fr, A i —— gf WEATHER ; hours ending 6 a.m., NEXT MAILS Twents 4 | For souTH Se nur, aoe, ee Prince Rupert...... Friday, a.m. 3 29,890 .50 FoR NORTH f A Princess May....... Monday p.m. & ; A. Legislative a2~ Cs eo = The Prince Rupcrt Optimist ——— 7 ; £ MNeInt gy — = ——— —_—— ome vol. i, N ! 0 ¥ PRINCE Re ERT, BC, “WuDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS TY OF OTTAWA CELEB SAYS STATEMENT BPTON WILL CHALLENGE AMERICA CUP ONCE. MORE Specifies that Unfair Conditions Must be Removed) Mr Morte H. Craig Denies That He Had Ever Spoken Disloyally of Canada 1} i hes and Freak Boats and Skimming Dishes Barred | In an interview this morning, Majority of Yacht Clubs Support Him | Mr. Morie H. Craig warmly denied : jthat he had ey ttered disloyal 27 Sir Thomas them across he o¢ cen was to0/siatements about Careda such as | terview in the | Sreat, rhe cup, owing to whatlen aldermen hed uggested on aroused the|it represents, is worth fighting} Monday night bn of the British|for, but under present condi ions | “ET have lived ir Yukon ond f ting that he is/it’s perfectly safe with its present | British Columbia the pasi . . '" lg w r the America | custodians, | fifteen years, ard but thet I wes ( mn i contest is made The Standard, commeriing on informed I was too late to vote . . sannt } : e rring out freaks and} the interview, says: ‘The opinion | would have taken out nationaliza- sh ypes jin English yachting circles is that | tion papers this year. Unless said | H Why should the | the New York Yacht Club, as a }jocul rly in retaliation for some New York } Club refuse to} sportsmanlike body, can no lor geri joke by my frierds, I do not nge urder their|refuse to accept the challenge | remember ever ever saying ‘Old The freak type of}under the rules which prevail at |G lory is good enough for me.’ wish me to sailjall their regattas. We understand|The Alderman it question spoke in Long Island | that the majority of yacht clubs|an untruth, and I have reasor for ¢ course, sails injin America, with the exceptior enero he knew it wes an un- intil the race|}of the New York Ya Club, | truth when he uttered it A gt ke Le re 1 withiz sight have expressed a wish t a. eat dew fe te bev se, ROYALS WIN cease ~ nex contest or tne nsioric cup, nd William Fife ; T hutid Siokte sof the universal rule already adopt ed | MANSON CUP ud the danger should be allowed to govern the | men who sailed 'corditions of the race.” HE BLAMES AT WAR ON SOCIETY THE POWDER Princess Patricia to eae =f | Final Match of Prince Rupert | Indoor Baseball League Play- ed Last Night. Crescents Won 3027. Royals Head League. hold first sea Blue ihe pennant tor ol Prince Rupert Indoor Baseball Ribbons the Queen Mary in Crusade Royal son Miner Hurt in Dynamite Ex- ; bien Sept. 27.—Th« plosion Sues Mining Com- ; lnouncement that Princess Pa pany for $20,000 Damages. if london, riricta Z 5 hough beater last night gue. Iwill not accompany her husband, | : ; we | " ; , | by the Crescents the Ribbon team’s he Duke of Connaught, when he bo : Despatch) ; : percentage of .777 for the series , : seils October 6 to assume his new . ; ' 27.—-Clatming|.___, envernor general of Canada, 1° kes them the winners of the c post as Gove or general ol anada, | A wes defective : : Manson Cup which is understoed ; "' | has given rise to rumors of a pre-| oa ¥ Peier Collins 1s ; : to be a sudden de: ~ trophy M concerted tack by the princess ‘ nga i Mining Com- : . not triennial « ‘ollowing is ne ; nd her sister-in-law, Queen Mary, ‘. } I ges for the ‘ ; : ne g ol r ee alter upon those objectionable features 5 ae | ¥ | ' c i n d his right game li ig = tot Lond y that rem , Sc : Won Lost Pct from the cour King Edward a ae r re ne > R ‘ - sad 7 Princess Patricia anc eq i > 6 4 OU i aid, wi ‘ \ © on ‘ sae ° | 0 ( a mpaign ageir cial vice vis RIOTS IN MEXICO : I l s 11] ‘ rtainments erd extreme modes ; ; 0, 1 .000 ' lurirg the comiug winter sc2so1 ‘ Madero’s Return is the Signal ae Cresceris played 2 capital game of the ng ‘ ul for More Outbreaks a , nig more tl held After the campa2igr is well under| | ; , “0 their ow vainst the formidable wey th i ss will join her : 27 Twoi, : : Royals At the end of the match ‘ Canad ee iy 7 otieieaae re 1 0-27 1 levor ot riots here rhe b creeks ( \ Cres M Evans and return of} with salr One 0 ‘ g | y cted 2s umpires. from a speak-} 15,000 1b veek.