i a & s I ft I 1 ! The Family S I Third Avenue LIMITED SHOE Canada's Finest Shoes For .Mori MEN Weather the Showery Days "HARTTS DRI-SOX" Protection is built in these Shoes! Dri-Sox Sole Leather is Unconditionally guaranteed to be waterproof & to outwear any other Canadian sole leather. See this Shoe in Black Calf Oxford, full double sole, with "guaranteed wear in every pair". QQ hoe Store Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ubushed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managbg-Edrtor SUBSCRIPTION RATES delivery by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid la advance". i icmei penoaa. paid in advance, per week DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of circalarjoits $5.00 .10 Thursday. March 21, 1935 ft i ALL PREMATURE One1 6f the Vancouver n.mpra ic full n tVm c,ir,-f: i that Premier Bennett will not be back to take his placet .vuuvi ui me ucj juiiciit uuu Mjecuiaies as to nia; auixessur. it is mumaiea tnat Hon. H. H. Stevens is likely to be the new leader as the only oiiservative who could hope to win the cominr elpptnnn While it seems as if all this speculation were premature ' and not iri verr p-nnd tnti r it mucf K hAUA k- t,h I 'SPORT' ti(lkl)ON WALLACE WINS VKi.Ti:itui:if:iiT tit i li itv iii'H tTivi' iti .! VANCOUVER, March 21: CPi Gordon Wallace or Vancouver gained a 12-rtxind jjiJ decision over Tommy Bland of Toronto last ntsht to seeurc recognition as Canadian wel- terweight boxing i-hanipNm. It wis a harrj fought matf.lt with no knock-dowtw. Wat lace hav- lng the edge. Wallace, 24 years old and 5 fet. 1 inches in height, weighed Jn at 14314 K bounds itianrl vmh nid x S ahd 5 feet 8"4 inche tall. weiehed 144". imawh Tllll A Martin was referee and a crowd of 5000 fans was in ,u tendance seems to be a possibility of a change of leadership before nTZn JltLs the election and w are inclined to agree witli the Vricou4 Zl or ice ver naner that Mi- fstovon. U r it. - -tV- party, While Mr. Bennett fired the hope of the young Comf - v. "mui' ciijuc-iii, ctiiijwuiiceuieiit over 1 ; - . . lug xauiu, ana u me election eouiu have Iieeri held at that T t 4 . u.. ill3 qUite PSS.ibe he - hav btxl-ldin faT. ,H':m,rch' "S tnen tne program he announced as being so revolutionary with n aggregate score of 2788 to has beea shown to be just an appropriation of part of the 2494 ln ,ast nihi' scheduled play. TJrtcrf O f f i o ' - i 1 zz rL -rii Basketball TQNIGIJT fNTERMEDIATE PLAT-OFF LEO ION vs. ' HIGH SCHOOL ANNETTE'S vs. infill SCHOOL WARRIORS vs. SCYTHIANS Fin.t Game. 7:30 Admission 25c and 10c Clothiers Are operated in passing the legislation. There is little now MtK maUhes! 0 an agere" 1 1 Brotherston. streat. 0ftheBennknn1irvPvr.pnt t.pn ot 28(Jl " 2565. High ham; Mr and Mrs. R, Ames, Van- Kfl 'fnimJ U l JJr.' ' ,ryv"-,u' ?!eiaW w the evening wa couver; Mr. M. Caube. Pcnttcton. "i7".Y aiiu aw pic.NcuL uuenipioyea, a similar pro-'zcs by Joe Scott, mise to that made on the hustings prior to the last election. ! The rive pifi Leaue standing to J.nyievy.of this the Conservative hopes have been glduallyjdaie 15 as f0ll0wfi: waningfand only the most enthusiast if mpmLf-o m Ui , . party ee victory ahead if the battle of ballots is to beLamblea' stone 5 '-"Sin.'ui.iui. Hcuiieu m, me