SOLDIERS' BOM'S Mill. IS DEAD THIS SEASON WAMIINOTON. SETTLING DC Aug. utir aen yea- jfi rnocn killed all putnx live oMiers' . durjij Ihjy MMton m nd 'hertby bU- bit g-t obtaek to approval of Pre- Highest Prices OF STRIKE ProjMcli ler Stttlfinrnt of ratine ('lit Dliputf .Now Appear nrichtrr WA-'tJIK iTON. PC, Aug. 7:-U n: here last night that P rt i"r a sctUenent of the ' . nig longthore dlapute on " :? P. I - Coast anneared to be - ' fc. filter as a rcault of the r icinlerencea being held r witIc linger government fciups that have been hf i up n California potU and ! f r ume time are cx- vr'r-' ' be released soon. Famous Novelist Here Today Bound a passenger aboard the '? Or nroe tvtav on Vila wav to icaa, ue will proceed from tne AI1... a. .11 lt. - ... Vllt ivn IWI J. uvuva. mkfi home In California. Of Season Paid For Salmon Now prlcM of the season were paid for :lmon on the local market yes-rday- 18aic. 9c. 7c and ic. Land-wrs for the day rcre light. The bulk of the fish Is still being "rougnt in by co-operative packers tMIt SILVER NEW YORK. Aim 7- tnn n,. uai Wver was down slightly in price on the local metal market today at 07?C ner nnnr-n I '1 c Todays Weather he Wml Tomorrow's Tides High .... 7:45 ajn. 14.0 ft. prlnrt RuperW-Overcast. light 19:34 pin 17.6 It .- 'erly wind; barometer. 29.W; Low .... 1:15 a.m. 75 ft temperature. 58; sea smooth. 14:05 pm 102 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ttRJTlSn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER AA" "" " " 11 ROVINCIAL LIBRARY Trylnr to Arrrt Vr NEW YORK. Atwust 7:-Bobfn W Hinfiham. United States arabav ador to Oreat Ilriain. on arrtva) here yesterday aboard the Unci MaeUc. declared that Oreat Dn Uln is atlll trying hard to avert war between Italy and Ethiopia. PLOTTING IN SIAM (irtt Insurrectionary Movemeni MppJ In Ilud Soldier Under Arrest DANOKOK. Stam. Aug. 7 great InaurrecUonary plot aimed at the overthrow of the govern ment with wholeaale death for official U reported to have been un covered today among Slams de fence fortes. A. number of non -commissioned I officers, who allegedly planned to aetze and slay the!' superiors and assume command of the army ana admtnlstraUon. were arrested. i For Alaska Visit! R"X Hrnrh famous American "T rf adventure and romanUc Halibut Arrivals Summary American 37.000 pound, 7.7c and Sic to 7.9c and 5.5c rmar1!an45O00 DOUndS. 5.2c and 5c to 6 3c and 5c. American swninrr 23.000. Roval. 7.7c and 5.5c. Alal. 18.000, Pacific, 7i)c and 5ic Canadian bia lAiwi r.nlrt fitnracc. 0.3c I i hmci. j nnrt 5c. i Antique. 7.500. Atlin. 5Jc and to nane Race. 9.500. Cold Storage. 5.2c and 5c. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, south wind, 50. Anyox Raining, calm. 50. Stewart Raining calm, 53. r.REEK STATESMAN WILL nE REFEREE GENEVA. Aug. 7: - The nrrrk statesman Volltls, for ten years active In the affairs of Nations of which he is one oi tne most, tl. .imnnrters lS CX- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1935 A pc- it. i I - -l - F.-raay XUnU turned suddenly oa Ja.y 11 to a scene of ronf'ua ft'itt nwiu.g as w m,a : he red t h" saif indulged in stonc-and-egg throwing at policemen wh" tned to c!i perse them. In thb picture a squa Ton of police. soa;e of them shown reaching for the.r guns, are seen charging the group of wjmen at the left, who bravely Stood thetr ground for a Ume. The riots grew oui of the catholic-Protestant quarrels during an Orangemen'j cejebratlon In Ferrnoy and Belfait. At least six were killed and hvndreds Injured in thrse riots. FRANCE IS TROUBLOUS Premier Laval Call rolice Into Conference to Discuss Widespread Demonstrations replaced u wmi u. ( At UHavre French Une crews are reporUd to be reiusmg meir, rL.iv t-nvplones conuiiiuiiK araj cuts while at Toulcn armed guards are standing watch over the gov ernment arsenal, workers in wnicn rioted on Tuesday with Injuries to thirteen persons including police. Baby