i ER AO Se AGE ERAT ee BIE RUPERT HAS TO TRADE WITH U.S. New Additional Fant for Elec- tric Light Works Will be Pur- chased from American Firm, and American Engineers will Test Machinery. Reciprocity is not going to happen now, but the City fo Prince Rupert will nevertheless purchase her additional plant for the electric light works from over the line. The machinery was recommended by Superintendent Ross of Seattle, who naturally chose the product of a firm with which he was familiar in the Eastern States. Last night, how- ever, the council found themselves up against a new point not fore- seen in connection with the pur- chase of this plant. The engine recommended by Mr. Ross is supposed to be a great coal saver. But the city wants a guarantee of its efficiency. A test of the plant is necessary before the city can take it over definitely, and as this test could be made here only under imperfect conditions, Engineer Ross recommends the employment, for a fee of about $100, of a New York firm of expert engine testers whose thor- oughly competent representative would make a trip to the works and see that the engine was up to standard before shipment. This test would have to be independent of the local boilers of course, and could hardly be a perfect test for coal saving in Prince Rupert. Superintendent Ross suggests a clause in the purchase contract stipulating that in the event of the engine’s not coming up to standard it shall be shipped and run in Rupert until an engine up to the standard is supplied to replace it. The matter remains in the hands of the electric light committee, arrangements for the test to be entrusted to the city’s expert advisers in Seattle. The extra plant is required without delay. DRAGON-LAND THE DAILY NEWS STILL AFTER THE CITY ENGINEER |} Ald. Newton Allein Alleges That Costly Blunders Have Been Made by the Engineering De- partment and Blames Chief. “I am satisfied that Colonel Davis is absoiuteiy honest, and tries to do the best for the city’s interests, to me to properly crasp the city’s needs so as to work for the best interests of the community..” So said Alderman -Newion last night after charging the City En- because his prices works let for bidders. Alderman Hilditch defended the engineering department, pointing | out that the City Engineer’s prices} were usually midway between those | of the lowest and highest bidders, | and that he was sometimes lowest bidder also. CITY BUNTING FOR A WEDDING City Fathers Agree to Lend the Civic Decorative Flags to be Used to Drape the Church at Miss Craig's Wedding. Mr. Morte H. Craig, whose daughter to be married Thursday, wrote last night to the is on city council requesting permission | to use the civic bunting to deco-| rate the church for the wedding. | The request was granted, not} without some demur on the part of Alderman Clayton and Alder-) man Kirkpatrick who rather doubt- ed the wisdom of establishing the| precedent of lending out pudtic| property for a private cerernony. Alderman Clayton felt rather strongly that there was something | inappropriate in placing at the| disjosal of Mr. Craig for his daughter's marriage the city’s Un-} ion Jacks and Canadian Natioral| flags when he hed reason to} IN POLICE COURT Picturesque Case This Morning Over the Gambling Raid Sat- urday. All Kinds of Orientals and Quaint Gambling Dis- play. Dozens of Orientals filled the} police court the Chinese gambling case came up| ; for King Tai was there beside L. W. Patmore who appears | for the Orientals. Mr. Peters! undertakes the prosecution. Chief| Vickers to whose vigilance the case owes its presendce in the police court had plenty of evidence of! play and some strong witnesses} to support the charge that play was} for money, and that a rake off had been taken. But in the} entanglement of Oriental evidence | the thread of the case got frequent- | ly curiously curled, and at noon with the case still in progress z was impossible to say which: way the Magistrate’s decision :night| go. All the golden, red, black and white spotted, and silver appur- tenances of a Chinese gambling tavic littered the police court table. After Constables Swasey and McArthur had described the raid of King Tai’s premises, and the hurried grabbing up of coins, and scuttling of Chinamen in all directions an Oriental named Hong described the game of fan tan, and picked out at jeast ten of his countrymen in the