i; SUBSCRIPTION' RATES ully delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid lri advance fir lesser periods; paid In advance, per week - By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, oafd in advance, per year L : - By mall to att other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES .Classlfled'advertlsing, per word, per Insertion .. translent'dlsplay advertising-, per Inch, per insertion . Local readers, per Insertion per line ... Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone . DAILY EDITION ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations . 98 $5.00 .10 3.00 8.00 J02 1.40 .25 Monday. February 11. 1935. FORECAST. FOR YEAR Forseveral years past the tosicrucian Brotherhood haa issued a forecast of events ttf be expected diiring the coming year and so far they have proved wonderfully ac'cui'-Ute. The custom is followed afcain and in that prophecy the outstanding points seem to be: monarchy "In Italy there is now rising a world leader or adviser that will make the name of Mussolini famous for centuries." we tninK these are interesting propnesies and we pass them on- in this condensed form for what they are worth. i::a3.tti:ULii!m?:Hj!iiw MURESCO The Popular Wall Finish'. Comes in 18 beautiful tints. 7i)c package; 10c J-package GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBrlde St. would not be complete- without mention specially of the Crusader's nymn "Beauuiui savior' in which Edwin Sande was the tenor soloist. Mr. Sande has a voice of exceptional quality and in this number, with the humming vocal accompani ments, It was heard to possibly bet ter advantage than in twa straight solos "Ave Maria" and "C Cease Thy Singing Maiden' Fair" which Mr.Sande essayed elsewhere on the" program. Miss Everyn Pedersen won an ovation by, the rendition as a piano solo of the "Hungarian Rhapsodic" JLiszti. Miss Petersen's technlquei was fully adequate to the demands of this heavy number, the complete, movements of which were presented: Arr encore was demanded. Also acceptable were Miss. Florence Tobin's violin solos "Adora- ; . "The relationshiiw between the United States and othff , onM and countries, particularly Canada; will become more assuring, friendly and beneficial. In Canada many innovations will find general approval and increased prosperity will reward the Canadians before the end of 1935." ? Great Britain is said to be facing serious internal problems with the growing power: of a modified fascism more potent than her statesmen susnect. "The trend of her poli tical affairs indicates that her future king wilt occupy a glorious position in a different form of government, than: . The .prophecy isthere will be .treaeliery in-German jfAhd that Hitler has "almost reached the zenith of his cycle," jbtrjl'taf , a greatej Germany will arise. France, k suffering BiroaiWar-feaRliiOmDlex. thKreaction of whuih' will brine FlwurepnomTrji$ outbreaks o f'restlessness will appear- ui the near and far east with logp of life hufc uicbc peupie win learn a giuat jchhun iuwuiu liiu ciui ui inc Vear. Russia will clean house again by eliminating agitai tprs. She will become more than ever a world factor in the Universal urge for peace. There will be inner problems in Belgium, Holland and Foland. Some countries that nave adopted democratic gov e.rnments will return to a modified form of monarchy. Re figious intolerance will' wane and the tendency will be to Ward a spiritual revival. Banking is in for new jolts There will be no war in Europe and the tendencies to ward peace of the world ar all strengthening. Revolutionary fires will burn, however, Austria being one of the countries that will make an .effort to return to a modified SwedisJf Melody"' Miss Tobln is a talented, mstrumehtallst.' She had assisted Mr." Sande In 'his vocal solos with ibllgitbs. . I Mrs. Teresa Fdckete! Cordemwasi piano accompanist ai)d she.carrletfi A kdb i.