I 3 t t ft i RAINETTfi. SPECIAL!!! We have Just unpacked a large shipment of Ladies Black and Brown Two-dome Overshoes to fit Cuban or low heels. Net or fleece linings. All sizes . $1.50 Keep Your Feet Warm and Pry Throughout the Coming - Rainy Days Our Stoek is Complete For Your Foot Protection 1 I: ' Cprpl A I . Women'f? Brown Zipper Ul i-iVlrxL. Fastener Overshoes, to fit Cuban or the higher heels. Sizes 3 to 9. Regular priced at $2.75. C-f Special 1 ?JLVD The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Punianed Every Atternoon, Except 8unday.. by Prlnoe Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P, PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor ADVEKTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion . . wumwcu nuYciusuifc per wora. per insertion Local readers, per insertion,, per line SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period", paid: in advance For leswr periods, paid In advance, per week News Department Telephone 86 I i i 1 ii i i 1 H ii E I 1.40 .02 2b .r- 'SPORT' t PAGE TWC THE DAILY" NEWS Saturday, October jj Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations DAILY EDITION CANADA WANTS PEACE Saturday, Oct. 19, 1935 Canada wants Deace and hones nnt.trv ho-invnlvori ? otr European war. We think we can speak for every citizen in saying; that. At the same time it must be remembered iiiul uuuua is u memDer oi tne league of Nations and a prominent part of the British Empire. As such she has certain national obligations., If it should so happen that mis country Decqmes involved in any war,, it will be because her citizens' feel it their bounden duty to back un uie sanctions oi tne League and take such steps as will lead to a general adoption of the enforcement of the findings of an international court. In other words there may be such a possibility as having to fight to bring about peace. When some Doukhobor bandits ran amok recently in Alberta it was unfortunately necessary that several policemen should lose their lives in order to make Canada safe for the rest of the nennle. So, in policing the world, there may be times when na- uuns nave to ngni in order to subdue lawless nations. We all hope this will not be necessary. " HIGHWAY IS NEEDED Work is proceeding slowly on the construction of the highway eastward from Prince Rupert. It could hardly be otherwise considering the resources at the command of the. provincial government. They have done well to get the work started after it was shut down for several years by the Tolmie administration. The hope for. quick construction would be substantial help from the federal irovernmenL W h will be given to the project by the new government when it takes over the administration at Ottawa and lays its plans for giving work, to the unemployed. Possibly the matter of -northern highway may come uumrc me conierence or premiers to be held in the near future at Ottawa. The Fish wlitch made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BASKETBALL TIME TABLED Fixture List For First Half Of Season is Announced The league basketball season will open In Prince Rupert on Mon day evening with a program of games which should attract a bumper crowd of fans. The curtain raiser will bring together the Scythians and Boy-Scouts- in the Junior League with both teams out to put up a- hard fight for the- first win. of. the season. It will be the first game for the new Junior Scythians who have a big reputation to keep up Annette's and Orottettes will clash Iri the Ladles' League fixture. Although Annette's had things pretty Weill their own wav last year, they may find the on- position, quite a bit stronger this winter. Canadian Lesion and Hist School will resume their old rival- rjf In the- Intermediate League and should" put up one of the best) games on the evening's card as the line-ups appear to be very evenly matched. The Senior game will see the Moose lock, horns with Lamble is Stone and this is expected to be real thriller. Prince Rupert Basketball Asso ciation announces the following schedule for first half or the sea son: October 21 Lamble St Stone vs. Moose; High School vs. Legion; Grotto vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. Scouts. October 24 Grotto vs. Moose. High School vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. Legion, High