4 paoi vova TO DAILY HYWV - Tuasdsv . ii t - 'il 3 I a. It IllliU FOR OIL BURNERS ASBESTOS FURNACE AND STOVE CEMENT Mb. can . . . .20c 5-lb. can . ... .75c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Are. Phone 101 T'T'T't'T 'WW-WW A DOLLAR'S Clip Ail toupoi ltd null it witi $1 for i lit netli' trial tuhitriflitn to " THE CHRISTIAN 5CIENCE MONITOR r - .rkiufc-t kr Tn Owviuji Icnm Pviumim ocnrr ! Jtut.MuuiiUMtU. U. S. A. Ii n 7M wOI 14 tli. ItHt im4 sm W Un r)d from tu tot spIaI rttn, m & M (teptrtatiiu 4.U4 w nH d -:ldro'i inurau. -parti, mtuw. luw, 4ucu, aiit, tc ! k gltt to wcUsanit uu your hen. m iMrlM uuuu -n4 pratukiuu. A4 4on'l bim SouU. Out Dot. at BM ubI " Ux wfcpr twhuw. Tat Cuirti, fenm Vcmre, Back BT SUtlon. Batten. Utu -. Hum Mat b t in tkj trill MtHUf Usa. I melon ni dollir (111. t. (Daw. Imm -a. 4 chloride CFijME- 9Q i't'l'it UUrw) Vi (Ten) . - -- GET IT AT MUSSALLEM'S ,'W.? always have, it at low prices ITUpUR-HPiirlty. Five Roses, Early Rose, All No. t Flour C-f 7Q .9-Jb. sackt.. '.. ?XIO, ri)UR----Aibcrta R5se, Big Loaf, , Eskimo, All No. 2 FiO'ur C-f fift iV-ib; sack" I-.:. . . ?i-ou ipiNO SUOAR Bulk CEn 1 AoL .-31S. CRI3COJ- i .i-ib,.'tin.v,... 25c WESSO&SAD. OIL l-lb.'ttn a.'. 35 c .PEANtiT'BirTTER In 32c handy, hiugs. each , BEST FOODS MA NAtSE-jo-bz. Jar 39c! CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 15c ''2' for ,;.: SHAKER SALTPurlty 10c each' ' v: . 'BORAX'l-lb. pkg. 29c YON-i : ; , rKlNutoS'JUAP LAKES' -4 "y ft-. See Out Windows Orders;.( dr Dver, delivered Free MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have .More Cents" I ti 0. Rax 67S rheoe 1 COAL! COAL! Our, "Famous Edswn, Alberta and Bulkley Va,lley Coals are guaranteed lp sivo satisfaction. Try 0 ' ton or No. j Bulkley Valley. Wc 'alwselj Timothy ,Hay, Wbqat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Cost Phones 558 NEW ROYAL "HOTEL J. Zarelll, proprietor A HOStE AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.00 up SO Rooms Hot As Cold WaVt-i - -Prince Rupert. BC rhonc 281 p.Q, Box 195 " 250 Window Shades , Crcant atjd Green QOp : 36x72 Inches, each OxJiu Mall Orders Sent COD. MACKENZIE'S :.. FLMNITURE ' Phoned? Third Ave. WORTH irlaU (Sttt A.A..A.A Steamship Sailings r'or Vancouvri Tuesday Cardena ,..1:30 p.m. Thurs-r-ss. P. Rupert, 10:3Qp.m: Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pan' Ss. Venture midnight March 14, 25 ss. P. Norah 5 pjn. Horn Vaiitouvriw Sunday ss. Cardena 4 pra Ved. ss. Pr. Qeorge. . 10 au, Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 paiV Ss. Venture p Mar. 10, 21, 31 ss P. Norah am', For Anjox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pjn From Anjoi and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 ajn-Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge. 8 pjn or Kaas Kiver ana Fott Mmpsan-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 p.m; from Nats River & Port Slmpon , Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 ajnv rdr Queen Charlotte Islands-Mar. 1, 15, 29 ss. Pr. John 10 p.ra. I'rom Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 13 and 27 ss. Pr. John ajn 'or Ocean Falls Thurs. &5. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Frlday-s. Prlh. Adelaide 10 p.na. From Ocepn'Fan .-. Wed. ss. Pr. Georce ." 10 ajn; Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide' p.ui, For Alaska ' Mar. 10, 21, 31 ss. P. Norah an Ss. Venture p.nv From Alaska . : March 14, 25 ss. P. Norah .... p.ni; From Skeena ltiveri 1-4- .i Fridays ss. Venture ' pjn Mail Schedule For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjn From the East , Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur" oays . 10:15 pjn For Vancouver-Mondays (train) 4:30 pjn Tuesday ... 12:30 pjn Wednesdays (train) 4:3C pji- Thursdays 9:30 pjn Friday .. u pm March 14 and 25 4 p.m, From Vancouver-Sunday 'p.m Tuesday (train) lQM.Vpjn Wednesday , 10 ajn. Thursrfar , ftralnt m-1 rm .v.V j.iu. aay pjn Saturday (train) 10:15 pjn Marcn 10, 21 and 31 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday 11:30 ajn Thursday 8 pjn SPRINGSOIT or TOP COAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come in and get the first choice. M. T. LEE Third Ave. MANURE For Sale $U0 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 EIGHTY SAT AT DINNER Horticultural Society Ilfld IU First Annual Banquet in Commodore Cafe Last Nitht Eighty people, all of whom were keenly Interested in gardening, sat down last evening at the Commodore Cafe for the annual dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society, the