crowd whom he declaréd had been gambling. He mentioned 2 rake off of five cents on the dollar which Mr. Patmore disputed, and Mr. Peters insisted had been taken. He picked out a man Kwong whom he said had arrived in Rupert on “a boat with three pipes” meaning the Rupert or the George. A witness, Lee Kee, in an English summer suit tried to Smart Alex the interpreter but was. brought stetniy to plain answers. P. R. Indoor Baseball League. The Brotherhood Crescents v. Royals, at the Auditorium, this morning when} trial. lc of his happy paternal inspirations, imoved an amendment that they/. : ihas been culture. believe that the very parties now! concerned with this request were not Canadian citizens, none too loyal to the British flag, and had even been heard to disparege the flag of Britain saying thet “Old} Glory” was good enough for them. Alderman -Douglas, with one pleasantly changed the tenor of what seemed like patriotism grown just a trifle smail, by orying tha jwhatever the bride may i been before her wedding, she would be a Conete an citizen after it as| she was marrying a Canadian ae i were my flags I'd give | them with a will for a wedding,” jhe exclaimed with enthusiasm. Ald. Clayton moved that flags | be not lent. Alderman Smith} be lent provided they were re- turned in good order. This was seconded by Alderman Hilditch, and carried, so the brave old {Union Jack of Britain with the Canadian emblem, will appropri- | ately grace the union of hearts at | Thursday's wedding. i PRESERVING FRUITS | Great Chance for the Local) Housewives at Shrubsalls’ To-. morrow. By special wire this afternoon : advised of a big shipment of |! signed to them on the Prince | Rupert. the morning. includes peaches, plums, pears, and all kinds of table and preserving fruit. A special line will be fine freestone peaches of the choicest varieties at $1.10 a box. SLOAN SUIT CLUB Winners Saturday Night Club 11.—B. F. & F. Self. 12.—Jack Rochford. 13.—A. L, Holtby. but he does not seem) j Fire gineer with general incompetence | verious| to conrtactors were) frequently ahead’ of several other | ee of Americz 21 j}has some good mills includirg rourd draw with Y« a fight-fest Shrubsall's Fish Market were " | 5a the finest preserving fruits con- ||. _. They will arrive in| more thick-heeded than The shipment | “|: ayton,’ iglas with lesaty head of his collec estimate his reply. Sometimes he a thing, “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL —* = 4 ee Phone 150 The Insurance People Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. Help Wanted | Wanted general servant, tw } Apply to Mrs. L. W. Patmor servant gr ™ oe Special rates by 165-tf For Rent emer preferred. — Neatly Furnished rooms, gent !eme" Theatre. w Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majes* Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs Block; Third Ave. cenwood, Alder iva-tf | For Reat— Furnished rooms. Hot and co oid _water WILL CHALLENGE» THE CHAMPION Tommy Maher, the Boxer from Kitsumkalum Lake, Comes * into Town on Business. Tommy Maher, the lightweight | mede his Lake. in town today to chellenge the boxer who hes recertly m home at Kitsumkalum winner of Wednesday night’s box- ing match. Tommy who cells himself the undisputed lightweight | TOMMY MAHER d Mexico, to his credit Edddie San and Jimmi whom he defez He also pulled off Corbet try | Barry ted ir shor order. yung Since then | Creek. an instruc st Cripple tor of physical At working three he lake, but wes he mineral the present is engeged ir claims that up whisper too due proved much for him, «nd he will be | hand to challenge the winner. COURTEOUS, EH WHAT? | Aldermen Davalos, Clayton and | Hilditch Have a Three Cor-| nered Duel of Words. “Alderman Dewats :s with his sual thick-headedness keeps harp- Severth am referring io First avenue,’ id Alderman Clavior ir coun night “I don’t on street cut, while am bit Alderman red Alderman Dou- think I ore ’ decla cyeh g as if t cor viction gue its density es he meade Alderman Hilditch summed the situation mercilessly thus: ‘Sometimes a man can see ’t wa sometimes he up a thing doesp mnt to see and fails to see it when it is right under his This, with a contemptuous the zlderman nose. glence right. at on his For Rent-—-Furnished or un- | 10- on} | and the pastor Rev. W. H. McLeod cil} the} with bath. Digby Rooms. e. and Fulton Street. tf tnd“Ave., for | | Por Rent— Sons of 1 ee Ha Dances, F Societic cials, ete. Apply Prank AY Bilis, Box 869 « ne 6 is6-tf wees ot g For Sale | For Gale—Chicken Ranch. ? Storey house, hou se- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 8. v For Sale—Irish Terrier @ox 5 ty. good companions, coo’ color Bros., % Water St, Vancouver. ir et Insurance Sela ielis i ene seiced OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. St | Wanted Wanted. — Cleaning and pressing, alterations and repairing for men and women. Dressmaking ealied for and delivered. Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 24 Red. u Lost and Found Lost— Ladies’ watch in bracelet. Reward by re- turning to News office. tf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Take 1 heretofore existing under the na ~ Handasyde & Hurt has ard th ts due firm z2re to C. H. Her dasyde, all firm debts ar otice that the partnership me | this dissoived i ‘'y be en cour the be | paid io vill pay d contirue he 2foresaid business. Dated at Prince Rupert, 25th of Sept. A. D. C. H. HANDASYDE, Be @s i9ll. Jr] his day BOX SOCIAL | MADE BIG HIT Baptist Church Ladies Aid Nov- | el Plan Realised no Less Than | $125 Last Night. Was an Immense Success. as it was, Aid of the hold a McIntyre Hes! last as crowned with real suc-| lcess. The ladies had kirdly post-| the | ztion Army festival last week, bundantly courtesy. A attended, Lively, a of nd origiral the I ytist Church to the | adies box ial in the night w poned their event to suit | Salva the rewerd | | and rez aped ¢ of splene did crowd the cortributors of boxes lavishly for and of the boxes high as five dollars. contents, things for two, have every satisfaction. As Mr. Frark Ellis wes |witty and popular as ever, ard the | thanks throrg of imerrymakers were heartily | accorded 2t the erd of 2 delightful | evening's programme (‘o the ladies, i g j | provided the pur- ' | chasers, i fe tched | Their some as good 1suctioneer, of 2 pleased most Woodworth I | As soon as the surveys are com- | pleted for the cleering around | Woodworth Lake prior to raising the lake level, terders will icalled fer. City Ergineer Davis is pressing this work on at all pos- sible speed. be Morse Creek Water Tenders will probably be called \for in a few days to lay con- Inectingg pipe from Morse Creek | pumping plant to the junc this temporary water supply will be needed this winter. tion 2s iuiaiine at iat Over the week erd the C. P. R. LOOKING olg Feed Store, Market Place all! | Jr., who} | Two lots, Block 51, Section 8, | One | One | Bcorner, Eleventh Avenue. Have you considered the OVER— for your valuables. Ren The Continental Trust Co. Second FIR E! What Would it Mean t You? it would caure you? Such a thing is possible but probable in any new city. vault you will find the only absolute prot day. To-morrow it may be too late - loss and inconvenience not only In our ection ta safe deposit box to. Avenue SAMUEL HARRISON NOTARY PUBLIC) Do away with this. Patronize a white Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Prince Rupert Samuel Harrison & Co, laundry. White labor only at Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS ——e, — FOR SALE and FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's HURT ON CITY JOB Should City Pay Hospital Fees PONY EXPRESS for George Parks? Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or oy letter from George Parks, Whites Portland Cail he ek who was injured by SON la falling rock on retaining wal me ; ” struction at AGENT : Naden Block Second Ave cor was read council last night. This workma: le not on exac Phone 125 demanding ingly find that laid up for about | yorkman's sufficiently whi compense- wes OT The Big Furniture Store HART BLOCK ; pply the expens« He Main entrance 2nd Ave.; 6th St. entrance, last door in biock Bigger ana Better than Ever F. W. HART mmmittee. WATER RATES BYLAW Definition of a ‘Cabin’ will be Included to Secure Fair Rates will draw iy cf mr ering the CE RY, Sa ASK UNCLE JERRY ° ) SS em with especial FOR SALE Block 22, Section 5,?Seventh Price $800. $400 cash. Block 7, Section 6,9 Fourth iarbor View. Price $1350 : Two Block 24, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue. Price $300 each. $50 cash # balance $25 per month Two lots, Block 24, Section Avenue. Price $600 pair, cash. One lot, COAL NOTICE Avenue ~ lot, Avenue, lots, , Eleventh one-half 4. Coal Lease No hence weat 50 