Vol. XXIV.. No. 149. iv nm T, I .. I .a.l, stick. Florence Glllt. Lloyd Keays, Marlon Sheppard. Dlv. 8 Oordon Calderwood. Norah Dougherty. Edward Dawes, Jck Eastwood. Helen Oamula. Ruby Gomez. Judith Jerstad. John Johnson, Doris Leech, Gwendoline Lear. Robert Leslie Elmer Perkins, Edith Rltehle. Oliver Santurbane, AUx Rtarrt John Strand. William Shrubsall. George Zbura. Scherk. Eileen Shrubsall. Avenlla Police Courl Fines Thomasson. Margaret Wallace. Dlv. 8 Patricia Anderson. Tommy Collin. Howard Hougan. Allan MacMillan. Sakaye Seklmura, Norman Sievert. Oeorge Flewin, Margaret Morin. Irene Gamula. Dlv. 9 Alice Barbe. John Finley. Horace Hale. Peter Johnson, Robert Keays, Thomasln Krause, John Leslie, Jack McKewon, Donald McLachlan, Ronald McLachlan, Carl Wilson. Dlv. 10 Donald Alexander, John Brccn, David Carter, Vernon Clc- cf.ie. Harry Hamilton, Muriel Keays. Ivar Skog. Norma Raybone. Dlv. 11 Leona Batt Eddie Cic- cone. Olal Hansen, mvia .Murray, John Zbura. Dlv. 12 Jack Hougan. Maurice Teng, Alfred Shrubtall. j The following list show the re-specUve grade of the. pupils for the re-openlng of school in Sep tember: (ConUnued on Page 4) Police court fines for the month of June totalled $430. the highest for any month so far this year, ana comDaring with $145 in the samc LliiRAHY Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides 5 Prince Rupert Part cloudy, High 0:28 a.m. 21 J It fresh southeast wind; barometer. 13:29 pjn. 18.7 ft 29.55; temperature 59; light chop. Low 7:15 ajn. 13 It. 19:19 pm. 73 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH CQLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Big Colliery Tie-up In United States May Be Result of Orde Dlv. 7 Inez Berg. Mako Matu-, moU). BOnJlC Perkln. Norma! rl f Vrwiilnni I?niwnvnll In T-iLa A Minn Polh.win.r Collapse of Wage Negotiations With Appalachian Producers divcn as Reason For Lewis Action WASHINGTON, D.C., June 29: (CP)-John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, ordered all his members to stop work at Sunday midnight in the absence of any White House action after .the col- ! lapse of wage negotiations with the Appalachian Produc ers. Lewis sent out telegrams to six thousand locals directing them to "suspend mining of a .. . 1 :oal on Monday." He estimated .hat 450,000 miners would be affected in what may prove to be the olggest soft coal strike in the history of the United States. Mrs. DeJong Is Honored Thursday Surprise Tarty Held by Well-Wish-ing Friends to Mark Occasion Of Birthday ACT TO BE WITHDRAWN Farmers' Credits to be Discontinued in British Columbia Liberal Move Falls A surprise party was held by a Creditors' Arrangement I number of wcll-wlshlng friends on British Columbia and iThnnMi nt-ht in hnnnr of Mrs passca lis tnira reaainu. Tnic TPir lilTntGriPete DcJoB- -the occasion being 1 ilia i cm ji w,lvl ncr birthday. The -vening was de- Motor Taxes For Rupert llghtfully spent In dancing and! Total For 1935 to Dale suw '" delicious refreshments were served' Against $1019 In Same Period at midnight. Ust Year CRICKET I STARTED monUi last year, so lar mis yrar ( f inM have reached a total of $1362 England Well Ahead of South i , nMinst $1049 in the first half! Africa in First Session Of 1934. NO PAPKU MONDAY LONDON, June 29: (CP) England got away to a fair start In the I second cricket test match at Lords rnmininn Div u Dominion Day Monday, being ?5 funs for u,q wJ( oe " . . j ana a puouc uuu, " i nf the Daily News. The next regular edition Tuesday afternoon. kets kets before Deiore siumps wcic uin m? D.ere. .,j nftor the smith Afrlrnns had will appear bcpn dUmlssed for a flrst nnlngs ' total of 228 runs. 1 Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls left on last R, T. J. Rose and daugnter, Miss AIR TENSE j AT