fe Sk WHY DID SHE SM.ECT PAKTICUIAR EARS Of CORN BftJL JS Vvj3 know how to select better IBfi 3 bA flavoured food... thlfarliv ft .,Axi4M ass? - " Oat-its Pril rtnrmtecd to be the mott Jtliritut corn flakes jou t r tasted or your money back. They we the tnj corn flskes wai-wrapped for freshness. The cult corn flakrt irradiated with health-girlng aunihine Vitamin "D"- or which contain a valuable coupon in erery package. Ak for QUAKER Corn Flakei you'll enjoy their critpness and delirious flavour better than any others you have ever eaten. TU ktttr. OnMa. SPECIAL irr ' A, S. A. Tablets, 50s, for ColoV, Headaches, it u u;ruinuiism, etc. it nr. once mc. un saie 36c f Shampoo, reg. prjee 25c. On sale 15c 1 Flash Hand Powder. Removes paint, grensos, etc. from handat 15c floors, furniture, woodwork, etc use ). NqrAKB Solid Wax, Liquid Polish or Pow- dored Wax for dancing. Price each 50c Ormes Ltd. Z7fm Jhonecr Druqgtsts lit Kesall Stor. Phnr: 11 ft 8: Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. "1- and Holidays From 12 noon till S p.m., pm. Oil 9 pjrt. CANADIAN PACIFIC j Vineouve r via Ocean Fall and way port- "UNLESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, Id PA!. f 0 Vancouvrr Direct "'ICESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th, .8th, Sept. (h. t-iUNCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. f Ketrhlkan, Wranrell. Juneau and Skagway r- JNCEss LOUISE, Aug. 12th, 23rd, Sept. 1st. P iNCESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. For lnforrfinilmv nri vAiMt-jrtlAn nr wrlt n. L. COATKS, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 'r c . . . TUESDAY. 1:30 9M. """"'8 vnncouver Thursdav ArVtAJ'"L :KAY MIDNIOII1. "- tuuYer Monday a.m. wM, jjbj. to Port Ktt, turn m " ii DUUW.J. sj piu. ""rtner mformatlon regarding .all tailings and ticket! it- PKINCB RlirCKT imr ..... Ill inilO JiYIDw. wuimw Peter LaMe. C N. R. divisional freight and passenger agent, re turned to the city on last night's train from a trip to the interior as far as Prince Oeotge on official business. He was in attendance at the convention lart week-end in Prince Oeorge of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia 7. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mrs. CD. Pogsan and MUs Dorothy Pogson. Port Egsington: A. D. Stewart, Lewis Island- O. D. Mc-Estep. city; Rev. II. Black, Queen Charlotte City. Koyal A. T. Walker and O. J Cadden. Anyox: C. L. Scott, Seattle: E. H. Armstrong and family. Long Beach. Cal.; J. Hqdson. city. Prince Kyi pert F W Holmes, Ottawa- S. F. Ood- kln. CMff T. WeWi. W. Goltz and C. W. Vanfell. Vancouver- J. Lind say and Muss Helen Lindsay. Rivers. Man.. Mrs. W. F. Lindsay. Terrace: Mr and Mr. R. Telford, Fraser Lake: Mrs J A Clegg. Announcements Catholic ber 2 and Church Bazaar f)cto- Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Presbvterlau Bazaar. November Orange Ladles' bawar Nov. 28. Moose Hall TONIGHT, Augnst 7 Moose LoiIrc meets at 8 p.m. Rupert Lectori No. 15 meets at 0 p.m. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE HOOK CASKS-Sol'd walnut with glass front, table top for Sdio model 16.50 (6 onlyl 337 Third Ave., Prince Ropett Phone 775 TO OAZLTKlWf LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a cat at Walker at low as )10 a day. plus 7c a! imlle. WHttam Millar sailed ye-terday aKerRoon on the Ckrtala for a vac-ftw-n trip to Vancouver and eise-wtoere in the south. W. E. Drake, lock! manager of Edward Ltpaett lid., tailed last evening on the Catala for a brief business trip to Uutedtle. The fire department vaa called out at 11:30 last nlcht to a chimney fir at (be reaMenee of Y. Sueblro. Third Arttloe East. No damage we done. Robert Orme tett on test ere rdniTi train for Ltkeise Lak? vrhffe his mother, Mrs. C. II. Orme rl other members of toe family re in summer residence. Dr. O. C Large of Vancouver ar- rftd in the city an the Prince drone this morning from the sooth to pay vMt here wtth his brother. Dr. R. O. Large. