C.IU.AT imiTAIN CANNOT K.NOIli: AltMS ACTIVITY fa; lu- 'DON. March 5: The ,n, lit acUvitie of Oct- Ru&Ma. Japan and Unl- -.. Prime Minister J. STRENGTHEN 4 4 ay MacDonaW declared 4-1 ' ,. House ot Common yes- , hart assumed propor- l wlurh could no longer be 4-1 ,! by Oreat Britain ThU v was belrg forced Into . I .it a uvity. he averted SINGAPOREl Grrat Britain Proceeding With riant Ta Build Up Nva strength There IjONDON. March 5 -Oreat Brt-Min proceeding with plans ' ' ertenslre Improvement this : f ' nival strength at the ' ' base It is staled In a- vc quarters here. Severs dollars wt'l be soent and. i rfhrr pro' -clu. two are planned. WAS NOT HIS WIFE Not Mrs. Iratk Thomas Itut EUlej WHmih Shot at Naiulmo Kirrr Un'satutdny NANAtMU, March 5: CI The .. i. - hot In the home of Frank "i Indian, at Nanalmo River, f ' :u:;ts from her"", on Saturday j ,a imflcd" Bum'ay as being Bi-fc.o Wi Son atied 20. an Indian wo- lulled the woman himself Slocks Drop In Price Yesterday ,v nanax on thf mui vm-v MrwV change yesterday. I'ruminent New York Hanker Dead at Arc 84 NEW Yon'K. March 5:-Samuel oachs. emlhent New York banker, ?a suddenly, at the Pierre Hotel FINANCING Kstimaics Being Presented to Parliament Reflect New Policy of National Government Which Premier Declares is Not Matter of Choice LONDON. March 5: (CP) The United Kingdom will spend $116,000,000 on air defences in the coming fiscal year, an increase of $18,000,000 over last year. Army estimates are also increased by $20,000,000 compared with last year and it is expected that naval estimates to be tabled on Wednesday will also show an increase. i The air estimate reflect the first? j stage of a great expansion to forty- one squadrons within three years. The estimates are in line with the new policy of the British government for Increased armaments. ! Prime Minister J. Ramsay Mae-! Donald declared In the House of Commons yesterday that Oreat Britain was being forced Into this course by the armament building activities of other nations of the world OF CHINA C.rtat Britain Taklnp Matter With United States. Trance And Japan t'r LONDON. March 3: CP The British government has made re presentation to the United States Prance and Japan with a view to formulating suggestions and engaging In probabie collaboration on means of financial support for China Stabilization Of Pound on Basis Of $4.50 is Favored LONDON. March 5 -It was re-norted In authoritative quarter? r li was at first believed that yesterday that the British govcrn- vs Thomas' wife from whom, ment was Inclined to favor thr ;us out, he Is estranged. ; stabilisation of the British pound T -mas. wlw Is being held on a 'sterling and the American dollar . of violating the Indian 11- on a basis of $4 50. This. It Is u i nutations, says that he sldered. would be i correct equlll- .-.hot and found the woman brlum. n the floor of the house. I is were a revolver and an jMd Former Chief cartridge. Thomas denies. Justice Is Worse, Physicians State WASHINGTON. DC. March 5:- I Alarm Is.expressM oy pnysiciaua itendlni the 93-vvu old Oliver Wendell Holmes, former cniei jus tice of the United States, who is W of -rcm rrar(0I l0 one suffering from bronchial pneu-l'lnt .a 410.000 Shares Change Imonla and weakening steadl ly. Oy to his great ago. little hope U llands at New York ng , held out for his recovery although to make a valiant NEW YORK, March 5:-StockSihe continues liowro losses of from fractions to fight for life. Pint as 420.000 shares changed Over One Hundred Enter For Kentucky Derby CHURCHILL DOWNS. March 5-One hundred and seven horses have been nominated for the 1933 renewal of the Kentucky Derby, the list havjng just been nude m.wirv it Is unlikely, however, that - ...in -...n ,re n Saturday. He was 84 years more than fourteen ofaee ' . run. Will UtkUUllJ CONCERT IS FINE Philharmonic With Splendid Enter tainment Featuring Indian Operetta Featuring the charming operetu j 'Hlawatha'sWedding Feast" from the' poetical wort of Henry Wads- worth Longfellow with musical score by Samuel Taylor-Coleridge together with a program of reques ted vocal and Instrumental numbers, the Prince Rupert Philharmonic -Society presented last night n First Presbyterian Church an ntertalnment which was dellght-illy novel and distinctly different, "he concert will be repeated to lght and local music lovers wh-ailed, to hear It last night would be veil advised