REGINA Premier Gardiner Kestjess at Continued Presence of Camp Striken in Saskatchewan REGINA. Sask., June 29: (CP) Bitter telegrams continue to be exchanged between Premier R, B. Bennett at Ottawa and Premier J. G. Gardiner of Saskatchewan In regard to the march of British Columbia relief camp strikers to Ottawa. Premier Gardiner urges Premier Bennett to withdraw the! jrdcr to the Royal Canadian Moun-ed Police to prevent the marchers from proceeding eart of Reglna. Police continue to stop the strikes from leaving in trucks. It is 11-egal for passengers to ride In '.rucks, it is Intimated. Five men vere arrested under charges deal-ng with Statute 9S on peace and irdcr when a truckload of strikers attempted to leave Regina last night enroute east Denials of breaks In their ranks came today from headquarters of the two thousand marchers as the j Royal Canadian Mounted Police i OTTAWA, June 29: (CP By a! maintained vigilance to prevent vote of 78 to 53, the House of Com- i any person giving aid to the strik-jmons turned down the Liberal at-;ers. The police blockade of hlgh-j tempt to defeat the government's ways to prevent the marchers pro-iplan to withdraw the Farmers' cecdlng east by truck continued. Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 4, Boston 2. New York 11. Brooklyn 7. St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 4. Pittsburg 0, Chicago 8. American League Detroit 10-7. St. Louis 1-2. Chicago 5, Cleveland 6. Act from The police have gi?en orders that VICTORIA. June 29: (CP Under distribution of municipalities' shares of motor licences this month end, Prince Rupert will receive $6962. the bill all persons aiding or abetting the , strikers are liable to prosecution. Mrs. W. H. Tobey and son. Ned, will leave on Monday's train to spend the summer vacation vis- (ltlng in the New England States. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloudy, calm, 56. Anyox Cloudy, "calm, 55. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 53. j Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 60. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm.' j mild. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 53. & .... PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 " price: 5 cents GENIAL (KWME CAUm END OF OTTA WA SESSION EXPECTED BY NEXT WEDNESDA Y MANY ARE PROMOTED Closing EsercUea at Booth School; Honor Roll and I'as LUts Closing exercise were held at the Booth Memorial School prior to the summer vacation and honor nil- were presented by the prin-t ipal MU E A. Mercer, to the h.:dren who asmbled in the tuOitorium for the occasion. E A' Mercer congratulated children on thrlr tucceaa, par-iCarly the winner of the I ;nor rolU. The high standard of f.he school had been maintained and the records compared very firorably with the beat In the pro-Wine On behalf of the graduating xny Alfred Wlkdal expreated the cprcclatlon of thf papllt for an ' " a the teacher had done for fiem. They were sorry to leave hrlr old school nd would eer-i a!y try lo do It credit in the fu'ure Han Petersen, for the p'jpus who would still be at Booth r.tx? year, assured the graduating that they would do their ut-mo - to maintain the high itan-(sr set by them and previous rases. Rousing cheer for the member J the staff, and the holidays brought the-closing exercise to an r'huslastlc end. Winner of honcr roll were o ..DWS PIIOFICIENCY-Dlv 1. Alfred Wlkdal. Dir. 3. Hans Peterson. Di 3. Flora Leslie: Dlv 4. Joyce Kf.lback; Dlv. 5. Helen Docdor: Dlv 6. Margaret Smith; Dlv 7. Inei Be g DIt 8. Margaret Davie; Dir. 9. Hemsby King; Dlv 10. Bernicc Fa;,? wood: Dlv. 11. Beverley Barry; Dlv 12 Peggy Large. DnOimtENT-Dlv 1.. Haiel Ltar Dlv 2. Englna Chrlstcnsen; Dlv 3. Helen Leslie: Dlv. 4. Jean McKay. Dlv. 5. Jean Smith; Dlv. 8 Olga Lewis; Dv. 7. 