r v ft PAGE FOTJB THE DAILY NETTS WASHDAY DRUDGERY DISAPPEARS at the snap of a switch with an ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER MUSSALLEM'S HAVE IT Everything You Require to Eat at Trices to Suit Your Purse. We deliver all orders over $1.00 GIVE US A TRIAL Beeklst Honey 2Vi per tin Squirrel Brand ' Peanut Bulk. Plfcase bring your containers, 2 lbs. for ... Pride of Canada Maple Syrup, 2Y2, per tin Lilly White Corn Syrup 2's, per tin per tin- Aylmer Tomatoes -Cholce 2's, per tin Rollo Cream Health, Oats per pkg Shredded Wheat per pkg Dried Peaches Fancy .2 lbs. for - Lee and Perrins Since , Large bottle, each 9c 27c 10c 35c 66c Book your orders with us for Apricots. The season is short. Other Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 319 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FItOM HOME" Rates $1.00 ap BO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 It's old fashioned to toil over a washboard ruining your hands, ruining your health, ruining fabrics. Wash the easy way. An electric washer Is easy to buy and amazingly cheap to operate. 10 cents will pay for the current used for a month by the average family. Take a Northern Electric ABC washer for instance. You can have one for a small down, payment with the balance spread over two years. It's paid for before you know it and all the while you have been freed from the chains of washday slavery. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited TRIP WAS There were dances at Lake K.ainiyn Pavilion Saturday and 1 Sunday nights and in Smlthers by the Elk's Lodge Monday night. jviany or the local people en joyea anvas through the Bulkier Valley where they saw fourishing crops in tnrivmg condition. It was a memorable visit for all who made the trip. Weather was fine and warm. "TILL1E THE TOILER" A VISIT TO THE CARIBOO (By II. F. Pullen) "Gold in Cariboo" was the title of a novel written by the late Sir Give Phillips-Wooley tint, when he wrote the book, he did not realize that there was ;-till plenty of Viewed Operations We did not gu underground FKESII MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 There Is a Difference In MILK Prove it to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and gpt entire satisfaction .or money . back guarantee. MAC, VDU CERTAIML.Y D Hf-fl LIFE 5ETTIM5 ME OUJ Or- MAfcRYIUeJ AlvAfcAOO at I either of these operations but we iln connection with the Elk's ' of Seattle as! O It Fla Day and Central British Col Butter iumbla baseball championship tour I r qriH t nn n tU. 1 .1 . in nuuiuuii w me uiM;oail lour- nament which was won by Smlthers and the particulars of which have already been published, the sports program Included an exhibition boxing card on Saturday night In which Eddie Smith of this city was one of the partici pants In the main event. financial director. These and other company officials were present at n M i t r iai ., . mp ninnpr Pivpn hv Iho nmn,,. CIO i ,u"uicl11 l" cnimers over inc weeK- o-'-" -j v..w wuioiij ZZC end. returned home on last night's to the vkltors afr ey had gone , tram, loud In their praises of the tnrou8h the mill. We were told : 5C "-xcellent way In which the cele- there were tnree hundred men em-j (bratlon was staged, the interesting Ploycd y this company and that ! 20C:pro?ram of and entertain-1 . 1 ;menr mat was offered and thp Llbby's Pork and Beans-2's Qn genuine hospitality that was ex-squat, per tin .tended on all hands by the peopl Bartlett Pears 2's 1 dn'of the Interior railway town. OMmPivmm , 1 1 .. .... 1 .1 , I L. ing revival 01 mm wonaeuui uij- Barkervllle a few miles beyond trlct, We first calld at Wing Dam. Wells. the old town which is pass-descroided two shafts and saw ing 5iowiy away and giving place something of what Is meant by the t0 tne new cnc ot wells. The trip Australian method of mining gold was an education In geography from underground alluvial deposits and the study of mining me-as carried on there under the man- hods and mining men It was a agement of Campbell Mackenzie treat to meet the men who are with English capital. The visitors reauy doing things and to see ,'were guests of the management at something of their work lunch and then drove another 30, (miles to the modem little town of Wells. The outstanding operations at Wells are those known as the Cariboo Gold Quartz and the .Island Mountain, both financed by : American capital. Reds Are Blamed For Meat Strike Police of' Detroit Investigating Charite Which lis Bern .Made To This Fffect DETROIT, Mich.. Aug. 3 Po- saw the large mills which crushed i,lce are reported be mitigating the rock, took from It the gold and la cnarge lnat Detroit's stormy 17CDV DIXIT , L rc' smpmenu 01 nnCKs;meat strlke Jj part of a campaign VEiKI rllVt S6, Pr,oumf"le- land 'instituted by Communist agitators. 