wv an |! Be SU aw? i re wal ao os Se oe OD mie ‘= eee ae ~—— Mer THE WEATHEF® » Twenty-four hours er” << ) 26 Sept MIN etn " IN. RAIN a. a C Bn Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For souTH Rupert...... Friday, a.m. R NORTH ja baa Monday p.m. °Y Legisia ve A OCT 1] 1¥it — —— i aes ok Aha Il, NO. 219 Prince RupPEeRT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1911. 1¢.1.P. MAY BUILD A FLEET OF TURBINE S ——— — ere | BASEBALL SCORES HOQUNCIL RECEIVE PLANS = FOR THE CITY CEMETERY Work Was to Have Been Done by the G.T.P., But Now the City Wil! Assume it---Architect Also Wants the City to Pay Part of the Fees---A Beautiful Spot ic be Known as | Fairview Cemetery Plans for Prince Rupert cemetery The plans show a very well|“Fairview Cemetery” is the title laid out very tastefully by the|laid out cemetery with winding | given on the plans. landsrape architects for the town-| roads and graceful sweeping curves} With an unwittirgly grisly touch site, Messrs Brett & Hall, have|bordering the plots. The extent|the architect remarks that cem- heen forwarded to the Mayor |is about fourteen acres, practically | eteries are generally very profitable CRUISER R 7 AMMED j m . . ‘ 4 1 ? MONDAY BASEBALL Northwestern League Seattle 6, Tadoma 2. Victoria 7, Vancouver 2. Spokane-Portland; rain. National League Chicego 6, Boston 5. New York 2, Cincinnati 0. Brooklyn 5, Pittsburg 4. American League Detroit 6, Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 3, Washington 2 New York 5, Chicago 3. Boston 9, St, Louis 2. THE OLYMPIC | Damaged Off Southampton by H. M. S. Hawke. (Canadian Press Despatch) Southampton, Sept. 25.—Fol-| lowing the ramming of the White | uincil, and were considered|the whole of the grourd leased|forms of municipel development, jast night. The architects mention |for 999 years to the city for|and hopes that this ore will prove { se plans were prepared for | cemetery purposes by the G. T. P.| so to Prince Rupert. He doesn't} te G. T. P. but te ae 3. e, I he main entrance to the cemetery | actually suggest a boom in real Big White + a is Badly { iid over the scheme of de-|is by Omineca avenue and here|estate in six feet by three lots, | pt here Now that it|is marked the site for a chapel | but it seems so from his letter.| is left to the city to develop this}on an eminence. The plans show)A proposal is taking shape at the| public necessity, the architects|extensive provision for shrubbery |city hall that the portion of the Suge he city should defray |and garden plots, on the lines of|ground nearest the city will be portion of the cost of|the most beautiful cemeteries all | laid out as soon as possible so thet which was not paid|over the world, and every possible|the need for funeral launch trips ’ i eG. T. P. because they did| advantage has been taken of the|to Garden Island will soon be- t go on with the work. Thisjnatural contour of the grourd, | come a thing of the past. cing considered by the|which is sloping and undulated | ia Star lier Olympic by the British | |cruiser Hawke, the big liner has | been towed into port for repairs. | | |Inquiry shows that none of the| finance committee. land situated aanenes Fairview.| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 |two thousard persons on the pas- | — ———e—_—_ — SS CAP. BERNIER » “DOC” CAMPBELL DEAD |lington, Ontario, end came west |senger vessel suffered injury, al- though both vessels were badly LOST HIS VOTE @ very young man when the|dameged by the impact. A _ big Was one of the Most Popular|C. P. R. was being constructed. gaping hole is torn in the liner’s C. P. R. Conductors in the He entered the employ of the Canadian Ship Arctic Returned West |company et-Kerore and-hes been Today after Fifteen Months Exploring in North West Pas-| Calgary, Sept. 25.