president, H. F. Pullen in the chair, and with him at the head table being Mrs. Pullen, City Commissioner W. J. Alder, Vice-president and Mrs. Yank Dlbb, Major and Mrs. C. V. Evitt and Major and Mrs. M. A. Burbank. Major Burbank was president of the Prince Rupert Flower Society. The" report of the executive providing for the holding of a rose show again this year and for other activities was adopted. ' The president's report reviewed the work done during the first year of the society's existence, drew attention to the possibilities of beautlficatlon and mentioned that, not only was beautlficatlon a source of satisfaction to the residents, but commercially it was valuable. In time Prince Rupert would become known as the city of beautiful gardens and all tourist would want to visit the place. It wpuld become a valuable civic as--et. The president did not agree with idea of planting avenues of shade iis as Prince Rupert needed all ie sunshine she could get. What yas needed was color. This was nrovided by the gardens. He asked for color and more color, riotous lor to brighten up the rather ?loomy hillsides. City Commissioner Alder, in a Wef address, drew attention to the value of beautlficatlon and prdm-1 ised, provided conditions were right, to continue to Improve the city tar-lens adjoining the City HalLJe ras much enthused over theqijlj& )ect of making a most ;Ur3ctrSj -lty. He also mentlohwliiyiliiil life had been affected bj 3'ssocml Hon with Kew and other Old Cottnv ' try gardens. - Jack Frew gave a very helpful talk on preparine roses for xhlhU tlon in which he drear snm-nuMlvlk. ..11. UMA'Lm VTOlliiir'tJTa't' ahA . LntiW KrhiJ lessons from the exItirMbe'ft' Iwt, rose show. Mrs. J. T. Mandy gave a delight-' fully picturesque address on grow- lng fjowers In Prince Rupert in 7 . " which she drew upon her own ex-' u the. raising of dahlias from periences and mentioned veryiseeds' A Tery sma11 tamtment humorously iome of the discourage-1 brou6nt llent results, ments she had had in her first ef-! Mrs- Robert McCarthy gave what forts.' They had overcome seeming she nad found to be a splendid difficulties. I spray for slugs. William Millar spoke of annuals and mentioned a number that he' aad proven could be successfully 1 cultivated In Prince Rupert. He told i now to grow them. I Joseph Naylor dealt with dahlia culture, more particularly dealing WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront About 100 halibut fishermen were present last Thursday night at the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union Hall when Dr. R. H. Bedford of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert-mental Station scientific staff gave the second of a series of two lectures on methods of preservation of halibut aboard boats between the time that the fish is caught and landed. Ex-klayor Cyril H. Orme presided over the meeting and, after Dr. Bedford's discourse, there- was, an Interesting general discussion. Coast freighter Salvor. Capt Albert Gcorgceon, arrived In port last night from Vancouver with a gen. cral cargo including coal, lumber etc. for delivery here. The Prince Rupert halibut boats Embla, Capt. Anderson, and Lyse-kil, Capt.,01e Wole, arc still out after having been away since early in February on black cod fishing trips. It is believed that one or both of the vessels Is now in Vancouver. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. James Flndlay. arrived in port at 9:30 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Spinsters' Spree By Moose Lodge One Hundred and Fifty Couples In Attendance at Enjoyable Affair Friday -Night' .About lio nersads were in attend d&h'cjj'j Frfday ni'ghj al the; Spln- stersf'Spfye. danoe- by the ijooso Lddg.ln- the MoofHall the,hove! ju4if ..(ouiE vrry enjoyaoic 10 tin. t, urji.ici.duua) was, masier or cjeret:.ap1Wuiicas;4) Car Sliilh,yrctra. A'coiHmllteq ln-j.ap(t: .oUtod;.jKf ctibfcj&oi-i refreshments were rerved at mid- night. The election of officers followed Mrs. Jarvls McLeod sang accep- tably, accompanied bv Mr f. j Smith. nUHnc- fh- . thnsp i ship in the society. Hops Car At Rodeo The Letter Box SLES CL'KE FOR WOULD MADNESS Editor, Daily News: ) Gilbert Jackson, formerly professor of political economy at the University of Toronto, and who has now been appointed one of the economic advisors to the Bank of England, has recenUy given an address to the Winnipeg Bankers' Lecture Club. Ip this address he swept aside the magic formulas and remedies of the quacks and directed his listeners to the doctrines of Cobden