if (he Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides PrlDC Rupert-Part cloudy, uutb"i barometer. tcht J tpeture. 50: e smooth. Vp. xxjv N i' Ukc part In the native Arrangement have also with OreenvUle to have : ' on-ert band aupply mu-wn during the three daye dmival. The band haa 38 fl- trained muilciam and 1 able l)iav wi(fi rr.na nf nnncert hum- , ft in "with the oarnlval pin .,? nw uircc daya It will be !.re i MANY VISIT SPUINGS r and Mra. Bert Morgan are Mperir, to return to the city to- Cv after a wcek'a viait to the F'iac Hot Bprlnp on the Ekeena ffo" near Port" nulnirtnn Thi ppilnr Uicre arc becoming In-rffiiingly popular and for a few P'"U! , yestcrdav there were no leas hn 60 visitors there Three tanks Rve !i0w been installed. MISSION HEAD 1XAVES Rev Br S. 8. Osterhout. suncr- fftendent of mission of the United Piurrh in British Columbia, sailed Py the prince Oeoree Saturday jfening on his return to Vnnmnvrr I,urr ving spent the past month ipn Uiiii district missions of the church. Card of Thanks . - - tor official declaration of war in Eaut Africa within a irinnth. the thm-jjower conierence eaueu wiin a view iu deviin; a lan for jKmcelul mtlement ot the ltaio- FM. -.i'iar, crisi.o was abandoned last night, uepresenta-tivf i in-at Britain, France and Italy had been unable irrangements For .(.If' fHIII i( tn Iii!, c li. Carnival in Hand lumftoii AtlnrUoni to be Offered VI" K, lu.i- A hi w II." At Itral Tliit W'wk i -'i-fU turned In 'nt Junior Charo-, -port and at- thto ;klU BUilopU. 'tret u Ming " ' Indian evaaU and a received rceived from from them, them, s art under way to i .t Indiana from Kln-In the Tateant of ith Nuhfa Indian eoniiUttee ha ar-,vi' a lacroMe team . play e. Prince Rupert will be captained by Aiyanah hoMa the to even reach a twos of Mtoua Uon. Farther effort with this end In view an left to diplomat-, channels although he prospect of maintaining peace appear, to be more and not remote. The eonmtaUon broke down . W I Ml IHMWI UVW ''ft f"" - jly between Bafhtad and Italy. It was InUmated tha Oreat Britain will. In the event a' actual warfare between Italy and BMept. Rt it moral. If not iU actual, .rapport The conference iSaa advised that Premier Benito MwMottnl was not lis of entries htHried with the peace proposals bt advanced by areai amain ren - though these provided for exten-ahre conceaalona to hU wintry. II Diice ref UMd to compromise on 'anvthimr leaa thar ooroplete eon- i. i -i ill n w jwMttfini rvf ww ana mwiw wt-p-- Bthlopia. Thew. It was InUmated. ht u determined to obtain. War Seem Inevitable Another diplomatic effort to prevent war between Italy and Bttuo- . t"se Trophy and U pU ended toaay wnen rrnw tl. tiMt native taeroaw : MuaMUnl returned an etnphatk . ... dirtrtri "No" to BrWah-French peace pro- brovtdhw for expanatoo . -nrf vt.. ar. re-'Doaala Italian economic Intereat to Btruo- bi endtDK in a basebaUi lootball team reapec-iP- A nmn r rrocn wnnai bh "Euroue facet a create like that of 1914." A nrrOah apokeaman declared -N'ofchimr can be done at Geneva in nrevent war." At London tenlaht the British Mihint will hear a report from Capt. Anthony Mm. Meantime at Rome it was oiu daily announced that suppression of commodity exchange markets in ten cities had been ordered. Mussolini's mbltlon ISERNIA. Italy, Aug. 19:-Ad-dresalng an aaaemblatc of twelve thousand Black Sh'rts on me occasion of the embarkation of another large conUnaent of soldiers for East Afilca. Premier ueniw " Musaolinl on Saturday definitely made known his ambiuon oi eww- lulling a great new rascm lanpire. itP nxnected the cc-operauon una asjdatance of every- Kod Italian In the undertaking, he declared. Ethiopians Mobllltc ADDIS ABABA. Aug. 19:-A decree having the effect of mobilizing every able-bxlied man in Ethiopia for military service was issued Saiurday by Emperor Halle Selassie. Prayers were offered up In n vthinnian cnurrncb )iu,. with the Emperor leading in thei supplications for peace, safety and economic security for the ancient