1 ll-TMountaln is controlled by the, . Eightv Local Peoo'e Back From j heard f It a H is fully financed l Attending Splendid Celebra- ,and making profits for Its own-1 tion At Smlthers ers. ! i The pioneer In quartz mining In , local people to the number of iS.UfJ C"lb eighty, forming the largest groui " .: uuc J wens from any Individual point In the;"0 w a aireciof 01 ine com' district to attend the celebration 1 " by.D' Bl RoSC! H S01103 Brighten up with ALL-BRAN! Yon'te bid dar "ben yonVe fell ditcouried anil low. Nothing turned to go right. Frrqotnllj tbrM dirry dayi ran be traced to common comtipation, do to lick of "bulk" in jroor meal. Tbii ailment may came beid-achei and ion of energy. Correct it by eating a deliciooi cereiL Laboritorr retearcb ibowt Kel Iotg'i All-Bun provide "bulk" to aid elimination. Aix-Itu alto for Diihei vilimin U and food-iron. The "bulk" in Ait-Da rediti dirmtion better thin the fiber in fruiti and vegetable!. It it lentle and often more effective. In'l thit natoral food better than taking pat. ent medicine often harmful? Two tablerpoonfali of AtX-Iiii daily are niually tofneienU With each meal, in chronic catei. If not relieved thl way, ee your doctor. Brighten day with AliBianI Get the red-and- green package at vonr grocer'. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontirio. Keep on the ,S' Sunny Side of Life VjVAT TO DO VaJITH m THRILLING AIR STORY A thrilling story or exploit of the Marine Corps In the air. "Devil Dogs of the Air," featuring James Cagney and Pat O'Brien, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre cold in the hills in that district and that it would be dis- here as the mid-week feature of unvamil nnrl riA'pn niifr hv npnnlo nnlv n. fou vpmvs after I ferine. It present dare-devil his death. The delegates to the convention of the Asso ciated Boards of Trade of Centrals- British Columbia were taken to the Cariboo last Saturday as guests of !the Prince George Board and held a Joint meeting with the Quesnel Board by whom they were royally entertained. Ther- the visitors were told something of the work that was being done In opening to jthe world the riches of the eternal ; hills. The whole gathering radla-jted optimism and faith. Not a false note was heard. The Prince Rupert delegates weie, as on every similar occasion, called upon to say a few words for their city and were given an excellent reception. President Hebblngton, manager of the Royal Bank, was master of ceremonies and most of the members of the .Quesnel Board were present. Quesnel Is feeling the Impulse of the Cariboo revival. It looks .prosperous, feels prosperous and doubtless Is prosperous. It is one of the prettiest little towns In the west. I am not going to attempt to describe airthat we saw of the mln- stunts by flying marines, a dozen battleships participating In naval manronvrM with the ill-fated dlr- the operation is being increased as lglb,e Macon. In addition to Its soon as the addition to the plant thrimng episode, "Devil Dogs of has been completed. The Intention the A,r u a nicking comedy of the company, evidently. Is to gradually , increase production until this becomes one of the great gold mines of the world Both this through which runs a clever romance. Cagney gives a fine performance as a fresh youth who Joins the mine and the Island Mountain are MarlnM he can't keep out only a few steps from the town of Wells where there Is already a fine modern hotel, and other buildings and houses arc being rapidly built. Both mines are in the same class of ore and both look like good mining bets. It was seven o clock that when wc finished dinner and of airships. He get into the aviation corps through the kindness of a Marine officer from hit home town whose girl he steals. Margaret Lindsay, as a pretty