.V :c J MS i 5 pecial SALE! To clear odd lines and an overstock of certain merchandise Sale StaYts Monday THESE PRICES HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICE Cal Tar Soap. reg. 25c. special 13c Sulphur Soap. reg. 36c. special . 11c Foot Soap. reg. 35c, special 13c o Soap. re. 15c. cpecUi' per cu 5c nutu-rmllk Soap, ret 35c. speciaj 11c AIMOLIVE BOAP. upeclal. 2 for ,LOATF8 SOAP, speclsl. 2 for .4. Many more specials on display, f mc in and see them. We ex-Icc a fast turnover. Don't wait until it is too late. Buy Now .5c 5C . , ToUet Water. rf $1.2 special 75c f Hollywood Liquid Powder Foundation $?00 special $1.20 Astringent UiUm. rv $100. spec. 50c r. .tp Creams. re. 55c. special 25c : Euu de Cologne, reg 00c. special 30c Hair Dressing, reg. 56c. stxclal .. 35c Hair Fixer, reg. 56c. 4efol 5c r. Wavette. reg. JOo, telBl 18c Wuvr reg 25c. special 15c Wave Set. reg. 7$c. special ... 15c ', i SANITARY NAPKINS, reg- 2&c ape 15c Lavender DrUltanllne. reg. 25c. p. 16c Deodorant Talcum, reg 4c. special 19c i Daby Powar. reg. 25c special 12e cen Talcum, reg. 50c. special 29c Talcums, reg. 40c. ptlal . 25c & Ulack Daby Powder, rag. I6c. spe. ICc Violet Talcum, reg. 15c. special 15c V: .let Talcum, reg 5e special 19c K NOME TALCUM, flats containers, reg. I i- ipwtal .. 30c Cleaning Fluid, reg. 45c. special 19c ODO-UO-NO UKODOKANT COMPACTS r . !5c. special J A 55c Bj Hum. 16-ot. bottle, reg SlXWtp. 19c . EiU de Cologne. l-ox. bottle, reg. $1.00 Body Rub, 10-w. boU-r $1JD0. spe. ILuid LoUon. reg 50c. special AJmoud Bloom Cream, reg. 50c. tpe. High Grade English and French Toilet Soaps to Clear at Half Trice 49c 49c 35c 23c Silicon Silver Polish, reg 15c. spe 6c SCHOOL PENCIL ItOXF.S Special 7c Shaving Cream, special ... 18c "' 1 Shaving Cream, special .17c i: 7 Shaving Cream, reg. 40c. ipcctal 23c ""AW HAT DYE, All shade', except black. 25c special He rA! RAZOR BLADES. 5's. reg. 26c. special 15c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteambis leave Prhice Rupert for Vancouver TS.S, CATAM EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-S.S. CAUDI-NA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday am. saUlngs to Port Btmpsoj Aayoi, 8twrt Mid I"' polnu. Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pm Furtner information regarding all sailings and tickets at- PRINCE RlirCRT AflfNCTl Third Arnu Phone 8 YARDLEY LAVENDER FACE POWDER. $1 10 atze, and YARDLEY LOOSE POWDER COMPACT. $1 10; Special both for $1.50 YARDLEY LAVENDER FACE POWDER and MINIATURE JAR YARDLEY COMPLEXION CREAM, both for $1.10 ODD LINES of POTTER it MOORE ENGLISH LAVENDER to clear at cost Snap Purified Powder, special, tin 12c HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This War? fcnjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" TleU, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING TENNIS FISHING Rates reduced this year to $12 a week and up. Plenty of fresh milk and cream. . Write or wireless for reservations to MADAME RAJAUT 1 "' n mmm msmmmmm rmmmmvammmtrnvurnxM It you want anylhinjr, try a classified ad. 01)1) LINKS IN KOLTiE AND MASCARA To clear at half price Face Powders California Poppy, reg 85c. special 50c Dunk a (Evening Shade only) special . COc Oay Paree. reg. T5c. special 50c Piver's MlsmaU. special 50c Jade. reg. 85c. special 50c BonetUa. reg. 75c. special 45c Ambrosia, reg. $1.10. special 60c Shallmar. reg. 85c. special 50c Mary Oardtn, reg. $1.00. special 50c Black Narcissus, reg. $4.00, spwlel . . $1.00 Olbb's Crystallized Driiilantlne. reg. 50c. sp 25c Oefmolene Ointment, 15c tubt . special 5c Beechalax, 15c size, special 5c Yeast Vlte. 15c sire, special 5c KIT DYE, PUTNAM DYE, DYOI,A DYE. DYTINT 10c and 15c values I f Special to Clear, per pkg. BAYER ASPIRIN 12 s tin 19c; 24 s bottle 33c; 100's bottle 98c Cherlsette Face Powder, reg. 78c. spectnl 45c Langlols Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream & TWO WAY AUTOMATIC SCREW DRIVER, both for 55c JASMINE FACE LOTION 50c size & JASMINE SIIAVINO CREAM, reg. 35c. both for 59c 5 KLI.M g 1 lb. COc: 24 lb. $1.40; 5 lb. $2.65 r- I3tr.US0.VS APERIO g A pleasant effervescent laxative, reg. 35c jj SPECIAL 9c g ABBEY'S EFFERVESCENT SALTS Small, reg. 35c. special lGc Large, reg $100. special 49c Sj Ormes Ltd. I "Jim Pioneer Drttqefists Che Kexall 8 tor1 Phones: 81 & 82 E Open Daily From 8 son. till 10 p.m. S Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 8 p.m. )!? 