1 J'"Vii4 1 II 1 I I 'I Housecleaning Time is Coming Done in less time by modern methods Prices Reawnahle liniTCK STEVENS ritoMvis COAL! We have the best In Prince Rupert. Its a dirty business but we treat you white. LUIUHEU & not do that repair Job now. so that you can paint in the summer Phone .us for prices. Wc will surprise yu' HUILDING SUPPLIES unci Tile We have what you want at the right -price Zhllpott Evill & Co. Ltd. Phones .651-652 Ewly Ad. Copy is appreciated You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day. plus 7c. a mile. Presbyterian Church Choir Con c irt. April 5. "Chloe." United Church. April 11 and 12. Moose Hall DANCE Friday Night Carl Smith and His Orchestra Starts 9 80 Adm. Gents, 35c Ladies, 25c Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all part replaced. A copy or this record returned with nil sets serviced bV SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 - nu eifliT kiwi - - a News! r ..... ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES Salada Tea now has a blend gor every purse Yellow Label 55 BROWN LABEL 65c l ib. ORANGE PEKOE 80c 1 lb. All leaders in their class LADY DAINTY CLEANSING TISSUES " -t r.f Paper Handkerchiefs, reg. Itp v Special, while they hist At'' THE NEW- GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT "One Piece Razor W ' 10 Gillette Blue Blades. Iiegular $L00 Special at $3.25 REMEMBER - ,vf on hand a complete lino of Gift Sets in RDLEY JASMINE (iAKl)ENIA A price for every purse. A gift for eery occafuon. Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Drtit&ists I he lleiall star rhanr: U U 0vn Hally I'rtn a.m. tUI JO tun. Sundays Anil I olid art rrnro U noan till t p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 j in. awOSKBSSHBBMSMHBSStaBSBBJa i II 1 71 MKE11R rip'ird ;ind i li need Chimney Sweep ' ' itllicates Issued ( all or Telephone Thompson Hnrdtvarc OurcoAl'3 ,t!t(mjmcfe- We hfant your vre will Wit it! Tonight's train, due Irom the Dart at 10:15, was reported this; morning to be on time. Jmt arrived large shipment new spring klrta, all shades, prices $2.-!95 and $3.45. ANNETTE'S. Ingeborg Lauden was fined $25. ! with opUon of seven days' lmpris onment. by Magistrate McClymont tin city police court yesterday for drunkenness. The fine was paid. W R.'SmKh, Stewart representa ttve of the Northern Argonaut , newspaper, was a passenger aboard .the Cantena today going through ;to Vancouver on a combined busl ines and holiday trip. j J W. Steele, .who arrived In the olty last week from the Atlin dls- , trict with a Keystone drill outfit Iwhlcli is to be opemted on placet ground at Tom Crck in the Ora- 1 Ineca district, left on yesterday afternoon's train fur Vanderhoof whence the outfit will be freighted north While here. Mr. Steele had ' some repairs made to the machin ery at the local dry dock Helping millions to END COLDS SOONER Announcements Philharmonic Society concert Presbyterian Church, March 4 and 5, 8:15 p.m Grand Concert. Capitol Theatre Sunday afternoon, March 10th, 3 p.m.. commemorating 25th Annl-, versary of City lof ' Prince Rupert Boys' Band. Junior Symphony ano 'other artists. Admission by pro- gram 25c. now selling at Capita Theatre. Proceeds for Boys' Band. Pioneer's Banquet Monday, March 11. Supper-carnival, ted Church. Presbyterian March 14. March 12. Unl- St. Patrick's Ter St Patrick's supper -and concert. Catholic Hall. March IB. Presbyterian Sunday School Con-,:ert. March 22. Salvation Army Sale of Work.; Home Cooking. April 3. Be wafm and comfortable by rid ing in 32 Taxi It osU the same. CONCERT IS FINE Continued irom Page 1 If Mr. and Mrs. John "Dahlberg sail- j W. O. Crisp, manager of the Hud son Day Co. store at Kitwanga, and Mrs. Crisp' sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Wheat continues to move steadily from the prairies to the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator. A