waitress, provides the heart interest. Frank Mc-Hugh provides comedy as an ambulance driver while others In the the cast who do splendid work are we immediately set oui jor rnncciHeIrn Loll. Robert Barrat, Ru-Oeorge where wc arrived about two!seU nlckg Wllliam Davidson. Ward o'clock in the morning after ajBond and Oordon Elliott, long, hard drive and slept the; sleep of the weary I rode both! ways with J. M. Henderson, mana-) ger of the "Imperial Oil Company who Is well and favorably known throughout the district. Incident old town of PLANNING CARNIVAL Junior Chamber of Commerce Has Entertainment Scheme Well In Hand The Silver Jubilee of the Incor poration of the City of Prince Ru pert will be celebrated at the Exhibition in a urand three-day carnival. arrangemmU for which are now well under way by the Ju nior Chamber of Commerce. The Junior Chamber! carnival committee met last evening and com mittee chairmen reported progress to date. A splendid line of attractions Is now well under way. C. H. Lewis, who directed the re cent successful rruslcal corned v All Dreased Up.' has already commenced rehearsals for a vau deville program for the first evening. The show Includes a wide variety of musical and dance numbers which will be shown in this city for the first time. A large number of entries has been made for "The Pagoant of the Nations" which will be featured on the following evening. Prince Ru pert's citliens from overseas are now rehearsing the songs and dances of their homelands for this occasion which promises to be most fitting for this Jubilee celebration.' Teams from outside points are1 expected to be here for the field' sports. i The carnival will wind un on the: 'third evening with 4 children'. i masquerade followed by a grand i carnival ball with full and gener-' ous novelty effects. j Every effort, is being made by the Junior Chamber tc nrovidi thn (days of carnival entertainment in llttlng celebraUon of the city's j twenty-fifth anniversary. i I Special excursion rates of fare land one quarter have been given by the Canadian National Railways i for the occasion. Timely Recipes COCOA ERfl-NOG One egg white, 1 tcaspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoon breakfast cocoa, few grains salt, cup cold milk. Beat egg white until stiff and add gradually , while beating constantly, sugar, cocoa, and salt. Add cold milk to half mixture, while beating constantly. Turn into a glass and pile remaining egg mixture on top. . i . . . 'i Macs Solution is Not the Right Answer AMu YOU CAM USE YOUR. "TROUSSEAU 1 - I'Tum .TIlIULLS-LAlJGII.S-ACTIONi Uproarious comedy . he-man romance . plus a corking story of two friendly enemies and the gin of their dreams. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Having, on board a 1W of 200 1 passengers consisting principally j of round trip tourists for Alaska. C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. Edward Marbs, arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell j River and Ocean Falls and sat tad : at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Skagway and oilier northern points i whence she will return here next! Monday southboun: Bringing two carloads of fresh salmon for traru-shrpmrnt east! over Canadian National Railways, the motorshlp lMlinghatn was In port last night frfrni Ketchikan.' returning there after she had com-! Dieted discharging. One of the poorest wasona on , record Is reported from the Dunda Island trolling ground Many of Shows a 1 ti Feature at 7 V tt --- I'lui I..UKK1, and IIAUHV In "HVi: (.HOSTS s 3? 'he bxi.', v.jv tj- nif Xpi'lisiv :v. fjr nothing of (ir.inin. flcits There is .sun ' that there may be .1 'in the fishing. X Lakelse Lake i Hot Springs Fisliins, Boatinr, Hunting. Swimminf Make arramtcm : , SWAIN'S TRANSFB & TAXI Terrace. C to gret you W : trains Picnic pit:' Sundcy. 75c Far-$3 50. cai-h f1d:M..' $150 llut. l IM P; anvwhero m the lit ft-1 v4 A Washer For Every Purse Now makes it possible for Kvcry Home to ownil W asher. Wc arc now offering an KASV Washer at a price of $74 .50 Terms may be arranged following week. Arrange for a demonstration nt once. SALG MAC LE YOU j '-cs- .r nv "TOO VAJEU- 1 1 r- J I ' l I 1 J V -TV-v UArnO F ink !mM, IsdMi ipCCI! This model will be on display in our window for the -By Westover