—Conductor|of a train running out of Winnipeg |side, while the whole of the front part of the cruiser is twisted out gta. ; : ag with it ever since. He had charge} of recognition. An inquiry is being conducted sage. J. H. Campbell, one of the best|for years. He lived in Medicine| hy the authorities. It is supposed known railway men in Western|Hat for ten years, subsequently Car n Press Despatch) Canada, is dead here. He had|coming to Calgary As an evi- rt today after an | last bility he was given charge of months in the Mr. Campbell was born in Bur-| the “Edmonton Flyer.” No new lard was|¢ : ———— tacts REACHED PRINCE RUPERT nese reat Cie Be jasc aio “tno-tve| NA WORLD TOURING TRIP. Banks Lerd, and made we " uneble to reach th p Returns Home For Keeps—En Route to Alaska A brisk moving, sturdily-set|journey done by water and in that the accident was due to a failure of the cruiser’s steering 26.—The Can-|been in failing heeith for some|derce of the corfiderce of the| gear, which caused her to swerve STEVENS WILL RETIRE TO LET McBRIDE COME IN Reported From Vancouver That All Arrangements Are Made in Case Premier McBride Gets a Portfolio---Stevens Will be Made Collector of Customs in Return For The Sacrifice (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Sept. 26.-—For the first | will leeve on the-train this evening: Vencouver, Sept. 26.—It is be-| time since election day, Sir Wilfrid _— lieved here that Hon. Mr. Mc-j|Laurier and Hon. R. L. Borden Will Dick Accept |Bride is to be called to fill the;met last night at the banquet in| Victoria, Sept. 26.—-It is under- | position of Mirister of the Interior | honor of the Governor-General.|stood here that Hon. Richard ior the Minister of Public Works|Their greetings were cordial, and|McBride has been offered the in ~ new Federal Government. |both gentlemen joined in sup-| position of Minister for the In- way will be opened to Mr.| porting the toast to the health of} terior under Mr. Border and that Pre Bride by the resignation of|His Excellency. he will accept the offcr. |Mr. Stevens, the member elect | omens agen for Vancouver, who by resigning Cabinet Job for Rogers Break Even |will permit of the election of Mr.| Winnipeg, Sept. 26.—Hon. Rob-| Quebec, Sept. 26.—As a result |Mc Kenzie. jert Rogers, Minister of Public|of the deferred elections held yes- It is understood that Mr. Stevers | Works in the Roblin Government, | terdey at Gaspe and Chicoutimi- |has been summoned by wire to|Saugenay both parties make a proceed to Ottawa at once in}gain. The former elected Gau- | connection with the new Dominion | thier, Conservative, by 450 ma- |Cebinet. It is assumed he will] jority, making a Conservative gain. Bowell the present incumbent being| be offered and will accept a|The latter elected Girard, a Lib- will be compensated by being jgiven. the position of Collector | jof Customs for the port, Mr.} slated for superanmuation. | portfolio under Mr. Borden. Heleral, by 1200 with no change. WAR IS 1 FEARED DAYS LABOR AGAIN THE DEATH TOLL Italy and Turkey are on the| Alderman Newton Prefers It to AT TOULON Verge of Hostilities over Station Work System roepceceen Tripoli. aa : One Hundred Dead Bodies of seat At midnight yesterday Alder-| French Sailors are Recovered. London, Sept. 26.—The peace|man Newton was on his feet} Four Hundred Perished. of Europe is threatened again by|talking about his distinct pref- a possible outbreak of hastilities| .pence for days labor rather than (Canadian Press Despatch) betweer Italy ard Turkey over Toulon, France, Sept. 25.