kingdom. There were about 150 persons In John Hammer nrt tw i Joi.rvtfinee Friday night at the Uves wish tn fh.i, 'rwjfoiw' Hall foe a very enjoy- "ends for the kind expressions of able dance staged by the visiting IT1?"1' nna "oral tributes re-, Strollers' prcnewra w. Wed during their recent bereave 1 similar dances on Thursday. Friday Maybe thi should be called behind the headlines! Oreat waa the official furore when Japan said the would official!) protect cartoon in a U. 8. magazine Happy and jovial waa the actual protect, apparently for the above picture ahowa Japanese Ambat-aador Hlroal Salto "formally protesting" to U. S. A.ubassador to Japan C Orew, In Washington. Maybe they are lavghing at the cartoon Halibut Arrivals I Baseball Scores Summary American MOO pounds, l&c .nd 5c to 8Jc and : 5c. Canadian 42.000 pounds. S.Tc ind 5c to 5.9c and 5c. American Bremerton, 900. 8Jc and 5c. At-.n. Tahoma, 3OJ00O, 7.6c and 53c Pacific. Qlacier. 16.000. Be and &Sc. Royal. Rapp III, 9.000. 83c and 55c. Royal Pierce, 16WQ. 75c and 5 -5c, At-Un. Zartmbq, 15.000 8c and 5.5c, Booth. Canadian Oslo, 13,000. 5.9c and 5c, Cold Storage. P. Dorreen. 16.000. 5.7c and 5c. Booth. H. W.. 13.000. 5.7c and 5c, AUln. Today's Stocks ( CWurtcy S. V. Jooiwvoa Oo.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. 21. Big Missouri, .61. Bralome, 5.00. B. R. ConM .03J4 B. R. X., .09. Cariboo Oold, .lf Dcntonla, 55. Oeorgla River, .00V. . Oolconda, .17. Olaclcr Creek, .01. Orange, .01V4. Indian, .01. Mlnto, .06 V. Meridian, .04. . Morning Star, M. National Silver, .OS1. Noble Five. .06. Pcnd Oreille, .70. Porter Idaho, .05' fc. Premier, 1.43. Quesnel Quartz, 10. RIOTOUS REVELS RESTRICTED CALLOARY, August 19. (CP):. A police patrol has been instituted along the upper reaches of the Elbow River near here to subdue the excessive enthusiasm of noisy welner roast parties and to In vestlcatc complaints of scmlnnudt bathing parties held at midnight Pat'cnts In a nearby hospital and SATURDAY SCORES National League Cincinnati 1, Boston 6 Chicago 7. Brooklyn 1. St Louis 7. New York 3. Pittsburg 2-5. Philadelphia 0-1. American League Philadelphia 3-2. Chicago 2-8. New York 2. Detroit 3. Barton 7-0. St. Louis 11-7. Washington 7-0. Cleveland 8-5. SUNDAY SCORES National League ClnclnanU 4. New York 8. Pittsburg 0-3. Brooklyn 3-9. Chicago 8-5. Philadelphia 3-6. St. Louis 1-9. Boston 2-4. American League New York 0. Detroit 8 Boston 5-3, St. Louis 2-4. Washington 4-4. Cleveland 2-13 Philadelphia Chicago double- header, rained out. ON ESCORT DUTY Corp. Robert Gibson, provincial police, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for Vancouver on escort duty, having In his charge Imprisonment at Okalia tor sup plying liquor to Indians, a local youth who will serve two years at SASKATOON, Aug. 19. (CP): It has been esUmated there are Funeral Notia NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1935 High 5:23 ajn. 17 3. ft 17:34 pan. 19.4 IL Low 11:15 am 7J IL PRICE: S CENTS PARIS PEACE PARLEY BREAKS DOWN ;X MEMBERS OF LINER'S CREW KILLED IN COLLISION krley Between Three Nations on Ethiopia Is Complete Failure t A ft ft Ihn-I'artite (..onversalions Abandoned Nilhoul rAcn Kmhinjf Iiasis 01 ;e,oiiaiions imierncss iieiwecn llritain and Italy Both Parties Preparing For War PARIS Auir. 19: With the outlook even more definite Maybe Laughing At Cartoon BODIES ON laurentic Crashes into WAY SOUTH Uemains of Wiley Post and Will Koscrt in Canadian City On Way to Los Angeles Record Flight Pilot Joe Crososn Hies Funeral Plane From Fairbanks South With Whitehorse Stop Freighter in Irish Sea; Both Ships Damaged Engine Room Workers Killed as They Slept in Their Bunks Six Hundred Excursionists Were Aboard Passenger Boat LIVERPOOL, Eng., Aug. 19: (CP)-During a dense The Vancouver. bodies o: wueTpt. Ang. famous cp- fog in the Irish Sea yesterday six members of the engine American aviator, and win Rogers, room crew of the Cunard-White Star Line steamer Laur-noted humorist and actor, were entlc were killed and five injured when the ship crashed here overnight, having been bow-on into the Blue Star liner Napier Star. Both vessels brought south at o "ciock last eve- were badly damaged and returned to Liverpool. The ning following thj tragic airplane Laurentlfs dead were killed while crash near Point Barrow last bunks. The liner , they slept in their Thursday night whtn both lost Cri nf Thnnkc carried more than ate hundred meir lives, in ceuvermg me re- v w . ...