School vs. Junior Moose. October 28 Lamble St- Stone vs. Grotto,. High Sehool vs. Scythians. Annettes vs. High. School Scouts vs. High School. October 31 Moose vs. Lamble & Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto, Legion vs. High School, Scythians vs. Junior Moose. : November 4 Moose vs. Grotto. Legion vs. Scythians, Grotto vs. High School, Scouts vs. Jr. Moose. November 7 Grotto vs. Lamble St Stone, High School vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. High School, Scythians, vs. High School. November ll Lamble St Stone .vs. Moose. High School vs. Legion, urotto vs. Annettes, ScouU vs Scythians. November 14 Grotto vs. Moosp High School, vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. legion, Moose jr. vs. Hleh School- . November 18 Lamble St stone 's. Grotto, High School vs, Rpv- thians,. Annettes- vs. Hleh Sehnni High, School vs. Scouts. November 21 Moose vs. Lamhi & Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto, Legion vs. High School, Jr. Moose vs. Scythians- November 25 Moose VR Cirnitn Legion vs. Scythians, Grotto vs' High, School, Jr. Moose vs. Scouts, November 28 Grotto vs. LamhlP St. Stone,. High School- vs, Annettes, Seythlans vs. High; School, High School vs Seythlans. December 2 Lamble St. Stone vs Moose, High, School vs. Legion, Grotto- vs. Annettes. Sevthians w Scouts.. December 5 Grotto vs. Mhos High, School VS, OrottO. Scvthlnno i vs, Legion, High School vs. Junior Moose. December 9 Lamble St stnn v urotto, High School vs. Scythians Annettes vs. High School, Scouts vs. High School. December 12 Moose vs. Imhi St Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto. i. glon vs. High School,. Scythians vs. jr. Moose. December 10 Moose Legion vs. Scythians, Grotto vs. ign benool, Scouts vs. Jr. Moose. December 19 Grotto vs r.nmm & Stone, High School vs. Annettes, simians vs. High School, Scythians vs. High School. The eixtv-Eishth Tm Order, Daughters of the Empire Company of Girl Guides, under the leadershln rr rjon trui. Kielback, had. its opening meeting ;ur!uay nignt in Toe H: rooms with a good muster of girls. Owing to the intervening- holidays, there will be tin mwHn Kf,. now and Noveinber 7. BOWL PLAY WASNIFTY Exciting .Match Last Night Between Lambie & Stone and ; Five Jokers i In the postponed Five Pin Bowling League game last night Lambie St Stone beat Five Jokers two' games to one. The fans saw the: niftiest game of five pins ever ser-! ved up in Rupert. The first game! was- a walk-over for the Jokers,! the second canto was pretty hot' with Lambie St Stone nosing the Jokers out. The third and last game had the. fans yelling their I heads off, every player with, one! exception shooting over 200. Bullet Joe Scott and Jimmy Andrews finished the last frame with a mess of strikes, Lambie St Stone again winning. The scoring was as follows: Lambie St Stone Mcintosh, 519; Alexander, 600; Stiles, 623; Johnson, 538; Scott, 607; total, 2887. Five Jokers Dingwell, 545; Schriaber, 558; Morrison, 558; Barton, 489; Andrews, 704: total. 2854. High average scorer was James Andrews with 235. BASKETBALL PRACTICE Teams of All Leagues to Work-out On Sunday Basketball p'ractlce hours for Sunday are set as follows: 10-11 Scouts. 11- 12 High School Juniors and High School Girls. 12- 1 Lamble St Stone and High School Intermediates. 1-2 Annettes and Junior Moose: EMM Ladies' Bowling League Results llluebirds and Prince Rupert Grads Winners of Games" Thursday In the Ladies' Bowling League Thursday night, Bluebirds defeated Brunettes 1104 to 965 and Prlnc Rupert Grads won over Canadian National Recreation Association 1297 to 1011. The high average, for the evening was 167 by Miss Bal- Ilnger of Prince Rupert Grads. Individual scores were as follows;. Brunettes Garner,. 224; Dominate, 160; Montesano, 167; Berg, 222; Johnstone, 192. Bluebirds Boulter, 22$; Church, 277; Webster, 174; Hartwig, 216J Keron, 211. C. N. R. A. Munro, 225; Teng, 177; Peterson, 178; Vance, 246; Wannamaker, 187. Prince Rupert Grads Alexander, 271; Woodside, 227; Nelson, 224; McPadden, 240; Ballinger, 335. 2- 3 Moose Senior and Legion. 3- 4 Grotto Seniors and Seythlans Intermediates. 