— Queen Char It is on the cards that a cele- lotte Islander bration will ke place which —==— . the cup wil be formally handed | b e then ore or two live exhibition games will be pleyed NELSON SCHOOL CHILDREN ein nr i TO HAVE LONG HOLIDAY ©!" o%c0cce Sch RUPERT'S ROLL CALL ‘hool Board and City Council Fighting Over Funds so the Board Will Close the Schools at the End of October—New Kind of Lockout | Captain Barney Sahilnale Made a Brilliant Starboard Landing With sixty first cabin, ard as} Py Des } ; . . a patch) 4 |many deck passengers the «/.-—Unless some- ROBBERY AT LY TTON | steams r Prince Rupert teamed | ithe meantime, into port today. A heavy cargo of | lren of Nelson Italian Banker Named Rebag etait ani fetaeh? vila. landed. Cal a long holiday| hatti Loses $2,000 During the) ..:, Barney Johnston made 2 There is a Night. lewift neat starboard landing in between the city - his usual popular style today, hool board Lytton, B. C., dept 27.—Some | ..4 mentioned that a slight delay kely to end by the|thieves last night blew 1 the sate through fog last night wes the only e schools, in the store of an Italiar named incident of the trip. | ; rs : ried at the be- Rebaghatti, a pioneer end year when the meker here, who acted ¢ banker GROOM TO-BE ARRIVES : ! “yy for is iends of the me na _ equest tor $380,000 for his frienc se eee | nie : : <> an acTavish is Accom- Pose The council tionality. Mr D ’ ‘ Wh ll | | The robbers secured $2,000 | panied by His Sister o wi Mm and made a C ; ’ Se ea $10,000. ‘This sum |¢@sh and some jewelry be Bridesmaid exhausted, and By thi Sletiebtaeneate talaanine] i iver Still Low by UM ce Georg i acoaeing: Ap a ives tl natin: MaiPantihh’ ire | lcose the public Today's river bulletin gives Wie)! Mr, 1 uncan ; a is ve ! : ti 1 yirived acco ant ry S SISTC ) ls at the end of} W4ter in the canyon : till two | rived ¥ ie pete aaae | « Of fund feet ten inches below zero @! djM cTavish « ctoriz ane istill j het friend Miss Morely. At the | tell . at a standstill. cling their cred segue lmarriage of Miss Craig to Mr. tion against the Twenty per cent i hie re-|MacTavish tomorrow Miss Mac- payment of the} duction “but that is what M: lavish and Miss Morel) will be Pesan D 4 fering to the ladies | bridesm id Phe bridegroom to 1 ~ emers is Orie i lw t ( 1 ' ade P on all trimmed hats for the balance | be we welcomed by his fhencee “Mtorium . . c o nd her parents. ™M Pioneer ( leaners, Phone 4 |of this wegk, «\| ‘ 1 IS FALSEHOOD ; Ds ck- | > BASEPALL SCORES | te + cana TUESDAY'S GAMES HANK ROBBER KILLS HIMSELF Tragedy Deity Sensational Bank Robbery at Salt Lake City ee Northwestern League Vancouver 10, Victoria 6. Seattle 9, Tacoma 6. Portland 10, Spokane 4. Pacific Coast League Portland 2, San Francisco 1. Vernon 7, Los Angeles 4. Sacramento 5, Oaklend 3. National League Chicego 10, 5; Boston 2, 7. Brooklyn 5, Pittsburg 2. American League Chicago 10, 5; New York 4, 6. Washington 8, Cleveland 2. Philadelphia 11, Detroit 5 (Canadian Press Despallaa Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 27.— A bank robbery followed by the sersational pursuit of the robbers through the streets, culminating in a robber committing suicide publicly yesterday afternoon. O. W. Harvey, a former employee of a department store, presented a reyolver to the bank tellers’ head and secured $1,000. After a vig- |orous pursuit he was Cornered by )the police and shot himself. AEROPLANE BUG IS LATEST HOLD CELEBRATION | Looks and Acts Like a Flyir~ Machine—Has Black Eyes and Horns on Tail. Ottawa Conservatives Celebraie Mr. Borden's Victory (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Sept. 27.—The City of| Ottawa officially welcomed Hor. | Mr. Borden tonight. A procession | escorted the Premier-elect through | Boston, Sept. 27.—The aero- jplane bug the latest thing. | Cliftondale has produced it, and | William Meader, amateur taxi- | dermist, has the honor of having 1s |the municipal streets from his |revee led its existence. home and back again in a carriege Meader came on the strange drawn. by ore hundred mer. jinsect in his garden. So far as No formal speeches were made, | ; lhe hes been able to ascertain but Mr. Borden in a few words} es? zs % lfrom a study of “bug” books, thanked the ¢itizens for their| ‘ ? 