rou GOLD SEAL HERRINGS BLACK FIGS 3 lbs : FRESH SPINACH 2 lbs.' CAULIFLOWER each, 20c and CELERY '. , each 15c, 29c and' FRESH RHUBARB . 3 lbs. ...... .'. SALADA TEA-, Label, per lb. BURN'S PIGS FEET In Jars, eacHr,25e and TO THE LADIES! A shipment of Dresses direct from Montreal, the last word in design. All sizes from 14 to 52 and ho two models alike. Regular Values from $8.75 to $18.00 to be Cleared at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 to $6.95 RUPERT TRADING COMPANY Under New Management Suggestions For LENT In tomato sauce, l's. 2 tins HORSESHOE SOCK EYE SALMON, l's, per tin 37c OtJl 35c OCp SPRING WHITE SALMON l'K ,3 tins PRINCE RUPERT EGGS Large, 3 doz S1.00 SQUIRREL PEANUT 35c QJp 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 55c 40c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Hare More Cents" P. 0. Box 575 rfaone IS Itia ''rrgm mmwrwi. WTsja war ay :k iTtriiii: wa -warn zu.i ma i MANURE For Sale $1.50 a- Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a Idn 01 No.' V Bulkley Valley. We also sett Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 fbones 558 Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE . RECORD will srjow complete record of all repairs-made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- ' ' SUPERIOR 'RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 : U , .f.l L J II II 1.1.1 I A winter vacation In the warm sunshine of California or Southern Arizona costs much less than it once did. Train fares are very low. For example: TO LOS ANGELES (jrom Vancouttr, B. df) One wiy .... $24.50 21-day rounduip . 39.50 moi. round trip . 46.00 These fares are good in coirfecs on our fastest trains, Iso in new-t)-pe tourist sleeping tars. (Tourist lower berth front Seattle to Los Angeles $5, upper $4.) Complete meals in, our dining cars cost as little at 801. For full details, write'' C G. ALTON, Canadian Passenger It Ticket Agent, Rogers Building, Vancouver, B. C Southern Pacific Wc Have Installed a Hoffman Hat Blocking Machine and are now In a position to clean and block your hats and make them look like new. Our price is 75c per hat We do dry cleaning and carpet cleaning. Have you tried our Family Washby the pound? Pioneer Laundry (1921) Limited and Canadian Laundry Limited Phones 8 and 118 SPRINGSUIT or TOP COAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come In and get the first choice. M. T. LEE Third Ave. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MKS. MANDY IS SPEAKER Continued from Page I people made a great success by developing a simple idea. The speaker then went on to shnw the possibilities that awaited the optimist, the person with ideas and .with the necessary "stlck-Ho-it-ativeness." Locally there would appear to be an opening for an Information and travel bureau. The desire of the city dweller for something different, something out of the way could be satisfied largely by the development and presentation of local color. Much could be made from utilizing the legends of the native peoples. natural Knourcrs j In a very pract'al way Mri. Mandy illustrated the possibilities of the natural resources of the city aim two cimiuiuiiems. ilie tungBS growths, the dead cedar formatio the "artof the toredds'" would all be attractive ,to the tourist, how ever commonplace locally. The unlimited possibilities of making nov elty Jewellery4 Xrbm the many arid vaicoiorca nunenusv oi tne province, the aga'tes of Queen Char- oUeV Islands, ' the sheWs of the coast were Indicated by a display of many examples of the work that could be done along these lines. These had been made ud bv the speaker. Dr. E. E. Lucas moved a vote of appreciation to Mrs. Mandy for the valuable and encouraging talk given. She hoped that the splendid suggestions made would be utilized for the benefit of the district and the profit of the Individual. Dr. Lu cas added a word of congratulation Crisp up your curtains Ann your curtains gray and dull from dust and smoke, faded from light? Don't be discouraged I You can make them crisp and new looking, with new colorl Thousand of women are prolonging the wearing service of their curtains and other decorations and giving new beauty to their homes, with Diamond Dyesl Because Diamond Dyes actually do contain a greater amount of tne finest aniline coloring, they