Find Out From Your Doctor if the "Pain" Remedy You Take is SAFE Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Familys Weil-Being to Unknown Preparations. BEFORE you take any preparation you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it in comparison with "Aspirin." We say this because, before the discovery of "Aspirin," most so-called "pain" remedies, were advised against by phy-' sicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of "Aspirin" largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of peo Our Confectionery Offers You the Everybody reads the Dally News There's a reason. ple who have taken "Aspirin" year in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: "Aspirin" is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered tor the relief of headaches and all common pains ... and safe for the average person to take -regularly. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-markof theBayer. Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN"1 Hotel Arrivals Royal i J Fiddler, Vancouver; F. Krist-! mansson, Osland. Prince Rupert Greatest J" T' Gaskln Jack Balkln; James n . ... ,. wooa ana i. o. oiepnens, vancuu- ivangc 01 Ijuamy candies Ver; B. S. Rogers, Nelson. And Chocolates Central Our, selection of Chocolate Bars Is H. Styvold, Squaw Creek; L. from reputed candy makers Froggatt, Winnipeg; H. E. Farley, i Vancouver; John Nelson, Port Ed uur vansiy oiupx unocoiaies wm wari;, O. Hunt. Edmonton; R. please you. All reasonably priced, walker, Terrace; R. Lahiff, Cloyah vve nave just wnat you are looKingj Bay; E. Tergen and F. Letts for i Our SODA FOUNTAIN offers you the best in Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, Milk Shakes & Sodas Tea, Coffee, Cakes, Sandwiches served in comfortable booths MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue I Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Heavy Hauling Light Delivery Quick Service Oona River. Knox J. Prout and Bill Tritfes, Uriuk River; Ed. Swanson, Seattle;- S. Johnson, Halifax; E. Phillips and A. Stone, Vancouver; W. Jones, Kamloops. Joe Brown has been summoned to appear in city police court oij Monday on a charge of assault occasioning grievous bodily harm. The charge Is laid by John Ersklne who alleges that Brown attacked him with a- hard instrument, breaking a bone in his hand and cutting his head. Richard Moore jr. sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to meet and return home with his father, R. E. Moore local manager of P. Burns Ltd who has been on a business trip to Calgary. WATERFRONT WHIFFS New Oil Company to Enter Field Namu, Last Operating Cannery This Season, Closes Down-Halibut Continues to Move In With the presence in Prince Rupert for the past ten days of engineers of the Standard Oil Co. of California in the persons of R. D. Baker, J. D. Fraser and J. A. Kil-lian, the plan of that company to establish a waterfront oil station at Prince Rupert has become known. The of ficials, who left by the Princess Adelaide last nignt on their way to "TILLIE THE TOILER" n-s fime or "rto to Homok OP MY BEIMQ "MAM! OVCfcN UP Ocean Funs, were . here to. Inspect sites with a view to selection of one and to make other preliminary arrangements regard ing location and construction 01 a plant. The local plant, it is understood, would be of proportions somewhat similar to the stations of the Union Oil Co. "and Home Oil Distributors but not of the large scale of the Imperial Oil Co. The most .favored site Is understood to be Just west of the Union Oil Co. and P. Burns Ltd. and might interfere with the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Club. The B. C. Packers plant at Namu, last salmon cannery In Prince Rupert district to operate this season, closed down on Tuesday of this weekend Is now cleaning up for a few days before the crew leaves for the winter. The closing down of Namu" marks the cessation of prac- 'tlcally all salmon fishing activity in the district lor the season. The Prince Rupert Halibut boats Bajsac, Capt. John Orvik, and White Hope.. Capt. Pete Thompson, returned to port at the end of last wepk, the former haying been sein- ng salmon on the Queen Charlotte Islands for the B. C. Packers while the latter was packing from the Islands to Namu cannery. After spending' a few days In port the Balsac and White Hope left late this week for the east coast of Vancouver Island, the former to seine fall fish and the latter to pack Into