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. m SNAPpr CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Window, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch, Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all'sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 rain. HUE DAILY KCWB PAOE THREE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by riding in 32 Taxi It costs the same. ! tf You can rent .a car at Walker" as low as $1.50 a day. plus 7c. a mile. May 25 and low, 34 on May 1, mean temperature being 465. Mail Schedule or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fn days 4:30 psa .torn the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days 10:15 psn For Vancouver-Mondays (train) 4:30 pin Tuesday 12:30 pjn Wednesdays (train) 4:3C pm Thursday , ,,... 9:20 pm l'rldav 11 pjh June 5. 15, 22 and 29 . . 4 pjn. Prom Vancouver Sundajr 1 4 pjn Tuesday (train) 10:15 pjn Wednesday 10 a.m Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday - r 4 pxi Saturday (train) '10:15 pso Junf 10. 17 and 24 a.m. I'or Anyox and Stewart-Sunday : Wednesday 7 pm 3 pjn ' rom Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday .11:30 a m Thursday 8 p-m. for Naas River and Port Simpsen Sunday . 7 pjn Tuesday, 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands-June ? and 21 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-June 5 and 19 ajn. For Alaska-June 10. 17 and 24 a.m. From Alaska-June 5. 15, 22 and 29 p.m. Announcements Eastern Star tea Kergln's June 5. at Mrs. L. W. Vlggo Kihl Recital. Presbyterian Church June 6. Parent Teachers' Tea. Mrs. MacKenzle's June 7. ' H. F. Pullen this week-end cannery points. Alex Lutheran Ladies' Aid tea, and sale of fancy work and home-cooking, June 15. Canadlan Legion, B.E.S.I4. Picnic, June 23. Moose Hall Tuesday, June 11 Bridge and Dance Good Prizes Refreshmiwts included Notice to Members: Moose Lodge will meet first & third Wednesdays during June. July and August. Beautiful Waves By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanents. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppc Phone 655 Is to paying a visit Skeena River Alex Baxendale, provincial gov-1 ernment gardener here, acJcnow ! ledges donations of plants for the' .sunken garden being developed at the local Court House from Charlei . Horton Jack of Anyox and his p Baatfno. William Millar. H F. sister were passengers aboard the M Robert Mrthy arHl Prince Rupert Thureday night go- ex pinnle. Ing through for a trip to Vancou- ver. The case of Man Moon, Fulton Street Chinaman, charged with keeping liquor for sale, was further adjourned for eight days from yesterday In city police court. Fishermen's Union Dance Last Night Seventy Persons Present at Enjoyable Affair in Oddfellows' Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident; Hall mining engineer, sailed today on' the Princess Alice for AiMn. He will An enjoyable dance was held last visit that and other Northern B.C.' night in the Oddfellows' Hall by district on official duties and ex- the Fishermen's and Cannery pecU to be away until fall. Mrs. Workers' Industrial Union, about Mandy Is accompanying him. (seventy persons being in atten-. ; dance at the affair. Musk was by MAY WEATIIIJl GOOD J- S. Black's Orchestra and May was another good month in Jame CarroU wa master of cere-Prince Rupert from the weather monies. Datietag was in progress standpoint. There was i34.9 hours l'rom 9:30 2:3 and. of sunshine and but 1.78 inches of at midnight, delicious refresh- TIri (mnratnn n Ri nnl'" MMVfU ran Mrs. A. tnej Gomez in charge. The committee consisted of Robert Kydd. John Vidivich and Fred Ward with the last mentioned presiding at the door. Winning numbers m a raffle conducted by the Union were held In the south, it was announced. THE MARKET RetaH prices current here are as follows: Eegs B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz Local, new laid, doz. Grade A, Mediums, doz. Fresh Pullets, doe. Apples Fruits Outdoor Knuoarb, !b Lemons, doe. 15c to Oranges, doz. 20c to Grapefruit. Cal., each, 5c to ..-Grapefruit. Florida, each 10c to Bananas, lb . Australian Pears, 40c to Prom Naas River and Port Simpson ! Australian Grape, lb. ..J Butter 21 25 23 22 Wlne5aps, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. 25 Box 2.75 Yellow Newtons, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. Box 25 .2.75 04 25 .60 . .10 .15 12& CHURCH NOTICES .751 25 Fancy cartoned, lb. 2i , No. 1 Creamery, 3 tos. r 92 Lard Pure, lb . 18 Vetetables j Sweet Potatoes, lb. 10 . Potatoes, No. 1 Terrace. 12 lbs. 25 1 Sack 1.65 Ashcroft. 12 lbs 25 Sack .". 