give lovelier colors and surer results. Use Diamond Dyes for permanent dark colors by boiling and Diamond Tints for light shades without boiling. All drug stores, 15c. DIAMOND DYES f nHKCWM fcattar bacsvta rfchtrfn pur anflfnn PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March the New Thermlque Guaran teed Permanent Waves complete, at 210 $4 La Parisienne Heauty 'Parlor Fourth St. l'hone 917 Till DAILY NEWS f i I i mm I ! - JfT -WW'T"T I f 1 1 I ! I III I 1 1 JHC sHsMHsHsBMBHMHMHslBMHHMi! LGVES TO EAT THIS CEREAL, IT CHECKED HER CONSTIPATION Kellogg's All-Bran Helped Miss Kesterke We quote from her letter : "Three fears ago, I became constipated. tried many laxatives. But as soon as I (rot used to each kind, I began to get the same trouble. "Last summer I was on my vacation. They served Kellogg's AlX-BrUN. I just loved it. I eat Kel-logo's All-Bran every morning, and ever since I have not had to take any more laxatives." Miss Margaret Kesterke. Address on request. Due to intuffintnt "bulk" in meats. Tests show Kellogg's All-Bran provides "bulk" to aid elimination. All-Bran is also rich in vitamin B and iron. The "bulk" in All-Bean Is jren-tie. It resists digestion better than the fiber in fruits and vegetables, so it is often more effective. Isn't this food safer than risking patent medicines? Two tablespoon-fuls of All-Bran daily are usually sufficient If seriously constipated, use with each meal. See your doctor, if you do not get relief. Use as a cereal, or in cooking. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Side of Lite to the program committee for the delightful musical numbers by the children In the choir. This In Itself was an attraction. Mrs. Stuart expressed the appre ciation of the association to Mrs. Mandy also for her initiation of the Children's Story Hour. With the help of many capable and willing assistants the feature had become a phenomenal success. Visiting Chicago CHICAGO, March 21: Arriving here for a short visit. Maurice Chevalier, noted French moving picture star, told reporters that he desired to take up .more serious pictures than those In wifich he has'been so far featured. Prospectors, and mining men arc continuing to leave here for Dawson, there having been a consid erable movement this spring Into the old Yukon gold nretropollt. Ampng' those, Reaving 'ihis; morning on the Princess Noran were Har old Dahl and F. Boultej: of this city! as well as John Flnkrater and H. Palm of Smlthers and S. T. Reed, who hails from New Brunswick, J. Skrl, H. Forslund and John Drott Phone 953 California Grapefruit 5 for Libby's Pineapple Juice per tin Nabob Cut Green Beans- Size 2's, 2 tins for Finest Canadian Cheese 2 lbs. for Quaker Health Bran per pkg. Phone 93! De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday SPECIALS 23c 11c 25c 35c 21c Malkln's Best COFFEE per i-lb. tin 39c Woodbury's Facial Soap 3 cakes for Heinz Noodle & Mushroom Soup, small, per tin Swifts Pure Lard Price is advancing, 3-lb. tin Cow Brand Baking Soda 2 pkas. for Crushed Hawaiian JMneapple per 8-oz. tin Chlpso For rich, quick suds, 2 large pkg. Essex 8weet Corn Size 2's 2 tins for I.B.C. Honey Graham Wafers, per pkg. Heinz Pork & Beans- Medlum size, 2 tins for 25c 10c 55c 25c 9c 45c 23c 21c 25c Today's Weather Terrace Light snow, calm, 26. Anyox Snowing, north wind, 29. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 23. Hazclton Cloudy, east wind. 12. Smlthers Cloudy, east wind, cold. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 7 below. Triple Island Tluck snow, fresh east southeast wind: sea choppy, wind freshening. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southerly wind; barometer, 29.54; temperature, 44; sea choppy. Langara Island Light southeast wind; frequent snow flurries; visibility fair, sea calm. Sergeant O. H. Greenwood, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe, telling of experiences In the Peace River district where he was formerly stationed. President J. J. Little was In the chair and there wan a good attendance of members with a few guests. Want Ads WANTED GARDENING or Phone Red 113. other odd Jobs 70 MALE HELP WANTED MAN with twenty thirty h p. dlcsM boat for few days towing. Apply New Floats 03 FOUND FOUND Pair Uned leathw glovr. Dally News. FOU KENT 4-RCOMED furnished apartment. Phone 132 70 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 14102nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tl PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Sup-plies direct and save 75. Stat, dard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers. 21 1 Lumberman Bldg. 500 Richard-Street, Vancouver. B.C." t: MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of con dition. Up to $1.00 each paid for UJS. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections. Medals. Books. Paper Currency cv. Send 25c. (Coin) for large Illustrated price list and instruc tions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTH E, SAR NIA, ONT. PAINTERS PA IN Tl NO ana PaperLanglDi Moller. Phone Red 803. "JOU:it.VMK.T MQtOII ACT" Notice of Application for IW-er l.lceiHr NOTICE U hereby given that on the Team day of Apru. next, th under uiiix-d Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in reject of the prwnle. being part pf iti building known a Queens Hotel, altuale on Main Street. New Maaet. D C. upon Uie landfl described as Lot No. S, In Block No. 14. Map 046. Maaoett Town-alt, In the Prince Rupert Land Rrl-trallon District In the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by theglaM or the bottle for consumption on the premUes or elsewhere, DATED thU 1st day of March, A.D 1033. CARL KIRMtS. Applicant LAND HMimKY ACT NOTICE tie Certificate of Title No. WiH-l, covering the Weotcrly Sltty (00) acre, more or less, of Lot 43, Oruup One, CaMitsr DUtrlct, In the Province of BritUh Columbia, aa per plan, bor. dered orange, attached to deed de (waited No 8830-1. WlirsnEAS atlfaotory proof of Iom 31 the above Certificate of TlUe, tuueo In the name of Ercole Constantino has been filed In thU office, notice Is hereby glle-n that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Uue a Provisional Certificate of Title In 11CU of the twirl loot Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection la mad to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., "this 25th day of February, 1935. A. THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. Jackie Coogan Winner of Case LOS. ANGELES, March 21 -A claim of $50 against Jackie Coogan, Juvenile screen actor, has been de cided in favor of the youth In small claims court. The case arose from the renting of a car by Coogan, the machine being wrecked when Coogan made a trip to the northern part of the state to see a football game. The sum of $50 was Involved. Afl'TlOX SALE iriiiLK .ut: xstsi TTxTf wUl be offered Jor Ml at W- tlr Auction, at root) cat the 21 ih April. lest, in the attic oT'DMlot rxnr t Vnne Rupert. DC. the Licence XS381 to out 3.TM.000 rent, buard mea- urt. of Bprure. ntruork Mid cedar on mi nw altuaK-d oti Uve South thuri of C rmn Iu. vteinttv of Porter lt-d Two n will be allowed lor tb re-moU of timber. "PmWftf ny on unible to tttend th tuition In penoa may submit tender to be opened it the hour of suction and treated a on bid " Further parueumr may be obtained trum the OhJet Pofwter Vftorta. DC !r DMriet Poreater, Price Rupert D C El w 5 IS Thursdav March u LAST SUQUivr.c Zanc Grey's I 'HOME ON I THE RANGE1 KANUOLril SCOTT KVKLVN lUttNT JA'JKIt; COOGAN At 8 15 cV PLUS- W.C. FIELDS - in "You're Telling Mc" -- Wl'l JOAN MAUSII AimiKN.M; AMIS Also WOKLirS NEWS EVENTS i The TENNIS SEASON Begins in Prince Rupert Earlier Than Any Place in Canada Prepare now for your share of this enjoyable jjaine with Canadian championhip tonnia equipment. Wc are Prince Rupert agents for Slazengers (Canada) Limited NEW 1U33 TENNIS RACKETS ARE AVAILABLE Come in and make your choice while the line is complete $3.50 to $20.00 Tennis Ralls (to arrive shortly) 10c and HOc Tennis Ralls, 15)3-1 while they last 25c each C-Inch Rubber Grips 10c Tennis Presses 75c' Racket Covers, head only, assorted colors .50c "Primax" $12.50 eMatMvsMcl The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dallj By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. mn umt tu vruBamarKi ami msmt i Co., Lid. izr'sT McCLARY QUEBEC RANGE r A new Improved model, f full enamel. Ha:t the ti'-v steel ton. An efficient, c ! mW ranae that will add to th'! apPcar; ance of nnv kitchen. An stove for an oil burner ideal Complete With WnlcrjacK" j $80.00 j, Gordonslardware j riione 311 McBrlcle Strc , j! jai'i- '