—At * station work ir Prince Rupert : least 350 to 400 are dead as the Tripoli. Government exploration ship|time but stuck to his post to the|company in his ability and reli-| off her course FREE PHONE BOOKS Started. Telephone directories supplied pany just opening up in this city, | and application has been made G.T.P. TO HAVE young man, with bulging, gleaming | all probability would be the only|to the city council by this firm | TURBINE BOATS spectacles and dressed in a suit) part. He had had some thought | of heavy brown canvas alighted|of going into the interior from |ismie of ‘‘Hello Books.”” The firm from the Princess Royal and saun-|Skagway, perhaps as far Rumor at Seattle Says that New yesterday |son, but speaking with Mr. Cong-ja tered through the city iffair than even the tidy direc- Boats will be Put on Prince afternoon. His sombrero was or-|don and Mr. George Black on/tories now published by the city, Rupert Run, namented on the front with a|the boat coming up he ts de-}and will of course depend on the : large silver bull dog head, and | cided that the trip would be too | advertising in them for its returns. Press Despatch) another of these ornaments, stud-| risky so late in the season. |Referred to the telephone com- C. “ a ) here thay j Ty ° : : eG, T. P. will im-| ne lapel of his coat. His card|October 10th, 1910, the car hes cpt, 26.--It is reported ded with diamonds, embellished Since leaving Denver, Col., on | mittee. metintaly have Sale MM URN gh etc ——|LATEST FROM | modern turbine steam- ce im arenes run in ; : 9h rince Rupert. Ne be ready for service NeXt sum i | : ‘cr, Asked about these . ! y Mr. McMaster seid , heir place on the Prince ee Dre Programme had not yet been “nnounced, TO INC REASE POLL. TAX U "Popular Suggestion Made at I the Provincial Taxation Com- : mission, ’ : : Wyrton 1 1 Dr. Percival in His Touring Car Sandspit a 8 Canadian P Te, ee tacos 0 I Victori : ee said that he was Dr. Charles G | been twice oe oe Sontenee Lockport hee 6 4 vincial ( : ] ba ode The Pro Percival, editor of the Health | and through the Sout nae a There remain still a few more eee ‘Mission is to inquire Magazine, New York City, and|and Mexico, coming north t rough polling stations to serd in their ‘i ce essment of taxation he explained the significance of | the “— wenger eg I returns. held its initial sessions|the bull dog heads by saying | travellec ONeR 2 zat Y Garerart ' eeerrerenrineninr newt! wre on|miles already. The car is equipped An Interesting Wedding today, ‘Ty he bull dog car le . that he had a bull dog erent We . fg was|with vacuum carafes for hot and | ; : ed the yy ‘ention of the polf tax, board the boat in whi h he OMe favored making a 100,000 mile t:p , . d ing reasing ist to $4. . had|c king and camping utensils, 1 se es tee ts The doctor said that he had 7 Ored the non- | ul ini “ e non already placed thirty thous: nd co 4 sligh mmercial stocks and miles to his credit, and ka At exten ion of the exemption | the trip from Vancouver to Skag- part ol the ur i der the Income > tax, way was the only announces this morning thet the net official majority for Clements | todey is 99. The following four} leold drinks according to climete,| Miss Kergin to Mr. J. C, Halsey sleeping bags, block end tackle,| will be celebrared on Saturday shovels, axes and all the necessary | eyening, October 14th. The young equipment needed on @ trip of|couple will continue to reside in such magnitude, Prince Rupert. COMOX-ATLIN Four Outlying Polling Stations |jhat Mr. Congdon had ro op-| Rupert's Hydro Electric Scheme Report This Monring. Pacofi Polls Just One Vote, and for | Clements. Returnirg Officer F. G. Dawson | sollirg stations reported today: Ross Clements The approaching marriage of s announced. The happy event ; c . ° lof acting as an intermediary to muricipal enterprises. Alderman argH Rovers de result of the blowing up of the Dougies supports Alderman New-/warship Liberte in the harbor | pre vent a clash |ton in this. yesterday morning. ———————— About one hurdred bodies have MR. CONGDON WILL FIGHT defingestion af eve ge Shad TO RETAIN THE YUKON SEAT (or0c00%ieciccocer °°" Germeny is said to be desirous sorties” Pessage as fer! Dy Chas. Percival, Editor of Health Magazine, Will |#bsolutcly free to the citizens| Change of Government Will Not Affect his Intention— TO SHIP WHEAT =) Tavitade, 116 long) Cover 100,000 Miles on His Motor Car Before he 2" P*rt of the progremme of the, . Prince Rupert Advertising Com- Pr. Alfred Thompson to be Brought Out by Con- servatives to Oppose Him—Tribute to Laurier FROM RUP ERT Fred T. Congdon, Liberal mem.