nrjRcrisinxzinsxiK! KnEiTisimMjiu xiiB.mmsxsw" 'pAlLY EDITION V ARTT ORT SHOES FOR MEN BASEBALL C N.R. WINS "It's Money Well Spent!" Many men talk that way since wearing: The "Hartt" Shoe. Why not make friends with your feet? ive them'-' both style- and' comfort, together with the increased ability to do Letter work. IIARTT'S BEST GRADE IIARTT'S "GOLD BOND" HARTT'S "INVADER" IIARTT'S "CRUSADER" Made Better to Wear Better The Family Shoe Store rftw y arma jouro rmm tm"X!:wi:mm tm.m tm tmtm tn THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BR1TISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edtar SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or currier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all' parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and 'United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year . ... .. . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per Insertion .. . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ,, , .. -Local readers, per Insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Parade Sports 98 86. J5j00 .10 9.00 9.00 1.40 .02 2i Saturday. June 20, 193b i DECORATION DAY : "They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, ""Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, ;"At the going down of the sun, and in the morning "We shall remember them." Even in the hurry and bustle of life, each day with its problem and anxieties, our thoughts ever turn to those who, have made Flanders Fields, and other narts ot the- Empire, "a little bit of Canada by their sacrifice. We shared our joys, our cigarettes, our rations. We sang "Tipperarv with them, and "Madamoiselle hrom Armen tierres." We shared the same dugout or shell hole; Yes, we shall remember them. We do jt in secret, without display. For they did; their work in such a manner. ' And it is this thought that is behind Decoration Day, vfhich we commemorate tomorrow. The Soldiers' Plot is; a cuuuiiuii meeting piuee, mm uur uiuuiiu, it we listen to the service, reach back to France, Belgium and the serried crosses on many a front And to our comrades who came back and rest here we remember them, in gratitude, and in pride that we were privileged to be with them, "They ai not dead, the soldier and .the sailor, "Fallen for freedom's sake, - "They merely sleep, with faces that are paler "Till they awake." We shall remember and honor. GRAND DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Dance 10 A.M-GRANI) PARADE, Led by Boys' Band, startinc from Fourth Street and Second Avenue, 10:15 AJVL Children's Sports. 11 A.M. Junior Football. 1 IM. Senior track sports and Bulger' Cup relay race; 2 M.--BASIiBALL, Sons of Canada vs. Elks. 3:30 P.M FOOTBALL, Dominion Day Cup Final. 0:43 IL SOFTBALL, Dominion Day Cup final at C. N. It, A. Grounds. 9:30 P.1NL Dance, Moose Hall, IJalajno's. Orchestra, refreshment. GOME ON EJ COME ALL! DON'T MISS THE BIGGEST SPORTING COCKTAIL OF TI1E CENTURY I SCHEDULE The- executive of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association met last night and made arrangements for the second half of the season play Sons of Canada and Btks will play the first game of the second half on Dominion 'Day. As some of the players are leaving town around Jttiy 1 for the remainder of the season, a reallocation of some of the members of 'the teams were made. The E2ks Legion. Following the the schedule the second half: July 1 Sorw of Canada vs. July & Elks vs. Legion. July 7 Legion vs. Sons. July 9 Blk vs. Son. July 12 Legion vs. Hk. July 16 Son vs Legion. July 19 Sdnrf vs BU. July 21 Elks vs. Legion. July23Leglon vs. Sons. July 26 Elks va. Son. July 30-rLeglon vs. Biles. August "2 Son va. Legion. for E4ks. YOUNG LIBERAL LINE-UP Young Liberal line-up for the Dominion Day Cup Football final to be played Monday afternoon Is announced as follows: S. Gurvich; A. Stiles, I. Moe. B Hunt. W Mur- I . .i i a t ;ray, u. HiaiKer. j. tanusay. . Campbell, N. Chenoski. A. Ronald and E. Ratchford. "You're the top!" Love at first sight! It's th usual thing for "roll-your it r t owners to prefer vjgaen s Fine Cut from the moment they first smoke it. Ogden's !s a great tobacco as fragrant, mild and mellow as choice, selected leaf can make it. And Ogden's high quality is uniform, too. Try Ogden's Fine Cut with "Chaniecler" or "Vogue . it. i , papers the top combina lion for rolling cigarettes that satisfy. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S F I N E C U Your Pipt Knows Ogdtn's Cut Pluf N, J Coulter left by last even minion Day, ing's train on his return to Por Edward after a brief visit to town, SOFTBALL Defeated) Junior Elks by Scor of 8 to 1 Last Night In the second pUy-off game for j.he Dominion' Day Softball Cup the Canadian Nairnnai Keen-amm Association defeated the Junior Elks In a dose contest by a ttm of 8 to 7 last evening. The Wks scored three runs In the first inning on hits by Moxley and alb-son. Johnson, besides playing ptwho are losing Howe and Moxley,, bang-up ball at short atea led the have received Simonaon irom ine nitung ler me u w. n. a, wmw Sons of Canada and Pierce from I Gibson had most hlta for the Elk, the Legion. Morgan has been! The C. N. R: A. now play in the transferred to the Sons from the. final against the Qrattfi on Do-, Junior Elks Cms. Morgonr Lindsay, Naylor. Cbmadtrta, Oamp- bell. Mdxley, Gibson, Bdgar. I C. N. R. A.