4-5 Grotto Girls and Scythians I Juniors. BOWLING SCHEDULE Time Table For Ladies' League Is Announced The following Ladies' Bowling League schedule Is announced; October 21 Rangers vs, An-tettes, Maccabees vs. Doodads. October 24 Bluebirds vs. P. R. jrads. Brunettes vs. C. N. R. A. , October 28 C. N. R. A. vs. Rang-ts. Doodads vs. Bluebirds. October 31 P. R. Grads vs An-vsttes, Brunettes vs. Maccabees. : November 4 Rangers vs. Blue-' oirds, C. N. R. A. vs, Doodads. j November 7 Annettes vs. Bru- Ford b rings Latest Service Methods Here -r - . ; -'4 This Is one of the 15 service training cars operated by the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, throughout the Dominion. The car is. completely fitted with approved service ment. enahllnc tho inin. vice representative in charge of urc mm, aemonsT,raie. wniie here approved service methods to service staffs of Ford dealers, and large fleet owners.The ton 1..V-, u ut uic cxienor oi tne car;,ibelow( a view of one side of .the Interior. FollOWlnC KUPPPScffll a-no.L i ment with a single unit last year, i v i J. - "mpanjroi uanada, umited, has- commenced operation of a fleet of 15 Service Training cars in all, parts of the Dortinion. The unit assigned to J15. territory was here October 16, IT and 18 at the dealership E. i!aurker Ltd' Ry M. Gardner Is the service representative In charge of the unit. The nrocr.im for- th, training car Included a service nere, to wnicn. Ford, dealers anrf fhAt. district Interested In better automotive service weer Invited. ine car is completely fitted with approved service equipment, enabling the rriimH presentative to demonstrate pi?2d method to service staffs OI Ford dalprs unH 1o f rTA f Uaf owners. Mr. Gardner has had long experience with Ford, and received special factory- training The car with, its load of equipment weighs, close to two t0n&:rhe tonfcnJSSi.1 J?Ut" , panel a built and equipped in the Ford factory at iSst Windsor dellvery modeU were various chassis transnSsLS0 Piece of equipment used In Mtgltftto'FX thdr "nUh f a'Umlnum vV.iaterlhg. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAItS AT YOUlt Si:u1Ct Proprietors l-rt .Morcan & Hu.t Karri? Don't forget the -number 15G nettes. Maccabees vs. P. R. Grads. I SATUKDAY. OPT 14 November II C. N. R. A. vs. An- 7:30 p.m. Carefree Caruv kpo nettes, Maccabees vs. Bluebirds. KPI KOMO. November 14 Rangers vs. P. R. 8:00 National Barn Dance KOMo jraas, Brunettes vs. Doodads. o:uu Across tne Border CRCV November 18 Maccabees vs. An- 8:30-9:45 Dance Band Pu nettes, Bluebirds vs. C. N. R. A. CRCV. November 21 Doodads vs. Rang-' 10:00 Waltz Time, KPO. ?rs, P. R. Gfads vs. Brunettes. 10:00 Concert Party CRCV November 25 Maccabees vs. C. 11:00 ' Slumber Hour lOr"jr N. R. A.. Bluebirds vs. Annettes. KPO. KOMO. November 28 P. R. Grads vs. SUNDAY, OCT. 20 Doodads, Rangers vs. Brunettes. 1 6:30 p.m. Album of Fanwar Id r- -r sic. KPO. KOMO, KFJ ine case or james cmrrie.. after iv:00 General Motors Cansr jviuence naa Been, neard in city' KPO. police court yesterday afternoon W Magistrate McClymont. was ad- HIGHLITES 8:00 Eddie Cantor. KSL 8:30 Jack Benny. KOMO, ourned until Monday so that the 9:00-Sllken Strings, KPO Kn an outcome of which Currle is being charged with driving to the common danger, might be veiwed PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder mad KntoMr. bw mm! Braaa CaH Oectri mad Aet;lM Welding. flwclaliat urn Sawaulll mad Mining Macblnarr. AH TrpM mt Cm Eniua ReplrvJ and Overhauled. Carson, KOMO. MONDAY, OCT. 21 o:ju p.m. Melodic Strlnr , CRa 1 7:08 Charlie Chan Drnmi vid i.ow oweemearis of ue Aii KOMO. 8:00 Western Canadian PLjea 8:30 Hour of Memories, KOMO. 10:00 You Name It. KOMO. SUPERIOR H.ADI0 ELECTRIC Phone I5lne 3?c FRESH MILK Am CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRV Phone 651 LIKE DUCKS? Season Opens Today, The 19lh. Get Your Birds With Maxum long range waterproof Shells. Jhjnj. SL30 X""x S1.55 Single Barrel Two-Shot Gun S18.75 Everything For the Hunter Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place tn Sliop ii:i!XKii;l"!i:liiii!B;j :3;:,r kj: i:ih:i m ti RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your CalcrinK Needs Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, k banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT i Phone us any time. i Give Us a Trial j Phone lllark C25 j i mmmmmmmmmm-"-'