In ,Tmi 20 193S Kinhk mikat a smart JirFV pifi it's .the folding camera trut as pie it um Ilrownie. At the t, :Ul :li u! butinn, if springs 10 aciicn. A cli.k of lite iliuiicr and the piuarr'i Vi c hive Jiffy Kodaks in two lire . . . Lr -'Vi -H inh pfnures, $9; for 234-1 , inch picture, $8. See tbrm aoour Mure at your earliest conrruieoca. 1 jtaAsTK LSW II Developing Printing Enlarging f ilms loft in boforo noon 'finished the same day THY OUR NEW SILVHUS11HBN PIMISH ON DOlf BLK WRIGHT PAPER He advttme in Mnil Order Service. Filma returned next mail. Ormes Ltd. Jji Ptunecr Dt if?i ists The KeuU Ntera Phones: 81 St 82 Open Dallv From R a.m till 10 p.m. "iinda". and Holiday from 12 noon till Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, floating. Hunting, Swimming at rutmementt with s UVS TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace. ILC. you We meet all Pxnlr parties every 75c Fare, adults. t.ti additional adult, HmM. Hot Springs or a here on the lake Phone 775 by the p.m.. ? p.m. till 9 p.m. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE b W.lilHi triuu; GORDON'S HARDWARE a Mcllride St N:ntifinSMiiiwiw' p" i $10-50 4 8-.n;rns5 Ci'.iir ich $6-50 4 Ratten Clmirs $1 A 9.50 S9.00 ,iiu! Third Ave. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btaamets leave Prhtee Rupert for Vaneouver-Tv S I XT MA KVKI TIIIXUAY, 1:30 P.M. A; tvinc Vancouver Thunday tk5 c,icii:na i:vi:ky rninAV .miusicht. Amvmg Vancouver Monday aan. "" uini to Port Mm-- aatos. aund. 8 pjn puu.u 14 Ptn.r Hun r-r.arr information regarding sU salllnin and tickets at- raiNrr. Ktirr.BT ACrNCV; iivr At rtinn & SHINGLE STAIN and beautify your shingles with P """2 C ta desired, Mixed in any Shade . uan r.uaranlred to Lat. Greens and Greys, per gallon . JJ4 a ! Hlaclis. Rrowns and Reds, per gallon g . I1U1NO YOUR PAINT1NO PROBLEMS TO US TheFish which made Prince RuperlFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. 7. LOCAL NEWS NOTES a ear at waixeri a day, plus 7c a 8. O. N. plenic. Sunday, June 30. leave Gow Bay at 910 and 11. Shipbuilder, mod Engtn 149 Father Muhlenberg of Btewart, who has ten on a brief visit to 'the city, wiled by the Prince Ru pert yesterday attsWBoon on hla return north. ' Wellington Beaton, who la lden-; tlfied with the Georgia River Gold 1 Mines Ltd.. wa a pasener aboard ! the Prince Rupert yeaierdr bound 'from Vancouver to Stewart. J Mrs. William Hunting of Fori Fraser left that Interior point on J today's east bound train for Mon-1 treal where slie will em back July; 5 aboard jttoe steamer Antonta for Glasgow. Scotland. F. A. MaeCalhtm. manager of the! local branch of the Bank of Montreal, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Victoria to spend a three weeks' vacation. Mrs. Mac- Callum Is already ir the south. A letter from the Wyoming National Park of Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, addressed. "W J. Aider, City Oommlsteoner. City Prince Rupert. Montreal. Canada" ha been delivered to the City Hall here. Provincial Constable R. Dtt-worth. who arrived In the city earlier in the week from Print Georce. salted last night on the Princess Arfetakie for Butedale 1 where he will be stationed for Uwt summer. i A party of local children consist ing of Alleen and Berntee Horton. Beverley and Jimmy Barry and Phyllis Htn-Tout will teave this evening nn the steamer Prince Ru ne rt for Vancouver to spend the summer holidays "with "rehtHvet Mrs. Cecil Rose and daugntr. who have been living In Vancou ver, were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday bound for Premier whore they will Join Mr. Rose who Is now employed there. W. J. Rimes, publisher of the Nechdko Chronicle at Vanderhoof, arrived in the city on the Prlnee Rupert yesterday morning, follow ing a holiday vlsi to Vancouver, and nroceeded to the interior on last evening s train PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD krM mod Braaa Cm tin. Deetri. and Acetylen. WcldinR. SpcdalUU on Sawmill and Mining Machinery. AU