Girl Passed Suddenly Tuesday aft ft?.i. Mr. and Mrs. C.crnaru i. w" Bereaved By Loss or MX iMomns Old Daughter After Brief Illness Following brief Illness, the death occurred suddenly at 2:30 yesterday of Christine Margaret Sathcr. ... . i r.a n i !. xM riniishter of Mr. PeCted lO DC liun:." oia-ihu...... . ,u CmI Seal the dispute between Italy and and .Mrs. Gerhard Sather o ' 1 will take funeral . . j r.t x tIip Ethiopia m rm"' w.rt-iv afternoon. The knHor mLLL'IS. niiituu uu""' I father, is an employee of Sunny- side Cannery. Dr. Mandy Coming Lewis Stone And Out of Cassiar Yachting Party Resident Mlnlnj Engineer Due At Ketchikan Saturday Enroute To Unuk Country DR. CAMSELL COVERS MUCH G ROUND AFTER LEAVING PR. RUPERT pnMnNTnN Aia 7: (CP) Defence air engineer unc puowgrapu- ' er, who left Prince Rupert a ( week ago this afternoon for ; Visit Ketchikan KETCHIKAN. Aug. 7: -The sall- lne yacht La Serrna, having on , ! WRANGELL. Aug. 7: Dr. Jo. beard Lewis Stone, well known PARIS, France. Aug. .. i mr:jeph T Mandy. Mldent mining m0ving picture actor. Mrs. Stone Pierre Lavut last night called all pnlneer for the northwestern mln- ann oartv of friends, who are on -ipnarlmental nrefects Into con-, . to discuss widespread de- j . In Prince ferencc hiA wlth headauarters vesterdav from California. monstraUons agatnrt the govern- RuDrt who has been on an exten- ment'a latest economy decrees. ded offlclti toUr rf the northern f v,!1n irxvi riemnnftrntlnE Vie wov I 1 I I M mu.d mining are. is tw un -j I IPIPUlTPs 4 nmlnfJ transport employees were scattered t rf the cassmr district and Is O UlUlUg O by ponce ana mc due here Saturday irom ieiegrapn night and another five hundred P'creek enroute to Ketchikan whence! employees attempted a new de-he wW pr0ceed to the Unuk River! monstratlon in me Momnwue country before returning to Prince ( .-hiio at Brest rlotls tore the trj- r,.,n(,Tt i color from the sub-prefecture ana, For Fish Meeting Gust Olsen to Represent Ketchikan And H. E. Lokken Seattle At Curtailment Conference KETCHIKAN. Aug. 7: Oust will co to Prince Rupert on IViutniicflav nf novt iroV- in nttpnrt a conference or American ana an air mapping and photo- D i U! GRANDE PRAIRIE. Alta.. Aug. 7:Percy Hugh Be'cher. who car ried malls as a young man In the northwest and on the prairies, later joining the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and going to the Yukon In 1898 to become recorder In the Gold Commissioner's office, died here yesterday. He had lived In re tirement here for several years. GERMANY RESTLESS Special Precautions Bcin Taken By Government Against Uprising of Resentment BERLIN. Aug. 7: A feeling of uneasiness exists In Berlin as re- ... . i Inn ir nil nrcranlif-H nnnnsltlon to Dr. Charles Camsell. deputy ifUhprmpri nn 1h snhlect of cur- the Reich was launched here last j minister of mines, and party tatlment of catches in the Interests x .nniitllm. nf A. n. Mrl.pnn. ! . . .. . - v.ww...-o oi Deiicr marsei prices ana con- x supcrmicimc.u u. aJiS v. . servatlon. H. E. Lokken of Seattle,. the Department artment of of National National tmanaEer tmanager of of the the American American Halibut Halibut! Pilot C H. ("Punch") Vessci 0wners. AsSoclatlon. Is ex-and and W. H Sutherland, ,r.-rfprt tn -ttenrl the same confer. Dickens . i . . i- graphic expedlton through DUblUH rindllLICI remote areas of Northern Brl- tlsh Columbia and Yukon, landed at Fort Norman qn the Mackenzie River Monday from the Llard River country and were at Cameron Bay yester- day. After a day or two in the Great Bear Lake mineral field they will reach Edmonton at the week-end. , .