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, will leave on this taeniae's train or a trip to Van- Jderhoof and other interior points ion official business. Ian Ftaser. after a brief visit to town, tell by last evening s Urata on his return to Inverness Cannery, acecmianied by Mrs Fraer and child. Bo warm and comrortable by rid leg in 32 Taxi It costs the same. Mr. and Mrs. William Beynori of ; Port Simpson have been vfelun for a few days In the city. Mrs. T. N. LePag arid young son returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a 10-day trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. W. Pottir.ger and family, who have been on a vacation trip south, returned trone from Van- couver on the Prince George this morningt r. H. Mlddlemlsf, Post orrice Inspector, arrived in the eKy on the Prince Oeorge this morning from I Vancouver, business. being here on official Stephen Eremner. eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Bremfier of this city. s completed hi public school education in Victoria, where he has ived for years with Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Bailey,' form rly of this city. with the record of having never once been absent or late through out the eight years. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- rAmi tMh-kai 1ml iim, Out f W b At Mniof kjrii b C Tlx ttn hU poar xxX t pooixU f liquid k(U iota yvat twwU tmir. It thii bil U Mt fUwinf freely, roar food inmnt 4ct. It it inn in tlM howl. rM tlaau s fwr ttanwli; Too et coeirtiuftM. Tout hU riUa to pmnurf and To Irci Mur. link and tba world looks punk bnw.l morMMBt dona't crt t tlx mow. It Ukt thcOT raoi. cU Cmrut UMr Unr Ml! la (t tkM two poano r biW Bowtrur frwlr xl iDk rva frI"ap end up". Him-Im, rratK ' mkint flow frwtr. AV fMCmnrft Uttte Piltafcy uh Stabtocmir r(u o thi Lw, c O M. CO, No. 3 Stanley Long of Seattle, district jovernor of Rotary. ..who is at nresent in rCetchiVan, wUl arrive aere from the north on the Princess Charlotte tomorrow morning and will oav an official visit to the local club at ltfccheon to morrow. In the erven hi Mr. Long LOCAL FLfcVATOK LEASED BT POOL f OK TWO YEARS The Alberta Wheat Poo! has renewed Its lease on the local elevator for two years, accord- i lng to announc ement made this afternoon, at local offices of the Pool. No disclosure was made as to the terms of the lease. HONORED BY OLD TIMERS Another Presentation 'to C Graham, Ketiring Loeomotive Engineer of C. N. R. J. Representing tht old timers of the Grand Tr-nk Pacific train and engine crews, namely those who were here a quarter of a century avo around 1910, 1911 and 1912, Conductor W. D. MOxley and En glneer J. M. McCawley called yes- Uerday afternoon ct the home of C. J. Orahath, who has Just re cently retired on superannuation as engineer, to make the presentation of a farewell gift In the form of fine pigskin travelling bag. framed olcture of some of the "old timers" will meet the board of directors t and a testimonial Address. Among and committee local club- at a chairmen of th dinner meeting. Chris Graham Is Honored By Rail Service Men Members of the Railway Mai1 Service out of Prince Rupert gathered recently In one of the mall cars here W honor C. J. Graham. retlrlne locomotive engineer of the Canadtan National Railways by making the presentation of a handsome fourtfal noen. Presenta tion was made by R. J. Keron and W. P Hall on behalf of the eight eierks of the service. Sun- able sentiments' were expressed both by those' who made the presentation and by Mr Graham in responding. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office f 315 Second Avenue I COAL Wood Furniture Moving those seen In the presentation picture are W. D Mosley. J. M. Mc Cawley, Russel Smith. Clafence Foster, the late Jack Herstick. Shorty" Stafford. A. C Abbott, J. Johnson. Jack Pascall. George Raymond, F. V. Foster, the late Frank Warren. T M. Spencer, Jimmy Bu-chan and the late William Clark. The address reatf as follows: "It Is but fitting after a close assoclaUon of over twenty-five years that on this, the eve of your departure from your old stamping grounds, we, your old friends, should pay some tribute to you and to wish you Ood-speed in your new environment. "No doubt as' from- time to time Want Ads FOR RENT MODERN, Furnished, 4-roomea Suite for rent August 15, to responsible party. Appty 733 Fifth Avenue West. 181 PAINTERS PAINTING na Paperfcangtnd Moller. Phone Red 802. LAND ACT Notlrf of Utrntlon to Apply to Lfte t .Mil when you look at the greup picture of your old railway friends. there will come to your mind many .collections and possibly not all 3f them pleasant, tut we hope the largest majority will be "For instance, wt hardly believe he time vmir eneine fell into the cqualntance, for, regardless of j rivlal affairs which crop up in the tves of men. we will always think i nUllT, ViifiJ W VwHTM V w...Vw. . ihi.t. ihnMi nnnnisirtr of a Oiix south of Lot fi710, IUni 5. Com DU- trtct. Porcrier unana. Tks? notice that Clarence Edgar Salter, of Haysport. B.C.. occupation can- aerymanv mieno. w appiy ur v ;he roi rowing aeacriofm ianw.