to be present tor It L a real treat. Conductor H. N. Brocklesby ha brought his choir of forty voice through to a position of excellence exceeding all previous appearances. The program on this occasion ha the advantage of being largely of i pbpvllar appeal. Of course, there arc no readers of American litera ture who arc not familiar with the famous native lyric "Hiawatha but 'here arc many who have not hvl 'he tnat of hearing It told in sons The Philharmonic Society, in this attempt, docs It with skill and '.harm. J. E. Davcv Is vocal soloist md he, with Charles Balagno. Those piano duties ore considerably norc on this occasion than those of nerc accompanist, are entitled to full meed of credit for" their very 'xccllcnt work. Effect Is lent by the pccial sta'jc arranscmcnt of evergreens, and green streamers. In the early part of the program, he society offers two mixed chor-iscs the rousing John Peel (arr- I iy Trcharnci, and the novel "A Faery, Song" (Bantockt two la dles' choruses Cadman's sweet "Indian Mountain Song" and the ilway acceptable "Ye Banks and Braes" Miller), and two men's choruses a rather difficult ar rangement or "L'curanccs ever nopular "By the Waters of Mlnne tonka" and the good old Welsh folk ong "All Through the Night" iBantock). Each Is excellently rendered with accurate harmony, careful toning and adequate control. Prince Rupert's talented young planlstc, Miss Marie Balagno, lends added attraction to the program with three solos. "The Little White Donkey." "Scherzo-Valse" (Moz- kowskl) and "Etude" (Arensky) I i Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 2:35 a.m. 23.0 ft. Clear, light east-t p . cb Rupert 14:58 pjn. 21.6 (t. . i:.cJ. barometer. 23 0; tern-, Low 8:58 am 1J ft. u jrc 30; sea smooth. 21:10 pjn. 25 f. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vj. XXV No 53. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1935 PRICi: FIVE CENTS BRITAZg IS INCREASING HER DEFENCES PROFITEERING Sm BRITISH" COLUMBIA UNEMPLOYMENT CAMPS IS CHARGED larger Appropriations For Air, Army and Naval Strength Being Made This Year in Old Country 4 Three Members of Hitler Cabinet Left to righi shown Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda; Constantin von Neurath, foreign j minuter, and Bernard von Buj ow. minister of state. Allegations Made By Reid'and Mclnntsin House To Be Probed 'urveyors of Food Preying on Public Purse in Delivering Supplies, it is Asserted Dried Fruit and Sugar Used By Officials For Making Home Brew OTTAWA, March 5: (CP) Charges of profiteering in supplying of food to unemployment camps in British Columbia were aired in the House of Commons last night by Thomas Reid. Liberal member for New Westminster, who alleged that the public purse was being preyed upon bya purveyors to the camps. Air. Reid secured assurance from jd Officers Chosen For Horticultural Society This Fall A,t the annual dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society held last night In the Commodore Cafe the following officers were chosen to serve during the coming year: Honorary president, Premier T. D. Pattullo. President. H. F. Pullcn. First vice-president. Theo Collart. Second vice-president. Jack Frew. Secretary-treasurer, Frank Dlbb. Executive Mrs. J. T. Mandy,, Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, Mrs. M. M.j Stephens. F. J. Fuller. Joseph Nay-1 -lor. T. W. Sllversides. Wm. Brown, . Laurie Lambly. W. U Tobey. Foster Wlllan. W. J. Alder Horace Du-Hamel. William Millar. Major M. A. purbank. Siamese Twins MOSCOW. March 5: A BJon. Orote Stlrtln. national defence, of a minister of full lnvestl- gaticn. ! The New Westminster member wild that the camps would not buy from fanners in the vicinity who had to sell potatoes at $5 per' ton. The farmers shipped to Vancouver . and the potatoes were shipped by I the Vancouver dealer back to the I camps at a cost of $24 per ton. Byj UTJSTVIEW r.niwii: in ' NEED OF REPAIRS; "SPEED MUST BE KEPT DOWN . The s'xty-foo' truss span REVOLT IS SERVED IN TW0WARS lin Nelson, Veteran ond South Africa and France, Passed Away Last Night The death occurred last nisht m 1 that time it was claimed the pota-. the Prmce Rupert General Hospital, toes were poor. where he had been a paUent for Angus Mclnnis, C C. F. member; the past year, of Jchn Nelson, 51 j for Vancouver South alleged thata'years 0f age, a native of Glasgow, still had been found in