ch , ebains w piace of corner ( Kelliher | s0 chains, Price $175 each, $100 cash. 0 chains thence east 30 Block 7, Section 8, Tenth | Dated sept. 11,1911. C. EB Price $300, one-half cash. Pub. Sept. 2 Block 38, Section 8, Justin Price $500 pair, $300 cash. Block 1, Section 8, next to Price $475, Street. lot, Avenue. Two lots, Street lot, BAINTER, Lecater yeen Charlotte of Q from date, | Skeena Land Distriet — District Take notice that thirty days Bainter of Prince Ru bookkeeper, int mimmioner of as 4 (coal anc lanc Commencing at ot af C. BE. B. Coal Lease No corner C. E. B. Coal Lease N thence west 80 chains, thence n $300 cash. HOUSE FOR SALE Four-room house, plastered, painted, best harbor view in city, on Ambrose Avenue. Price $1837. Cash $500, balance $30 per month. e FOR RENT D : ' E Offices and stores on Second Avenue and : Sixth Street. Prices $35 to $75 per montn. Nicely furnished flat, four rooms and bath, bot and cold water, corner Fulton and Sixth Avenue. Price $50 per month. LAND FOR SALE 5 and 10 acres for garden trucking, Kitsumkalum. Price $65 per acre. | 80 chains, 10-aere tracts garden trucking at Kit- | chsite thence weet 60 chains to place « selas cus 4 Pease” Terms. | Dated Sept 11,1911. C. BE. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 23 Three lots on Third Avenue close to a eae aes business section, level, good lease. LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON $10 cash and $10 per month buys you a homesite. Jeremiah i. Kugler, Lt Wark’s Closing Jewelry Sale Three Only, $6.00 Kitchen) Located August let, 1911. Clocks... $2.90|° “= * Three Only, $12. 50 Mantle | ***™* Land Distriet— —Piagriet of Queen Chariot Clocks... Dozens of Other Clocks at One-half Price. BAINTER, Locator Pub Sept. Skeena Land Dist - t t mimsioner of Lar das for a Linence to coal and petroleum on and under land on Graham Island deseribed is lows Commencing at a post e lanted nt ad north s of C. E. B. Coal Lease 12, marked N. W at | corner C. E. B. Coal Lease Ne thence south thence east 50 chains, thence north 50 of com District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddier by occupation, intends to app ly to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for « licence to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum on and under the West Coast of Grabam laland: Commencing at & post of the secthaaet corner L. No. 4471 thence south 80 chains, thence ae 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M ed August ist, 1911. KE Aug. 19. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince , intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and roleum en and under the following described ds on the | West Coast of Graham Island: Commen: at a post of the sorthenst, corner C. L. No. 4472 thence sO.chaeins west, roe $0 chains north, thence 50 chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of eommencement. m AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator ly to pert, oveupation saddier, intends to ap 7 Cer cnt Goreapect for coal, oll and petroleum i to or ao ro IS n aod under the flowing described lands on the Be Seam of Sieenem ace ae ning at an’ hree mil the seotbenss cea a C. L. No. 4474 thence 50 | chains east, thence $0 chains couth | thence * chains west, thence 50 ina north te po | See the bargains in the W commencement. . oot | ISTIN M. BROWN, Locate Window teday. Your choice | Legate Agua 2, 1911. for $2.50 | Ped. pet three miles cast | | BROWN, Locator | t ted three miles east | , Take notice that ee us. Brows of Prine |= $6.25 », Bainter ook keeper mismohet La coal and petr 25-825 awe ie following described lands on the | x EE & Bema skkeye %: ey arth Seas Dated Sept. 1! Pub. Sept. = land om Urana Commencit of ¢ , oe chaina, thence chains, thence * mencemen Dated Sept. ++ Skeena Take noti Bainter of © bookkeeper, © missioner « coal oe wy — ba to-night, September 26. Game _ called at 8.45 sharp. Admission 25 cents. Lhe last game of the season. 14.—R. E. Harpin. L. C. Macken. 16.—T. A. Parkin. 17,.--J. C. MeLeod. Princess Beatrice arrived from the "B. Ce south. The City of Seattle called, | TRY THE “NEWS WANT |Guc ewe x: and the British ss gue brought |C, B. WARK & CO. AD. WAY OF FINDING | west 80 ctains east 80 chains © ‘ Dated Sept Bale S™* tf'a cargo of coai, ‘Yhird Av Pub. Sept. 23- ' furnished rooms (bachelors only) over Wallace's Dry Goods Store.—H. s. Wallace.