3 nobody ever knew of the insect expressions of ghar Fa and therefore he has chris- tened it the aeroplane bug. It measures five inches from head to tip of tail. It has six Pre . legs. eack -e-quarters a Effort Made to Obtain Light on | .“* ee iaree-quatteray a hes inch in length. The first section the Sending of Wireless Mes-| the legs is of a light brown sages to Vessel’s Master. ee & lcolor and the secord of a brilliant : 2 : ne < |green tint. The body resembles Francisco. Sept. 27.—Fu r-|® the color of the small branches of ther inquiry ordered by the super- | | rec vising inspector, John Birming- |" lps ; : Its head is ham, into the wreck of the steamer } mee Pe) jshot, anc 1e |SANTA ROSA WRECK _IN- QUIRY San vine. a small little the size of bug has two Santa Rosa, off Point Arguello} pal a a g |coal-black eyes. Two red feelers, on July 7, was begun by United } ee ; each two irches lorg, exterd from States Ins pectors Bolles ard Bul-} 4 3 ; the side of each eye. On the tail ger with view to obieining; 7 : > jere horrs about an eighth of an further light on the wireless mes ~ |inch long. seges sent by the Pacific Coast aero- and ot SE It somewhat resembles an in| | plane both in structure Steamship Company to Capta Faria. | | The skipper was examined at length regarding the messages end C. N. E. RAILWAY seid that he hed used his own| judgment, acting indenpendently | Peace and Bear River Country Exploration Trip of orders. Captain Hibbard, the general | es manager, and George H. Higbee, Headed by C. Hoard, a civil iapat ger, both denied |* gineer of Victoria, B. C., a party the stand that they had any- }of explorers has just left to make 1 Ste 1 « rat c i : an exhaustive examination of th thing to do with the sending of |°" st t n of the the mani on |the wireless instructions. J. H. oa ae . ee - |Cooper, the assistant manager, | V°"'©) ce Ri i. ae a ea ms | > Ce re > g > | who was to have been called today, | Peace i ae a mee 24 st : ? ’ NO Le orn ray, \is out of the city. The previous | ©*! : saad a te Eraete e Fas : : | ) » as : _ |testimony was te the aiect tat | WE O8e Se ee = mt: as ~ Stewa > . ei ooper was the author of the Ln en SREWALe BP Tae URC OC E) ithe Bear River and American | messages. Feo : ; ate il Creek, a distance of fourteen miles S from town. The party will be VANCOUVER WA. WA in the field several weeks and will ALL IN DARKNESS intercept another party working west from the Rocky Mountains and now in the vicinity of Fort /10,000 Horse Raines Dynamo Went Out of Business for Several Hours Last Night. Connolly, roughly 150 miles in the interior from Stewart. The information collected will be used as a basis of a report to be laid before the Priovrcial cabinet to urge upon the goverrmert the desirability of assisting the road as a colonization railway. When the Provincial House assembles next Feburary it is altogether likely that the government will bring down a measure to assist the undertaking in the way of a guarantee of bonds. Interest in the Bout | | Vancouver, Sept. 27. ~The street lear service was discontinued prac- ltically all last night ard the city lin darkness for some hours as the jresult of a 10,000 power ldynamo belonging to the B, C, Electric Railway Company break- horse ling dowr The car to New West- mirster, Chilliwack, and Steveston were entirely out of commission all service night. : eT Considerable interest is expressec in the city today in the coming great boxing contest between Oscar Nelson and Joe Bayley at the Kaien Island Club, | The ledies will find some very jinterestirg values in hats at Mrs. Demers. 20 per cent reductior on all trimmed hats for the balance of this week, 2t |sythe, MAY INCREASE (Canadian Press Despatch) Victoria, Sept. 27.—Today s ses- sion of the Provincial Commissisn to inquire into assessments and taxation was devoted principally to the question of how best to assess and tax the wild lands of the Province. The proposition that the present tax on wild land should be increased was strongly opposed by Man- ager Lewthwaite of the Nechaco Land Company. He fevored a fixed charge instead of ten cents per acre on all lands. Senator Macdonald who waz present and testified gave it as his opinion that all persons who contributed $25 a year in taxes should be relieved from a revenue tax. Ke considered that a per- sonal property tax was very diffi- cult to collect at all fairly. He THE TECUMSEH’S TEAM Minto «-up Challengers are a Stron, Aggregation of Play- ers. Vancouver, Sept. 27.