- | Wilfrid too well to imagine such|G. T. P. Said to be Arranging | ber for Yukon in the last parlia- Ja thirg for a moment. You] for a Special Wheat Fleet to for permission to take over the|ment, made a two hours ste y | know, our great leader, although Sail from Prince Rupert. in the city yesterday, on his way|of French extraction has that om as Daew-| promises to put out 2 much better |rorth on the Princess Royal. Dis-|pluck and staying power that we (Canadian Press Despatch) appointment wes expressed that|always accord as being a char-| Montreal, Sept. 26.—It is stated he hed not been able to be here |acteristic of the British. He has|here that the G. T. P. will with ard meke a speech during the|the suavity ard politeness of the|the completicn of the trans-con- cempeign, but he said the leaders|French but his coolness and bra-|tinental road handle a dundred of the party in Vancouver and}very in a fight, his equanimity} million bushels of grain annually | Victoria would insist that he stay|under victory er defeat is essen-|by rail to Prince Rupert for ship- there to help out the Liberal cause. | tially a British’ characteristic he|ment to Europe by a fleet to be | He hed, however, been able to| possesses in « marked degree.”’ specially built for this purpose. speak for Dunce Ross at C om ireerlblinaigi i Tite nee ale at nd. | en geres oe |APPLICANTS FOR POSTS PLACE FOR THE CITY POUND ponert for the Yukon seat end| Attracts Talent from Various! Puzzle to Find a Site for the that therefore he would be elected} Quarters. Fold for Stray Dogs and Cats is Left to the Board of Works. Once again Alderman Douglas is disconsolete. The site for his civic pound is_ still in abeyance. Last night sleter was read from, General Superintendent Meham of the G. T. P., saying that the It had been announced by wire by acclamation, But yesterday — wes nomination day in that ter-} Applications for positions on ritory, and he understards that|the engineering staff of the new the Conservatives were io meke|hydro-electric plant begin to trickle a nomination, their candidate being | into the city hall. Two were read Dr. Alfred Thompson, who was] last night. They came from W. E. formerly elected as an independent} Muir and I. H. Wright. The candidate. George Black, bar-|latter modestly remarked that in . ; . . . . ) > ace tor Na rister and member of the Yukon | his offer of service the council had . ne eee ~ pre re . * Ee > sn rac vrhar council, also leader of the Con-|an opportunity of relieving them- He Onin yee WHATS WF: : , z ants ; 1, {likely to be at all permanent, and servative party of Yukon, was/selves once and for all of all . h h ‘1 look } Salk also a passenger on the Royal/doubts as to the svccess of the suggesting. Cat the COUneh im . . pes : eo : »;out another. The mayor pro- and will take an active part|enterprise. Engaged right off? posed that the matter should be in the campaign. No, referred to committee. 7. ere left with the Board of Works Mr. Congdon did rot know ee ‘th ‘ thi : : a in until his arrival here that it had Winter is Coming yee ricky: oh. " to been announced by wire in yes- Montreal, Sept. 26.—(Special)— erman Newton at first took exception. After some talk in which it was cleraly shown that ship of the party, but he said: Mr Dg te eae ; every consideration was Rain , , : : r. J. L. Barge, of Charlotte|shown by the Board for all pos- “I could not imagine his retire- City, was a visitor to Prince|sible objections and objectors, it ment simply after a defeat or|Rupert by the Prince John this|was agreed to let the matter be because of a defeat. I know Sir| morning. settled by the Board of Works. terday’s News that Sir Wilfrid | Snow fell today in the city. This Laurier was to retain the leader-|is exceptionally early. f F 4 ; ee hi 3 he eae on git Pee