8uml Hayashl; Dlv 8. Julia Intermela; Dlv. 9. Eil-trn Horton; Div. 10. Hilda PotUn-Rcr Dlv. U. Betty Haudenschlld; Dlv 12. Bernlce Horton. REGULARITY and PUNCTUALITY A total of one hundred and nineteen honor rolls for attendance U an Indication of the healthy con dtMon of the pupils as well as lowing the Interest of the parent in having the children attend re gularly i Dlv 1 -Alex Ballllc. Angclo Christiana Josephine Gay. Phyllis Hill Tout. Mlmmy Johnson. Maur-n Klrkpatrlck. Evan Love. HJor-db Bkaland. Marie Borensen, Gordon Stamford, Jean Storrle. Klyo Buchlro. Alfred Wlkdal, Andrew MacDonald, Dlv 2 TorRdr Hysstadt. Harry Raggett, Spencer Davlos. Wallace Dell, Elsie Johanscn, Margaret Mc-Mwkln. Marie Norton, Walter Per-kin. Han$ Peterson, Mary Pierce. Div 3 -Bessie Chandler. Eva Chandler. Jack Collins, Fletcher Htmmons, Joey Kadonaga, Pearl Mcnzles, Teddy Moore, Kazl Nlshlo, Joe Norton. Dlv 4 Rei Beale. Bcttv Brcmner, James Feasby. Jessie Gibson, Oliver ys. Laura Larsrn, Alan Leigh Kenneth McCrlmmon, Yo- '"iko Nagasuyc, Lillian Skogmo, Rudolf Warne, John Watt, John wiison, Class of Canadian Riflemen Sail For Annual Matches at Bisley Here is C - jidi 1935 Bbley team whl;Ji sailed from Montreal recently on the Ausoma. This photo was taken lust after inspection of the "iara m Montreal by ,ae Hon Orote St.r..ng Minister of National Defence 'centre. On the right is Brigadier W B. Ander-on. CM.O DS.O. commandant of the team. Extreme left i Ma J T Dtmpster VD. adjutant of the team. Other members are Lieut P J. Martinson, Lieut. Jas. Boa. Lieut. Noel Dow. Lieut P. A. Sweet. R. HI I.: Second L,ieut. H. D. Proctor. S. M. Inst, J. Tralnor. R.CJl.; Lleut.-Col. F. W. Utton. O.B.E.; Lieut. A. P. Williams, Sgt. M. Penman, Capt. A. W. Hunt: Major J. A. Burry. Sgt. C. Iddiols, Sgt. F. Wallace, Capt. A. B. Coulter. Corp. E. B. Bright. Lt.-CoL C. W. O. Gibson. M.C.. VD, AD..; C.QALS.. A. Parnell; Sgt. W. 11. Edsell At the back of the picture Is Lt.-Col. F. A. Oascolgne. president of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association, under whose auspices the team will struggle to retain the many honors won last year for rifle shoo 'in?. Parliament Expected To Prorogue Shortly; A Iternative Plan Out 'Saskatchewan Voting Proposal to be Dropped, Premier Bennett Announces, Making Way For Rising Of j House by Middle of Next Week I OTTAWA, June 29 : (CP) End of the long and weari- ! some session of Parliament is now in sight and, within a j week, members are expected to be on their way home to 'various parts of Canada to make ready for the general ! election campaign. The government will drop the alter-i - i tj : t r nanvc uce piujjusu aui odsivaiciiew an, r runner i. n. HJennett announced in the House nr i rvtr np"V of Commons yesterday. This should Kh Alii ill Pa?e the way or prorogation by JL JUt 11 X 1 V CELEBRATE Great Plans to Observe Dominion Day on Monday With all completed, celebration committee now awaits only a break in the weather to rv. .V. Tnlw f V-t n a n n CVt over two weeks preparations have seen going forward lining up a irogram which should appeal to patrons of sports of all kinds. League baseball, cup final football and softball, track sports, junior football and sports and a feature .elay race are all carded for Mon-iay on what is probably the most comprehensive one-day program lttempted here. Boys' Band will march off from the old Armory on Fourth Street in the morning to open proceedings and, from then on, except for an hour for .lunch, the Acropolis Hill Grounds will be in constant use until the evening. Then all roads will lead to the C. N. R. A. softball grounds for the final sporting event of the day, the Dominion Day Rnfthall Pirn phamninnthln Thp ' Junior Football game In the morning, a