neaa ana wun notning moreomvvhich to base their pleas for re-election than thS now famous radio speeches of the leader. CONSERVATIVES WAITING The Conservatives of Skeena have delayed nohiination a candidate, evidently waiting and hoping thai something vtould happen to make it easier for them: It will cost a lot pf money for the candidate to; travel all over the huge constituency, to hire halls, provide transportation and make provision for the hundred and one minor expenditures incident to an election campaign. Very few men are filling to give both time and money to the cause in ex-giangpf or the honor of either tacking on the letters "M. P. to their names for a few years dr going into the discard as the defeated candidate for Skeena." Verv few peonie can afford to do it. Naturally then the illness of Mr, Henhett at this iime is anything but opportune, for the present' Prime Minister is knovynito have spent Three-quarters of a hiillitm dollars of his own money in fighting the last election and he is expected to spend j lavishly on the coming' campaign. If he should drop out, it migbt affect the hopes of the local Conservatives, i T;HS cWatiori of course and we all hope find pray that Mr. Bennett will be restored to perfect health ih a few weeks and will lead his party at the eiectiott, if hot to victory at least t;o an honorable defeat. . . Uniqu Aid Iri PREVENTING Golds At the first nasal irritation Of snlf ht, apply Vicks Va-tfa-hol-jujit U few drops up each nostril. Used in time, it helps to avoid many colds entirely. w Vim 'i Post Office Kn&x Hotel Rlnky Dinks Setting Pace! i Stone became pacc- the Five Pin Bowline .3 3 1 i VANCOUVER IS BEATEN Seattle lla Easy tlctory 111 First Of N'ortliurst Hockey League Play-ffs I SEATTLE. March 21: CPi Seattle Sea- II.ru ks defeated Vln-noilyer tJurtAfrofr in one last night In the fiftypf a three out of five .-.erie or i$$es for the chain jriori-ship df the. . Nurthwentern Profes-sinnal lljjfliy League. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Now operaUng on a ten -day sche dule to Alatkil for '.he sprint. C. P. !R. steamer Princess Norah. Capt ! William Htiirfes, arrived In port at 8 o'clock th! morr.lng from Vancouver and sailed an hour later far :Skagway and other northern point whenee ahe will leturn here next Monday affrooon seUi-bound. The vessel had a list b 92 ! passengers for the north, one per-'son disembarking here from Ihe vessel while eight went rWrth aboard her; Hotel Arrivals Prlnee Rupert Georee Kerr. Vancouver. I W. xln&JfietdrU; !i. Weaver. iTelk; STr'neid. Hampton. N.B., L S. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edwin, lve. CvjF. Hunt. W. C. Stevens and R j. Hastfngs. Vancouver. Central Harold Orm. ilUdlnc Palm nA John PInVrnlAniairV.ir- tr j 4! . AIJU Mrl J, NJSaldanifdty.. ' '. Jk Knox. S. Held, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert Stewart; George Mdclieod andlA Anderson. Prince ! George. J$ "Itbyi! , Johnson Kusft Greenville; Tho-; mks Collins, Terrace; -D. McLeod. ' Vaficouver. Savoy N. McCartney. Porcher: Mrs. Ac nes NlemL Port Eslngtori; C. Shltlon Vancouver; Wheal 1 VANCOUVER .M.irfh 5f irt! 3Wlieat was qu6tfd at 81'jc on the' 3 ' local exchange Uiday, tiv Vc from 5 yesterday TE FOR THRIFT AT HOME Todoy.oi in pioneer fimei, It cftAn tK women of the.houieholdwho hot in fn-itinct ond ability for careful monogtmenf. Many women make regular Savingi de- , poiiti at a cah raierv to providt for rehf, iniurance, taxes and similar obligation. ROYAL B A PM V K Of CANADA BANK Today's Stocks (OMiruwy 8. D. Jolntoo Ctt) Vancttuver Bayview, jDOVj. U. C. Nikel. .41. Big Mlisourl. .43. , Bradlan. 