g We carry the latest color trend in hosiery shades "j g for all occasions weights for all occasions in ser- vice, chiffon or crepes. 2 M R DAILY EDITION Have You Ever Tried? 5 Penman's Knee-Lo Hose 1J1U tilt U tWUl 1UI OllllllliVl UKU til I VI KJ UUfiUMtt g All one price, $1.00 i j The Family Shoe Store mmmMSM:mtmmm,iMimmumMnx.mxm im imx.n urn m t t i , THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PTJLLEN Managing-Edtor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .. - $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week , .10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the Biitlsh Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Advertising; and Circulation Telephone .. News, Department Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations INCREASING OF WAGES 98 8G 3.00 1.40 .02 m i j n "? n a t ... ii LCJ1UIUS5 Most people tare.' agreed upon the desirability of an advance in the 'wages not only of school teachers but of all workers, very few of whom have not during the last trying half decade had to take reductions. An advance of wages ,all around would be one wav of increasing the nur- Here, If you can understand it, is the latest thins in art 'psycho ' iglcal portraits". Designed by Kenneth Brltton. noted Holywood novelist, the studies portray believe it or not, por aiK of Miry Pkkford, tiefti and Walter Wlnebell. In the Winchell creation, in the centre is a seal balancing a narcissus bloom on his n js. In baclc are measuring Instruments and ninepins One of the ninepins is knocked over by a baby s nipple held by a wedding ri iir. As with tin rest of his "portraits" Brltton lets people guess what it all means. In the Mary Plcford design, rising from a buncn of somewhat crushed violet Un electric light socket. In the socket is a globe on which are grafted glass bubbles. Three spike naHs stand near th globe. Can you figure it all out? WATERFRONT WHIFFS Plans For Season at Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Station Carson Opens Halibut Liver Plant at Vancouver Fish Landings For Week Dr. Neal M. Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, announces a projected new Saturday, June i. 193b departure in connection with this season's work of the station in the way of preparation of samples of various paillL pi (Juliets, iiyuiugcnaicu una (iuuimiij; icUJ cinu sjiur -i.eacnerjy)ijrnnce nuperi are asKing tne cuy comrais-ltfchnii' fishery products with sioner for anall around ten percent increase in wages ef-i potential industrial possibilities, fective September 1 this year and have, by their request, these samples to be used in connec- opened a subject for much public discussion pro and con.lt,on wlth the circularizing of var lous firms which might be Inter ested. In addiUon to the paints and oils, one product of which It Is proposed to prepare amples in this way is silk cloth impregnated with pilchard oil and drier which yields chasing power of the people by permitting them to re-ia e"e!ve 7at,fLroof ma" .ducts will be prepared and sent had to without well comforts of life by necessity go as as out wlUi fUu information as to which in this day of civilization and enlightenment processes, etc. up to the stage of peopje may rightfully feel they are entitled to. Wages, un-i actual industrial application, der ideal conditions, all agree today, should provide a suf-j work to be carried out by the fident martrin over the actual post nf livino- fnr nennle tn scientific staff of the station dur- Dm'mr cnmntin,, i,v.,o,,w (;n r.t ing the coming season has now . . . 1 hwn been mannpn fill well as to put something away for the future. tenings) and medicinal or vitamin oils as well as other mapped out. In addition to I nnCP hnnrHJinir rhn mcii-irr rtr .uronroo rT anir noi'tinulni' , . his general su- the freezing medium. Rate of expansion and contraction with temperature of frozen fish and the glazes applied to them will also be gone Into by Mr. Voung who will collaborate as well with Dr. Bedford In the Investigation of canning of shellfish. B. E. Bailey, scientific assistant, will continue work on seasonal variations In Vitamin D In pilchard and other fish oils, the measuring of Vitamin A in fish oils, nature of coloring matter in fish oils and the relation of the pigmentation to vitamins as well as routine vitamin assays. P. A. Sunderland technician in class of