and Bright Those economists believed and taught that if men were permitted to produce goods freely and exchange them freely, the world would reach a condition of steadily rising prosperity, and In a world largely under the Influence of those ideas Western Canada grew to prosperity. That world exists no longer, and the troubles which now envelop it. nationalism, trade barriers, quotas, restrictive marketing schemes, prohibitions, etc.. are not the product of Cobden and Bright They are the offspring of a world gone mad. Each watertight compartment of the world is struggling to make it self more watertight still, and tin result is chaos. It has been said that so long as the rest of the world refuses to remove its trade barriers it would be insanity for Canada to do so. The falsity of this argument is apparent. The cure for madness is not more madness, just as the cure for crime is not a further outburst of law breaking. We caunot consent to wait until the whole world lias made up its mind to be wise. The thine to do to to make an Immediate start E. F. JONES. Nayal Officers Hosts at Dance SUti.lVA&hs . Present at Drllehtful .' X--.-. - V .T Headquarters oincers 01 the jwardtodra mess bf"ttt?'no5aT Canadian Naval Vol unieer Reserve entertained some sixty friends at a delightful dance last night at naval headquarters The hall had been attractively de corated for the occasion with navai flags and bunting. Excellent music was furnished by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra and F. A. MacCallum was master of ceremonies. Dancing was in progress from 10 pjn. until 2 a,m. and at midnight delicious refreshments were served. An excellent exhibition of fencing with foils and masks by Petty Officer Instructor Ross and Ordinary Seaman Hanley proved of much interest. by Monty Reger,, with plenty a Santa Monica rodeo. 1 Hl-dlddle-dlddle . . only It's not a cow it's a long-horn, owned of contempt for modern contraptions. The steer hops a car at FINE MUSIC FILM HERE! "The Cay Divorcee," With Fred Astaire and G. titer Rogers, At Capitol Theatre One of the first musical come dies to be Issued from Hollywood which boasts a comn'ete and laugh able romantic story, "The Gay Di vorcee." high-lighted by Inspiring dancing of Fred Astalre and Ginger Rogers, come as a bright spot to the screen of the Capitol Theatre V.A Ik. IImI nl 1 1.1. ....L- ft uwc wic uiv ui wi nil. .1. piuiru ' highly delightful to all who saw iti" last night and will be repeated tonight. Miss Rogers, after falling in love with Astalre, a victim of his inimitable dancing, song and whimsl- ralitie&j decides to get rid of a cur rent uoy menu so mat sne can accept Astalre's impetuous wootna. She hires a professional flirt in the. hope that she will make the boy friend so Jealous that he will release her from her obligations. Astalre comes wandfring in under' such circumstances that Miss Roe- ers believes he to the professional iurt. The story, fonowing this com-ollcatlon, rides high, wide and handsome to a hilarious and miraculous climax. As is well known the Picture Is replete with fine, new mutle in. eluding the sensational hit. "The Continental." There ft some colorful dancing and chorus work with' dazzling costumes. j Alice Brady. Edward Everett Hor- ton and Erik Rhodes are also Im - porlant members of the cast. Daily News Want-Ads nl. ways bring quick results. FKESIT MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Look for this jjour ofcood licjlit nnO avoid liulhs that quickly hlackcn A and give dim light ulwa 8 look for name "EDISON MAZDA". Thin mark on n lamp guarantees that you will get good light at low cost. BETTER LIGHT 5 r, LAMPS CANADIAN GHNnilAL fe EVERY ykmBuk THE IIANDV j NEEDS Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Pimples, Eczema, Rashes ii osccsscs, Ulcers, Bad Less, ' Poisoned tir j . .... i"M .V . m VaaBMe ... 5 -AaT TIMES T0NICI' PLEAS K Kni-r - Regular Show, su-t , 6:30 and 8 j; Music! Sonr! ni. - . Glittering rjmnai-,; "THE GAY rkiunnnrni! WVUftlL'fi The stage hit of Ntw V(ft and London now the son's mightiest inuaicil m - w::ti 2 Ginger Rogers Fred Astaire 'At fl 45 Si Special Show Tonite To Accommodate the Phil, harmonic Cat Who n Presenting IIIAWATIIU WEDDING FEAST TniU 1 A Special Late Show of The (Jay Divorcee' will Im? jjiven starting at 11 p.m. Tonite. HELLO r.VEUYUODV llrar "Hiawatha's W-ddinj rrpl" at the PreubjUrbs Church at I IS Thrntrt "The Gay Dirorcrc at ttt C.VFITOL sUrtlnc II A mmmmmr JU-M CAMU Mark assurance BETTER SIGHT HLKCYlUC CO., Linn'teJ REMEDY FOR 7 ' . " 9 r