fid You'll' enjdy the fresh rich fragrance of Salada Orange Pekoe Blend Try a package. Now on Display I 'rices From 5c to $1.25 4 ALADA TEA Come in and Inject Our Stock of Easter Novelties ire not required to buy now. We will hold any j till Easter. Don't be disappointed, ORDER W The values this year are bigger and better than ever, the prices lower. Ormes Ltd. Zrttt Ptontcr Druripists rbf krsall Star rbonea; II ft n Open Dally From it a.m. till 16 p.m. Sunday and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 Garden Soil For Sale Cedar Fence Pdsts, 8 ft long, 15c each UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stcamis leave Prhrc Rupert for Vanrouver-TJi.S. CATALA EVERY Tt'ESDAY. 1:30 IM. Arriving Vancouver Thursday TSA fAIUIENA EVERY t'UIDAY All UN I (HIT. A::tvinj! Vancouver Monday am 1 rrt!f sailing! to Port Slmpaoc. Mir Arm hfM. vwrt md Nm Kit point, Lrave Print Rupert Sunday. B pja. 'lirthrr Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- rirr. hi itkt nr.M:T- Third .nn. rwin km Ourcoais fcteJiwmeri fgj- j csvuze. ana RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES FURNITURE Chesterfield $r7O.50 and Chair c8terfield only . V v TERMS 'hon $4g.oo Third Ave, COAL! We have the best In Prince Hupert. Its a,, dirty business but we treat you white. LUMBER & SIIINGliES Why not do that repair Job now, so that you can paint in summer. Phone lis for We will surprise you, 1JU1LDINC SUPPLIES ai f men' and Tile We have what you want at the right price Ijfliilpolt Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651-652 Mackenzie's NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proptlctor A iioSit: AM'Ar nitiyi IIOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water -Prlnee Ruptrt, Bfc. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 LOCAL NEWS roS fae of suits and coat for wrthf. at- Dealers. . .. Ce New Jean Gordon dresses $1.00 at the DaUar" Store". - .! 6t Daaee at Empress Hall tdnighi 39 so admiislon 25c, . 27 Tonlrhfn train; due from .the east at 10:15. was reported tnlsl morning to be on Ume. ' Be warm, and v,mrnrtihle bv rldJ mg In 3 Taxi it costs the saifie tf The ease of John b. McKenzle. "harued wjth enndtjr td an ahlrhlj. has been further adjourned for tight days in (Utjr police court. Yon can rent a; ear at Walker's i low as $1.30 a day, plus 7c. i mile. Wath for the "Winnie Ma" frocks on SALE now at $159. .De merit. .' 6s Son of Norway dance tomorrow nijrht. Metropole Hall. JO "o'clock Admission 25c. ' City Treasurer D. J. Matheson-U absent from his office In the'city Hall, having been Indisposed at home for a day or so. " ATTEmON FISltERMEN. : Srvnes of harpooning a 30-foot bakin shark provide abundance j of interest in "Man Of Aran" com in" to Capitol Theatre next Mon-idav and Tuesday. 63 ' i 1 Howard' Ashley, master mechanic for the Yukon and White Pass Route at Skagway. and Mrs. Ashley, who have been on a trip to SeatUe and elsewhere In the sbuUi.' werJ ! passengers aboard the Prlncesl Norah this mo&ilng returning north SHOP AT The Thrift For Greater4 Savings Week-End Specials KELLOGG-S ALL J3RAN ft I n aXK per pkg. HEINZ SOUPS All -j p varieties, per 16-oz tin CHATEAU CHEESE ,-lb. pkg. 15c MAZOLA OIL 1-lb. tin ' .'2tc KING OSCAR SARDINES 25( GARDEN PEAS j)cr tin O CEDAR OIL 12-07. bottle FLOWER PETAL SOAP Cello-wrapt. 4 cakes TOMATOES Royal City per No. 2 tall tin ENSIGN LOGANBERRIES per tin HAPPVVALE PEARS per No. 2 Un RAKINO-tJAY StT.hfeSttttNS lc 36c 9.c 9c 16c 13c Malkln's Best Baking Ol o Powder, 12 oz r- t:ut Mixed Peel--1-lb. net 2ic Dessicated Cocoanut, per lb. Htc Australian Seedless Raisins, O-tA 2 lbs ? fV Australian Seeded Raisins A Erf iOX' lb. pkg. Swansdown Cake Flnur pkg 3ic Icing Sugar2-lb, pkg, . , jji PORK & BEANS Royal City Ofi 16-oz. Uns. each THRIFT BLEND TEA per lb. Ait BULK COCOA-Quality Cp XJv Guaranteed, per lb. SiNGAPORE PINEAPPLE 2 Uns lSc DUNBAft SHRIMPS per tin 18c SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS -i fjn AIV per lb JIF With Cup & Saucer. per pkg MATCHES Red Bird 3 large boxes SLICED BACON-Swift's Diamond "A," per