Tjp f Gaa Engine Repaired and Overhauled. Announcements aa a a tit Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. Eagles' Picnic, Orasscy Bay. Sun day. July 7. Elks' big musical comedy, Georp-! M. Cohan's "AU Dressea up, uup-itol Theatre, Thursday, July 25. Catholic Church bcr 3 and 3. Bazaar Octo Presb'terlan Bazsnar. Novembei Moose Hall UKNTAL HATES Concerts - $25.00 Dances, fR Public Meetings ".DO for smaller A room suitable meetlncs Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412, TEB DAILY NEW 8 PAQE THREE gar Bo warm and comfortable by rid-1 Ing in 32 Taxi It costs the same. Free Capitol Theatre ttefceU, col- i leet our cash register receipts. Bul ger's Jewellery Store. Otty Solicitor B. r. Jones is mov- ing his private law "o!f tee f rem the Smith Block to the.JFederal Block. Mrs. O onion Moore and daugh- : ttrs, Evelyn and Joan, sailed last night on the Princess AUeialde-for a visit to Vancouver. 1 On Dominion Day, July 1. posti office wicket will bn'atosed aU day. I The public lobby will be open from i V ajn. to 8 prn. i Watch for GlosingUut Sale of men's clothing at Oratton'.s Var- t riety Store, starting Tursdav. I July 2. 119 J. J. LitMe, snatl jrwnager of 1 the Northern BrUiah Cotambia. Power Co., left on last evening's 't train for a visit to the Falls River power plant. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sutton ana family sailed last night on the ss. Princess Adelaide for Victoria where they will spend the summer vacation. Mrs. P. W. Andecaon sailed last night on. the Princess Adelaide fori the south. She- will spend a couple of months visiting In Vancouver and Seattle. Miss Eleanor . Moxfey arrived home on this afternoon's train from her school teaching duties at Pacific to spend the summer vacation here. M. A. Burbank, divisional engi neer for the Canadian National) Railways, left on last evening'-) train for a trip overHhe line as far as Jasper Pari) on ofjkual duties. C. II Taylor. W. H. MeOallum and L. McIIarg sailed last night on the Cardeoa for Bella Beiki in which district they wrll be engaged in fisheries patrol seTvfee Tor the summer. Members of Canadian Legion win mees at clatrrooms Sunday. 2:30 p.m. to proceed to Fairvlew Ceme tery for Decoration Day service In co-operation with the Imperial Order bf the Daughter? of the Empire. 149 Mis Phyllis Mootvey R.N. and Miss Edna Dobbie R.N. of the nursing etalf of the Prince Rupert General Hospital are sailing tins evening on the Prince Rupert ror vancou' ver where they will spend their annual vacation and also take a I refresher course in nursing. Mrs. Arthur Alger, who has been visiting in the city with her par cnts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, left by last evening's train on her return to her home at Usk. She was accompanied by her sister. Miss Eva Morris, who will .visit with her at Usk. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue ill n COAL I Wood I in w l Furniture I I Moving I ALL for Quantity limited at these terms. Hotel Arrivals ti n Prince Rupert 1 Philip B. Nelson, Ottawa; D. F. Spankie and; Maurice McArdle, Vancouver. W. Lalng. Victoria; E. T. Rand and William B. Woods. Vancouver; Mrs. C. Sawyer. Salvus; Mrs. F; Come early! jljj Mould. Decker Lake; W. S. Anders! son. Terrace: r. h. wnue, io ronto; D. Bard and Alex R. Grotf, i Edmonton; J. E. Oromon. SpokarfeT C. J. Gibson. Usk; Sgt. F. J. Culver- t house, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. West. Chrlstchurch. HZ.; Mx. and Mrs. F. O. Mills. New West minster. Savoy : F. T. Patterson. Surf Point: Mrs. Haysom. Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. F., I. Parker and Frank. C. N. R.; Rev. M. H. Lawrence, Kltkatla. I Koyal J. Oddson and Axel Olson, city; I J. Warke. Vancouver. Central Nick J. Coulter. Port Edward; A. Adams and L. P. Pqs'.en, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Johnson, Oceanic, J. Hadland and Mrs. E. Telgen, Oona River Knox E. Murdock, R. Collins and U. i. Jones. Seattle; A. Duma, city; Alex Macintosh, Sandsplf, D. W. Web ster. Victoria. I dldnt know I left my camp fire burning". Is getting to be as common an allbl as. "I dldnt knovrl it was loaded." Miss Margaret Cook sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide lor1 Vancouver enroute to Salmon Arm where she will spend the summer vacation. Nelson Allen of the teaching staff of King Edward High School sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria where he will spena the summer vacation. He will be married while away. Following a regular meeting last; night of the Sons of Norway Lodge, at which business was largely of a routine nature with President Gunnar Selvlg in the chair, refreshments were- served followed by singing and music. There was a good attendance. LAXn ACT Not Ire of Intention to. Apply to Lease Land b Land Recording District of Prtnoe Rupert. Range 5. omat District and situate about one-quarter ot a mile south of Lot 6710, Ra.nge 8. Coast District Porcher Isiand. Tata notice that Clarence Edgar Sal ter, ot Haysport. B.C., occupation ean-nerjmian. Intends to apply for a lea of the following oeacriDW lanas: Commencing ait- a pont planted .on a small Island about three-quarters of a mUe south ot Lot 8710. tuuikw- S. Coast District, thence north-east 41.8 chains thence weat by north 33.4 chains, thence south south-west 30.8 chains; thenoe south-east bv south 17.8 chains to the point of commencement, and containing SS.l acres more or lens. CLARENCE EDO All SALTER Dated June 4th. 1838. Biggest Washer Vaitse EverOfitcgcd Now EVERYONE can have a General Electric Laundry that will cut work in half, give HOURS-of new leisure weekly! GENERAL ELECTRIC 1. WASHER 2. 5 75 PER WEEK ...WHAT YOU GET... (1) O QosJtty VTaaawr wr& Snper-agfUtor . . . (2) Chaaibariahr Pow Wringer ... (3) Speed Irooer tutst Om labor and" s third the titae of band troabtr! Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited WRINGER 1ROMER CHURCH NOTICES Co-operative Church Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 A JM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sermon Subject: "ALONE. YET NOT ALONE" ( 7:30 P.M -FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sermon Subject : 'ORDINARY FOLK" Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth. BA. Preacher at both services All Visitors Welcome Classified Ads. FOR SALE SCOTCH Collie pup, male, beauty. Phone 424. FOR SALE Cary Safe Dally News Office. WANTED 11 weeks, iFOR RENT Five rooms apartment S75. 157 Apply if WE have left with us for sale a 3Vi by 4Vi lea Camera with film holders. Price $1230. WrathaU's ' Photo Finishing. tf WANTED Young dependable gin i to care for small child for two months. Very reasonao:e pay with board. Communicate' with Mrs. Ivan Wilson, Sunnysaie. WOMEN WANTED 150 WOMEN wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools in their own homes this coming Fall Free Booklet on request. Cana dlan Kindergarten Institute, Win nlpeg. Established 1927. LOST LOST Ladies' printed silk belt Will the finder kindly return v People's Store. tf LOST Child's green rain hat. Finder please return to Dally News. tfl FOR RENT ' C V. . . (-tl - iij , view. Electric stove, hot water heating. FOUR rooms house, 5th Avenue W. Fine Harbor view. Fuiiy modern. COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 11. 153 FOUR-ROOMED modern nouse for rent Apply 624 Eighth Ave, Ease rial FOR RENT Clean-, well-furnished '4 moaern apartment, rnone uea 444. 150 WORK WANTED CAPABLE girl wants any kind, of. part-time work. Phone 146. 150 HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk; Stenographer, etc. Free Bookie. "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, PAINTERS PAINTING na Papertangta. Moller, Phone Red 802. D. ELIO BUYS EVERYTHING SELLS EVERYTHING Used Furniture GREEN 421 Coil Springs, Mattresses, Refrigorators, Trunks, Suitcases, Club Bags, Baby Carriages. Baby Cribs. 3 a c s tc n 5 at t.i TV! 3 3 s C at s 9 a s a a m . i A H 4 5 ii B a u c I u 5S e jt a 3 a 3 a x