Today's Weather Pi.:". 'c Rupert Sno4ng, moder- L Viable wind; t .Vcr. 29.54; f 3cr.i-.urr. 35; Ok c. YOUKTON. Sauk.. March 21: (CP) Entering the (.rpek Catholic mission here this mornine. Steve Elash, ai London. March 21: fnr.tT. hot ai)(l Killed rather Delforce, critically wound-; preliminary conference of British, r 1 hi her Balathan and then turned the weapon on him- pfh and Italian representatives TO EXILE (Dallas City Hall 0n Tliouand Members of Old Aristocracy Will be Shipped To KIU.rU MiJCiCoW. March 21: Trtats in- Actor. Hurled In Chicago niir-AOO. March 31: Richard H ILurson. noted ncro actor, who ' part of "Dc Lawd" in the 1 success "Green Pastures." Higher Wages on Relief Work and Hrstoratlon of Food Warrant Cuts Demanded DALLAS. March 21: Eight hun dred unemployed besieged the City Hall here thU week and were en lii'iii; vituii wire uiuwhiiiu . Hiwt . th'TW . , r the old Russian art.- l " ,,tny of whom held offl-idec liven Cirtat,RUlln there unUl k Wefe R'Ven or rfurlne the I. . L. AUstacton in thlr demands for ure about to tt under way r .... fln, t. ' charged with various vlo- ' . . , ,j . I (hr Soviet laws Exile to ronllflcrrd almost cer- I storation ot ! rants. a cut in food war- iY Admiral Byrd Is n i DeUwd Is All Better Now Laid at Kest lUflunl U. lUrrUon, Great Negro' Showing No Permanent 111-F.ffccts From Polar F.xpcricnccs, It Is Stated NEW YORK. March 21: Repre sentatlves of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. now on his way back to the United States following his latest Antarctic expedition, give fcaucd from his home here 'official denial to report that he Is !.. He had died last wtck in critically ill. He was ill while In New Y irk at the hflght of his car- New Zealand. It Is st-.ted, but is now r Ti:cmsands visited his home recovered and is snowing no per fc re while the body lay In state and manent ill-effecU from his ex k.:.-cds attended the funeral. pcrlcnces. . A Final Slap ! AT THE DEPRESSION The Daily News is making a special Goodbye Offer To "Old Man Depression" giving subscribers who renew this month a special bargain of ISMonths For the Price of One Year Out of Town, 15 Months For $3.00 In Prince Rupert, 15 Months For $5.00 t'liccks or money orders should be mailed on or before March 31. Better send It today while you think of it. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Thc same offer applies to new subscribers starting now or to old subscribers wishing to pay any distance ahead. of the Treaty of Versailles has been arranged for Saturday, the day before the scheduled meeting in Berlin of Sir John Simon. British foreign secretary, and Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler. A further conference 1 1 of of former former Allied Allied powers powers will will be be held held i i France has been Instructed by that country to make a '.rip to Moscow with a view to securing the co- operation of Russia against many's military move. Oer- President Franklin D. Roosevelt and official Washington still main tain silence in regard to the Euro pean situation. The attitude ot that country appears to be one of aloof ness, i France Accuses Germany PARIS. March 21: (CPI France today accused Germany of violating treaty obligations In a note to Berlin and, at the same time, asked the League of Nations to put Germany on trial. The French government requested "an extraordinary session of the League council for the examination." The note to Germany said that the German action was "clearly contrary" to treaties and agreements and raised "the most formal protest." The French communication was similar to one deposited by Italy but the Berlin foreign office announced officially that neither note would be considered. Protest Too Late , BERLIN, March 21: (CP) France's "paper protest" of German rearmament was described today by Minister of Propaganda Goebcls is coming Just about two years too late to command serious consideration from the Reich New United States Liner to be Built Sister Ship to Washington and Manhattan Will Replace Leviathan NEW YORK, Mr.rch 21: Announcement Is made that the United States Shipping Lines will build a third sister ship to the well known liners Washington and Manhattan. The new vessel will re place the. Leviathan (formerly the German ship VaterJand) which is to be permanently retired from ser vice. vic rc .. a, , ' mmln of the N. R. A., claiming that the committee Investigation Is merely designed as a "white-wash" of the (CP) A Blue Eagle. , If , hen police surrounded I him. As the police closed in on fI0?lSuSSS ' -.f! apparently crazed hlash, he shouted he had killed thejoj the mmury limitation clauses wo priests at tne mission anu inai ne nau Kiueu ms tun f jr years ago. Masonic Honors . n 1 Masonic funeral rites www were ac- emfif DeSieffed'at Rome next week under chair-j cotlie 016 late Henfy 1 