-w mains this far. Pilot Joe Crosson, veteran Alaskan commercial pilot, Mrs. T. Ross Macicay and Mr. and made a record-breaking flight. Mrs. David R. Barclay wish to con-Havjig flown from Point Barrow to vey their very sincere thanks to Fairbanks on Saturday He left their many friends tor the kind ex-Fairbanks at 6:13 yesterday morn- pressions of sympithy and many Ing. paused briefly at Whitehorse floral tributes received in their re- to refuel, left there at 11:55 ajn. cent bereavement, alsc to the and his next sIod was here. Crosson ' nursinz staff of the Prince Rupert was accompanied by a -co-pilot and) General Hospital for their untiring wireless operator. Jij, 1 1800 miles 'care and attention. . from Fairbanks herrfo? landing Those sending flowers, were: here was decided upon, ft is beiev-j The Family. Pegy and David, ed. in order to avoid crowds which Jack. Maude. Lena and Harry it was known would be waiting in i Vancouver). Sisters and Brothers Seattle. tin Calgary, First United Church. I The Diane remaired at the local Mr. and Mrs. W. W. wratnail ana airport overnight with the bodies on board, being guarded by four 'Royal Canadian Mounted Police, especially detailed for this duty. 1 This morning Crosson was in the air again and landed at Seattle at 9:15, less than an hour after leaving here. He is taking the bodies on to Los Angeles and it was uncertain whether he would stop en- route at San Francisco. The funeral of Will Rogers will take place in Glendale, Cal., on Thursday afternoon with the possibility that the lemains may be later taken to Oklahoma for per manent entombment. Mrs. Rogers and family left New York by rail i yesterday for Los Angeles. Mrs. 'Roge was reported to be bearing up well under the bereavement t U'lW. Print will h hiirlprf in 41 Oklahoma City, the funeral also taking place Thursday afternoon with Baptist Church rites. Official Investigation WASHINGTON D.C.. August 18 The Dipartment of Commerce has ordered Inspector Murray Hall a party of pnsoncs Including Otto from Anchorage to Point Barrow! wiotu, ai.iivvui.vu w 14UVV- ivw. i AiasKa. lO conduct a mil uncaw gatlon Into all the circumstances of the crash in which Wiley Post and Will Roeers were killed last reformatory and a mental paUent Thursday night. It is reported for Essondale. 16,000 LEGISLATE that Post was warned about Joggv weather and that the engine of his Lockheed Diane had not been funetionlne nroDcrly. Col. Roscoe Turner, another noted flier, believes cold weather In the north about 16.000 persons continually may nave affected the engine, engaged In helping govern Sask-1 . . atchewan. All these people are el- j ected to office and have, the right i ITALY CORNERS LEMONS to pass regulations tourhlng some LIVERPOOL. Eng.. (CP) Be-phase of other person's lives. (cause of the demand for the Ital- :jan soldiers In Ethiopia, there is BAR SILVER ' an acute shortage of lemons In Liverpool, less than half the nor- NEW YORK. Aug 19; (CP)-The mal quantity of Italian lemons price of bar sliver here was un- ( being sold on the Liverpool Fruit cnangea toaay at oaBC per ounce. Exchange. Miss Dorothy Gosse, who has been visiting In the city with her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and The funeral of the late Richard m. h. Alexander. Fifth Avenue residents of the district have! Louis Edgar will take place Tues- East, sailed by the Prince George objected to the revellers riotous day afternoon at 2:30 frpm the Saturday evening on her escapades. Iparlors of the B. C. Undertakers. , to Vancouver. family. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ma- cauley, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mac-j donald and family. Miss Evelyn Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. F. Warnej and family, Mr. end Mrs. James, H. Sheddon, United Church Ladies' j Aid. Mrs. J. D. Fraser Gordon Fra-ser. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jenner, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nickerson and Mrs. Kincaid. James A. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner and family. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon McAfee. Mr. and Mrs. T. Silversides, Olnf Hanson MJ'. and Mrs. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald. Mr. md Mrs. Jarvls H. McLeod and family, Capt. and Mrs. Calderwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mackenzie and family Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durran. Mr. LONDON. Aug. 19: -There is still talk of international complications following the slaying of Gareth Tones, corresponder.t for the Man chester Guardian and farmer sec retary to Rt. Hoa. David Lloyd George when he was Premier of England, whose body was found late last week alto he had been put to death .by Chinese bandits who had been holding him for ransom. Doctors examining the body declared that he was probably kill ed on the date by which the abductors had threatened he would be put to death unless the ransom money was forthcoming. . ALBERTA ADVANCE POLL EDMONTON. Aug. 19: On the first day of the provincial election advance poll, 289 votes were recorded In Calgary and 310 m Ed- monton. The voting was consider- and Mrs.iablv heavier than had been anti- Frank Vickers and family, Mr. and necessltatng extra help Dohl.,beinK Put tn to tuUe It. Mrse. Alick Macdonald. John Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. James Watt. Mr. and Mrs Fletcher Hemmons and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Dingwell and family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattle, Mr. and Mrs. T Strand and family. Mr tind Mrs. Clifford Gilker, Capt. and. Mrs. J. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs Dan Lar- sen. Mr. and Mrs Milton (Lighthouse), Mr. and Mrs. Glennle, Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. Sath?r Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lelghton. Mrs. Connery. Edith and Isobel. Winnie McGreish. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Jean. Mr. and Mr. Duncan Mc- I HOLLY ISLAND ANNIVERSARY BEAL, Northumberland, Eng, August 19: Celebration of the 1300th anniversary of the foundation on Holy Island of the Monastery of LLlnlsfarne by St. Aldan was held here recently. People from all over the world attended. FROM TELEGRAPH LINE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrathall of Chesley on the Yukon Telegraph Line north of Telegraph Creek arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning irom the north, having come out on vacation. Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Colussi and A. E. Parlow. district loreater. family. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gillis, i sed Saturday night on the D. ArchicMr. and Mrs. J. R. Mur-!Prince ch&T uAt i ,ItnleTt- H? ray and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. J5 ? vistt uecn f10, Mussallem. and family. Mr. and ""' Mrs. L. Stiles and family. Mr. and' 1 nnav C VVPHinPf Mrs. Sherman sr All his loving " v.v, little friends around the sand pit, ! ' Triple Island Part cloudy, light and also several others whose cards southwest wind; birometer, 30.16; were lost. sea smooth. , TTl 1 , 1 . w - - . vvl-.t-ll.MH v uiiam a. ne-ssc oi i.ettuun.an t arrived in the city on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon from return that point and sailed last evening Ion the Catala for a visit to Hyder. Terrace Clear, calm, 52. Anyox Clear, calm. 50. Stewart Clear, calm, 41. 'Hazelton Clear, calm, 46. Smlthers Clear, calm, warm. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 48.