one camp 'and a veteran of both the South where dried frolt and sugar were African and Great Wars, having no longer put on the table. Upon; trved with the Scots Greys Horse. Investigation. It was declartd by He was sinjle. a boilermaker by Mr. Mclnnis. it had een found that trade and had resided In Prince ( camp officials had been using these Rupert for ten yeau. He had been commodiUes to make home brew. , in failing health for four or five ! over the railway track in the puty Speaker Armand Renaud La ! section Tvo ormge is in neea vergne of tne House of commons of renair. it wos announcea t h1bH tht. mnn,u. ot h av nf nix oqjditueu1aood The englpeer lss F. li. I DEPUTY SPEAKER DIES OTTAWA. March 5: CPI- Issued a BAR SILVER SHIPPING I MESSAGE i United States Requires Strong j Merchant Marine Roosevelt ! In Favor of Subsidies WASHINGTON D.C, Mareh 5 -President Franklin D. Roosevelt, delivering his leng deferred message to Congress on shipping yesterday, declared himself in favor of a strong merchant marine which was vital to the United States, especially In case of war. He advocated a system of direct suostdies to shipping companies Instead of government loans which he asserted .had not been successful. The great-er cost of operating American ships jthan foreign vessels, owing to higher wage scales, better living I conditions, etc., should be taken De- j warning that, unless the pub- t' NEW YORK, March 5: (CP) Bar unique i lie adhered strictly to a speed- silver closed at 57c per ounce on surgical opcraUon was performed j limit of five miles per hour in the local metal market today, hfrp nn Rundav with the senarat- usinir the bridee. it would be . Never has she been heard to better lnu of Siamese twins. There was but , necessary to launch prosccu- , Rev. Canon w. F. Rushbrook. rec-. ndvantaoe. Increaslne confidence one heart for the two bodies. The. tlons and close the bridge -to tor of St. Peter's Anglican Church, is now providing background for her well known technical skill, (Continued on page three) parasite body was declared dead after the operation but It'ls "believed the other will live. traffic until repairs are made. will be the speaker tomorrow at the j , f regular weekly luncheon of the t j Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Into account iley Post On His Return To California Now VT lTTT ft "O IT UmMtr TareM Xffl VfV Pill ij 1 1 Wr N WUey Post-noted Amerlcan 1 U 1 JLfv!Vrll4dbtsng speed THerefsatnfTiay ; Greek Government Forces in Con trol of Wand of Crete to Which Rebels Fled ATHENS. March 5: Greek government forces were reported yes- ! terday to be In control of the Island of Crete to which rebel forces fled after an unsuccessful coup against the administration although there were sporadic outbreaks In various parts of the country. Sympathizers with the revolutionary movement In Athens are being placed under arrest. The residence In Crete of Former Premier Venlzelos, who Is identified with the revoluUonary movement, is reported to have been estroyed by a bomb. night in his plane Winnie Mae on his return to California after a brief visit to the AtlanUc Coast following a trans-continental flight. At an early date he Intends to sake another transcontinental peed record by flying through the stratosphere from California to Jew York but has not as jet set a leftnlte date for the attempt. Controversial Measures Dead rish Traps Tax Bill and Memorial' For Abolishing Herring Reduction Plants Killed By Alaska Senate JUNEAU. March 3: (CPt Two of he most controversial measures efore the Alaska legislature were dlled when the Senate indefinitely ostponcd the Hoffman graduate " sh traps tax bill and the Walker nemorlal urging elimination of. herring reduction plants. INSULLIS ON TRIAL- Former Utilities Magnate Facing State Prosecution in Chicago CHICAGO. March 5: Second trial of Samuel Insull former utilities maenate. eot under wav Yes-, vears and had spent some time at terday Qn this occasion he;fs belnt Kimloops. He was a nephew of , ,harged tn embezzlement of $GG.-John Harris of this city. 100 f th Mldwest utilities Cnr- Funcral airangements are In the hands of Hayner Bros., oration. It is a state prosecution. The former prosecution. In which h was acquitted, was by the federal authorities. Public Notice Any person crossing Section 2 bridge at more than 5 miles per hour is driving to the common danger and will be