workers will argue that it would hardly seem to carter win carry on investigation 'S S'aLtlni up be the proper time to raise the wages of one section of , the extraction of oil from fishkeep of the 8tatlon.8 lnformatlon the public service whil the state finds it impossible to:mea,ISJfor PurPse con-' bureau on which he has already provide useful work for the numerous unemployed whojJJ? with mnk chlmVat work- are Still the lole which them rvllle assistant chem-keen on permits hardly enough tolsistant chemist, he will continue" Denstedt, bodV and SOUl together. ! mllahnmUnP In the nrenaratlorf of lst' who U due to return to Prince The argument wiU also be heard that the city of Prince ! bulletins on the preservation of ,R"Pfri: about thf, of.J"De! Runert. or anv other local flntfirnr!SP for that matter, is ttitt nets. l ' u n? , us t ii ' RrnrVlPshv aMne.Int " wcuul w"versiiy auring The improvement in general conditions, it will be said by some, has not been marked enough yet locally to permit of wages being raised for employees. The possibility of raising wages is a matter which has been engaging the serious attention not only of wage-earners but of wage-payers. Both agree upon the desirability of doing so. It is on the practicability of doing so where the tlifference of opinion may arise. Many employers have found it advisable to put the facts of the situation squarely before the employees. Resultant mutual understandings have, in many cases, brought about agree ment upon ways and means of carrying on with sacrifices on both sides until the general situation has become sufficiently improved to permit of increased business, more substantial earnings and higher wages. Very possibly, the local teachers and the city commissioner t will be able to reach a mutual understanding upon what it is may be possible or impossible to do. The Daily News, in any comment upon the question at this time, does not wish to be construed as taking any sides. Suffice it for us to observe that, until such time as wages' are increased for those at present in employment, until those now out of work are in employment and until the margin of both public and private business is capable of bringing this happy situation about, prosperity will not have returned and the depression will not be over. The most of people seem agreed now that there will have to be some more 'drastic overhaul of the economic system than has yet been essayed before this happy state will have been reached. 1 W4iMtiii the H ...Ill : 1 L.1- 1- chemist, wlU continue his work nVM" wm u,U5n UP ,us wor methods,0" Palnte and oiI this summer, connection with improved of extracting liver oil from fishes Netxt ear- following his perman-for their vitamin content. lent return to the station, he will Dr. R. 11. Bedford associate bac-1 P'obMy be placed in charge of all vltam,n work 00 fhn oil- "leasing terlologlst, will engage In research 1 in connection with the application I ?r B"cklesby tor work on Indus-of formaldehyde disinfection to ; trlal an,d otner "dentine aspects ot canneries simUar to that on. flsh nsh olL4 Mr- Denstedt, before re-boats, In study of survival of bac- j tu,m,n8 to Prlnce nuPert. to give lecture on as derlved om terlal organisms on fish when ex-'a posed to various conditions of Pchard oil before a convention of temperature, alklllnlty, acidity and:ne Canadian Chemical Association the effect of salt. comDletlon of In-i m S. um. ne wm oe re- vp.titraH nr tho riiMncr nf hnii. turning to Montreal this fall for but In cold storage, study of dry rotj another year at McOlll. In fish vessels, Investigation of j canning of sea foods, particularly) Dr- 3. II. Carson of Prince Rupert shellfish, and the preservation of 1 opening a branch plant for the halibut livers at sea. O. C. Young, assistant research engineer, will continue on the last phase of his fish refrigerator car experiments Including the roof manufacture of halibut liver oil at! the foot of Oore Avenue In Vancouver with his brother, Sherman Carson, In charge. Dr. Carson's plant at Prince Rupert on the tank cooling system and the fol-l Government Wharf has been turn-i lowing of the shipment of a load of fish across the continent In such a car. In connection with the arrangement of this, G. M. Goad, chief of car service, Canadian National Railways, is due to visit Prince Rupert within a few days. Mr. Young will also conduct experiments on the rate of freezing of British Columbia fish as related to the temperature of freez ing out halibut liver oil since this! spring. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1935 season up to and Including yesterday totalled 2,596.800 pounds, of which 1.325,150 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 1,271,700 pounds from American, These figures compare with a total of 5,839,505 pounds at a similar date last year made up of 2.841.506 pounds Canadian fish and 2.603.000 pounds American. During the week ending yesterday landings' totalled 415.000 pound of which 130.000 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 285.000 pounds from American. Prices dur- Ino thp u'Mlr u.'ro atlll nn tho nni several boats received and the low 6c and "5c. Reports from the Dundas and Stephens Island and Warke Canal trolling ground Indicate a rather light run of spring salmon with many boats In operation. OasboaU monopolize the field at Dundas and Stephens Island while at wajke Canal there arc numerous 1 hand trailers. Making her first voyage of the' season on the Alaska route. C.P R i steamer Princes Alice. Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 12:15 noon today from Vancouver! and sailed 2 rjours later for 8kag-way and other northern points' whence she Is due back here on Wednesday afternoon southbound. The vessel had a capacity list of passengers and over 300 tons of freight Thirty persons sailed from here for the north aboard her. Returning south after a special voyage to Ketchikan to plrlc up a --STET-- The Washable Kalsomine What It Will Do STirr Will alhw you to wash off smudges and blemishes which often spoil an ordinary Kalsomlne wall. STKT Colors will not fade. STET Walls need no sizing. STKT May be applied over new plaster without fear of burning. It is not necessary to wait six months before kalsomlnlng with STET. STKT Is so easy to apply and to mix. No bother, no waiting, by the time you are ready for STET It Is ready for you. You will be agreeably surprised at the I RTI'T Will pnver njnfjr sfnln perfectly with two coats, Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 group of passengers. C P R steamer Princess Adefalde. Caut. 8. K. Oray. is due in port at 3:15 this afternoon from the north and will all shortly thereafter tor Vancouver and way point. The Adelaide arrived In port at 10 o'clock last night from the south and sailed at '.1:30 am. for Ketchikan side. The high bid of the wetk for1,,, ""J, m of halibut on Canadian fish wtis 5.6c and 5c "- ; ln " boaU In with Mather' were which the Edward Llpsett. 11 and Viking I received for oatehes ' cath- of 12.000. 1200 and 11 W) pounds . rwpecUvely and the low S.leWC" N- "T'Prif PJ CaP- aw.rd Mabbs. will be back Drott 5c which the Cape Race, and Annabelle were paid f 03.500.-1 on W .'SJP ,bwf and Van' 5.700 and (1.000 pounds respetrtlvely.!" " wck, !n Pce ot t ing mediums and the shape of flshor American fish the high price of j- - .7 " as well as the methods of applylng.the week was 0.8c and 5c whleh - r ;"r" : month, the summer schedule wlU ' go into effect providing for sailings to Alaska with both the Prince Ru-1 pert and Prince George on the run. mm (or g RESULT Salvation Army Self-Denial Campaign 8atUrday, j .,, f Atifi rwo THE DAILY NEWS raxim aiKi urn ixh mjma mini n a:" Bia ' ; t: a: : iicj Latest Portrait of Mary Pickfbrd and Walter Winchell Try This New I Peng's- for HEALTH Hreakfant! CERKAI E Full Fashioned Old English I .1 i i Meal -r. Silk S I Stockings Sold by All Leading Oror-r Made In UC b Huckcrficld's Ltd. Vancouver. Br Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alber'a sad Bulkley Valley Coal are aaras Veed to give saUsfactloii I "? s , ton of No 1 Bulklry Vat. We ,. hIst sell Timothy Hay Wiicst. Of and Barter Prince Rupert Feed Co. i 5 rhotifx sss The Salvation Army's Self-Denial campaign lias been launched for 1935. Your asistance during. pmpennrf timet and ,n lht years of adversity has enabled us to carry on. The need Is as great as ever. The mulls rest with you. Don't withhold your upp'" Whether Little or Much, GIVE Iiaden-Powrll Roy Scouts and others who have volunteered ,0 asklst will call on you this week wearing official collectors' ribbons. D. ELIO RUYS EVERYTHING SELIS EVERYTHING FURNITURE DEALER & AUCTIONEER We Sell New Dominion Linoleum by the Yard GREEN 421