(. v Is 111 In Moscow MOSCOW. Aug. 47:-Edward A. Fllene prominent Boston financier, who has been on a tour of Russia, is seriously 111 in hospital. night In the move against restless elements. WHEAT PRICES VANCOUVER. Aug. 7: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 87i8c on the local exchange today. MARQUIS OF LINLITHGOW IS TO BE NEW VICEROY LONDON. Aue. 7: An- Condition of Edward A. Filene, In nouncement is made of the Russian Hospital, Reported j appointment of the Marquis of Krrlnuv IJnlilhcow tn snppped Earl A. PRICE: 5 CENTS PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR WAR nrr ivv rnp MTiNirwAi jtwq DvmwQTrn qv rnMfWQPMrp ilUllull iLltiuy I" Shipping of Troops And Arms Disclosed if., itn Krcninc Suez Canal Busy Durinj iir Past Six Months With .Movement unimi siun-s ninu;iuuui ' Tells How Britain is Trying to Prevent Conflict POUT SAID, August 7: (CP) Approximately 250,000 ti ifH y wt iw in'i i fill r iri'tc past six months enroute to Kast Africa. In a single .1 . lTivntlv nine Italian iraiiiiuibB, iuuuh cvunv.o, '.i .... , , . , .. airr-iani. tank, artillery anu explosives, inaiw i.-u. In addition, mx transporcarry nK ' ,m! through the Canal bound for Religious Riots in Ireland Take Toll of Lives - "- r Government Asked to Assume Police Cost And Other Services Rather Drastic Changes Advocated by Mayors, Reeves, Aldermen and Councillors Meeting in Vancouver To Draft Representations to Victoria VAKrOTIVF.T? Anmisr 7: fCPI Delegates to a sne- aaavwww ' "-0 r r? A cial conference of mayors, reeves, aldermen and council- lors of various municipalities last nignt aaopieu resolutions asking th'e provincial government to assume the costs of police, administration 01 justice, reann, unemployment and all other special services which the dele- - -- . . . . gatS claim ea wouia mase possioic a fifty percent rerucuon -in iana levies. One resolution declared that taxation of real property should be based on an annual value approxi-jmaUng the rental value of land and buildings combined. Tax sales should apply only to unimproved land, It was contended. A committee, hfaded by Mayor David uw . Leemlng o of Victoria, was ap KETCHIKAN SALMON PACK I11GHFK OWING TO BIG SIZE FISH KETCHIKAN. Aug. 7: (CP) Despite a smaller run. larg- er size of fish taken out has put the output of Ketchikan T (1I1UC11C9 w- uav" lai auvau V " pointed to draft & report of the. year Jar year 550 nnfnrnnnA r ft CllVlTTlH 11- tfl -1 Vl . - n h 1 tuuKisuLs - uou cases cave Deen Dacneu t- government, (-fromapprex4matelye.000.000 . . . . Pioneer of Old West and Yukonjt Percy Hugh Belcher Passes Away At Grande Prairie Where He Lived in Retirement salmon while lat year 7.000.- 000 fish were required for a total pack of 450.000 cases. READY FOR LONG HOP Russian Polar Airmen Now Ex-petted to Pass Over Edmonton and Spokane MOSCOW. Aug. 7: Pilot Sig- . mund Levaneffsky and two companions, who were forced to abandon the attempt late last week owing to oil line trouble while near-ing the North Pole, are once again ready to essay their 6009-mile non stop flight from Moscow to San t I Francisco by way of the North Pole. I Their route. It is expected, will be somewhat different than that at first contemplated, instead oi crossing Canada by way of Vancouver, it Is now expected they will i fly up the Mackenzie River and to i.C-in PranMcrn via Fdmnntnn and sentment against the policy of the,Spokane without passing over the Nazi government in respect to the Jews and Roman Catholics con-timioe omv Rnpclnl nrecautlons. British Columbia coast it is reported, are being en P f ftTlfllirrnr against an outbreak of "racial, re- rOrmcl VUIIUULIUI actionary and religious forces." A new campaign UmPd t break- On White Pass Is Dead at Juneau JUNEAU, Aug. 7: Mark Phelps, pioneer resident of Skagway where for many years he was a conductor on the Yukon and White Pass .Railway, died here yesterday. Ketchikan Police Arrest Violators Of Liquor Rules i KETCHIKAN. AU2. 7: Five per- Wllllngdon as viceroy of India , sons, Including a woman, have on the expiry of the latter's been arrested here during the past term nf nf f ice next Anril. couple of days In the course or a - i drive on violators selling regulations. of the liquor