—The Te- cumseh’s practice work is bring watched with interest by Van- couver lacrosse men. Querrie, Roy Kinsman, Ber: Green, William Yeamar, Fred Graydon, Jack McKenzie, Fred Rowantree, Neil Felker, Harry Murtor, James Durkin, Ed. McGregor and Leon- ard McDougall. President Peter Small, Vice- President Fred Hembly, Jack For- presidert cf the C. L. A., Dr. M. M. Crawford, Fred Killer of Toronto, and Tom Humphrey accompeny the term. The Tecumsehs have seven men or the team who played for the Mirto Cup in 1909, viz., Green, Kinsman, Graydor, Rowantree, Felker, Durkin, and Querrie, Mur- McDougall and McGregor played with Regina when they played for the Minto Cup. ton, TAXES ON ALL THE WILD LANDS Arguments Are Given to er aes Taxation Commission. That as its Holders of Wild Land Hinder Develop- ment, They Should Pay Heavier Taxation wes for placing a heavier tax on wild land than on ordinary land. J. Sutton in his evidence said he considered that the holding of wild land we: ‘letrimertal to the developm.nt of the province and should be texed accordingly. A suggestion that wild land be taxed on a four per cent basis, however, he thought would be prohibitive. AFTER MANN CUP Vancouver Lacrosse Team Reach Toront.o—Play on Sat- urday. (Canadian Press Despatch) Toronto, Sept. 27.—The Van- couver lacrosse team arrived here today in quest of the Mann Cup. They will pley the Young Tor- ontos on Saturdzy at the Island. -|RICHEST CARGO THIS SEASON Steamer Victoria from Alaska With $500,000 of Gold and Big Shipment of Furs. Completing the fastest voyage The players are Manager Charlie | she has ever made betweer Nome and Seattle and bringing gold bullion valued at more than half a million dollars, a valuable ship- ment of Alaske furs, the steamship Victoria, of the Alaska Steamship Company, Captain John A. O'Brien has arrived in Seattle. The Victoria mede the voyage from the Far North in seven days twelve and one-half hours. The shipmert of gold was loaded «board the vessel at Nome and St. Michael, ard one of the largest of the year. It was sent is down from the rorth for shipment San There were nearly tweniy tors of fine Alaska furs of various kinds, the greater to Francisco. part of which will be sent east. Charges by City Solicitor Peters to intimidate a witness for the prosecution named Lee Kee with threats to kill after to bribe him with fifty dollars to the city, caused some = sen- sation in the police court morning. The witness Lee Kee zave his evidence with marked signs of agitation, and the in-|i terpreter whose winning beams alike upon defence, prose- ceution, and court in a manner both ‘‘child-like and bland” seemed | t strangely stultified under the dark- eyed gaze of King Tai, Mr. Patmore angrily resented the charge made by Mr. Peters, and his client King Tai exhorted the witness to tell all he knew. Very jerkily Lee Kee told in broken sentences how Wa Lee (King Tai himself) had visited his dimly lit room last night, and asking him to speek privately leave smile} c sea oaths, merked Mr. Patmore in withering KING TAI CHARGED WITH INTIMIDATING A WITNESS In Chinese Gambling Case Today City Solicitor Peters Produces a Witness Who Says King Tai First Of- fered a Bribe Then Threatened to Kill had suggested that he should that King Tai, known officially|lie in court about the gamblirg in the present Chinese gambling|game. Witness said that he would case as Wa Lee, had endeavored|rather tell the truth. He said Wa Lee told him he was scaring people away from the game, and attempting | offered him $50 to quit the city. He refused, and said that at this Wa this|names and threatened to kill him. Lee had called him filthy Witness repeated the language used at which there was a guffaw n court at his Chinese pronun- iation of certain English deep “That's edifying,”’ re- Mr. Pat- ones to Mr. Peters. more then went on to try and elict from Lee Kee evidence sup- porting a counter charge to the effoct that Chun Yuen who works for Mr. Williams, the solicitor, had bribed Lee Kee to tell just the story he hed told in order to assist the prosecution. This mat- ter was being tediously unrevelled at noon, ‘