r !B IMS THE DAILY NIW5 sUOaMSRS nnettes Carnival Sale SHOES SHOES SHOES -IUi--2tt pairs of shoes, white, black, brown, sand , iow. Cuban and high heels; pumps, straps ami Kr?oiar value to $5.95. Carnival Sale Special $1.95 CHILDREN'S SPECIAL One Child's Tooth Drush and Sponge Ball Both for 19 cents Ormes Ltd. "Dim Ptontcr Druqffists tU Kcxall Stera Phonti: II & 8S Onrn Dill nm R a.m. till 10 D.m. Sunday, and Holiday. From 12 noon till S p. I P m- UH 9 pm. TWO DOLLARS FOR ANY OLD LANTEHN I; )Je "l allow $100 for any old lantern (coal oil or gasoline) on Purchase of a New Coleman, priced atr $7.75, $7.93 &. $8.25 L THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. - Sale Starts 9 a.m. Tuesday, August 20 Here Are Some of the Extraordinary Values That Annette Was Fortunate Enough to Procure While South. When you buy at Annette you are jtettinvr the benefit of thirty years' experience in the Ladies' Wear business. Our merchandise is brought direct from the manufacturer to you. The rnrrect styles at reasonable prices. WE 1)0 NOT HANDLE JOHS OR HANKKU1T STOCKS. Our Stock is new, different and priced for every pocket. We inviteypur inspection. 15 ONLY SPORT COATS i f White. Green, Yellow, Kose. Beiee and Sand, v ar values to $19.50. Carnival Sale Special $7.00 FLANNEL & CH0NGA SLACKS i WNi.i. AND CHONGA SLACKS Navy, jjrey, blue , . Ai Regular val. to $3.95. Carnival Sale Special $1.95 DRESSES! DRESSES! DRESSES Afternoon, Evening, Etc, some with jackets, pastel shades, polka dots, stripes, crepes, Swiss organdy, fancy weaves, etc. Suitable for all occasions. Sizes from 14 to 44. Regular values to $19.50. Carnival Sale Special $5.95 DRESSES--Sunday Nites in pastel shades, lace trimmed. From 14 to 44. Carnival Sale Special $3.95 DRESSES Crepes, stripes, prints, some with jackets. Siies 14 to 40 only. Carnival Sale Special $2.00 LOCAL NEWS NOTES FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING SEE SIMPSON. FIFTH AND McBRIDB. (tf! ! Game Wwden Ed. Martin re-t ii rr ri tn h ritv nr. .aturdav af- I itwnoons train from a brtef trip i to Terrace on official dutte. J. E. Woody of Port Simpson. j who has been on a two weeks' trip I to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening re turning north. Ma and Mrs C. Dleckensdcrfer ana iwu uauniuci-t iwuira, vu are passengers mating the) round' trip north aboard the t earner Ca-I tala on her preent vnyage. They were here last evening enroute to Anyox and Stewart Announcements Be warm and comfortable by riding In 32 Taxi It costs the same. You can rent a car at Walker's as low aj $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. W. E. Denning and young son. John, will leave on this evening train for a vacation trip to E. O. .Ave deputy provincial eoHeetor. returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on omciai business. Mrs. J. Prout and daughter ar rived in the city on Saturday to visit with Mrs. Prout's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. rtnd, Mrs. J. T. Harvey. ' y Strollers' Carnival Week dances I.Wed.. Thurs. and Friday. Aug. 21. I William Millar returned to the city on the Cataia last evening from a vacation trljj to Vancouver and Victoria." Mrs. Allan Carolan of Stewart, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger -aboard the Catala last evening returning north. O. W. fcaldler. local manager of the W. H. MalkJn Co.. returned to the city on the Prince George on Saturday evening after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. T. N. LePage, manager of the northern division of the .Home-Oil Distributors Limited, returned to the city on the Prince George Saturday evening after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business SKIRTS BLOUSES 85 Mrs. Charles Cmdill of Anyox, who has been on a vacation trip to Victoria, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to the smelter town SKIRTS SKIRTS AH new fall skirt all colors, all sizes. Regular values to $3.95. Carnival Sale Special $2.45 BLOUSES BLOUSES Plain crepes, figured, candy stripes, polka dots. Sizes 14 to 44. Regular value to S1.95. Carnival Sale Special CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES HEAVY-CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES From 14 to 20. Regular value to $3.95. Carnival Sale Special $1.95 "TheStore ot tlrea For Less" COMPANY ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR M : Yaiu SPECIAL H j.M'hold Size Bottle Italian Balm, rcg. GOc Hume Dispenser ,wC Special Price, 59 cents Un- tin Mi 31 Tooth Powder and One Klenzo Tooth Brush, Value GOc Pothfor 39 cents Catholic tea, Mrs Burbank's, August 29. Catholic Church Bartar Octo ber 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Presbyterian Bazaar. Novctnbei Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. Moose Hall RENTAL KATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 13.