THE DAILY NEWS ——"- writ ery : ‘ ae Stee F - = SS SS —————— martin minha arial ncn recsrtcrneraicnennamas | | 4 ne et et Fs sr rt rs sr oe a ericson wiceigs 1 NEW MATERIALS | PIANOFORTE LESSONS W. L. BARKER lx j j | For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Architect i | id | What Fashion Makers are Mak- ] HE COSY CORNER = eae Second avenze and Third street | ! i ing Fashions Of Miss Vera Greenwood Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. | DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin | } 5 Ra inte Is one of the most } |g Paste eehinernaitennsetnepet Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs MUNRO & LAILEY { ‘ : : = | talked-of in the heavy materials, ha ils i ee jks Architects, | / General Moncks atallaa: - - Largest Stock |mot so expensive as those of the This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted Stork Building, Second Avenue. i] = { { camel’s-hair clas but effectiv to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the iadies of Prince Rupert | == =E. E B Y @& Coss / / aril : ioe “or | are i invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- REAL ESTATE { tele combination veivet a “ ; ij ’ . / ’ gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “‘The Kitesumkal STUART & STEWART { { Lowest Prices m Northern B. C. Bw broadcloth being prepared for | Coay Corner” will fill a social need. errsoMmALN oe oe c ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS i ra on — —= |__ : ’ | Law-Butler Building Fam - » ae { | Lee mem pretreat resent rsemnsommsrmarmee jl lor the shorter coat suits, | . — i ‘ ; Ran Aaa Prince Rupert 0. / RE as ee me ee re rs ot Ht es pe es eR | bot h pieces are ol the most unique MODISH SYENING GOWN * ne ne J EP of | S. O. E. B. s. “gee cut and = desig bow sashe pepibMrngtpees ine e i Engla 1 mecte the heat se No; 318, Bons of | a Bb), OWS, snes, | ai ‘ bs : zland. meets the first anc third Tvesd: i ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. —————————— | ia etl, an dcnitisiatiaa’ aan of surplice pieces at waist line. —_ a> the Sons of Erzland Hall, 819 2nd of Britich Coluanbie 66 eee ; all sorts brought into service.} The sleeves were made from one F. V. CLARK, Sec., SAVOY HOTEL a Wit Hou . ‘| deep flounce of lace ERNEST A. WOODS. Roo Box #12, Prince Rupert CARSS & BENNETT ae yt or La us there is a certain a resident, Box 23 Barristers, Norarigs, Erc jtrigness about them. a | Jo Office— Ex block, corner Third avenue and ry] | Fig ; arly — P R ont Tn wee sorta defined outline, that a very | CRINOLINE Now IN FASHION MISS ELSIE FROUD re : y and cold wat eh to the desirability and pre-| | je ee a D.S. Hest fur- rte Pa Will be Worn by Smartest Teacher of Piano, Violin and WM. 8. HALL, L.D.8., D.D. out, aa | [serves their right to be called} | ow ‘ . : Voice Culture, DENTIST. p. | oad She 0. | j Canadian Pacitic Railway 4 ‘tailor-made.’ They are all | | nana = Paris During This 2nd Ave, ; Crown and Bridge Work « Specialty. r | 18:6. Coast service — Famous Priveess |*tT@ight or show a slight inwe ard cm tata Between 7th & 8th Sts. Prince Rupert seal anaathecicr smitten for the panna wn i. or Line curve, and for the most pert, | . on oma Helrerson Block. Prinee Rupert. tla Prudhomme & Fisher Proprietors Princess May fasten with one or two buttons. i | ee Sept. ; 27. —During the . yew Monday, September 25th, at 9am. [Very few models fasten all the| |"Grende Semeine” at Trouville Alex.M.Manson B.., W.E.Williams,B.a.,.L.D Vietoria, Vancouver and Seattle Liki down | |one of the best-dressed Parisiennes E. L. FISHER WILLIAMS & MANSON J. G. McNab . Genera! Agent | et Line site popula’, saci aan iniormed her intimetes under the Funeral Director and Embalmer Barristers, Solicitors, ete. a te seal of secrecy that the sensation CHARGES RRARSMAERS Box 285 Ree eee THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. Prince Rupert, B.C vf the winter season would be OPEN DAY AND NIGHT jis a great variety of them. After Double Weekly Se ice the double-breasted effects are in favor. Usually with these : | there is a seam or @ line of trim-| Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. 8.8. Prince Rupert, S.S. Prince George | ming down the skirt that = | the crinolines worn by the smartest |}women of the capital. In order to ascertain the facts, P.O. BOX 23 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING HAYNER BROS. PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ. A.R.A.M., LON,, ENG |whose position as a ‘‘wizard of UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS | fi shion”’ enables him to speek Funeral Directors GEORGE LEEK Pas . 