-4 t A X.. A Li ft a. 1 uuc tier amies- wun iasve(ana uis-cHmlnatton- although', ft was only In a. few" numbers that the ehdrus had fhstru'mental acrompahimeht. Members of the VpHen 'Singers acted as ushers, and-otherwise as sisted in connection with the pre sentation ot .the recital. llie Prrrm The complete pfoaram was ail follows: Chorus- "In the Storm" (Dur nerr), "Nbrge, sNorge" (Selmerh Tenor solo "Ave -Maria" (Mas- pagni, "d cease Thy Singing Maf-f den Fair" Rachmanlhoff-Krels. ler). Edwin Sande; violin obllga'to, Miss Florence" Tobln; piano accom panlmant,. Teresa Fackerek Cordelt Chorus "Brudfaefdeit" Kjer- ulf),."On the SeaiBtlckf "Ch'imes,, (Westman. Piano solo "rfungarhin Rhap. sodl" fthiStr,. Evelyn Pedersen. Choras "Beautiful Savior"" ictn sadee'sHymn), solo by Edwin Sonde, "The Lost Chord" Su!livan piano accompaniment, Teresa. Fackerel Cordell. crtorus "Viking Sonner" (R. Mollet). "Da Gamla du Friska." (WlckN "Naar FJordene- Biaaner1' Paidsen). VI6lln solo "Adoratloa" (Borow- skl), "Swejdlsh Melody" (Folksong. Mis Florence Tobln;. piano accom panist, Teresa; Fackerel CofdelT. Chorus--"Hor os Sveo" (Venner nergj, "Til, Mit Hem" (Kromer); "Jubilate" (KJerulf). FRESn MILK ANtlf CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 1 t I. ' 1 -." '" . Motiiy Februtry 1 1 CHORUS IS jar VERY FINE These Bright Days Walking HabiL,. Comfort is most essential, v..' to enjoy-your onting you must enjoy foot-comfort. jARCHGRlP" Makes This Possible Come in and investigate these ideal, modern shoes The Third Avenue today. PnfiA f Via Service and Quality Excel Fhone 35" THE' DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Outstanding Muttest Treat By Ketchikan VKitors Charms jirge Loral Audience the capacity of the Moose Hair and made it necessary to find more seating accommodation than had been kit first pfoVktaf turned ot satnf- day for the concert ot the visiting Normanna Male Chorus, presented under the ausplcM of-the. farcfen Sinters of this city. The chorus proved itself to be. tfulte as meri torious a musical oaganlzatton as had been heralded and the enter-1 talnment was one 01 mucn ueiigni to all who heard it. Chorus work .by! the group of thirty-five male singers in their natty nauticai uniforms - ft m a i was ieaiurea m 3 yrrsiiue I. I L L-. ll.MA 2 varied program la which Seandl rimill nilP IlllM D'navian mask; and ryries predomin- 1 ill 1111? kliUv UlUl V "(ated although there were also sev- I era! numbers in English. , The: chorus was conducted by Charles Homan whose pleasing er- sorialltv and excellent control of ii?ii.r!iiJi';i.,ia:.aiimLiji!aiiimticvKmir.J ( ihf. volcs ls no doubt, in a large m-! !i - 1 rrr. rr : ; measure responslbl for the success that has so far been attained by the drganlzation. There were five seT parate groups of selections by the chorus. Among the outstanding numbers were the virile-"Norge; Noree!" the well-known "Winter Song" with its. wing and zoom-zoom the resonant "On the Sea," the melodious "Chimes" which Intro duced several novelties and the al ways acceptable "Lost Chord, Those who understood the language perhaps more fully appreciated th several varied numbers in ScandIT na'vian t6ngue, the music In a nura bef of which, was very fine. General comment on the program ted at this port by the .Normanna Chorus excursion partf of nearly one hundred! netsnns, returning to Ketchikan aften spending- the (week-end here. Provlnclaf police cruisef P. M, L. & returnedito port Saturday evenmg from a twof-day trip to Ahyor with Inspector John A. Fraser joii aft 6f. fldnf Inspection trip. Nearlng port Saturday evening, the P. M. L. 8 sighted a Port Simpson trolling boat, with Joe Offityt and parly on matter if friends tlrop in on. you uncxj)ei;tellyr "Umt and brought Into Prince Delayed by havkig made extra calles on her way up the coast owing to the steamer Venture having missed her sailing lost week. Union steamer C&tala, Capt. James Find-lay, arrived In port at 4 o'clock this morning, from the south, sailing at 8:30- a.