Vancouver: They ex pected to be the better part of a month down the coast. The Massett Canners fish pac kers Jedway and Delphinium, In Charge of Capt. Johnny Hartlln, returned to Prince Rupert on Thursday night after having spent some weeks packing salmon from Van- oiiver Island seining grounds into Vancouver.. Halibut landings at the port of Prnce Rupert for the 1935 season pounds from American. The high' price of the week for Canadian fish J was 7.7c and 6c paid the Edward Lipsett for 7,000 pounds and the low' 6.5c and 6c which was the prevailing price. For American fish the high price was 10.4c and 6c paid STOVES & RANGES HEATERS, from. $3.00 up Tees, Hods, Pipes, Elbows, Screens, Collars, Shovels The time has arrived to check over your requirements for winter. We can supply your needs. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ''GcLf&P-ATr IM the Estep for 24.000 pounds and the low 8.3c and 6c which a number of boats received. The International Fisheries Commission, in a circular Issued to the Industry this week again calls attention to that portion of the Pacific Halibut Fishery regulations which provides that, unless closed sooner, the close season shall com? mence on November 1 in waters of Area No. 3. between Cape St. Elias Light and Ocean Cape Light. Re- Yacht ! minder to this effect was given in these columns some weeks ago. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Georgeson, arrived In port In good time at 7:45 last night from the south and sailed at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Algie, with Capt. Paul Armour in personal charge, returned to port last night from a trip to Anchor age, Alaska, bringing in the local halibut boat Lysekil, Capt. Al Woie, which became disabled as a result of damage done by a storm while fishing in waters of Area No. 3. Re pairs to the Lysekil will be made here. The local seineboat and packer Bertha O., owned by R. Gammon and skippered by Capt. Charlie Larkln, returned to port last night from Vancouver Island wa ters where it has been engaged In fishing and packing. Prof. J. King Gordon, noted young theologian of the United Church, son of Hev. Charles Gor don (Ralph Connor), famous Canadian novelist and clergyman, and C. C. F. candidate for Victoria in the recent federal election, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south in the course of a lecture tour of various important western centres. Prof. Gordon will be here bo. date total 10.555.650 nounds as over the week-end and will preach ompared with 13,761,355 pounds at1 the -corresponding date last year, panadian landings have reached a total of: 4,913,350 pounds in com parison with 5,763,765 pounds a year ago while the American total fs 5,642!300 pounds as against 8,-017,600 pounds in 1934. Landings for the week amounted to 285,000 pounds consisting of 117,000 pounds from Canadian vessels and 168,000 m tiisi unuea unurcn tomorrow. Try a Dally News classified ad. SNAPpMS CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. TVie home kSyiJaM ticket op -y Wr- ffflf mac r-msmmcLUA moobu mom wui?rcftuui NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 op 50 Roomj Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1SS ( VvJHVT'5 THAT J mm mam i r . vym :i i ji.'h in z'i, it mm IS9SXXJT; nr x.: in s&gi The Letter Box IMPRESSIONS OF LECTURE Editor, Dally News: . "Tho the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong." A little smile rippled over the faces of many attending last night's lecture in the United Church when they sang these words In the opening hymn. Coming so soon after the election, some sense of humor must after all be Imputed to the Rev. C. D. Clarke! or perhaps to the lecturer. This I was the Rev. Prof. J. King Gordon,' B.A, lately professor at the United Church College and this week's defeated C. C. F. candidate at Vic-' torla, B.C. The subject was "Dare the' Church be Christian?" and the lecture was frankly an apology for church ministers entering the political field. This is the first of a series of lectures to be given by Mr. Gordon throughout Canada. Last night. Prince Rupert was the dog on which it was tried out. Next time Mr. Gordon comes here, it is to be hoped he will try his stuff out back east and bring the finished product west. The lecture was an undeserved Indictment of the church, consid- sred as the organized forces of re- Igion and In it Mr. Gordon fre luently used the words "church" ind "religion" as