- AmMAnlnir' TWif ttl&ntevl OH k vvu uunaKt up (- " UMiX Island nbout Uree-jurtr ct .... .. . . . . K fVaa, mile oin oi uh o(u. mu. . District. thnce north-t l& eihaln Uwwre wmt by north as.t cnua. mence south sonvU-wet 39.5 eh.fti; thetwe ....w.... .ifH 1?A rhAln to the NUMlWt W - point ot comnwncetftent. trad conUJntiW 53.1 acre's more or irsa. CLARENCE EDO Alt SALTER. Dated Jun tta. IBM. NOTICE TkKr. KrtTtmt TJtAT I. A M HoweHi ot Vanoouvef. B.O.. brokrt. vlRt-nd ta aflply to tae OonunlMirMier or umas, ax. TrtrwM Riitwrt for a HtenCw to vtXtC for ccl, petroleum and natural g" owe Qvieen ChwlcftM IslMHW DUrtrlft. Pflnc Ri(Krt Land Rocordln District. Dated this tOth day of July" 1933. 7219-Jyll A. M. HOWELL. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and family will be lepvtng- on Saturday eve ning of this week for New West minster where they will take up future residence. urn raxes 5 silver Ws Jubilee CARNIVAL Organized by Junior Chamber of Commerce August 21, 22 and 23 VAUDEVILLE PAGEANT Dancing Sports - - - Twenty -Five Years Ago August 1. 191 tv waters of the Skeena in 1911. Aid. T. O. Pattullo. at last night's' rwnnertinn mPfftllUr of the cil? Council, What we slnierely trust you will given leave to Introduce a. bylaw! i .i& un 1.ini paMrtt.ftniy rtr-tyritjt ft Yin tnP.tlirPV wiry away wiiii juu 10 wc uuui; iciuiaw9 w.0 . T wtinnt nr thr mm vith vhom in the cltv. He sad ina ne naoT fou have been so closely associated luring the last quarter of a cen tury. I can assure you that we have nly pleasant memories of our long got on one scale at the wharf: which was- used for weighing coaf and1 had found Uia? it gate fifteen ' percent more weight than it. should. takelse and Kitsumkalmtustraw berries are making a name for if Chris Graham as a man who al- Uemselvea the fruit befaa; of thl -"ays had a good word for the other fellow, and a gentleman. After a long and honorable car eer In the service of the railways of Canada you are gJing to enjoy a very finest quality. Last year a few boxes of strawberries were picked and brought hert proving; very1 popular. This year the residents of. ! the two valleys planted more vines! ell earned rest, and we, your old;an(r have been maltmg Omenta menas ana companions wisn Dom Mrs. Graham, yourself and family. the very best that this old world has to offer, and that many profit- ible and. pleasant years may be your portion in,th years to come." not only to Prince Rupert but to Vancouver and Seattle. .The.Angl'.can synod of Caledonia diocese will be in session here thl week with Rt. Rev. F. H. DuVernet-DD., the Bishop, presiding. Othtj-rs taking pa" W be Rev. T. C. Des-Barres. Rev. Wllligm Hogan, Rev. T. J. Marsh and several others. SEC US FOR YOUR PRESERVING SUPPLIES Jelly Jars and Covers, doz. Perfect Seal Jars. Quarts, doa Perfect S-al Jars. Pints, dox. ... Economy Caps, doz. Rubber Jar Rings, doz. Parowax, 2 packets for Aluminum Preserving Kettles, each Canning Racks, for 8 quart lrs. eadh GORDON'S HARDWARE Rates 51? a week, 510 a month and up. Your decorating problems cai be solved by using this Improved product. It is made in many cheerful tints and Is easy to fip apply. 5-lb. package UtiV ..:5c S1.75 si. is 45c "c 35c 95e 50t McBrWe St Phone 311 BrmnrrarrsT: bTiiji': sr. B.t9Ti?jai j iiim.i.r.iKrK!: sr:.BUBt:iBTi HOLIDAYS . Row Will Yon Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" ; Tlcll, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING - TENNIS FISHING Modern Conveniences Write or wireless foi reservations to MADAME RAJAUT De Luxe Wall Tints THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Buys and Sells Used Furniture lj Kttthert Range, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Chairs, Kitchen Table Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE; GREEN 421 If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement m this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer Id the city.