1. -1-1 1 ul wMID UWit5v,U,n.w manshlD of , tr.u, Premier n.H Benito Mus- M. whose whose death death occurred occurred suddenly suddenly at solini with Premier J. Ramsav Mac 'the end of last week, by Tyce Lodge Donald and Sir John Simon representing Oreat Britain. Sir John Simon to!d the House of Commons yesterday that 'he would make no binding agreement on behalf of Oreat Britain at the conference with Hitler nor at a proposed McAfee, the worshipful master, in charge assisted' by George Hill, chaplain; There wa'lhe-Tjrellmln. ary opening at the Masonic Temple after which the members of the craft proceeded to the chapel of subsequent conference In Moscow unaenaitirs ior comu.uu- wlth Soviet Russia cuthorltles. Uon ot th ervice John E- Dave5r PorPlffn Mlnlstr Pierre Laval of presided at the organ and tne hymn "Abide With Me" was sung. After trie chapel service, there where cars were taken to Fainiewl . ,.!., tA ii.ii. 1 iscmeiery. witii a r.maiiiiic service at the graveside, interment was made in the Masonic Plot. Pallbearers, all members of the LONDON. March 21: Belgian currency has been falling steadily NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER to caU "The Twentieth Century Liberal Association." Already it is be called for that evening. Headquarters for the new organl nation has been secured in the ttoreyQnyjr L0Cll lext door to Dybhavn It Hanson's i m Third Avenue. It Is planned toi ske up athletics during the spring j softball and footb3U teams competing with other clubs in the city. The moving spirits in the organisation say they really mean busi ness and are laying their, plans for v permanent organization. MRS. MANDY IS SPEAKER was a procession to the Junction otj Opportunities Visualized In First. Second and Third Avenues I Practical Way Before Parent Teachers The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent Teachers' I Masonic craft, were G. J. Dawes, Association was held last evening Peter Lorenzen. F. M. Davies. W. H. Shortridge, William Flnlayson and R. D. Greggor. There were numerous floral GOLD BLOC BREAKS UP This Will be Result of Brlgian Financial Crisis, Some Obsenrers 1 Feel at the Booth Memorial School with Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president, In the chair, Arrangements were completed for the Easter sale of candy at var ious schools, conveners being appointed as follows: Booth Memorial School, Mrs. Wood. Borden Street School, Mrs. Cox. King Edward High School, Mrs. H. B. Eastman. Seal Cove School. Mrs. Wylle. The sale will be held on the u.i iuc luiutu .nnic Di Kiflnt taelud((1 Schubert's "Hark! smce the resignation of the Belgian Hark, the tark ..Be Gone Dul, cabinet following Its unsuccessful ,. Care an oM E ,1;h tune wlth an fight to the the keep country on : cf fectlve descant and Hgar.s ,.Sal,. gold standard It Is believed by , westward." The second group some financial authorities that he conslstcd ot the old 5ea chanty .Tne . .. T . it 6 oesinm"S Mermaid" and the old English. I ,C .P" gold number "Golden Slumbers," .this' bloc which has included Belgium, also having a very pleasing flescant. France and Holland. , , ... ' Taking as her subject "Nothing Greeks Go On Trial After Recent Revolt to Do." Mrs. J. T. Mandy gave an interesting and inspiring talk on. the "diamonds In our own yard." The speaker said talk of grown-ups j who bewail the lack of opportunity! fnr ths rrilMrpn hnH a vprv ill nnri iar-reacning eirect on me cnuaren I themselves. The first essential was '. to dlscard. the " of pL5lmlSm. t0l ATHENS. March 21 :-The first group of men to go on trial for their ia opumisn. . lives as an outcome of the recent.aSe has f ee" naed l!S revolution have appeared in court af ' tne mP ,ca on.buein,le,Jl here. Roger F. Cornish, for the past three or four years a member of the local staff of the Royal Bank of Canada, will sail tomorrow, night on the Princess Adelaide for Van-Icouver to which city he is belnz 'transferred. Really It was the age of Ideas and the challenge to human effort. New Ideas were always valuable and Improvements on old Ideas were equally In demand. Mrs. Mandy illustrated by quoting cases where apparently very ordinary (Continued on Page Four) Couple To Be A wedding of much local Interest will take place at 7 o'clock this eve ning1 at 'the Manse of First Presby Hollingworth officiating, when Miss Mary Dowther, daughter of the late Robert Dowther and Mrs. Dowther of this city, becomes the bride of Thomas W. Brown, well known local barrister and son of Judge and Mrs. J. R. Brown of Grand Forks. The nuptial rites will be of a very quiet nature with Miss Edith Watson and Dr. J. H. Carson acting as witnesses and only relatives and a few immediate friends oelng present. Later a reception will be held at the horns of the bride's mother, 633 Eight Avenue East, after which the popular couple will sail