1.75 New Potatoes, Cal., 2 lb? 25 Green Onions. 2 bunches .05 Onions, Aust., lb 05 i Garlic, imported, per lb 15 Cabbage, Calif., per lb. 8c to 10 Cauliflower, Cal., 20c to .35 Parsley, bunch .06 Carrots. 10 lbs, 25 Carrots, Calif., bunch - .08 Turnips, uprlver, 10 lbs. 25 Beets, bulk, 8 lbs 25 Celery, Cal., head. 15c to 25 Leeks, bunch M Mexican Tomatoes, lb .20 Hothouse Tomatoes, lb .25 Lettuce, Cal.. head 10c to ... .13 B. C. Spinach, lb .10 Asparagus, Cal., lb 18 Green Peppers, lb .55 Radishes, bunch .04 Cucumbers, hothou". each .... ' .18 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs 1.45 Wheat. Alberta 2.40 Bran 2.00 Middlings 2.40 Shorts 2.00 Oats 2.45 Fine Oat Chops - 2.55 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Engln lra mnA Brass Casting. Kleetrie and Aeetjleoa Welding. Specialist on Sawmill and Mining Machinery. AO Type Ca Engine Repaired and Overhauled. FIRST UNITED CHURCH C. D. CLARKE, Minister Choir Leaders . J. S. Wilson, Geo. Wilson tr Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn. Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pjn'.' Friday as. Cardena .... midnight Satur. a. P. Adelaide 4:15 pjn. June 5 ss. Prin. Alice 5 pjn. June 15 as. Piin. Louise 5 pjn. June 22 as. P. Charlotte 5 pxn. June 29 as. Prin. Louise ... 5 pjn. torn Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pui Ss. Cardena pjn. June 10 as. Pr. loulse ajn. June 17 as. P. Charlotte ajn. June 24 as. Pita. Louise .... ajn,j For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. George 4 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 ajn., Thursday ss. Pr George 8 pjn. far Naas Klver ina Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. rom Naas River &s Port Simpson j WOMEN Tuesday ss Catala . 11:30 ajn. or Queen Charlotte Islands June 7 ti 21 ss. P. John 10 pjn. Queen Charlotte Islands-June 5 and 19 ss. P. John ajn. -or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10:30 pjn. Satur. ss. P. Adelaide 4:15 pjn. from Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn. i. ' Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pjn. Ss. Cardena pjn. For Alaska-June 10 ss. Prin. Louise ajn. June 17 ss. P. Charlotte .... ajn. June 24 ss. Prin. Louise .... ajn. From Alaska Satur. ss. Pr. Adelaide 3:15 p.m. June 5 ss. Prin. Alice pjn. June 15 ss. Prin. Louise pjn. June 22 ss. P. Charlotte p.m. June 29 ss. Prin. Louise pjn From Skee.na River-Friday ss. Cardena pjn. FINE REMEDY FOR ACID STOMACH Four out of five people have arid ftotnach whether they know It or not. l'alnn after eating, belching-, gas, ami bloating are all signs of too much acid. A spoonful of BIsurated Magnesia after meals will nrer ome Hits condition within three minutes any druggist will tell you that Tr r and see. S3 Organist Mis S. Olafson. A T.CAL 11 Ait, Subject; "JESUS AND THE CITY ' Some thoughts on a recent visit to Vancouver 12:15 PAL, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Subject: "CHURCH UNION; YESTERDAY AND TODAY On June 10th the United Church of Canada wtH celebrate the tenth anniversary of the consummation of. union. WELCOME TO ALL Steamship Sailings jajntf; Ads HELP WANTED K LESSON from the depression t Be1 a Civil Servant Postman Customs Examiner, Clerk, Ster?j' ographer, etc. Free Bobkre; 'How to get a Government Job " M.C.C. Civil Service School, 'Win! nlpeg. ; FOR SALE ;i FOR SALE Cary Safe $75. Apply Dally News Office tf' WICKER bpggy for sale in gaod condition. Phone 630. 1 128 WE have left with us for sale 34 by 4V lea Camera with film holders. Price $12.50. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. tf WOMEN WANTED wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools In their own homes this coming Fall. Free Booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute! Winnipeg. Established 1927.',r PAINTERS PAINTING na Papertangtng Moller. Phone Red 80Z COME TO it. Dunn s Lottazes and Tents for holiday on famous North Beach. River and sea bathing. Boats for hire Fishing and hunting. Open air badminton. Clock golf. Dancing. Dining room. Good plain cooking. Terms moderate For particulars apply MRS. Dl'XX Sanran River. Near Massett. B.C. FEWER COLDS ri oxviJrtKKVxir;a i u j ki a.i m mzms ismx mx nzuz mzmmsmsmi KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays to Paint and Repair For best paint values and sound advice consult: GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St USE 1MI PAINT asMXKXCizasaxa tvircanrmrHii xiaiazanaziSKSKiafa TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. as at t i hi ! 1, 1,