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she wlll return1 here tomorrow after-noon southbound. chapped! . t 4lcfi rfU , 111 ckipylM mU riiihntt, VT fcMtHtng. HI Alln4 MtnlkaUlMRU VjV board, In distress near the rocks off Corp. E. II Clarke It.CMP sail Ryan Point. The disabled vessel ,ed this morning on the Catala for was given a towllne in the nick of a trip to Anyox on official duties, I - Go where you like in Canaikt, on or off the beaten .put k of travel v ..frorh the tiniest liamlet in CajH; Breton to the nioif remote I um!ef' iVampon VanrotiVer Island, on tbrough the hinterland of theW'ortl to where Aklavik liestles within the Arctic Cirdc wherever humans dwell, there you will find yourself clottra'stippfy of tobirco . -cigarettes, pipe and chewing .tobarca and ioibfy, aWrnihrs. Jf Naturally you would expect to be able trbiiy. tolncco at every -tobacco store, at every hotel, restaurant and tafe At most depart-. , . ihent sfores, at ever' village, or crossroad general Store ami at most drugstores.. But. add-all-such retail outlets together arid thrrrwoufcl' Estill be 17,500 other places of intsutess in Canada u here you would . find -Imperial Tobacco Company brands regularK' onsale? '- The Company, in its zeal to svrxe tlfc Canadinn public, is-not rontent when it hasnlade thfc lfe products it knows how to'inak'e, ' attii paekafced them as lest it knovs how to-pacjtnKcjhem, ixt ijuah-titles to suit every need. It does its Utmost tokeirf tliat thoise .products are cmickly and easity avaibble to Canadian1 users of ' r tobacco, at all f,eiwns of.'the yat, at all hours of the kiy, :irr all places from Coast to Coast. Hi lyr ui tl the, even- "irtg iir on a holiday, when your supply of " mokes'' is fmbarras-sinily' low Mere's always a store conveniently near that will bfe glad to deliver your telephoned order. No need to worry if, after taking your seat at the game or boarding your train, you find you have forgotten your cigarettes, an attendant will lc along 'shortly witli your-favorite brand. And what does it matter evenCthough you ih? rurrjhott on a motor trip, or while away on holirays? Jtsso easy, ' try replehish; because there arc Imperial dealers ecrywere? ' ' - I " -I VI want 'itfhdt I want whtn I want it," says ikt oUl sant. If , it's n,ifyipetial braild you warit, and of course it itt.you'GET 'iekdi you wqntjtioheniter or wherntr you. want il : r . 7 , V m r -.J ' ' ' ' 1 ' . , -'Km . " ' t v - . . 4.1 . tMPE'R Afc TGBACC O COM PAMY CfciN A&A-WM1 ED "X II ..- . - , i II ttrtiinni nmn I It ff LLlUIU V rr-. On a regutirly scheduled, voyage from Vancourec to Stag way C. P. II. steamer Prtacess.lorah,Ctrpt..Tho-maa, Cliff, arrived In port ai 12. noon yesterday from the south, sailing .an. hour later, in contlnoatton of her northward voyage. The vessel arrived here" with, about forty passengers, the number being augmen ' A- v - , ir'rrt Ocn rR- for Taouvo-, TAiesdayr-Catala .r 1:30 p.m. ThUrs u. P, deorge 10:30 pra. Frlday-s. rlrr. Adelaide 10 pjh, 8s, Venture , midnight Saturday is pr Oeorte 9 p.ta. Feb. 14 and 2-W. P! Norah 3 p.m. Ss. Prln, AflelaWe 10 p.m, from, Vabcfrvr Sunday si. Caiata- 4 p.m. Wed. Pr. Oeorge W ajo. Friday. Prln. Adelaide 4 pn. Ss. yentute. ... p.m4 Febi 10 arid 24 w P. Norah a m For Anyox an4 SUwsrV Sundayu-ss. Catala. 8 pjn. Wednesday ss, P: Oeorge 4 p.m. Froii Anyo and Stewart Tnesday-s,. Catala. .11:30' a.m Thursday 1$, p. George 8 p.m. i Saturcfay- ss: Pr. Oeorge 5 p.m far ta niver mi rot ftiMpfa-t , Sunday ss. Catala 8 p m frftiia T14 Ref ft fort gfatpioft TuMay flatata . .11:30 A m QiiMn CHmIoIU Mb4i fb, 15 ss. Prlnca John 10 p.m. iron Queen CturlotUi Islands Feb. 13 and 27ss. Pr. John a.m For Ocean Falls 10 pm. ' Wca.-s. :P.r. ceorire 10 a Jit. forAfwks Feb' -iO' and 24-ss. P. Norah hm. Mail Sctiediie "r the Last Mondays, WednAsdays and Fridays, , 4:Jd P-r rrom the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and 8itur days ...... . 10:15 pm Far Vancouver Mondays (train) 4.30 pm Tuesday 12:30 PJ Wedntidays (tralu) .... 4:30 pm Thufsdaya - :30 p r Friday , ll P-"1 Feb. U and 28 Saturday 5 pnt- tram Vanfoaver Sunday s-..,..v-. P1 Tuesday (train! 10:15 pi Wlnelay . . 1 J Thursday (train) 10:15 pm- Friday P'"1' Saturday (train) 10:15 P- Thursr-ss. Pj Orge 1Q:S0 pm. For Ahyox ini SteVart FrldayT-.Prln.Adlitdf lip.m. Sunday IP