aboard the steamer Prince Rupert for a three weeks' honey- moon trip to California following which they will return here to take Tomorrow's Tides High 2:11 ajn. 21.1 ft. 14:36 pm. 19.4 ft '. Low 8:38 ajn. 4.0 ft. 20:42 pjn. 5.6 ft. I PRINCE luJNUii RUPERT, KUrfciKT, B.C., U.U., THURSDAY, TnLKoUAl, MARCH MAKtJli 21, 221, 1935 laoO PRICE: FIVE CEN18 WASHINGTON REFUSESTO LOAN MONEY TO SEATTLE FLEET Tragedy Occurs Today At Mission of Greek Catholics At Yorkton Steve Klash Slays Father Delforce, Critically Wounds Father Halathan and Turns Weapon Upon Himself On Beinu Surrounded by Police TO MEET DarrowHasNo SATURDAY' Jcdn Conference Between Great Britain, France and Italy in Paris Is Arranged For That Day N.K.A. patever WASHINGTON, DC, March 21: Clarence Darrow. ejninent Chicago m a nn4 Art A th A f It IYA n vtr I (a IVI r g r r i r mmt H1Hr rrftlrc rtf trip Matinnnl LIBERALS ARE ACTIVE New Organization Beinj Formed At Big Rally of Young Men Next Week in Metropole Hall There la at present considerable. L,a V U IU mUSLU W , rLused acUvlty among the young Liberals Recovery Act j, to UiUf y hMor thP Senate committee In o Prtnce Rupert. An organization Roosevelt and Official Washington connection with certain operation is being formed which it la proposed Still Silent in Regard to European Situation Fund to Be Used in Stabilizing Market For Halibut Denied American Fishing Boats Will Continue to Lay Idle Until Something is Done to Steady Prices, Fishermen of Puget Sound Port State claimed that fifty young men have SEATTLE, March 21; (CP) Halibut fishermen of declared their Intention of becora- Rpattlp wptp nrlviYprl nrivntplv vpstprrlnv rrmr rhp TWnn. ing members and it Is expected to add to that number considerably within the next few weeks. Organ! struction Finance Corporation had refused their request for an $800,000 loan to use in f reeziner surplu? halibut and zation is to take place on wednes- stabilizing the market. In the meantime, the entire Seattle Fnr IxnhpH Ivp dav ot next week In tne MetrP,c UI 1UUC1 HVC Hall at a b!g young yberai raiiy to Ritualistic Funeral and Committal Kites Accorded Tbi Afternoon By Tyee Lodge fleet will continue to lay idle, the fishermen sajd, until plans for stabilizing prices are considered. Wed This Eve Mrs. G. A. Wyman and dauehter. : NEW AIR SERVICE Ocean Falls Company Operate Between Prince Rupert And Vancouver .OCEAN FALLS, , 4ajch21WV. terian Church, Rev. W. D. Grant !new passenger, freight" aiid 'express service by air Is now- available be tween Prince Rupert and Vancouver. Recently a group of men at Ocean Falls formed a company called Pioneer Airways Limited with headquarters at Ocean Falls. Their new five-passenger Boeing boat is powered by a new Pratt and Whitney 420 h.p. C Wasp motor and has a cruising speed of 90 miles per hour. Maximum speed is 125 miles per hour. . The plane is scheduled to make a trip once a week but, if business warrants, more frequent trips will be nude. The pay load of the plane is 1200 pounds and it is available also for charter flying. Pilot W. R. McClusky knows the coast very 'well. up resiaence in me waiaron Apart- Barbara Hutton There have been many social functions of late in honor of the couple. Among shower hostesses for : the bride have been Miss Florence Smith and Miss Laura Stephens. To Get Divorce From Her Prince LONDON. March 21: It is re- Thursday preceding Good Friday. 'Gloria, were passen?ers aboard the i ported that Barbara Hutton, helr- Prlor to the address of the eve-.pnces3 Norah this morning going, ess to the Woolworth "five and ten" ning given by Mrs. J. T. Mandy, the Booth School Choir sang very pleasingly -j two groups of songs. The .1 t i i ,.... through to Ketchikan where they ! millions, who is on a visit here, on will visit with relatives. Mrs. Wy-; her return to the United States man is the wife of Corp. G. A. Wy- j shortly, will take up residence at4, man. formerly chief of the city de- (Reno for the purpose of obtaining tachment of the provincial police a divorce from Prince Mdvanl here and now stationed at Fernie. iwhom she married last year. Special Powers Act Revived In Abbreviated Form in B.C. House By Premier Pattullo VICTORIA. March 21 : (CP) The Special Powers Act is revived in abbreviated form in a bill intro duced by Premier T. D. Pattullo in the Legislature yesterday. The bill particularly enables the government to take action In regard to municipal affairs including financial difficulties, to protect or assert the rights of the province in its dealings with the Dominion and to supplement Dominion legislation to give it provincial application. The amending bill also continues the government's right to borrow on the sole credit of the province, lend money to municipalities or industries and ority to deal with municipal institutions. There was no comment on first reading. . . ,