baseball set-to between Sons of Canada and the Elks and the Dominion Day Football Cup final between the Canadian Legion and the Young Liberals should all be well worth watching. The Boys' Band will be In attendance all day. At the grand dance in the Moose Hall an added attraction will be the drawing for a free trip to Vancouver or the cash equivalent. The following are In charge of the various committees: Finance, F. Derry. Sports, O. W. Johnston. Dance, G. P. Lyons. Others on the celebration committee who have all been working hard are H. A. Breen en. Edgcumbe. Vancouver Wheal WINS OPEN GOLF TITLE MUIRHEAD, Scotland. June 29:1 VANCOUVER. June 29: (CP)-1CP) Alfrori pprrv sn.vpnr niri Wheat closed at 73tic per bushel i Ryder Cup team player, won the'0" local exchange Thursday, British open golf championship aavancmg w ouc yesterday and yesterday. with final rounds of 67.faUlng back to 79,c todav- and 72 for a record equalling total' ! of 283. Alf Padgham was second j. e. Seaman, representing Page with 287 and Charles Whltcombe & Hill of Spokane, which concern third with 288. )t (purchases poles from tnis district. : : iiuru ui me wiy on inursaay Mrs. John Durran, who has been night's train after a visit to the visiting at Hazelton and Terrace. Interior and sails this evenrne dv Wednesday or Thursday of the last session of this Parliament No Changes In Public School final arrangemente Resi5nations at Hlh School) ow. the Dominion . Day! ., r,ajn Science Instructress Leaving All teachers of elementary schools in -the city are expected to return to their local duties after the conclusion of the summer vacation which commences now, It was announced this morning by City Commissioner W. J. Alder. There are expected, however, to be changes in the High School staff. Miss Evelyn While has resigned as household ecoi omlcs lnstruc- A grand parade headed by the tress to accept a position at Kam- iwjjj. cue Jxmtru msi iiigiu on me Princess Adelaide to spend the summer vacation In Winnipeg. Hill Sixty Chapter Tagging With Roses Annual Street Canvass For Child Welfare and Children's Ward In Progress Today Under the auspices of tni Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, a rose tag day is being held toda: to raise fund for the chapter's Prince Rupert General Hospital children's ward and welfare work. Headquarters are being made at Toe H Rooms and the tagegrs arc Mrs. G. W. Abbott, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs; D. Orchard McLeoa, Mrs. H. L. Lan-drey. Mrs. H. B. Rochester, Mrs. J. H. Macey, Mrs. James Forman. Mrs. iH. A. Breen, Mlssec Hazel Mastin. Edna McLean. Betty Baker, Louisa Rlrri. Marv Ann Rhonherrl Unl.ii Bert Morgan. H. Killin. Doctor Rose Cox Bett Bremner J. S. Wilson and P. ir.i nrnm, twt ,t.n cent Anderson, Molly Frew, Janet Rochester, Frances Daglish. Ruth Scherk, Anna Johnson, Magnhlld Storseth and Marion McLachlan and Masters Jackie Maqey, Thorpe Landry and Harry Rochester. SILVER PRICE NEW YORK, Juno 29: (CP) Bar silver closed at 69Vfec per ounce on the local metal market Thursday and was unchanged yesterday, advancing to 693ic today. Miss Kate McKay of the teaching staff of Borden Street School wll lsall tonight on the Prince Ru- Ar Six .hT', ".Clfrv McDt ,;rTrrrace returning to the city . Myrtle inose. left on last evenings Mr. Tobey will accompany them u '.w.,."v. returned to the city from the" w.v In-. t.i-.utc the Prince riuiwc Rupert nupcu for ior Vancouver vanoouvcx 'pert pct for lor Victoria viciorj to spend Mxe sum nnie SelvlirRn1vilfr ftrtrpnsnn. Jonn.tO ICrraCt, mumm Winn twir Ifnr 'far as n .Ticiirr Jasper Pnrlr Park. trlnr terior Ihl, this afternoon's nrtnrn. tl train. n. . , . . I -Huue, Neme Anderson, Bob cap- mis uinw"" on on his way back to Spokane. Jmer vacation. ; ! f