ib. 19c 29c 32C LiLY WHITE SYRUP 2-lb. Urt 15e Thrift Cash & Carry Mibne 175 201 third Ar "CARRY AN!) Orders have Oar .rremjit Attention . tkz daily flrws iT 1 f-T I ' . t -f V !i ' f. , ci- M " " r kl . i r. .i ivio.mi ioes the GOLD COW qjve Cream? ; ,EiJorinJuhiorkriovrs whtrc that wonder fu)V. . , -ercarny flavour cotrlfc frorii. Mc hii $een ; Mother brien the St. Charles tin .with tri Gbld Cow label. - : St. Charles is the freshest whole countrr milkj ctaporitcd td dduble Hchrictt, ind .tiled with - ill its natural cream flavour; It' goes a long . way, toti, in sdups, sauces, creimed Vegetables, .desserts. No need to stint on nourishment ' tor flavour when yDU Use St. Charles 7 , Jlisi tif this new way of cooking a few cents worth of St. Charles puti i reil tdUch of " jttxury in your favourite dishes. AJk 'your grocer for Borden's St. Chatlcs Milk,.tn-.the tin with the Gold Cow label. jotd&nA ST. CHARLES Presbyterian thmday School con-ert on Friday, March 22 at 8 pjn. harp; Adults 35c; members of the dnday School arid 5? the West-lew Burlday School free; children iot members of the Sunday School 10c. 66 Anhouncenients J Presbyterian Sundiy 5chool Co:i-erJL, Mirpli 22. Bojrf Bihtt PArfrtts'. Assisclatlon rldte, wfclst ahd dance. Eagles tell, liircK.d;: ' J J ' Daffodil. TeV Unted ' Churcn March 27. ' :Jv Childrefi's tlahclne; display, Odd fellows' irall, March s. 1 ,'.--,. BalVaddn Army Bale bt Wdrk. IJonie cijoilnt ApritiV:1 . Chtitclr IjribyerlSLri Choir Con ft, April 5. sf iChlbe.r United fcKtirch, April 11 and 12; ''y?' Queer! Mary I.d.b.K. Daffodil dance Easier Monday. Anglican Spring Pale. April 23. Cambfal Tlllie's treat, May 3 St. Petefs Spring Sale. May 6, Catholic" sprlhf sal, May 16. Mo ose Hall Moose 0AN Mareli29 Splro Ibstulb sailed1 yesterday at-' . ternoon on the: Prince RuiJert-Jof1 j- a business trip td -.Ariybx, , ' - 3. O. Watts, consurtthg engineer for the Canadian jWgiCd.. wi)d! came norm as an expert wrrness at the provincial uij tjl .rjivJiUri , where the vanatfoh M .the' cgm-1 pany's tannery at"liumpbick Bay, Porcher Island, tt'beiag a'pedlca,: sailed by the Catala.Tuesdayaftw- ; noon on his return Id VahcouTex. i ilUIUiaU 4-1. litTIUUI, 'IVVHWt" presehtativj? bf tjie InUrnaiibpal FlsheHes Commission," wasra-jia's-' senger aboard the pHiicss iibrart' this morning; gomgbush'rtd j Jbneau wherrce tie -111 retorn here : oh the same vesStl tiextMonHay j afternoon td ikhis:heka$ir-J ters for the summer. 'Suripg tbe J past winter tit. Fjreemap 'ihaae-a;' holiday trip to TorarittJ, Ne fpfk and fcaiiforrla t idtiltmn-tdi spending considerable time aVn'rf. ternatlonal Fisheries Commission j heidtjuarters in S.1ttl SPECIALS Mdlklri's Cdffee. per tin .3lt" d. B. Anchcvy Sitlcf . 5Kfc' Heinz Pickles -25c Edwardsburg Syrup, 2"s .51 Grapenut Flakes Bird Seed, 2 for 33e Christies' Sodas per tin 4c Helnt Kidney .'Beats, 2s 15i Llbbys kraut, large- 15c Heinz Spaghetd, lge., 2 for $5c C. Si B. Brahsidh Pickles .tit C. s B. Malt Vinegar 25c Lamb Fricassee; 2 for Sic, Irish Stew. 2 for BROS. Third, Avenue m m bsssssbl ssniiiiHSBr m MADfc In BRITISH COLUMBIA V.nihrnw' Bt ssr Sc. Chattel Milk r the product of the finest herd of ; the Fraier Valley. It i" evaporated in the Bordca ' Condenjary at South Sumas, B.C. Buy Brituh Columbia product and create prosperity for your 4 wtl province. MILK D. The Okanagan Pot of Gold FlrtiSlttJRE DEALER i Ovbt to tb Ouh)M Valley topplyhM ai with liMotrfal Apricots. The . -WHt , hHk-ldeii sunshine mellows them with wiah VS'd. How carefully they are jathcred whea 1 Hi elact aiomcnt come aad speedy trains ruth them ' vro.Vi byl City KKchem. Here an ermy o younj i'wfr'.'ii wtite !ke wch Apricot, iwo the stone, " p'iii-'. ttw perfec: helm directly tato the cans. A a- -lenutated tujer rrV ' added, the lid fitted nidi lot cooklnj. Inctlnwl vljilanc piacei 1 ttJ City Arlcos aaraaj the parOcalarty taefy ELIO Exchanging and Auctioneer USED FURNITURE! Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suite, Battery Radio, Bieyele, Siwinsj Machine. Etc , .phxjn Green lit, Corner Thjrd Ave & First St.