synonomous terms as If all Christianity was :onflned to the church. From the ideals of the earlv Christians In Jerusalem where the apostles started the first communistic society and shared "every man according to his needs," Mr. Gordon told of the fundamental approach of Jesus being watered down until it was acceptable to the existing societies of succeeding centuries. He saw Christianity ac cepting the spirit of authority of the Roman Empire, how it upheld the feudal system, adjusted Itself to the early capitalistic trader, to the Individual religion of the Puritans and finally upholding the modern factory system so "that the great mass of the people must con tinue as slaves" to the system." Now, Mr. Gordon knows better than that. He knows that the :hurch as an organization is in the grip of the inexorable conditions of evolution, of adaptation to existing uonditlons in order to perpetuate Itself into the future, Just as Is our present social system adapting it self from generation to generation to changing conditions. The cuange migm noi oe so fast as some would like, but, as Mr. Gor don quoted, "at present we are in the middle of a revolutionary per lod." Not at the beginning. The be ginning, according to Mr. Gordon's own theology, was when Adam was cast out of Eden. Since then man kind has been struggling, accord ing to the catechism, to regain his lost estate. Mr. Gordon's lecture no argument but was series of statements, some of the highlights: "If the Christian forces In society do not accept their responsibilities of leadership, then society is threatened with downfall. "The United Church is now definitely a middle class church. , "Any society based on private 1 1 sxploitatlon is doomed to "Why is it that ministers today :ome out making statements which ten years ago would have been considered radical? Because their security is threatened. "There is no hope for Canada, unless ..." :?' is Mr. Gordon. like Saul, also among the prophets? Just remember what happened to Saul! "Our present economic and social system has reached the point j of collapse." These words are re- A "Queenless" House imss presented simply a Here are HOUSE- Vitrei T1 T"" i W I I I -I j, 1 1 i STARTS MONDAY WITH MATINEE 2 pm Soul-stirring drama ...brutally real!.. In the picture that will hold you In a grip of steel,,, as you find a new expe rience In the theatrel uv,f t ;3o ATTRACTION NO. 1, RKOKADIO MCTURl A JOHN FORD PRODUCTION ftem lh nov.l by Horn O'floh.rty Aueciot Producer, Cliff The moil asioundhi drama tht screen hit ever known! Wit VICTOR McUGUK HEATHER ANGH PRESTON FOSfH ATTRACTION NO. 2. GENE RAYMOND ANN SOTEKS in "Hooray For Love" A rousing musical comedy bursting at the scam:, with sslot nun iuu iiooinson ATTRACTION NO. 3. On Our Stage Dick Drakclow. Ventriloquist and Maeiciai "One Lung" Chinese Impersonator and His Ont! String Fiddles: Ladies' Guest Matinee Monday, at 2 p.m. 2 Ladies Admitted For 10c Last Times Tonight: Janet da j nor In "The Farmer Takes a Will mlnlscent of what might be termed exact through being too mu;; almost the slogan of a political sided, was well cc.ivcred ci received by 'xw pre: ty Tv, t,.i, .. , tnm' neither the Ic ture nor e.a a iiv vttut wit tituuv ji ! t uwiitv received C i,Horchi iu Mnnio i w1iscnt present time of crisis." This brings i up the question: Who Is the' church? Our ministers, priests, bi-i shops and dignitaries? No! Thej church consists of the man' in the ; street who maybe doesn't go toj Church but who Is possibly quite asH religious in practice as the prea-j chers he doesn't hear. i Mr. Oordon needn't worry. The time will produce the man. The) function of the church is to preach . the Gospel not economics or poll-tics. For the religion of Christ; transcends economics and politics' and is an Individual and personal'; ' thing. And it seems somehow In the English language that a minister! should minister, I Mr. Gordon's lecture, while in-' D. Clark. tJ diction when the meeting l CHIQH1 Be wise. Read 'he wanti MACKENZIE FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMEM Linoleum & Congotol New nattcrns. Frnhen PI home now' fhone 775 DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow Again go over your unused furniture or other articles and dlsJ what you do not need. Then phone us, Green 421 We nave Inquiries for the things you do not ncod in your home. lf EXCHANGE D17I . 1-4 Li IVy FURNITURE, V "N III I III I 1 If I l lib ' fill i r, , Ttf.VI