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone Nu. 86 with authority. MERCANTILE AGENCY | NO. 63 itinues the opening of the coe ;@ reporter called on M. Poiret, Meets in the Helgerson Block For snd gives an appearence of com |pleteness that is beciciaa in most Every Tuesday Evening Vancouver All members of the order in the city Victoria are requested to visit the lodge. coat and skirt suits. Among new models might be “The Great Mogul dress, as | AND . ment *d the draped cutaway,| fe : v Seattle nentionec a " : ‘P c ' it has been christened, will, I Third Avenue also Water Street, ’ CADE. N.G and one which fastens high over} J. P. CADE, N. G. & | j ‘ i PRINCE RUPERT J. W. JACKSON, See. | the bust at the left side, with] promise you, be all the rage this eo an otel.. Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. jyoth edges curved to a rounded! winter. The outstanding feature Workingman’s Home A. M. BROWN ~ ENT ~ Prince John sails for Port Simp- ear _ centre ee ee about it is the revival of the Free Labor Bureau in Connection HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER | son, Naas River, and Stewart, Wed-| faced all the wey on the ouiside, crinoline. Hoops will be employed | Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. Re S It nesdays, 1 p.m.; and for Masset and ah ae a a oe 3 ? * pairing a Specialty. TO R Naden Harbor sharetays 18 p.m. h self-material. | 21 the bottom of the skirts, as GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor Outaie Orders Exorntiy Milled, | For Skidegate, Rose arbor, etc., ; r be | Saturdays 1 p.m. OH, YOU SAEURKRAUT jin our gras dmothers’ days, but 2nd Ave, between 10th and 11th Sts } Railway Service to Copper River jnot in such exaggerated propor- Comfortable Cottage | nized trains from P rince Rupert Mon- Massillon, O., Sept. 24.—S ay F ; - |tions. On the contrary, the new Hotel Central Cos. First Ave. THE IROQUOIS ys, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1 Oyster white lace wes used for |} m., returning Tuesdays, Thursdays | ;,. Bae a ' t ; , lori ines wi > very li > wide Barpean and Ameri: steam sicienssanmaesiagimnitiainiiaiaie bat Sahin ag 4 p.m. kraut is to become not only the | the skirt. of a chermir g even . | ‘rinolines will be very little wider heated, nadie coe wate : staff, buta n agency for prolonging aie : _ |than the present skirts worn, and $1.00 to $2.60 per day. : POOL OR bode i 4 . The Grand Trunk Railway System tall, < a} 5 gown worn at a fashionable sea- P. B - HOOMS, UPSAITS Ant rOOMS | connecting with trains from the Pacific | |jfe 2t the Massillon state hospital, | shore hotel by a wellcknown Quak-| the wearers will have perfect lib- spsenngs English and American Billiards VER rag FE" ES . | coast operates a frequent and conven- | x ¢ ke , . . pn ground floor. Lath and plast ient se Sites of luxurious trains over its} provided the theory of a Cin-|er City matron. Over the lace} eriy of movement. To the skirt) water—$25 a month double track route between Chicago, | gr : orrect | skirt was a tunic of black and/w; we s . ‘ ‘ Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, joins ti physician proves correct F will be attached sthe long tun ic} eee enemas | Portland, Boston, New York and Phila-|_¢, 0 4) white striped chiffon voile edged | .., . o the knee the ‘ after a thorough test. ; ait jcoming t 1€ Lees, 1e two | : . with 2 band of plein violet silk ‘ 1 s ency SMITH & MALLETT delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings ' as arranged via all lines. Fullinforma-| Tj claim of the Cincinnati | Det g made in ore piece. As icone i tickets obtained from the E ¢ which in turn was bordered wit : a . R.NADEN COMPANY Le ape nT eon r doctor «is that eating the dainty], pond of jet embroidery. The} "8 ards trimmings, gold and silver | Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers || Plumbing, Heat::..;, Steamfitting and Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. Cit Limited. | A. E. McMASTER will add to the years of the cor -| bodice was attractively put to-|facings and braid will be used CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS oe “on Te de BD ssend lave Prince Rupert, B.C.| FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT | sumer |gether with the, same materials | plentifully.” G.T.P, WHARF oa eect Nee WKS AN Le BOXING - CONTEST} — a AT THE KAIEN ISLAND CLUB RESERVE YOUR SEAT EARLY TICKETS ON SALE BY: : Steward, Kaien Island Club, ; 7 Exchange Grill Cigar Stand, Windsor Hotel . Mm Reserved, Ringside - a: TICKETS ON SALE BY: Steward, Kaien Island Club, Exchange Grill Cigar Stand, Windsor Hotel General Admission - $2.00