Tift rcya IBOVRILI I COSTS LESS TO-DAY,,, "YOU CAN BUY NO BETTER" 70 of Public Motor Transportation . Companies in B.C. operate on HOME OAS Exclusively. SPRING SUIT TOPCOAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come in and get the first choice. M; T. LEE-Third Ave. 250 Window Shades Cream and Green Qo '36j72svlnche, each Mail Orders Sent COD. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Third Ave. COAL! COAL! Out Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkier yHlley. Cgals are" guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a tonCof No. 1 pulkley Valley. We alS(ysell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats,and Barley. ' Pnnin l?nnnrl ITo...! r.. . j U Phones S5S Try ;ajp,AJ!y Kews classified ad. Made in the modern refinery of the HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS Ltd. on the North Shore of Burrard Inlet, owned and operated by the only lOO'i, B.C. company manufacturing gasoline in B.C. : HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS Limited Prince Rupert, B.C. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous: Rupert Brandt SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Players' Guild Is n i Working on Chloe Cast Rehearsing in Preparation For Presentation of Play Next Month The Prince Rupert Players Guild Is now working on a very Interest-' lng play to be given early next month entitled "Chloe," the proceeds to be divided between the United Church and Hill 60 Chapter, I. O. D. E. The leading part of "Chloe" is taken by Miss Edith Wilkinson, others in the cast being Misses Ruby Krikevsky, Elizabeth Wilson, K. Kielback. Mrs. H. L. Stock Trading At ; New York is Quiet Buying Activity Early In Session Fills Off and Leaves Market ) Little Chanced NEW YORK, March 12: Stocks-moved quietly following a morning of fair buying activity. The day's turnover amounted to 440,000. shares, closing averages being as follows, industrials, 101.58, up .41; rails, 28.95, off .12; uUlltles, 15.61. I .in II anrt hnnrtx. 95.T2 off 12. "TILLIE THE TOILER" CMlUt - VOl (3PTTA POT CUT Today's Stocks (CUurtcny 8. D. JohusUm Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .0HJ. Bayvlew. .00?i (ask).. B. C. Nickel, .45. Dig Missouri, .37. Bradlan, 157. Bralorne, 8.60, B. R. Cons., .05. B. R. X. Gold. .19. Cariboo, 1.30. Dcntonla, .80. Ounwell, .12 (ask). Ocorgla. River, .00JA. Colconda, .30 (ask): . Glacier Creek. .05V5 (ask) Grange. ,15 (ask). Hercules, .01. Indian, .OHj. Minto, .17. Meridian. .14. Morning Star, .09. National Silver. .03 li. Noble Fivej, .06 '2. . Pend OrcillU .48, Porter Idaiw. .08. Premier", lit V : .Qucsnef QiAfrtz.' T15. i Reeves McDonald, .1 Reward, 'JtSs- ' Reno, T.40. j " Silver crest, .01 'A. SaJmon Gold, .I3fe. Tttylor Bridge, WavsidfclBtrw ; Whitewater. .00. '.' J j waverly Tangier. lOO&i . United Empire, .05. ! , , Tii -Toronto I if ; CeEal PatTlcla, .5Q. ; ' 'Cnfatiucamau. 22. 1 i .Oyinada, .12.. j j ' rWr". Nlckei, 22.8 Macassa, 2.38. j ; Noranda, 3455.' 