1.61. Bralorne. 80. B. R. Con&, m. B. It. X. Ooid, .18. Cariboo. 115. Dfntonla. .79. Dun well, .08 la. GeorBia Hlver, .00. Goleonda, 21. Orarige. Iridtarl. .dm. Mlntb. .18. ierldlan, .13. Morning Star, 'M. Katlonal Sllvet, .04. Noble Five. .07. Pend Oreille. .45. Porter Idaho. .09. Premier, 1.58. iteeves McDonald, .11. Reward .04. Rend, 1.40. Silver Crest. .oHfc. Salmon Gold, .15. Taylor BHde'e, .19, Wayside,. .17. Whitewater. .07. waverly Tdncler. .06?. United Empire, .03. , Toronto Central Patricia, 1.41. ChlbQuitamau, 22. Lee Oold, .04'b. Oranada, .30. Inter. Nickel, 23.00. M&cassa, 219. Noranda. 34.25. Sherritt Oordon, .46. Slsco, 2.96. Ventures, .81. Lake Maron, .04 4. Teck Hughts, 4X5. Sudbury Basin, 1.33. Columarlo, .11 S'meltef Oold. .1534. Cari. Malartlc, .65. Little Lon Lae, 5 56. Astoria Rouyri, M7,'b. Stadacond, .25. Maple Uat, .08. Pickle Crow, 2.73. Mih. &c Eastern, .03. McKcnzie Red Lnk6, 1.21. oW'! Lafep, , Sturfcetm River dold1, .91. BAii sitvtH NEW YORK, March 21: (CP) Bar sliver closed at 583.ic per ounce on the local metal market today, down 'Bc from .yesterday. THE DAILY NRWS " Thursday M r"fi 21 in.. wm aV mtr vfurunii j ir, mi i THAT FIRST BRANCH BANK AND 500 MORE TU reunJcrt U lU ItrA. f Rmrti! (mlj IrityrJ is Uukh Unlf. T Mdi tfttf Ml (to tttJk m MMttii wi Noftnta iii. 111?, tto Xrenm tfj-uuttti m ipt it QuAH 7 tU tuUot Jim lU tocy iimJ (Mlt at Drpotit tad tkVMM.' uti Am tto hut Uuxh um latv T oltort wa frt OftJ ( Kwfitca wJ Yerl Ulttrwiti Texan ii. Tbatr tuif Unlrn toajhi to ntcni n4 wrpnutr fat ll fmcf ukj ncrduMi, ttx Um(iU mJ Kmuiia of Untk Unkx ijrMCta d worth wtudi IJ fcna Winttf prettJ k tfi tt,& Ufa. ahull ft 14 CoMHttMl, ihranftmit . ito aWiJrt, (to of Mtmttni Mi J4r4 brmctot tomrf mttm tviuM TioUf tt MX) Utadm wt irms Couii. t.h Ui it Ito Bak 4 Mnattl. irt JI ito fafatrti utj fubtM unit (of torf ito mmitjum tok Fia (to f toark mi Oottot la tto m irw um ctwj. ito iff rf cto t I Rial ul Montirrt u trpmtr ill (uuf to U ipfrwr4 m kim ul laWal Ui ESTABLISIIt D III? HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL MODiiN, tructtNT banking if ivict.. .ito Ovmmt ml rrince llofert rirancfa: P. A. MatCALLUM, .Manater Stewart Branch: W. WKIGIIT. Man.trr Trrraee Branch: I). II. I. si'li.DKICK. Manaerr 1$ JUST THAT MUCH DETTErt OfS) fe)fo)fsr?fB)if x. ii ir? .(vwy iti ir ii i w s . -V , ' ta u ' BURNETT'S 13 oz. (flll 5 or. $1.50 Established 1770 $2.85 Tliii advrrtiiemerit ii not publiihtd or displayed , by the Lmuot Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, i 1 t-faJr(i,Tr.-it iirvrtf.-ijir-''- - i,yli::,,Tyr5ryg;;a,B t Snow Shovels or Garden Tools Wc" Have Holh Keep your lawn fresh ahd gr?en by uslns Elephant Bi:;n tm plete Fertilizer It supplies every element needed for w'nJ' gardens and flowers, For Sale By THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MHSWOl If you lose anylhinur iry a classified ad.