full train of forty-two carloads came In last night On Saturday night's; mixed train, eighteen carloads were brought In. . Splendid Orohejitra. , Worthy indeed of .special- men-Jon is the music of the augmented irehestxa. organized ior the occa sion by Mr. Balagno who .has made happy selection of outstanding local instrumental talent. Mr. Balagno himself presides at the piano with other membersJ6f the orches tra in the persons of Misses Nellie Lawrence and Audrey' 'parkin, Bert Cameron, Tom Johnstone, Walter Steffensrud. William Stewart. A. J-Lancaster. John Saunders. Ken wood Oreen. Ouido Bussanlch and George Rorie. In addition to two novelties "A Hunting Song" Bu- calosh, in which -the men's chorus gives surprise assistance, and "Sig nal Fires" Kenny l.- the orchestra also offers numbers before the opening of the regular program and at the close. The -personnel of the choir Is as follows: Mrs. H. N. Erocklesby. Mrs. Arthur Sutton. Mis Beatrice Ber ner. Mls& Evelyn Dalby. Miss Edna Vlckers. Mrs. S. Painter. Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. R. O. Large Miss Betilah McKlrfey. Miss Cathie Eastman. Miss Peggy Anderson. Mrs. J. A. Teng. Mrs.-C. E. Cullln, Mrs. A J Webber. Miss fctillan Hal Iwell. Miss Margaret McCaffery. Mrs. 6. D. Johnston. Mrs. P. C. Miller. Mrs. A. J. Squires. Mrs. Frank Glass, A. J Lancaster. J. A. Teng. J. S. Wilson. Inge Valen, Peter Lien. A. O. Morse. J. E- Davey. Nels O'un- derson, Judge W. E. Fisher. Arthur Sutton, Dr4 R. Q. Large, Dr. H. O. Johnsen: J. II. McCllnton; S. J. jlun- ter. Nelson Allen and Leonard Cripps. Jack Tinn-presided at the door last' night and ushers for. the eve ning were JCen Harding, Walter Smith, and Earl Gordon. Makes Legal Oath MRS. E. SEYKFHKT Who'-ttUi 4o a 'worn t lenient 4iow Fruit-a-tUei bruught hrt 'billing reouvery Irom -chToniC Cm-tlpation. Mr. Sitcrt, -ha t eaidesat 78 Seatoo Strprt, Tornt, J o -happy la be wll .again that lit) .ttat glvn atatvrueiu -of duet jupcirim'op and made It under .oath tx(orc utitary tv eontnor jiu Iti absolute rruth. Mr. Srvflert ay.- "A la Injurj 1 -rvrhrd at rtilldhirth vaulted 4a continue nnfttpatl. Fw af 4 4U ,ruo down, UraJ all vilatlQ. Htv-com-4texl witklWow.l started taking l-Tuitoa-tlv nd ! 1 m tiji jit 1:00 a.m. ry JtinfMlJikl'iivCvy own .hiMiaewurk. M. Snje.HW i clear and I am uiterafiUlar. Oipy at Mm. Iijrr wpUi .u- ntun-A-nvu- . ai xvexrwhcM Today's Weather Terrace Clear, north wind, Anyox Clear, north wind, 20. Hazelton Cloudy, northeast wind, zero. Smlthers Cloudy, east wind, cold. Burns Lake aright, calm, 15 New Gardeier For Railway Arrives Donald Transferred ilere From Jasper Park Ik Eiperienced Wan ed this afternoon on -xne cardena . V . ,. , A. Bonald. an experienced gar T lor a trip to Vancouver. i . . . years In 'the service of the Canadian National Railways, has arrived In the city from Jasper Tark to take over the duties of gardener here. Roy Taylor, former gardener here has been transferred to Burns Lake as Toadmavter's clerk. Hotel Arrivals 1 Prince Rupert ' M. "W. McKenzie. Kamlpops. Central P. Austin, Victoria. Knox J. Johnson, city; R. Healey. Vancouver; Norman Blakley and George Munro, Kamloops. Royal "W. Jones, Vanderhoof; Johnny Flarm. Tyee; J. H Stephens, Jii-dako; Cyril D. Morgan. Vancouver A Daily News iVant-Ad. will get what you want. Want Ads FOR SALE FURNITURE for Sale, including radio, 452 Eighth Ave. East. Phone Blue 614. ' 54 FOR SALE, cheap, five wet battery cells. Dally News. FOR SALE Lot 9. Block 2, Stew art. B.C. Small shack. Apply R. Gale. Any ox. 54 FOR SALE Piano, radio, chesterfield suite, and other furniture Modem 6-room house, basement ' and furnace, at sacrifice. Reason 1 sickness. George Smith. .Entrance . Summit Avenue, Acropolis Hill. I phon "B1im Jt32 . ... evil LOST LOST $20.00. Phone 160.. PERSONAL tMEN! Buy your 'Sanitary Sup- plies direct and save ?5. Standard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 500 Ttichank Street. Vancouver. BO:" tf: MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition Stamp collections and metal: wanted. Send 10c. (coin) fo:- price list and instructions. Sa tlsfactlon guaranteed or 10c. re 1 funded. HUB -COIN & STAMP tTWm-WJB SHOP. 113-30 N. Forsythfc Sar- W .nia, Ont tf PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglns "Jbloller. Phone Hed 802. XAVI K-.tM'iTKl" ACT He OerUflc- -ol Tttte No 8856-1, CO- ttng the We-rterly Stl 60 acrw. morr or lew. ot Lot 43. Clrouff On. Ouxtar OUtnct. In the Province or BrtUsh -ColiunbU. as per plan. Dor-Oered 'orange. Attached to deed de-,twttl Tin BRifi-1. WitEllEAB jitlKlaotorj proot ot low ot the above OrrUIloae vS Tttte. lssura In -the inune T Xroole OorUnUno has beenlOwtta Oil otrioe. noUoe U hereby given ',Ut a huU. At the eplrsUon of nnr iaarth rum the xUXe al the first pubHrattan hemtf, lanue Frovisionki XvrtUlatte al TtUe .tn tjeu if the alrt lart rvrttrimte. tinlem In the men llime tralul obJeotUm M anade Ve "bie in wrnlns. HATED .at Ihe Ihd Jrtstrt Olllce, mnt Jtuoert. BiC.. thla 25th day or February. a3S. Deputy Begiar of Tltlen. H'4t-MT ,JJil'4Ml ACT" Siillre f AHplkamm 4tr B-rr Xli-ence, TIOUCE .1a .hereby tven that ou the JTeuth tday ot April, next the under-tinned Intends to apply to the Liquor Ooutnd JBoard tor a licence In reepect of th nremlCM. belnz Prt of the bulldln knM ASQueens Jlotel. alttiste nn Xlsln lrMt. New MAMftt. DC Up6r. th luvris decrlbMl as Lot No. 5, In Block No. 14, Map W6, lawett iown- lt In h Prince RUDett Land RW tratlon District to the Province of Brl- lUh ,cvdunhla. for the aale or -Deer o thelavi or the bottle tor conswnpwou on the premises or eienerr. DATED thU 1st day of March. Afl 193S. CAKL KIHMI3. idrtrtue in tns Dany News Applhat I am the Way. the Truth, and the Life" A Campaign of Evangelism Under the auspices pf The Protestant Churches of Prince Rupert March 6th April 21et f, THE OPENING SERVICE OF WITNESS WHltefWm 7r mvv-srv a -vmsT fivTTTl 'a rrrr- ' ' THE UAl'l 1 UL. 1 lltiA l UK -sJf. Wednesday Evening, Match -6th. 1935, a;i5-ts0 The Service: Representatives xrf each oommunlon will conduct the devotions. The Speaker: The Bish'op of Caledonia. The Music: Led by the Junior Symphony Orchestra. , Tfe shall be witnesses unto me." THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED DAILY" STRENGTH FOR "THE WEAK". .1 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous7 "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD D Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., L& PRLVCE RUPERT. B.C. 11 t.) HYDE TRANSFER i Office, 315 Second Ayc, Phone 580 All Kinds of Cartage 5 Trucks For Quick Service 4 Coal & Wood For Sale, Dry Sawdust sunworthy: wallpapjer: 4 CO.ME AND SEE OUR . NEW WALLPAPEitSr A large shipment of the new-, est patterns of SUNWORTHTt 1 WALLPAPERS has lust ar rived. Drop tn ana .-.ee ihem You will be surprised at what small cost you can huy these beautiful modern papers for your rooms.', GORDON'S HARDWARE i Phone 311 McRride St. m m rm mm imxm ra i.'.Brara.ai'a m m rmm rm mm tm mxmtmmm. ..,4: . ... UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam?rs leave Prluce Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S! CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 VM. Arrtvlnx Vancouver Thursday T.S. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. '. Weekly sailings to Port SLmpsou. Alice Ann, Anyoi, Stewart and Ntta-River points. Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn. Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at PRINCE Kl'FERT AOP.NCT: Third Atrnnf. "Phone ttM ELIO FURNITURE DEALER Excbanclnt and AacUoneer ALLOWANCE For your old Beds, Rugs or Carpets. W-e buy y.ery-fhing. AVe sell everything! Phone Oreen 421 Corner Third Ave. it First St. & s s 91 u i s, t i ; s a s x 3 a ?