4 Sherrltt Oordon, .46., Slsco, 3.07. Ventures, .85. Lake Maron, .05U, Teck Hughes, 4.16, Sudbury-Basirifio: Columario. .11. Smelter Gold." A5Vt. Can. Malartlc, .63. Little Long Lac, 6.25. Astoria Rpuyn, .03 ',4. Stadacona, .28. Maple Leaf, .09. Pickle Crow, 2.63. Man. it ;Eastcrn, 04. McKcnzie Red Lake, 1.20 God's Lake. 1.54. Sturgeon River Gold, 3. ft Ilfft 1 Mrs. Jacobs Reads Paper at Meeting Of British-Israel At the regular fortnightly meet ing last night of the local branch of the British-Israel Society, Mrs. Jessie Jacobs, the secretary, gave an Interesting paper on "The Olory of the Lord as Made Manifest to God's PeoDle. Israel. In Plpctrirni Landrey. Thos. Johnson. Bruce ( phenomena." An interesting dls-StevenS, Jack Stevens, Tony Bus- cusslon followed the readinir of the sanich and Bill Vance. The scene! paper, about twenty-five persons of the play is laid in the Kentucky being in attendance P. H. Llnzey, Hills and Chloe is a circus orphan, the president, was In the chair. Box BA9LX RIRI - lUrch 11,, umi i m ! lil.ll U1B ms VS S - l Fruits Uort'iouse Rhubarb', lb LerDons, doz, 15s to OraJiees. dnftTMir tar. . Thrilling the Public f:J X ' ... lvf'f ' - w J - V4Viini!t naft iarh A trt If) Otap'elrult; Florida. each lOc to .15 Bananas, id Batter Fancy cartoned, lb. No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. M '. Lart Pure; lb. sjt. r ,', . , .11 . . ).-,.. - - Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, lb. .10 Potatoes, No; 1 Terrace. 12 lbs. 25 Back 1.65 Ashcroft, 12 lbs 25 Sack .....r.: 1.75 Onions, B.C. lb. .05 Garlic, Imported, per lb. 25 Cabbage, local, per lb. 4c to .06 Cauliflower large, Cal., 20c to 25 Parsley, bunch .08 Carrots, 10 lbs. r 25 Turnips, upriver, 10 lbs 25 Beets, bulk, 8 lbs 25 Celery, Cal, head 15c to 25 Leeks, bunch J)6 Mexican Tomatoes, lb.. 25 Lettuce, Cal., head 10c to 13 Brussells Sprouts, Cal., lb. 25 California Spinach, lb 15 1 Lettuce, Cal.,: head 13 1 Feed Hay. Bulkley Valley Timothy I 100 lbs. :. U5 Wheat, Alberta 2.13 . Bran 1X0, Middlings ; 2.25 Shorts 1.90 Oats -..U.... 2.20 Fine Oat Chops 2.35 Crushed Oats;:! 225 Barley .V-,.'..'. 250 Laying Mash 1 2.80 Oyster Shelf t. 1.65 Jimmy Campana is the sort of chap who lies awake thinking up ways to give John Public a big thrill. His latest stunt U to bo shot 50 feet by a huge cross bow with 28,000 pounds pressure. The Markets Retail prices current here arc aj follows: Tigs B.C. Fresh Extras Grade A Large; iprtoned.-'doz ,57 Local, new laid! dhz. .37 Fresh Pallets, doz ',.24 Apples Wlncsaps, fancy wrapped, J lbs. 2h BOX I i 2.75 CH Grade. 3U lbs. 2b Box ... J. 2.60 Vello NetonifH fancy wrapped 3 lbs. ...i ...i t. 25 fe 2.75 ar Grdctf. 3U IbS.V 21 Box -...I?.:: Jfcu..:-. J.. 2Jb0 Delicious, 'fancy wtap&ed, 3 lbs. 2-i U 25 i .10 20 .60 .15 .35 Fowl, No. 1. lb. 25 Roasting Chicken, lb 20 Ham. sliced, first grade .40 Ham. picnic, first grade, lb 20 nacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .43 Pork, shoulder, lb. .18 Pork, loin, lb . 21 Pork. leg.' lb. .23 Pork., dry jshlt. lb. ...i 25 vfcuYloirujb: -is Beef, pot roast, lb. 12c to n15 Veal; slTo'Sldr. it,.'.. 15 ueeir oguinK. id. , Beef, roast prime rib. lb Bcci, stSflfk, tb. 20c to X Lamb shoulder. lb f Lamb,; leg. lb. . ..v r Halibut, Ibi . a. . 1.. a....- .moked Kippers. lb. l and aimon, ircsn,,lb. ju'Iw;.. linn. .1 I Retracted; Honry. pt Jah20c t 20 iomb Honey Lf ,.1;. ' is Walnuts, broken swelled :L Walnuts, shelled hafves, lb"J Almonds, shelled, 16". jL.. Hoar Flour, 4B's, No. 1 hard what . Second Patent I .10 0 25 20 20 i IS 20 2 .45 .43 1,85 1.70 11 It's a Daisy! RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES THREE MEN WERE HERE Fears For Safety of American Fishing Boat and Crew Set At Rest I The small fishing boat M3969. with three men on board, according to a news broadcast from Ketchikan yesterday, had been missing since February 15 when she