiped His buildings and business were out in the Gnat Fire in Van- !kon & WhUe, sut-couver's early days but. with char-!fered severely ,n a nclal wy. 0:0111 D'ea he movfd on to Dawson acterlstic enterprise, he re-estab-1 llshed himself and for many years iand4Uai!W yfarf Iater "tu.med s0"th- the Twen- In thn.se vPrv Parlv tav hp tnot a 47 IN BRAZILIAN CITY nromlnPnt nart in th affairs nf the tleth Century found him for brief tiods ln busi"e" mlnln young metropolis. He was a charter ln, thf BAHIA. Brazil. May 8: (CP) memhors nf the Vanrnnver Rnarrt booin camI Rossland, Green- -A state of "public calamity" of Trade of which organization heijand,and Phoenlx ln tne southem has been proclaimed officially was made an honorary life member. I lnterior- in this city after five days or He was aiso an honorary member of unprecedented wind and rain storms which took a toll of at least sixty lives and possibly as many as four hundred. ctil'IVi' trr i nncrvivn the- Vancouver Pioneers' Assocla- 4 tlon. i Ice on the Stlklne River at Tele- Mr. Hart went north from Van- graph Creek Is beginning to loosen couver to Dyea, Alaska, during the up, according to theGqvernment, Gold Rush and established himself Telegraphs, and the spring break-In business at that point, then the up Is looked for dally.