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.03 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. 22, 23, featuring Elimination Waltz Competition. Ten Dollar first pri2e. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 pjn. Gents 50c. ladies 25c. (193) Mrs. Mah Bon Quen and family will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver enroute to China, accompanying the remains of the late Mr Mah, who died last Febiuary and whose In terment will take place in the Old Country. Mrs. Dale L. Pit and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Pitt, and son, Bobby. were passengers aboard- the Catala last evening going through on a visit to Premier. Mrs. Pitt and family have been living In llona-lulu since Mr. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., was transferred some months ago to Western Australia Electric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Pb Green 219 Mr. and Mrs. Jack McColl boar ded the steamer Catala at Anyox this morning and rill travel as far as Port Simpson where they will disembark tomorrow morning toi pay a visit with Mr McColl's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mc Coll. piTRi in HF.ARivr.s ox ntoros ED BRITISH COLUMBIA HEALTH INSURANCE BILL Public meetings of the hearings committee on the proposed British Columbia Health Insurance Bill, tt-in hi helri as hereunder indicated. The purpose f the hearings is to obtain irom miersstea orgauiza- nn th r rrttiptsras ana sueees- rrtlntr the nronosed bill as outlined in "A plan of Health In-i ... . - LI. M f surance ior unusn .oumiuia. Those wishing ir appear before thi committee nre reauested tO communicate with the Government Agent at the centres mentioned d- low. They are aiso rcqurstea. to hrlnir their suceestlons in written form to the hearings. Prince Rupert, August 22 at 10 njn. Smithers, August 23. at 10 am Prince George, August 24 at 7:30 p.m. Williams Lake, August 27 at 10 a.m. ALTON PEEBLES. Chairman. Miss Clara Stegavig of the stu dent nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital returned to the city on the Catala last eve ning alter having been south p take courses In tuberculosis nursing at Tranquille Sanitarium and in dietetics at Vancouver General Hospital. 1 WILL LIE IX STATE The remains of the late Mah Bon Quen will lie In state at the First United Church today from 5 to 30 pjn. THE PRAIRIES 11 CENT PER MILE Good in day coaches only. CENT PER MILE Good la tourist sleeper on payment regular . tourist berth rate. CENT PER MILE i Good in standard sleepers on payment regulai standard berth rate. ON SALE: Aug. 22 to 30 INCLUSIVE Z 1-DAY LIMIT For Fares Ask Your Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL v.ia Mrs. Harrison, whose wife is wireless operator Wales Island cannery, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening from Van comver making the round trip (north She was met here by Mr. (Harrison who will return south iwith her. Mrs. O. F. Randall and daughter, Miss Lillian Randall, of Powell River, who have been visiting here for the past month with Mrs. Randall's sisters, Mrs. Alex McRae and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, will sau" ! by the Catala tomorrow afternoon Ion their return south. Want Ads FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale, 9 piece mahogany dining room suite, kitchen cabinet, double bed,' complete, curtain stretchers, wash tub stand, miscellaneous articles. Mrs. Thomson, 738 Taylor Street. (196) FOUND FOUND-Signet ring, owner may have same by calling at Daily News Office and paying for this advertisement PAINTERS PAINTING na Paperfcanglng Vtollef. Phone Red 802. LAND ACT ( Notice of Intention to Apply to least Land U Land Recording Dlitrlot of rrlnee Rupert, Range . Coast District and situate about one-quarter of a mUe south of Lot 6710, Range S, Coast DUtrtct. Poroher Island. Take notice that CUreooa Edar Baiter, of Hayaport, B.C. occupation caa-neryman. tatend to apply for a lease M tb following described lands: HnmmMVlnf a t. m nnAfc tolftAted On. a t small Island about three -quartet of-. mue souui oi uos ojiu. ausw , vv Otatrtot. Uienoe nonn-eaai ti-o oaraj thence weet by north 33.4 chains, theoca south south-west 308 chains; thence aouth-eaat hp south 174 ohalns to the potnt of coaunanoenjent. and coatalnUi 53.1 acres, more or lees. CLARKNCC XTXIAR B ALTER. Dated June 4th. 19SJ.