left Anacortes, Wash., for Ketchikan. Following the broadcast, the United States consul was advised that the M3969 had been here only on Thursday of last week bound north. Two of the three men on board were Roy Trafton and B. Moulding. It Is presumed that, after leaving here, the small boat put into some point north of here for shelter from the week-end storm. The radio report regarding the M3969 was rather alarming. Inti mating that, although the coast guard was continuing a search hope for the safety of the three mm wa about given up. The announcement that they were hers will set thee fears at rest. Dread Malady Is Epidemic Now In Shumagin Islands CORDOVA. Alaska. March 12 An epidemic of Infantile paralysis has broken out In the Shumagin Islands west of here and Dr. Murray, known as Alaska's "flying physician." has left aboard the coastguard cutter Halda to give attention to five affected families. Fears are expressed tfiat the epidemic may jsprrad. , ! t-t: Today? sWeath I- .A I UJA,itUIC v, I 'ft Anyoi Rarnlni calm.' 3$ ca'lm. . Stwarw Wet spw.,ealu Hazelton knowing heavily, calm. '0. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool Burns Lake DU1L calm. 2. Daily News Want-Ads. always bririR quick results. COME AND SEE OUR NEW WALLPAPERS A large shipment of the new- fj est patterns of SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS has lust ar- 1 rived, Drop in and see them You will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy these beautiful modern papers for your rooms, f GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Our co a J' cttHveretfort t Jff minute - hv want your' we will whit.' McBrlde St. COAL! We have the best In Prince Rupert. Its 1 dirty business but we treat you white. LUMHER & SHINGLES Why not do that repair Job now. so that you can paint In HiBBBHBMMBBBHaBBii the summer. Phone us for prices. We will surprise you. HUILDINCJ SUPPLIES Brick, Cement and Tile Wc fiave what you want at the right price Plilpolt Evitt & Co. Ltd, Phones 651-652 B UST TIMES lov.r... The pah. MUNI llrhtint P Screen Meet, ,Ul " j Latt In I BKTTB t DAVIS a Hr there when thru uvM, lng personalis tome t, In the furioui drsnis U "BORDER 1UWN" The stirring j novel of the M ... fct by Crni: ,." j; with .MAUOAULT LIXUStV m ix'clm; pallitie " 'At 7 31 tt P nitq.tlHVAV ItltKVITT -r.'niM. IMKI.E" i WdltLOS NHVS iiniimi1! 1 1 n , OUR EASTE DISPLAY OF CAN DIES & NOVEL , IWil lMMh be cornplrle Mi 'store jopr headqusrlrn. Ot leljr Mill be o trtat thai lb-be ftomettiing you are Jntt for and at a rtatonaklt ; ' SEK OIK WINDOW MUSSALLEf CONFECTIONf "Where Dollars llsve Mn P. O. Bu 415 rbt t. ranirnicata:.sni 'i 1 Systematic Service Efficient & tcrr service is (he bet most economical OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete W" all repairs made nn: ah replaced. A copy f lu r returned with all sc' mi by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELKCTKI Phone Bine JH MANURE For Sale $U0 a Load DOMINION DAII Phone Red 60S FRESH MILK A CREAM DAHA VALENTIN DAII Phone 657 By Westovt 1 VOU'I YOU'K My My 1 lMy.MAC.I f THAT'S A VMOVO- QfcT1 KrS ivj.A rZZZZZY 1 SPttlMtfrVOVytO K IVOlyiiB A OUT SOME MOBfij ,H .Cl CSR lVBAM-l SUTSPBlStDj -f TILLI6 I'M tfOiHaAJ WJOMPeg. H UttCB THAT fT V Kg CP S MYSeLP t j f I 't i .i i rue I'M I TAUOU tauou . yai'a x ) i iTJvr.r".. r xiisr ssv in ; ' ..i f, sa .zmtf i ok : i ' i i .... , yi, umr si a 11 n . i rwa m i i i ... i tiii ' 1 m n