- Unger. LamWe, Bu-; dlnich, Stone. Mnrirson. Seott, Johnson, Tobey. Pierce Astoria. FOOTBALL MONDAY, JULY I Legion vs Young Llbnrah BASEBALL MONDAY. JULY 1 Sons of Canada vs. Elk Sport Letter Box LOCAL B AS IX ALL AIM Editor, Daily News.. In reply to letters that have ap peared from time to time In the press regarding baieball. on behalf of Uie Baseball Association) I'd like to explain to the public what object the association has In view. The reason that baseball was In J such a deplorable state was due to! the fact that for year local boys never were given a chance to learn the game. ! We depended on outsiders and. when players came to town for the summer, the local boys were left on the bench. This year the association decided to foster local tal ent and make their own ball players. When the players were divided up, Lamble and Chenoski were the only pitchers who had ex perience and, as Chenoski decided to go fishing, Lamble was the only pitcher available. In view of the fact that the teams were mostly composed of youngsters who had never faced, a fast ball, It was decided to give the youngsters with pretentions to learn to pitch a chance to show their wares and learn with experience. It was generally conceded among the old timers that It would take two years to teach the juniors to play ball but the brand that they are putting up at present made them change their opinion and, to wards me ena oi me season, we, will have a good league If they con-! tlnue to Improve as they have to date. That Is what the association has In mind coach local talent and give every boy a chance who works for i andjmake our own ball players. , Thinking you for your valuable space. Yours In sport. 8TAN MORAN President, Prince Rupert Baseball Association. SP0RTCHAT Teams for the Junior Football game to be played on the morning of Dominion Day will be as follows: Borden Street School. Mah: Brown, Perplch; Phlllpson, Oullck, Roma; Schubert, A. Smith, Sam Currie, Kanaya, C Mah; Judge, Nelson. Booth Memorial Schoolf Krause; L. Knutson, Bob Parsons; Finlay, McKay, McLean; Cameron, Wlk- dal, Ritchie, Davie, Ilolkestad; Chrjstlano, Hebb, Bheddon. Thursday evening's rain caused 1 Thm mbon Uhuf r wf .-man (iac. Experience with Chevrolet: "MORE THAN SATISFACTORY" WE HAVE FOUID that when it come to deciding on new bu or truck equipment, buyers are moat Influenced by the experience of other opera tor themitelve. That Is why we urge you to read the letter from Mr. A. P. Colllna of Canadian Coach Waya, Edmonton then go out and talk to some of the Chevrolet operator In your own community. You can eafely take "the owner' word" for it -when it' a question of th right truck to buy for performance, appearance, freedom from repair, long life and economy. Chevrolet and Maple Leaf Truck offer a complete line of model, Vt to 2 ton . . . General Motor Trailer equipment boost Maple Leaf hauling ability to the 5- ton range ... A full line of Chevrolet-built truck bodies . . . Low delivered prioe. easy OMAC term and new Owner Service Policy. FREE! OPERATING COST RECORD BOOH postponement of all scheduled out- j door sport actiYlUe. The Softball! play-off game between Elks and; Canadian National Rmeation As sociation was deferred until lat night, the wlifner to play the; Grotto at the Dominion Day ecle-1 bratlon on Monday, The Senior League football fixture between; Young Liberals and Regiment wasj postponed until the end of the ; schedule. The scheduled game In; the Prince Rupert Tennis Club"; tournament were delayed until last night Jim Londos. for six year world's heavyweight wrestling champion, who lost liLs title on Thursday tq Dan O'Mahaney in Boston, being thrown with a flying body scissors, had been badly mauled and thrown about tlv ring by the Irishman previous to the fall. Thirty thousand spectators witnessed the bout. Londos had successfully defended his title in thirty-eight bouts prior to this one. O'Mahaney had won u fifty fights since coming to thei ' United States about a year ago. RESULTS IN TENNIS PLAY I'inal in Alt Kvenis Kxpctetl to Be Readied Tomorrow Prince Rupert Tfjnnls Club tour nament results last nlghV were as follows: Horton beat Edgcumbo 0-2, 0-7. Oreggor and Horton beat Mil chell and Robertson 0-2, 0-4. Stamford and Young beat Ila worth and Hlnton 6-2. 0-1 (Continued on page 4) T. s Edmonton, Alia. Dcmb, 12,-34 Gnral Molofs PtoducU, CALOARY. ALTA. Dcu Bin: Tour rai aqo w purchased a ChovToUt utility chcuaU and bagan operating a bua lirv b Ixmh AthaiHuoo and th city o Edmonton. Th load in wt WMlhtt U a havy gaT mud and in dry weathar atromely rough. a that the operating condition are not by any mean IdeaL Our Chevrolet gave ut little trouble apart (torn ordinary eervtce work . . . Since then we have eeeured. three other bus routes la Alberta and in each caae Chevrolet wet placed in operation. Our experience with Chevrolet therefore ho been mot titan atufoctory. Your very truly, CANADIAN COACH WAYS (&gd.)A. P COLLINS O.e Mm rweetOee. Ufeitoe. OtUUWA. Om 0.ll. . WHbi ev .WW.I mm, ml Pi. "' " Opm9 Urn M4 mmm - -la. mml -eWeUi eMelu cmM eti eee mmtmtt Nam ens Till Omh"T " (rtMM 4 -HK Ummh pmmmta ct-VU ILVIKN RIOTOUS LTD. Third Avenue and Seventh Street HOLIDAY FISHING TACKLE Rods, Lines, Hooks. Spoons, Heels, Gaffs, Baskets, Minnows, Flies, Leaders, Hitibr, Sinkers Relax and Try Your Luck THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joy- of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Chnrlotte Islands BEA HATHINO - TENNIB - FIBHINO Rates $12 and up. Modern Conveniences. i p B Write or wlreles for teeervatlons to R m MADAME RAJAUT h GROTTO TAXI 458 You only live once. Why not ride in Uie bout? Three Cars nt your scrvlo. Bert Morgan Hud Harric mot. !: Taxi 9 9 The latest In motor transportation 3 CAR SERVli K st.on Trnnrictnr